At a Glance
The ancestry DNA test from CRI Genetics had some fun, interesting and interactive features. I liked reading the histories of the different regions, and the animation feature in the haplogroup map provided a unique way to follow the migrations of my maternal ancestors.
However, I was skeptical about how the results for my “Famous People” report had been achieved, and confused about the fact that the results in my Ancestry Composition report and Ancestry Timeline didn’t agree with each other.
Full Review
CRI Genetics was founded in October 2016, and is led by Alexei Fedorov, Ph.D., a genetics researcher with more than 35 years’ experience. Based in Santa Monica, California, the company aims to unlock the information in our DNA and present it in a way that’s interesting, useful, and easy to understand, and can help you to improve your life.
Please note that reviews of the health-related aspects of the test can be found here.
Product Expectations
The CRI Genetics website was bright and busy. I saw that their ancestry DNA test would look for 642,824 markers in my genome, and that my report would be available in eight weeks, “or your money back”. Their ancestry analysis included both an autosomal test, which would reveal my more recent ancestry, and maternal and paternal haplogroup tests, which reveal the mother- and father-lines we belong to. (While men can take both maternal and paternal ancestry tests, women can only take maternal ancestry tests themselves.)
There were assurances that my information would be kept secure: once CRI Genetics received my sample, they would remove all identifying information and encrypt my data. They stated that they would not share my information without my explicit consent.
In the FAQs, CRI Genetics stated that their results were “typically 99.9% accurate”, which I found surprising, since we lose so much of our ancestors’ DNA with every generation, as we inherit a random selection of half our parents’ chromosomes. I might, for instance, have a fourth-great-grandmother who was Ashkenazi Jewish, but if I have inherited no DNA from her then it won’t show up on an ancestry DNA test.
I also found that – if I wished – I could download my genetic data, or request that it be deleted and destroyed.
I saw that my kit would be delivered within five days of purchase, and that I could send the samples back in a prepaid envelope. Within eight weeks, I’d receive an email telling me my results are ready.
Ordering Experience
Before ordering, I decided to look through the terms and conditions and privacy policy. I saw that CRI Genetics would not disclose my information to third parties, unless I had opted to take part in their research project. They made it clear that their health reports were not intended to be used to diagnose any health condition, and did not constitute medical advice. Additionally, they made no guarantees of the accuracy, reliability, comprehensiveness, quality, etc. of their services, which I thought was a bit strange.
I ordered the kit online and was given the option of paying with a debit/credit card or PayPal. They would ship anywhere in the US, but not overseas. There was an additional shipping fee.
The kit arrived by mail within a few business days of ordering and looked just like the one pictured on the website. It arrived intact, and was good enough quality that I’d have been happy to give it as a gift. It included instructions about how to take a DNA sample (using the cheek swab provided). It took less than a minute to take a sample which was really easy and painless.
Before returning the kit, I had to register it online using the kit number found on the bottom of the box. I had to agree to the Terms and Conditions in order to register, and there was also an optional Consent Form. Reading the form, I found that signing it meant I consented to the CRI Genetics Research Project, which would give the company further license to use my genetic data for research, which may be published in scientific journals.
The kit included an envelope with prepaid postage, so it was simple to send my DNA sample back to the lab. I got an email confirming that they had received my sample and, only two weeks later (they specified six to eight as standard), I received another email with a link to my results in my online account.
The Results
After logging in, I was taken to my results dashboard. I had ordered both the Ancestry and Health reports, and all of my results were viewable here.
In addition to the Ancestry Composition report, I also had results available for “Maternal Haplogroup”, “Famous People” and “Timeline”.
Results Section: Ancestry Composition
The first section I looked at was my Ancestry Composition. There was a printable copy of this section, but the online version included an interactive map (shown below), providing a more dynamic experience.

My Ancestry Composition map.
My ancestry seemed to be entirely European. 68% of my ancestry was from England, 18% from Germany, 13% from Scandinavia, 1% from Russia/Ukraine, and 1% Southern or Central Slavic. Clicking on the different ancestry percentages zoomed in on the relevant parts of the map, and there was also some information about the history of each region.
The ancestry results weren’t very far off what I know about my family, since most of our ancestry is from the British Isles and Ireland. However, I was surprised that they had identified England so specifically, and not Scotland, Wales and Ireland, from where I also expected to have ancestry, particularly from Ireland.
Results Section: Haplogroup Analysis
According to CRI Genetics’ analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) I’d inherited from my mother, I belonged to the H2 maternal haplogroup.

The interactive maternal haplogroup map.
This section was actually pretty interesting. I could play an animation showing the migrations of my maternal ancestors from Kenya to Sudan, Armenia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India/Pakistan and finally to Russia, where presumably members of the H2 haplogroup continued to spread throughout Europe and Asia.
In the information, I read that maternal haplogroup H is the most common and most diverse maternal lineage in Europe today. People belonging to this haplogroup typically have a higher maximal oxygen uptake (V02 max), meaning that they have better endurance performance.
There was also plenty of information about the migrations of ancient peoples into Europe and Asia from the Last Ice Age to the Bronze Age.
Results Section: Famous People Analysis
One report I was skeptical about was the Famous People Analysis, which would show me the famous people I’m related to, both people from history and celebrities living today.
I found the report showed famous people sharing the same haplogroup(s) as me, which would indicate some sort of genetic relationship, though CRI themselves stated that “there is still a low likelihood that you are closely related to any one of these individuals”.

A snippet from my Famous People report.
According to CRI, famous people sharing my maternal haplogroup include Nicolaus Copernicus, Empress Maria Theresa, Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Victoria, Warren Buffett, Susan Sarandon, and Dr. Mehmet Oz.
I was confused by these results, since although sharing a haplogroup would indicate some shared ancestry, surely Copernicus and Queen Victoria had never taken a DNA haplogroup test! This made me wonder how this report could possibly be accurate.
Results Section: Ancestry Timeline
I read that the Ancestry Timeline would provide estimated date ranges of when my ancestors of different ethnicities had entered my family tree. The information said that I could use this information to work out when my ancestors migrated, and how this had led to the results shown in my Ancestry Composition.

My Ancestry Timeline.
The timeline showed that my British ancestry dated back to around 1400. I had some Northwestern European ancestry earlier in the timeline, with British and Northwestern European ancestors recurring again and again. However, I was surprised to see that the result differed somewhat from my Ancestry Composition analysis, since I had Toscani Italian ancestry introduced in 1550, and Bengali, Punjabi, Iberian and Japanese ancestry later on.
These ancestries hadn’t been indicated in my Ancestry Composition map, and so I was confused about where they had come from. My Japanese ancestry result was dated to 1850, giving me 0.9% Japanese ancestry. They had given this result an accuracy rating of more than 80%.
The ancestry DNA test from CRI Genetics had some fun, interesting and interactive features. I liked reading the histories of the different regions, and the animation feature in the haplogroup map provided a unique way to follow the migrations of my maternal ancestors.
However, I was skeptical about how the results for my “Famous People” report had been achieved, and confused about the fact that the results in my Ancestry Composition report and Ancestry Timeline didn’t agree with each other.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- The Results
- Results Section: Ancestry Composition
- Results Section: Haplogroup Analysis
- Results Section: Famous People Analysis
- Results Section: Ancestry Timeline
- Summary
At a Glance
In summary, some aspects of CRI Genetics’ BioGeographical Ancestry test were worthwhile, but fairly basic when compared to other providers. The online interactive features were interesting and visually pleasing, though limited. It was illuminating to see my ancestry displayed on a map, and the timeline feature gave a better idea of when ancestors of the various ethnicities had lived.
However, there were parts of my Ancestry Composition that didn’t fit with what I know about my ancestors and I would have trusted the results more had there been any explanation of the scientific evidence used to determine them.
Full Review
CRI Genetics was founded in October 2016, and is led by Alexei Fedorov, Ph.D., a genetics researcher with 35 years of experience. The company is based in Santa Monica, California and is made up of a team of geneticists, anthropologists, and social scientists who aim to “combine genetics with anthropology to trace the migrations of the human race”.
Their ancestry test uses DNA analysis software designed by Fedorov himself to examine 642,824 specific markers to produce a ‘BioGeographical Ancestry Report’ that analyses where your ancestors came from. I was interested to find out more about whether I’d find any unexpected ethnicities in my DNA, so gave their test a go.
Please note that reviews of the health-related aspects of the test can be found here.
Product Expectations
The CRI Genetics website was bright and easy to navigate. There was plenty of information about the test, and it offered clear and concise advice about the different stages of the process: ordering the kit, receiving it, taking a sample, returning it, and receiving results.
