DNA Origins Ancestry Test

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DNA Origins Ancestry Test

DNA Origins Ancestry Test
$ 139.00


Whether you are researching your family history, or are curious to learn more about your background, ancestry testing can provide you with a clearer understanding of your genetic origins.

Our ancestry DNA test works by analyzing your DNA to determine your biogeographic ancestry – in simple terms, where your ancestors are likely to have originated from.

What you’ll receive

The test provides you with an overview of your ancestry, as it relates to several population groups across the world:

  • European – individuals from Europe
  • African – individuals with roots in the Sub-Saharan region of Africa or North Africa
  • Asian – South/Central Asian and East Asian populations (including Korea, China, Japan, and Pacific Islanders)
  • American – people who inhabit North, South and Central America
  • Middle Eastern – individuals from the Middle East and North Africa

Please note, ancestry testing does not determine a person’s race. The results of the test will only provide an estimation of genetic ancestry or heritage.

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