The website promised to have my results processed in six to eight weeks, with an eight-week maximum guaranteed. I was impressed by this, as I haven’t seen many other ancestry testing providers offering this kind of guarantee. I was informed that they would analyze 642,824 relevant genetic markers in my DNA, which – combined with anthropological research – would allow them to trace my ancestry. The specific regions they tested for were not listed, but they stated in their FAQs that the test could not be used to legally confirm race. I was surprised that this didn’t explain that race is a social construct, not a biological one, and therefore can’t be determined using any DNA test. They did offer an explanation of ‘BioGeographical Ancestry’ which was described as a breakdown of where our genes come from, and our place in the evolutionary and geographical history of our species.
There was an assurance that all data would be confidential, and that any genetic data they stored would not be labelled with my name. I would also be able to ask for it to be deleted if I wished.
I was told that I would receive step-by-step instructions with my kit, which I would receive in the mail. Six to eight weeks after my sample reached the lab, I would receive an email with a link to all of my information.
Ordering Experience
Looking at the Terms and Conditions, I saw that CRI Genetics promised not to share my data with third parties, unless I had opted to take part in their research project. I could request for my sample and genetic information to be destroyed and deleted, which reassured me.
I ordered the kit online and was given the option of paying with a debit/credit card or PayPal. They would ship anywhere in the US, but not overseas. I was able to add delivery instructions, which was helpful for including notes in case I wasn’t in when the kit was delivered.
The kit arrived by mail within a few business days of ordering and looked just like the one pictured on the website. It arrived intact, and was good enough quality that I’d have been happy to give it as a gift. It included instructions about how to take a DNA sample (using the cheek swab provided). It took less than a minute to take a sample which was really easy and painless.
Before returning the kit, I had to register it online using the kit number found on the bottom of the box. I had to agree to the Terms and Conditions in order to register, and there was also an optional Consent Form. At first glance, it appeared that this was a compulsory part of the process, as there was a tick box beneath the one for the Terms and Conditions, However, scrolling down the form I found that it was, in fact, optional.
Reading the form, I found that signing it meant I consented to the CRI Genetics Research Project, which would give the company further license to use my genetic data for research, which may be published in scientific journals. I was glad of the opportunity to contribute, and pleased that they’d explained how my data would be used in so much detail. However, I was concerned by the fact that it appeared to be a compulsory part of the registration process.
The kit included an envelope with prepaid postage, so it was simple to send it back to the lab. I got an email confirming that they had received my sample and only two weeks later (they specified six to eight as standard), I received another linking me to my results in my online account.
The Results
After logging in I was taken to a page with my results divided into ‘Ancestry Composition’, ‘Maternal Haplogroup’, ‘Paternal Haplogroup’, ‘Famous People’ and ‘Timeline’. Scrolling down the page, I was offered more information about the types of DNA testing (autosomal, paternal, and maternal).
I had read that the BioGeographical Ancestry Report would only show ancestry composition based on my autosomal DNA, and so I was interested to see that there appeared to be results sections for Maternal Haplogroup, Paternal Haplogroup and Famous People. However, clicking on these took me to pages where I could purchase upgrades. I thought this was a bit misleading, as on my results homepage they had appeared to form part of my results.

My results dashboard.
Results Section: Ancestry Composition
The first section I looked at was my Ancestry Analysis. There was a printable copy of this section, but the online version included an interactive map (shown below), providing a more dynamic experience.

An interactive map of my Ancestry Composition.
There was also a percentage breakdown of my genetic ethnicity. It told me I was 89.5% European: 24.2% Northwestern European, 23.4% British, 20.2% Finnish, 11% Iberian and 10.7% Toscani Italian. I also had lower percentages (less than 5%) of Gujarati Indian, Punjabi, Bengali, Sri Lankan Tamil, Puerto Rican, Peruvian, Colombian, Mexican, Japanese, Kinh Vietnamese and Chinese Dai DNA. Clicking on each of these took me to different parts of my ancestral map.
Clicking on my different ancestral ethnicities also brought up further information about each region, such as which modern-day countries it included, when the area was first inhabited, a brief history of their early civilization, and which groups migrated there over time. It was interesting to see all the different world regions that my ancestors heralded from. However, this page did not give me any idea of when my ancestors had migrated from which region.
The categories used were also surprisingly broad. I was surprised to see that British included Sweden, Norway, France, and Belgium, while Kinh Vietnamese, which seemed very specific, included Cambodia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Laos. I guessed that could be due to the company being cautious about being too specific, but it seemed odd that someone whose entire ancestry came from France and Belgium could be identified as British!
My results tallied broadly with my knowledge of my ancestry: all four of my grandparents were Irish, which could be included under the general banner of ‘Northwestern European’. However, my Finnish result in particular (20.2%) didn’t seem to match with anything I know about my ancestors. My blood type (B+) is quite rare in the US but common in India, which may explain the Indian results. I’m not aware of any ancestors from that region of the world though, or from any of the South American or East Asian countries that had been mentioned.
Results Section: Timeline
Before being able to access the ‘Timeline’, I was asked to fill in a short survey, answering questions about my parents’ and grandparents’ heritage. (There were ‘Not Sure’ options for people who didn’t know this information).
I read that the timeline provided estimated date ranges of when ancestors of the various ethnicities that had contributed to my DNA had lived. It said that I could use this information to work out when my ancestors migrated, leading to the results shown in my Ancestry Composition. I was told that my British ancestry dated back to 1400 (shown below).

A diagram showing what year my Finnish, British and NW European ancestry dated back to.
Scrolling along the diagram (which I didn’t, at first, realize was interactive!), I found out that the earliest ancestors I’d inherited DNA from had likely lived in Northwestern Europe around 1250. I also had Finnish DNA dating back to 1350. Later, around 1550, Toscani Italian and Peruvian ancestors added to my ancestry.
The diagram showed me when my ancestors had joined my family tree (an estimated date, rather than the date ‘range’ that had been described earlier), and how much they had contributed to it. For instance, I was told that my ancestry (or “ancestory”, as it was spelt; a strange oversight in a report coming from an ancestry testing company) was 0.9% Bengali, as evidenced from a single segment of chromosome dating back to 1650 (shown below).

Timeline information about my Bengali ancestry.
Strangely, I was found to be 11% Iberian, even though this was also only one segment of chromosome, this time dating back to 1750.I was confused about how the same number of chromosome segments resulted in an estimation of 0.9% for one ethnicity and 11% for another, Unfortunately, there was no explanation provided. There was also no information as to which chromosomes these were, so it wasn’t clear what the scientific basis for this information was.
While the timeline was interesting and visually pleasing, it didn’t offer me much more information than my Ancestry Composition had. Though it was gratifying to know the approximate date at which my ancestors joined my family tree, I couldn’t work out how the few questions I had answered about my parents and grandparents had affected this or been used. There were also accuracy ratings provided for each of the results (my 23.4% British ancestry had an accuracy rating of >80%), but there was nothing to show how this had been calculated.
In summary, some aspects of CRI Genetics’ BioGeographical Ancestry test were worthwhile, but fairly basic when compared to other providers. The online interactive features were interesting and visually pleasing, though limited. It was illuminating to see my ancestry displayed on a map, and the timeline feature gave a better idea of when ancestors of the various ethnicities had lived.
However, there were parts of my Ancestry Composition that didn’t fit with what I know about my ancestors and I would have trusted the results more had there been any explanation of the scientific evidence used to determine them.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- The Results
- Results Section: Ancestry Composition
- Results Section: Timeline
- Summary
January 20, 2025
Autosomal Analysis
Very slow
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2025-01-20
Big Ripoff
December 14, 2024
Autosomal Analysis
This is a giant ripoff!!! Deceptive promotions and sales talk. For initial purchase only get generalized results without any accurate information. DO NOT BUY! It is a bait and switch operation. Do not be taken in!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2024-12-14
CRI Genetics Review
July 30, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
You are bringing the past into view in a very informative manner. I find that knowing one’s heritage is a very personal enhancement and a way to put one’s DNA into perspective.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-07-30
CRI Genetics Review
July 25, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Very fast results. I just sent my samples about 3 weeks ago
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-07-25
CRI Genetics Review
July 21, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Exceeded my expectations and very interesting and exciting results about my ancestors. I’ve recommended to everyone! :)
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-07-21
CRI Genetics Review
July 17, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics has been amazing to learn about who I am. I would recommended them to anyone.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-07-17
CRI Genetics Review
July 7, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
My mother was adopted and knew very little about her roots.So as a gift I bought her the starting kit.She absolutely LOVED it! I just had to get me one.Its like your very own page turner.Cant get enough of the facts.Must say I’m impressed.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-07-07
CRI Genetics Review
June 30, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I learned things I didn’t know about my ancestors. My daughter was curious and asked me to do this. I appreciate the ease and feel anyone with questions should give it a shot.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-06-30
CRI Genetics Review
June 23, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
What I find at CRI Genetics is the ability through algorithms to take you way back. Plus with better technology that is available today. Yes I’d recommend people who read this to jump in and participate with this unique technology. CRI is it!!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-06-23
CRI Genetics Review
June 17, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Excellent! Very detailed results with many options to drill down even further. Most certainly worth every penny!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-06-17
CRI Genetics Review
June 7, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Hello! Thank you for the report. I am a Melungeon so a lot of what came up was not a surprise. I loved it! Keep helping people find their roots. I do genealogy in my spare time. Have a great day!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-06-07
CRI Genetics Review
June 2, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Money well spent, very insightful and interesting. The fact that I can access my report at anytime is convenient. What I have enjoyed the most is the fact that my report is updated at no extra cost. I have learned a lot about my family history.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-06-02
CRI Genetics Review
May 30, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
The level of information is amazing and it’s crazy how many things were spot on for me.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-05-30
CRI Genetics Review
May 25, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Hello! Thank you for the report. I am a Melungeon so a lot of what came up was not suprised, I loved it! Keep helping people find their roots. I do genealogy in my spare time. Have agreat Day!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-05-25
CRI Genetics Review
May 18, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Have been extremely satisfied with CRI genetics. I am lactose intolerant I found out and that alone has changed my life. There is always new improvements and I love the weekly emails I receive! They are always interesting with just the right amount of humour added!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-05-18
CRI Genetics Review
May 12, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
The test arrived quickly and was quick and easy to use and post back. I had an issue with my password but the customer service was brilliant. I received updates throughout and my results came back much quicker than I expected. The report are very interesting!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-05-12
CRI Genetics Review
May 5, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I very impressed by CRI Genetics and will recommend every one to try them and if you need more info you could always reach them
at any time.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-05-05
CRI Genetics Review
April 22, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
It was really helpful and easy to use and navigate site.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-04-22
CRI Genetics Review
April 21, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Awesome company to get Genetic tests from. So many different things you can test for, a super simple site that’s easy to navigate after your results are in, and a more than helpful staff who answered my email in a timely fashion and literally solved my issue with no further communication needed. 100% recommend and I don’t write reviews….ever.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-04-21
CRI Genetics Review
April 16, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Needs a little more detail to my liking, but it IS detailed and will definitely give you a learning experience about your ancestry!!
Totally Recommend CRI Genetics!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-04-16
CRI Genetics Review
April 14, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I did the CRI Genetics test 5 years ago. The report was detailed and I was pleased. What I didn’t anticipate was the added bonus of reports of traits that I have, or are expected to have, based on my test results. They tell the likelihood that I have all sorts of attributes, like whether I’m an emotional eater, am I likely to have blue or brown eyes, how is my hand-eye coordination, am I a knowledge seeker, am I a risk take, am I an introvert or extrovert… The list of traits they have discussed goes on and on. Lots of services can tell you your family history, but all of these reports add a lot of extra value. I highly recommend them!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-04-14
CRI Genetics Review
April 3, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Cri Genetics has been a great help in me being able to unlock some history of my family. I am able to take a more proactive approach in my health after viewing my Cri Genetics reports.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-04-03
CRI Genetics Review
March 29, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
have a Genoese surname and my grandfather was 100% European. He and my grandma were born in Cuba, though! CRI Genetics got the accuracy of how I’m roughly a quarter each of Italian and Spanish! Much better than Ancestry DNA, 23&Me, and My Heritage!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-03-29
CRI Genetics Review
March 25, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Compared to the other 2 big competitors, I was happy that no pharmaceutical company or foreign nation owned any shares in CRI Genetics.
Learned good info about genetics in general, though I am now curious to learn more.
My personal report was fascinating. I really appreciate how the timelines trace back to pre-Ice Age ancestors. Thank you!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-03-25
CRI Genetics Review
March 19, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
The science behind it all is not simple. CRI genetics gives you the most relevant information that pertains to you. Although it does not connect you with names of relatives, it will show the breakdown of your heritage, timelines, and it doesn’t continue to charge you additional fees to learn about yourself. I did a test with ancestry to learn the details are vague and you are unable to access most info without expensive recurring fees. Additionally many records are uploaded by other users and could be entirely untrue. CRI is just better for giving the information the applies, the explanation, and support. I would recommend and am purchasing again for others.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-03-19
CRI Genetics Review
March 14, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I was very curious to find out what race should my grandson put on applications beside other. His look varies, sometimes white, sometimes black, sometimes Asian, and sometimes Hispanic. Now I finally have my answer, he is 99.99% my grandson. Genetics reveal he is more white than black. I still don’t know what he is going to put on applications, but it doesn’t matter.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-03-14
CRI Genetics Review
March 2, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I learned so much more of my Ancestors journeys than I ever knew before or even dreamt of. It actually made me even more curious. I did not ask for the health report but I got many personal details such as eye colour and tendencies which were correct. All in all I am very happy.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-03-02
CRI Genetics Review
February 25, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I really liked all the videos that were available to explain the process. The videos helped me to better understand my report. Thank you all so much.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-02-25
CRI Genetics Review
February 18, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I really was impressed to have so much more information than I imagined to receive.It has been very fun and interesting AND surprizing Thank you!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-02-18
CRI Genetics Review
February 14, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I have been wanting to do a DNA analysis for years. I chose CRI Genetics because they are not owned by big corporations. Also, their timeline of results was 6-8 weeks and I got my results sooner! The reports are informative and the whole process was exciting
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-02-14
CRI Genetics Review
February 10, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
The genetics report as shown me where my ancestors are from. It has made me care alot about my mom. And I hope to open the dad report next month when my credits renew.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-02-10
CRI Genetics Review
February 6, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I have been wanting to do a DNA analysis for years. I chose CRI Genetics because they are not owned by big corporations. Also, their timeline of results was 6-8 weeks and I got my results sooner! The reports are informative and the whole process was exciting
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-02-06
CRI Genetics Review
February 4, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
My father never knew his parents, leaving a gap in my family tree. Thanks to CRI Genetics I know much more about my paternal ancestry. I couldn’t be more grateful for these services! I can’t wait to unlock more info as I study up on my family history.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-02-04
CRI Genetics Review
January 27, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Love the detail that CRI Genetics provides you regarding your personal results and the facts about the specific subject matters!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-01-27
CRI Genetics Review
January 27, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
I love the approach that CRI genetics takes! Not only do I receive my ancestors’ travels over the centuries, but I have insight into my haplogroup, too. I found the info on famous people who shared my haplogroup, very interesting. In fact, I have been more than happy with the service I have received from CRI genetics. I would recommend their service to anyone.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-01-27
CRI Genetics Review
January 25, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
It’s very interesting and eye opening to read about my ancestors
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-01-25
CRI Genetics Review
January 24, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Well organized and fast service. Alot of information to research.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-01-24
CRI Genetics Review
January 12, 2023
Autosomal Analysis
Pretty amazing getting this information. I like the detail and the report formats which make it easy to read.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2023-01-12
CRI Genetics Review
December 27, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Great information I’m learning so much about my health & my ancestors.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-12-27
CRI Genetics Review
December 24, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Fantastic! Very affordable, accurate and fast
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-12-24
CRI Genetics Review
December 23, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
so very interesting I never had an idea learning everything was so exciting
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-12-23
CRI Genetics Review
December 22, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Really professional and quick
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-12-22
CRI Genetics Review
December 10, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Customer service wise, they are the best! Very personal!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-12-10
CRI Genetics Review
November 24, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
My report from CRI genetics seemed to confirm what I already knew about my ancestry, but had some interesting unexpected surprises that made me really think about all the places my ancestors travelled to and how and when they did it. I am glad you do an advanced timeline because it made me realize that I am not 100 percent European, but also Asian, Native American, East Indian, and black. Your analysis makes more sense than the Native American one I got from Genomelink, but then reality does not often fit what we think is the truth. I am still wondering how a Peruvian ancestor met an Italian in 125 A.D. but maybe that is not at all what happened. CRI genetics does open up a whole new world of who we are
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-11-24
CRI Genetics Review
November 21, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
While trying to discover more about my lineage, there were several surprises when I received the report. In addition, the additional reports are very accurate: allergies, hair, cardio endurance, and digestion.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-11-21
CRI Genetics Review
November 17, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
They have the most accurate DNA information. You can receive additional reports about health, personal traits and lots of other information. I was amazed at their accuracy. A Hapolog report will trace your female ancestors back to Eve. If you want an in-depth DNA analysis, go to CRI Genetics.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-11-17
CRI Genetics Review
November 8, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I was so surprised and delighted at the huge amount of information from CRI. it was above and beyond the info friends that had used other companies had received.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-11-08
CRI Genetics Review
October 15, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Very personable and professional staff. Answers ally questions and I love the emails every Friday! The report layout is easy to understand.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-10-15
CRI Genetics Review
October 14, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Very accurate results and I love all the extra little details
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-10-14
CRI Genetics Review
October 11, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
The reports i received from CRI Genetics have over exceeded my expectations than you so much for the well mapped data received from you.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-10-11
CRI Genetics Review
October 9, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
CRI, the best I’ve found to give you DNA results that are accurate. Give CRI a try and see what you think.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-10-09
CRI Genetics Review
October 7, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
This DNA results have surprised me greatly! Now I understand why many of my tastes and many things about myself. By knowing where my ancestors were coming from and where I am coming from give me a sense of relieve and confidence, it’s hard to explain. Over all just an awesome feeling.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-10-07
CRI Genetics Review
September 28, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I love how well everything is broken down, and that they even tell you about possible allergies. I never knew I had a peanut allergy until recently, and I learned this through CRI genetics. It is not super expensive and gives a lot of information. Highly recommend.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-09-28
CRI Genetics Review
September 24, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics is the best, most thorough DNA testing site there is. Don’t go anywhere else!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-09-24
CRI Genetics Review
September 23, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I love how detailed everything is and a lot of the information I’ve received makes so much sense. I never really understood who I was but my results really helped me out in a way. I’m very grateful
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-09-23
CRI Genetics Review
September 17, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I have learned so much about myself and my family via CRI Genetics. CRI offers so much more information than other DNA testing sites. I also love that it can be used as a guide to a more healthy life style from the traits you can discover about why you gain weight and how certain foods I ingest will affect the level of inflammation I experience. So much good information and to me explanations about myself. Thank you CRI Genetics!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-09-17
CRI Genetics Review
September 12, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Thank you for the fabulous information that I would have never imagined!! I recommend this service to anyone interested in their ancestors. I am so excited to learn that through my Maternal Lineage my ancestors are the Incas of Peru and that Momia Juanita from 15th century is my ancestor. I had already plans to go to Peru next year and now it is so exciting to know that I am going to my ancestors home, the Incas.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-09-12
CRI Genetics Review
August 27, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
CRI GENETICS ROCKS! I am so impressed with Cri Genetics! Their service of analysing my DNA exceeded my expectation. I have so much to dig into with their information. I have a clearer understanding of the continents my ancestors migrated to and in which generation. the explanation they give, of the analysis of my DNA is both interesting and exciting. I am motivated to continue research in finding the identity of my paternal grandfather. Thank you Cri Genetics!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-08-27
CRI Genetics Review
August 17, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I found CRI informative I needed to get answers and I got more than I expected I would say out of all the tests I have tried You are at the top and I have tried several
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-08-17
CRI Genetics Review
August 15, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I wanted a detailed report on my Ancestry. I was curious about my Ancestry. I purchased a DNA study through another source and wasnt all that impressed. With CRI Genetics I got just what I wanted to know but with a lot more detail and history. This is a great service.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-08-15
CRI Genetics Review
August 8, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
The results are very comprehensive- and offer so much insight!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-08-08
CRI Genetics Review
August 5, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
The CRI genetic testing went back 27 generations. Am surprised to learn what my true DNA consists of. Am proud and happy of who I am. I believe everyone should have their genetics done. Maybe than we will start to love other races more especially see that the same blood you dislike runs through your veins.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-08-05
CRI Genetics Review
July 29, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
My Croatian Family suferred Genocied by Serbs who killed about 200 members of my family. (149 Males and about 50-60 Females) It is critical to remember that DNA Can not be killed no matter how many victims are murdered. Many murderes have the same or very similar DNA as the victims. DNA can not be killed!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-07-29
CRI Genetics Review
July 19, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I was amazed at the reports and how accurate they were. I think this is a great way to take control of your health and plan for your future. It’s fast, easy and reasonably priced.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-07-19
CRI Genetics Review
July 17, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I was very pleased with the results from my experience. I was SO surprised. I had no idea that was almost half German. My mother always told me I was “Heinz 57”, meaning all mixed up.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-07-17
CRI Genetics Review
July 11, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I love the scientific approach to ancestry, which is so much more accurate. CRI Genetics is at the top of the curve! the VAST amount of information CRI gives is incredible!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-07-11
CRI Genetics Review
July 3, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
It Is truly truly a blessing to learn more about where you come from and. To truly truly know what makes you you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-07-03
CRI Genetics Review
June 30, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
The level of detail is Superb! I was amazed to see how many generations back a relative could be traced for me. The reports supply a wealth of information and can be used to improve one’s health if the simple advice is followed. Where medical professional advice is recommended that is also clearly outlined.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-06-30
CRI Genetics Review
June 29, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Amazing details on our history and many facts we have learned and now have proved true.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-06-29
CRI Genetics Review
June 18, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
The analysis was fantastic. This is not my first genetic test so great connecting some rare connections. The explanations of the cultures, timelines and eras were extremely informative and I was able to pick up more hints to follow this journey, extremely exciting. Also a few new cultures came into play and most excited by these revelations. The length of time from receiving the CRI Genetics kit came fast, and results were definitely under 8 weeks. One piece of information hading me ‘screaming’ with woo hoo! My one and only complaint is that I never received a personal timeline in which I was really looking forward to.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-06-18
CRI Genetics Review
June 9, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I just received my report today and boy, was I pleasantly surprised but very happy about it. There’s so much to see and I will probably spend quite a bit of time perusing the report, but so far, I’m very happy with the results and the reporting. Its pretty phenomenal.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-06-09
CRI Genetics Review
June 5, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I am very excited to learn as much as I can about my family and ancestors. I love how this also has information about health and wellness. I am buying one one these kits for each of my 5 children and their spouses for Christmas and eventually for my 9 grandkids. I am also getting one for my partner, he was so impressed with all I have learned about my genes!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-06-05
CRI Genetics Review
May 27, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I loved it, it help me feel like I know about myself and my roots. My parents and I never had close family nor spoke of our ancestors or where we came from so seeing it really is amazing. My parents got this for my 22nd birthday and it now convinced my dad to buy one!! My mom/I come from a Native Tribe (menomoniee) my mom was born and raised on the Reservation so very close in relation and I found out we are Mexican!! This tribe is up on Wisconsin so we are going to do more digging it’s a never ending research and I love how their is always more story to tell for my family and I.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-05-27
CRI Genetics Review
May 20, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Because my maternal grandfather was adopted, I believed there was more to my genetic make up than my family knew. Through the CRI analysis I confirmed my belief and learned about family background that no one had ever mentioned before. Looking forward to getting my wife’s done so we can learn more for our children.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-05-20
CRI Genetics Review
May 15, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I was a little hesitant to purchase a DNA test, because I thought it was going to just tell me the basic information that I already knew. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that there is so much MORE that was revealed in the process. I have been having a lot of fun uncovering and discovering new things about my DNA and how much humanity bis all connected.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-05-15
CRI Genetics Review
May 7, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Learning about my ancestry, where I come from is something I always wanted to know. The reports are easy to read and detailed. I also love all the other reports and how much information is included with each report. The emails on Friday give me something extra to read and learn. Overall I have had a great experience.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-05-07
CRI Genetics Review
May 3, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I was always told as I was growing up that I was French and Czechoslovakia through my father and German and Welch through my mother . My mom died 17 yrs ago and I thought it was crazy how much she looked like an old Indian woman . Talking to my mother in-law last year about it she suggested I try a DNA back ground done ! That’s when we found you guys !
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-05-03
CRI Genetics Review
April 27, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
WOW! Is what I want to tell you about CRI genetics findings about me! I wanted an in-depth genetic finding and boy they sure have done it! They found things in my ancestry that just amazed me! And it?s not just that, they?re able to tell you about your hair color, your eye color, taste sensation, gosh just everything!! This information is worth more than anything to me now. If you really want to know about your background, your ?why?s, where you came from, Your medical history, Your allergies, the whys and wherefores of all of that, CRI genetics Results will not disappoint you I guarantee!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-04-27
CRI Genetics Review
April 23, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Very detailed report, I couldn’t be more pleased! I learned so much more then I anticipated and my DNA is kept private which it is not with a lot of other genetic testing facilities! Highly recommended!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-04-23
CRI Genetics Review
April 18, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
It is amazing what you can glean? It is amazing what you can glean through sending your DNA by purchasing a kit so much clear information great website easy to navigate and your famous people matchup is awesome best DNA kit out there in my opinion
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-04-18
CRI Genetics Review
April 11, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
It’s perhaps the only Genetics Testing organization I would recommend
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-04-11
CRI Genetics Review
April 7, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Very happy with my results. CRI verified my research of 40 years in Family History. CRI was Spot on with primary locations. The other genetics i had done was vague with a map and numbers only.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-04-07
CRI Genetics Review
March 31, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Extremely detailed and on point on my individual health and traits. I am joining the VIP Club and look forward to learning more about myself in the 250 plus reports to come that will help me find out more details of what my genetics reveal. I love ALL of the details my CRI Genetics reveal about me and definitely I believe helps me to understand my past Maternal Line.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-03-31
CRI Genetics Review
March 17, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Very impressed & thrilled with my results!!! It brought tears to my eyes!!! If you?re anxious or interested to find out your family DNA?? By all means, have it done at CRI Genetics! I?m glad I did!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-03-17
CRI Genetics Review
March 8, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
If you really want to understand yourself, you need to take this! All off our family members are going to now so that we can compare it different backgrounds. I had simply been told I was Celtic, yet I discovered the many variations that includes. Now I see where my warriors spirit comes from with a bit of Africa. I didn’t realize most English have a lot of German. That opens up a lot of cultural study. I felt like I got to see the history of the world as it pertains to me specifically. Delightful experience! I wish I did it years ago! I never felt like I got in my family. Now I understand how I can be so different. I’ve started exploring the genealogy and found out where the tendency for twins comes from. Don’t hesitate!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-03-08
CRI Genetics Review
March 7, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics I amazing. Best DNA testing on the market. I’m learning so much about myself and my family. My Girlfriend has a her degree in biotechnology and is also impressed with the results. She asked for a kit for her birthday. She is very excited. If anyone is shopping around for one of these type of tests… Choose this one! Side note this isn’t the same as Here you learn about yourself. You learn actually useful information.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-03-07
CRI Genetics Review
March 3, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
My experience was great! I had a lot of surprises and they provide a great history in detail about my results. I especially liked the medical portion. I would recommendation this product/company for anyone who is curious
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-03-03
CRI Genetics Review
February 14, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I got my report recently and i was pleasantly shocked! It truly is AMAZING, what dna can tell you! I have found famous people that I am related too and even things I am allergic too, as well as what to do about them! Unreal! I cannot wait to unlock more! Thank you CRI Genetics for showing me a WHOLE NEW WORLD
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-02-14
CRI Genetics Review
February 11, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
The results came super fast and the health, metabolic, and traits were amazing! I have already recommended it to several people.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-02-11
CRI Genetics Review
February 10, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Great product! Very easy to use. Superb website. Excellent informative video series explaining how the kit works, how DNA works, etc. The advanced analysis was truly phenomenal. I would like more finer grain of analysis for geographic region for recent DNA results.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-02-10
CRI Genetics Review
February 8, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
What an amazing opportunity to have your own DNA reveal not only your ancestral tree, but also when in time your ancestors lived. With the majority of your family history not known, forgotten or purposely hidden out of fear, this is your chance to truly know you and your ancestors from a logbook that you carry within you, Come on, it’s just waiting to be revealed, take the time, make the time, spend the money and get to know yourself for the first time…
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-02-08
CRI Genetics Review
February 5, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Fast, Easy, Good Value and Great Entry into Ancestral Research My wife and I decided to go with CRI Genetics after a bit of research on the difference companies and felt that confident in the process and reporting capabilities of CRI Genetics. The test was easy to self administer. The results turn around was much quicker that stated by CRI Genetics. I would like a little more breakdown in the reporting when it comes to certain groups like the British Isles and Northern European. We have recommended to several family members and friends.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-02-05
CRI Genetics Review
January 30, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
CRI for the win I really like the story about my ancestry, the detailed information about where, in my DNA, each ethnicity was found, and that this service seemed, to me, to be more valuable than the expensive membership service that offers. Thank you CRI, for making this experience fun and affordable.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-01-30
CRI Genetics Review
January 28, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Excellent service. As a UK customer using a USA service, I was a little hesitant, but they met the timescales for getting the sample kit delivered, then post onto USA very straight forward, with final excellent and detailed report being issued, again on time. I paid the extra for the Health & Wellbeing report and it was extremely information.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-01-28
CRI Genetics Review
January 18, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
This has been a great experience. Comparing the last 5 generations to the past thousands of years is remarkable information. Thank you.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-01-18
CRI Genetics Review
January 16, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
It’s a great site do the test you learn so much about what makes you you so much useful info may feel overwhelmed when you first get the report But is fantastic Daughter is doing it now to see what she got from her dad
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-01-16
CRI Genetics Review
January 4, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
I have done 3 different DNA tests but have found that CRI genetics have been by far the most accurate, (co-incides with all the documentary evidence), interesting and detailed. It also has the best method of explaining how the dna information is found, what can be deduced from the data and how it can be put into the context of human history. CRI Genetics are by far the best at guiding you through your own DNA reports not just for your genetic ancestry, but also your health both now and in the future. I would (and do) highly recommend them
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-01-04
CRI Genetics Review
January 2, 2022
Autosomal Analysis
Great test. I was really impressed with the speed and accuracy of it
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-01-02
CRI Genetics Review
December 14, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Further, the turn around time to get my results back was around half the time promised.
CRI , may cost a bit more but you get more than you pay for.
thank you
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-12-14
Great information and customer service
December 9, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
CRI genetics is excellent in every way. I love the new videos that explain how genetics and DNA testing works.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-12-09
CRI Genetics Review
December 8, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I am surprised for the big amount of information I’ve got with my kit. Right now I can improve my lifestyle and I know where my ancestors came from. Also I’m happy that customer service could help me with some issues and doubts I had when I first receive my results.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-12-08
CRI Genetics Review
December 8, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
If you’re looking for a good genetics analysis I highly recommend you CRI Genetics. I’ve got a lot of different reports, not only ancestry but also health and wellness. Thanks to it I can understand better my heritage and improve my health. Also their costumer service is great.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-12-08
CRI Genetics Review
December 4, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I love the fact that they keep adding reports as the information becomes available. As for customer service, I inadvertently ordered a report which used all 4 of my remaining credits. When I sent a customer service inquiry I was pleasantly surprised to get an immediate response and my 4 credits were returned to me instantly. Very pleased with their fast response! The information provided has been an incredibly interesting addition, as I have researching family genealogy for years.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-12-04
CRI Genetics Review
December 4, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Helpful, improving the most impressive was knowing that it is done efficiently by certified scientists and with readily available smart professionals to assist any questions. I got the results back within a reasonable time frame and feel confident about the results with explanation and understanding.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-12-04
CRI Genetics Review
December 2, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
After researching various DNA testing companies, my husband and I settled on CRI Genetics because we wanted the best test available. We have been in touch with customer service three times to clarify what we should order and how the process works. Customer service has been outstanding, and we can hardly wait to receive our kits to find out more about ourselves and our ancestors!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-12-02
Outstanding Customer Service!
November 27, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Knowledgable, compassionate and completely out of the norm customer service! I cannot wait for my kit to arrive. We do not need to be a species with amnesia…know your bloodline, embrace your ancestors.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-11-27
CRI Genetics Review
November 21, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Far more scientific detail than competing ancestry companies. My brother had a competing firm show 1% Roman. CRI Genetics narrowed that 1% down to southeast Asia. Also found out I was 10% Italian and 10% Slavic, complete surprises to my known western European ancestry.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-11-21
CRI Genetics Review
November 21, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
CRI genetics has a great product. This year I’m using my Christmas bonus to buy the additional mother’s lineage DNA test.
I’ve shown and compared my data with several of my friends whom have used other popular DNA testing products . There isn’t any comparison. The amount of content and data I have access to on my DNA far exceeds the combined data my friends received.
I have access to maps that pinpoint locations and dates, a behavioral traits report, a wellness report and a report of shared DNA markers with historic individuals.
Bonus, my DNA is secure.
Further, the turn around time to get my results back was around half the time promised.
CRI , may cost a bit more but you get more than you pay for.
thank you
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-11-21
CRI Genetics Review
November 15, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
i recently had genetic / dna testing done with cri genetics and found the results to be quite fascinating. not only did they analyze for physical probabilities, but they were also able to do testing for health and wellness. i found i needed to contact the company at one point and had my question immediately answered, first via e-mail, followed by a telephone call to verify that i had received an acceptable answer. they were both professional and friendly. i would certainly do business with them again. thank you, cri genetics, for making this fun as well as a great learning experience.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-11-15
CRI Genetics Review
November 4, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
i had a concern about my order and one email later EVERYTHING was fixed. They are very quick at responding and the most respectful agents i have ever had the pleasure of speaking with . i would definitely recommend using cri genetics.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-11-04
CRI Genetics Review
November 2, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
The kit and results come back quickly. The analysis is quite detailed and very informative.
The staff, if you have to contact them were great. Very friendly and helpful.
I got friends now ordering kits!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-11-02
CRI Genetics Review
October 30, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics is hands down on Point. Everything i have learned from my Awesome Ancestory reports down to vitimins to certain issuse ive been having phyically with my back , yup showed that too. Im overly excited to actully have some proof about what my Oma und Opa told me as a very young girl, Teresa, always remember you have some royality in you . As a child i thought they were just pullling my leg but as it turns out guess they where telling me the truth.
Amazing Team at CRI Genetics , friendly very helpful.
Thank You all very much.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-10-30
CRI Genetics Review
October 27, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Customer care representative, Jomari, was prompt, gracious, and answered my question with the exact information that I needed. I couldn’t have been more delighted with the superior level of service. This is my the definition of great customer care!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-10-27
CRI Genetics Review
October 15, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
CRI is first class in customer service. I have dealt with two DNA testing sites.
CRI is by far the best in customer service.
My test arrived quickly – they helped me track it. within hours of my asking for help.
when i had an issue in regards to return shipping in order to send my samples in, they replied within 24 hours.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-10-15
CRI Genetics Review
October 13, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I have done research on what company to use to learn about my background and CRI Genetics has been more than I could’ve hoped for and expected. I learned much more just from their reports than I have from years of searching and asking family. I have already highly recommended to my patients to use CRI over all other companies. The fact that you get friendly personal emails with updates and just wanting to touch base is amazing. I could not have asked for a better company to help with my 30 year search of all that entails who I am. Highly recommend to anyone looking to see more into who they are! 20 stars out of 4 stars!!!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-10-13
CRI Genetics Review
October 13, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
It is so awesome to learn who you are…. It helps explain why you are facinated with certain people and things. So many things that i always wondered why i was interested in them has been expained by these tests. It is awesome to know that
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-10-13
Awesome Experience
October 4, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
They are so awesome. Their customer service is kind, caring and ready to help. I would highly recommend them for any DNA needs.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-10-04
CRI Genetics Review
September 24, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I decided I wanted to get a DNA test done to see what I am made of. I did not have a clue where to go, so I did the google search. CRI Genetics jumped out at me because they were the cheapest for a great package. I am thinking I am going to be disappointed maybe I should have gone with a pricier company. Well, I stuck with CRI Genetics. I ordered my kit, and they emailed me right away. They explained how the process will go from that moment on. It only took 2 days to get my kit. They explained how to do it, and instructions came with it as well. It was super easy. They notified me the minute they got my kit. On the site you can watch the progress they are doing. They also send you interesting articles to read, very informative. Also, they said it could take up to 8 weeks, but I got my results in a little less than 2 weeks. Boy was I impressed. They did 3 different tests, and when they say for example I have European in me, they break that down and tell you the percentage of each European . They went back 32 generations, very interesting stuff. Lastly, I had a question about why no Indian showed up. They got back to me the next day. Not only did they say where it was on my results, they went into detail on why. This company is fantastic, they make you feel comfortable, like you have been friends for a while. I will only use them for anything of this nature from now on. So, seriously, I hate doing reviews, but I had to let the world now about CRI Genetics. If you are considering testing please check them out. You will be so glad that you did! Thank you CRI Genetics you are the best!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-09-24
CRI Genetics Review
September 22, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I was very happy with the results of my test and how fast I received them. I ordered a second kit for my Dad. They also have great customer service/support. Highly recommended.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-09-22
CRI Genetics Review
September 19, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Anyone out there that is thinking of checking out their DNA should go for CRI genetics.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-09-19
CRI Genetics Review
September 9, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
First it was FUN , service was fast and detail and staff was always ready for any questions i had. I think its was Fun for the Whole family discovering new infomation and verifing known infomation already in the family…. and yes there were BIG new reveling interesting of much more of our ancestral trail, like trait and , eyes , nutrition, hair, and so so much more… now i am waithing for More FUN info like famouse ancestor … i little intrigue Here… but uptimistic LOL…. i hope . well i think the Whole experience is Worthed
,& Fun
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-09-09
CRI Genetics Review
September 6, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
everything from the ancestry tests and the very detailed health and weight loss tests!! I love all the background info provided and how they take the time to explain how your results can affect your life.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-09-06
CRI Genetics Review
August 30, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I love CRI Genetics! Their service is honest and thorough.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-08-30
CRI Genetics Review
August 29, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Fast,friendly and affordable
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-08-29
CRI Genetics Review
August 28, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
CrI genetic: I am pleased to inform anyone that wants their ancestry reviews to use CRI They are so customer friendly and great customer support. Out of 10 being the highest, I would without a doubt give CRI a 10+.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-08-28
CRI Genetics Review
August 28, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
They are fairly quick, customer service is fantastic, and it is very in-depth.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-08-28
CRI Genetics Review
August 22, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
It included a lot of information that I had not known before. some of the testing for say salt tolerance e.g. was incredible and dead on. Highly recommend.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-08-22
My Review
August 19, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Company is very easy to work with. I really appreciate all the help that was given to me. Looking forward to continuing to work with CRI Genetics.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-08-19
CRI Genetics Review
July 28, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Would highly recommend. I was unsure which company to use for genetic testing and CRI was reccomended and I am so pleased I did.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-07-28
CRI Genetics Review
July 26, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I would never have gone to CRIgenetics if they did not have strick security policies. I did use the company. Remember even if you do not believe you could have family history back to countries thousands of miles away from where you were told you were from does not mean it isn’t true. People traveled, royal families (with their respective households – people who help them dress and tend to their needs) marry far away from their homelands only to start new lives and families. If you have your health/diet looked into know there is a chance a marker will look 100% wrong. Just because you have the marker for an allergy does not mean it is active, only means it is there. People can develop allergies at any age not just being born with it. I am happy to have all this info in.front of me. Customer Service has replied within a day and answered the phones with in 5 minutes. They have all been helpful and give a case # per phone call. I am 100% satisfied with my results even though I am still reviewing them. There are a lot to go through.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-07-26
CRI Genetics Review
July 25, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Great Customer Service Since I have a background in Science I am very fascinated and interested in how genetic testing can enhance our lives. There are many more options now than years ago when I first participated in ancestry genetic testing. I would encourage anyone interested in genetic testing, whether for ancestral information or health information, to get tested. The more people who participate the more accurate the results. At this time I was seeking information on food sensitivities. I participated in 3 types of food sensitivity testing (saliva, blood, & hair) and they all gave similar responses, none were totally accurate. This science is still at its early stages and needs time to evolve. I don’t think any test currently on the market can adequately replace an elimination diet. In favor of CRI Genetics, they offer a variety of tests and provide exceptional customer service. After 10+ years of participating in another genetic testing platform, I have never been contacted to see if I was satisfied or to ask how I would make changes to improve. CRI Genetics does just that. Not only do they offer ongoing information and assistance through a newsletter, and occasional emails, they called me to see if I was satisfied. That puts them a cut above the rest!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-07-25
CRI Genetics Review
July 22, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I had a most delightful experience booking my test with CRI genetics yesterday. CRI is lucky to have an employee like Blessy. She is an asset to their customer relations team. It was such a pleasure dealing with her lovely & warmly inviting personality and beautiful manner.
We are praying that we will be able to find my husband’s birth father in Hungry through CRI. We found his birth mother and we are very happy and blessed to have made such a beautiful connection.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-07-22
CRI Genetics Review
July 16, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I. recommend CRI Genetics because they do a more in depth study on your DNA and they can get the DNA results back lots of generations. It’s so cool to know where you come from. I’m still studying and learning on mine. It’s just so amazing. Ancestry doesn’t go that in depth. It’s worth it and CRI Genetics does monogoniel DNA. From on ur maternal side. It’s awesome. I’m still learning and reading there reports. They are great.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-07-16
CRI Genetics Review
July 14, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I have been lost my whole live and alone. My mother abandoned me wham is was only 2. I was sent to live in orphanages and with people who know nothing about me or the heritage I came from ……….. strangers. All my life and all I’ve ever felt or seen was strangers. I say was because I have received a wonderful opportunity to finally no longer be a stranger. I have little money n am and a fixed income. After years of searching and being turned away for lack of money I stumbled on a website by chance. The fee was still more then I had but I sent them a short text describing a little of my situation. To my utmost surprise they responded by offering to do my test for free!!!! After 44 years of crying tears and feeling so lost I couldn’t believe I was being offered an ending and a beginning for FREE!!!!! To good to be true? Try for yourself. What difference is one more step gonna make? Try it an see…..
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-07-14
CRI Genetics Review
June 27, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
My Honest and Informative Review: Firstly, I have enjoyed my experience so far. I have seen many bad reviews. HOWEVER, after spending some time doing my own personal research on how DNA works, talking with CRI’s customer service (asking many questions), comparing what they and other DNA companies offer, and reading through this company’s website, I have understood the following: Kindly said, many people’s bad reviews stem from: misunderstanding what this particular company offers (they only offer information about your personal genetic makeup, your ancestors’ genetics, and a health reportNOT to connect you with potential family). not truly knowing how DNA works and how we enherit our specific genetic makeup (researching and studying “DNA Recombination” or “DNA Inheritance” will help with understanding; and “human migration” goes hand-in-hand with that to help you understand why you got the results you received). not utilizing the information about our ancestors’ migration patterns and more that they offer us to read about (doing this answered questions for me). not doing personal research on the given results (personal research is always important). . . There has been confusion about the “Recent Analysis” verses “Advanced Analysis”. I was confused as well. Why are the percentages so different? Here is what was explained to me: Recent Analysis = These results are your DOMINANT genes, your direct DNA. This is what makes you, YOU [physically]. Advanced Analysis = The ethnicity of your ANCESTORSnot SPECIFICALLY youbut it IS the TOTALITY of your DNA. In short, what we actually ENHERIT from our ancestors has to do with “genetic recombination”. You could have a German ancestor but not have that specific gene be DOMINANT in your DNA. The German gene IS THEREbut it will be essentially “masked” by a gene that was dominant. Therefore, that German ancestor will be present in your Advanced Analysis (from generations back) but you will not have “German” show up in your Recent Analysis. However, EVERY bit of your DNA matters. If it did not, it would not be there. There is your “genotype” and your “phenotype”. Look these things up. It actually can be fun! It was for me! . . As for the Advanced Timeline: This is connected to the Advanced Analysis and not so much to your Recent Analysis. Your Advanced Timeline should reflect what you seen in your Advanced Analysis. Keep in mind, the algorithm is set to only display 80% and above accuracy (this is their “accuracy threshold”) regarding (I believe) when certain ancestors entered your timeline. They can go back in time up to 50 generations. However, please keep the words “UP TO” in mind: They can only give you what they can, based on what they have in their database. I only received 21 generations in my timeline. Also, there were genetics missing from my timeline. Honestly, I was hoping for more there. However, I appreciate how they did not give me an unsure (low percentage) answer about when an ethnicity entered my timeline. I can respect that. I spoke to customer service about this, and they did inform me that the more studies advance and the more they learn, they can update everyone’s information [this is normal among DNA companies], and they will let everyone know when this happens. . . About “Inaccurate” Results: I cannot speak for everyone. However, my results look accurate. I encourage you to read the information they give you along with your results and do your own personal studying as well. Why do I say this? I have Irish ancestors and I KNOW this, and my last name is ENTIRELY IRISH. However, I received a result in my Recent Analysis (these are my dominant genes) that said “British Ilse” . . . I did NOT see “Ireland” SPECIFICALLY. Well, for one, Ireland is RIGHT NEXT DOOR. Also, they give us information that tells us about Irish people being abundant in the British Ilse. In fact, before even reading THEIR offered information, I read about this ELSEWHERE. So, my results were not “inaccurate”, they were just “not specific”. [Kindly said, making locations more specific would be such a huge help for us, CRI Genetics. Not having more specific pin-points on the map and more specific locations named in our results can confuse us otherwise. Thank you.] CRI Genetics kind of APPROXIMATELY CENTERS their points on their maps instead of SPECIFICALLY PIN-POINTING places. I wish they were more specific. However, they do tell you of surrounding regions your ancestors could have lived or could have migrated from, and more, regarding your specific results. . . Customer Service: Honestly, CRI Genetics has the NICEST customer service I have probably EVER spoken to. They are kind. They are patient. They do not mind answering your questions (and trust me, I asked a lot and have called several times), even if you kindly question authenticity (they understand). I stayed on the phone with one of their customer service personnel for almost an hour one time, and they answered all of my questions. [Thank you CRI Genetics for excellent customer service]. . . That is my honest review. I believe in honesty, that is what I stand firm on. I hope this review helps, as I asked CRI Genetics a lot of questions and did a lot of research so that someone else out there will not be confused or discouraged about their results. I have enjoyed my experience so far. If ever I discover I was wrong in any regard about CRI Genetics, I will change my review. I am having fun learning about what my Creator chose to throw into my DNA! It’s been fun! Look up the “Tower of Babel”! It’s important! :) May God, our Creator, bless you all.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-06-27
CRI Genetics Review
June 22, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I was very satisfied with my experience using CRI GENETICS. My reports were accurate and the information was helpful.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-06-22
CRI Genetics Review
June 21, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I had a great experience with CRI the history line following the date’s the country’s the genrations. The team to help you with a problem nice to call get someone from the team to speak to & resolve your problem.Thing’s you don’t understand that are made easy to understand to help you with your family blood line. The problem with some pepole is they think they are half of this and a quarter of that this is DNA prove it wrong. Thankyou from a custermer!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-06-21
CRI Genetics Review
June 16, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
The customer service that this company provides is top notch. I have had to contact them a few times regarding my DNA kit and each and every time, they have been courteous, patient, and empathetic of my situation. I am glad I decided to go with CRI Genetics for my testing.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-06-16
CRI Genetics Review
June 13, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
For me CRI Genetics was about courtesy first. They are attentive and go to great lengths to make sure you are getting what you pay for. Many of my relatives have had their DNA done. Some by more then one company. After I reviewed the outcomes of their tests I did a bit of research and decided to go with CRI, which none of them had tried. I cannot express enough about how smooth it all went and how delighted I was to read the report. I went with the mitochondrial dna test because of my great interest in ancient history. I really wanted to know when and where my dna mother started out. Well, I got that answer and a lot more for my money. CRI went back 67 thousand years and gave me such an in depth chart of my dna trip through the years that I was amazed. I certainly made the right choice when I picked CRI and I recommend this company to everyone out there. Worth every penny I spent! I do not work for CRI or any other company. I am retired and pushing 80 years old. Wish I could have done this 50 years ago but so happy I did it now. So, why don’t you give it a whirl. You will love it!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-06-13
CRI Genetics Review
June 13, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
This is a great company to work with. They have exceptional customer support which I must say is rare to find now a days. I had an issue with my return label and not only did they fix that in minutes but I had a follow up call a few days later to ensure that everything was good. During that call they noticed that I had purchased something I didn’t need and immediately a refund was started. So far I have nothing but good to say about this company.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-06-13
CRI Genetics Review
June 7, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I have just had a great experience, ordering a DNA kit with Chris, who works for CRI genetics and he really helped me with a lot of patience, through what is necessary to order my kit.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-06-07
CRI Genetics Review
May 24, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
All information from CRI Genetics will impressed you. The customer support is immediate and they resolve your query within 30 mins. If you really want to learn about your ancestors, CRI Genetics is the place to go
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-05-24
CRI Genetics Review
May 21, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Great customer service! you actually talked to humans on the phone if you want and they are quick to get back to you.
The results are really interesting. I just added the health reports and found out some information that will benefit my health with allergies.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-05-21
CRI Genetics Review
May 20, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Great information, encourage those interested in where you come from to take the test
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-05-20
CRI Genetics Review
May 15, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
The professionalism the accuracy and the detail plus privacy.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-05-15
CRI Genetics Review
May 14, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
The process was easy. The directions were easy to follow. The results were timely.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-05-14
May 12, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Amazing customer service. Very detailed test. Its unbelievable the amount of history ghey can show
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-05-12
CRI Genetics Review
April 28, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Good company, helpful people and lots of patience to help me. Christian kept in touch with me on a daily basis. And that is most important to know that he cared enough to help out in all ways.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-04-28
CRI Genetics Review
April 22, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
They were so kind and helpfull. The kit arrived really fast and response time was amazing. I can now tell my children where my side of the family came from and any health issues that we may face.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-04-22
CRI Genetics Review
April 20, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Well, I compared CRI’s results for me with several other services that were done on separate samples, and CRI’s detailed results held up in comparison with HomeDNA’s but more detailed and informative. For example, CRI gave the chromosome locations and numbers of the SNPS as well as the approximate timelines and their degrees of accuracy. Ancestry’s and 23andMe produced results that did not accord with either HomeDNA’s and CRI’s. I’ve also sent in a sample for another company’s MTDNA identification to their CRI’s and will get back to Facebook when that comes in.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-04-20
CRI Genetics Review
April 10, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Great services, everything is impressive, overall, results wow and most importantly customer service
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-04-10
Excellent service
April 8, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Treated very kindly and professionally by Christian, and all involved at CRI. I’m getting old, and not well, so to me discovering more about my ancestors is very important. I have a lot of old, unidentified family pictures… I want to leave my great-grand children a sense of family and history. I highly recommend CRI ancestry DNA testing to anybody who cares about their past!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-04-08
CRI Genetics Review
April 6, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I would recommend it it’s very private and I like that better I’ve learned a little bit and we’ll see what happens
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-04-06
CRI Genetics Review
April 5, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I’m really interested in the information on your personal traits.
Example: I’m likely to be allergic to multiple green things.
I’m likely to have a severe response to the Corvid virus.
I’m likely to have weight control issues.
I’m likely to be allergic to Cats.
I’m likely to be in the Normal range in Math n Reading skills
I’m likely to be very empathetic. I am!
I’m likely to be impulsive. Suggestions on controlling it.
Things like that. But I’m not likely to smell Asparagus in my urine. ???? OK Never consider that.?!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-04-05
CRI Genetics Review
March 25, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
☺ I really liked the analysis of my ancestry and traits reports!! It’s so amazing to find out about your ancestry !!! Everything was so quick and easy to understand! 100% recommend!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-03-25
CRI Genetics Review
March 21, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Great experience. Fast response from customer service. Satisfied. Thank you
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-03-21
CRI Genetics Review
March 16, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Impressive results. Outstanding customer service.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-03-16
CRI Genetics Review
March 15, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
I would like to thank you very much for the time that you spent with me. And I like to think Christian You are so very helpful and getting me started I am looking forward to finding out all that I can find out about me and my ancestry thank you so very Marion.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-03-15
CRI Genetics Review
March 10, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Both my Wife and I were astonished to learn our heritage as mine was totally different than I thought and hers was an eye opener for sure; her coming from East Asia, Russian descent! Her father was deceased so she cannot get her paternal lineage unfortunately… but all the rest for her was still a win/win cause she knew nothing before. Me, I thought I was Spanish but I’m actually Italian, go figure… take the leap, learn now to know what you thought you knew!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-03-10
CRI Genetics Review
March 6, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
“CRI Genetics explains in an easy to understand format the progression of and change in the socialization of groups of people across the European, Asian and eventually American continent to end up making our families and then us.
I now know simple things, like why my father was blond, blue eyed and dark skinned. But the only one out of 9 siblings to be. He had a Dutch ancestor. On my mother’s side she had a sea going ancestor who instilled a love of the sea in her line. Which eventually ended with me in Texas. Who goes to the beach every chance I get.
Romantic ideas. Maybe. But I feel like I know my ancestors a bit better now. The stories my Grandmother told me growing up make more sense. I understand better. I feel I am a part of a bigger world.”
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-03-06
Good customer service
March 4, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
The customer service was great with this company. They checked to make sure the tracking number was working and the kit was on the way. They also helped with get the m-DNA test that really wanted for my mom. I haven’t received any results yet as it is only the 4th day, but i expect them to be prompt.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-03-04
Family history
February 24, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
There a many kind people in this world.and Christain is one of them. very helpful.10 stars award.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-02-24
Excellent Service!
February 18, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics is an amazing company that provides a lot of services for its DNA testing, at a competitive price. Also, they are privately owned, so are not in the pocket of Big Pharma and won’t be selling your DNA results to third parties. Really great customer service and a website that’s always being updated with new data also make this a great choice. Lots of different package options/subscriptions available too. Really happy with them!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-02-18
CRI Genetics Review
February 17, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
had great customer service. they responded quickly when I lost my kit number. they provide me with my kit number and how to set up my profile. with in a few hours.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-02-17
CRI Genetics Review
February 12, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
family ancestry was pretty well documented on both side of my family prior to taking a test. When I got my test results back I wasn’t surprised to see most of the results. I was however shocked to discover Italian heritage at almost 20%. no one knew about any Italian ancestors at all and it got both sides re thinking what was lost or hidden in the past and sparked some great conversations. both parents and siblings have now ordered so we can compare and try and find some answers! got the health report too and was impressed with results. 5 stars cri genetics. only thing missing is actual names of distant relatives.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-02-12
CRI Genetics Review
February 5, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
excellent customer service! My kit was late arriving( no fault to CRI Genetics) and however impatient I became, someone was always there to listen and guide me.
very professional and super friendly!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-02-05
CRI Genetics Review
February 4, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
First time I had my Dna diagnosed, I always wanted to try it , but wasn’t sure where to get it done, until I saw an advertisement for CRI genetics. I impressed with it, anyway I sent away for my kit. I got step by step instructions by email, and had updates. Customer services were fabulous if I had any queries. I received my results and I was so surprised with them, definitely be telling my family and friends to have a test done
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-02-04
CRI Genetics Review
February 4, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
Excellent customer service!! The reports are so fascinating and informative. The customer service is prompt and personal. I would highly recommend this company.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-02-04
CRI Genetics Review
February 1, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
CRI genetics are the most well-rounded Geneology Studies I have found. The entire team is helpful, more than willing to help and you can even find out about your ancestors’ health. This could make a huge difference in medical science, helping you live the best life possible.
Donna, TN
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-02-01
CRI Genetics Review
January 5, 2021
Autosomal Analysis
They are on top of any question. Ii had surgery between getting test done and results. It has been awhile but they got right back with me which is very pleasing. For that alone is impressive, thank you for always being there.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2021-01-05
CRI Genetics Review
December 31, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
In depth explanations make navigating and learning this information very easy. they have so many cool things to tell you about yourself and they add more very consistently. Not super expensive and bonus features you can also buy are well worth the deal in my opinion.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-12-31
CRI Genetics Review
December 17, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
“The Recent Analysis results matched other tests I’ve taken, plus a little surprise.
I love the Advanced Timeline! The Advanced Analysis results were very interesting. Quite a few surprises. I had some questions about my results and customer service was quick to get back to me.
Great customer service!”
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-12-17
CRI Genetics Review
December 12, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
They are professional and caring at the same time. With genetics and DNA essentially providing sensitive information about a person, such as possible medical anomalies and unknown family ties you always want to feel you have confidentially, along with caring and professionalism. They exemplify those traits.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-12-12
CRI Genetics Review
December 12, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Customer service is great!!!! The information is very interesting . I love how far back the information goes, wish my dad was still alive to get the Y link.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-12-12
CRI Genetics Review
December 7, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I really enjoyed how far back the genetics go. There were a few surprises, and a lot of confirmations. A few skeletons popped out of the closet. All in all, I would recommend CRI Genetics to anybody, who is interested, as to where their ancestry is truly from.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-12-07
CRI Genetics Review
December 4, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
very professional and thorough. my results were fascinating! i knew i was unique! great customer service also.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-12-04
CRI Genetics Review
November 25, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I learned a lot by doing my DNA testing. Proof that my family is a Heinz 57 of European cultures! The customer service team at CRI has always been helpful and knowledgeable any time I’ve had a question. Thanks, CRI!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-11-25
CRI Genetics Review
November 20, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Fabulous and interesting results! And…when I had a question about an update on my profile they emailed back shortly, were pleasant to work with and took great care of me. Totally impressed and highly recommend them!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-11-20
CRI Genetics Review
November 14, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Quick response. Easy collection. Easy navigation and understanding of the breakdown of how things are determined.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-11-14
CRI Genetics Review
November 14, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I would definitely recommend CRI Genetics, and I already have. I like the fact that, the DNA kit was very simple and quick to do. It only consisted of two, sixty second swaps , on the inside of each jaw. I also, like the fact that the results were back in a decent time. My results were back in about four to five weeks. I also like the fact that, the customer service representatives were patient and informative.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-11-14
CRI Genetics Review
November 14, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Definitely a good company. They don’t sell your DNA after collection and they have great sales throughout the year to make the cost more affordable. I learned a lot about my ancestry through their advanced report that goes back as far as possible.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-11-14
CRI Genetics Review
November 12, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve taken a long time to research the many different types of DNA tests and the different brands of testing. I chose CRI genetics specifically because they offer a more scientific deep dive into the DNA results. I wanted a more comprehensive health and wellness report as well as an ancestry line that I could share with my children and follow the maternal and paternal lines across the centuries. When I initially ordered my kit I ordered an extra and somehow put my daughter’s name on both of them by mistake. I only noticed it when they arrived and they both had her name on them. I reached out to CRI Genetics customer service via email and was elated to see an immediate response from an actual person and not just a bot email telling me that someone would contact me within the next 48 hours as is typical from most companies these days. My customer service agent was extremely knowledgeable, kind, understanding and very patient with my questions. He explained to me exactly what I needed to do and even changed the names and set up the framework for me to register my kits without any problems at all. It is extremely refreshing to have that level of customer service. I cannot yet speak to my results as they have just now received my sample and our evaluating the viability. I am optimistic that the results will lead to better insight into not only my own well-being but the history of my family as a people and the future for my children and their children etc. I am excited and hopeful and thus far very happy with CRI Genetics. I would like to add then I have read through some of the less than favorable reviews and I believe these people feel that they were deceived however I also feel that perhaps they misunderstood the difference between the types of DNA tests. I specifically did not choose a big name company like ancestry or 23andMe because I wanted something more clinical than just a line to a country where I already know I have ancestors. My parents and my grandparents and my aunts and uncles have all told me stories of where we came from and people in our family but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know beyond that boundary and I wanted to know more about our genetic makeup as a people and what that means for future generations of my family. it does make me sad to see the reviews and to know that people are disappointed with the results they received. I hope that they will find a way to reconcile that perhaps what they have been told or think they know may or may not be the reality. This test is very much more expensive than the others and if you just want to know that you’re related to John Smith from Nova Scotia you’re probably better off with a different provider. Definitely do research everyone before you choose and know exactly what it is you hope to find. I wish everyone the best of luck and the happiest of endings.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-11-12
CRI Genetics Review
November 10, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
My Dr. told me about my descending, and that’s what you guys confirm
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-11-10
CRI Genetics Review
November 5, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
CRI kept me up to date on the whole process so I was stress free and was wonderfully surprised with my results, answering many questions I had.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-11-05
CRI Genetics Review
October 11, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I felt my reports were accurate, most of the phone staff were very knowledgeable and willing to answer questions. If all your life you thought you had Native American in you but you are confused about your results, ask them, they may surprise you. Overall I am very happy with this company.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-10-11
CRI Genetics Review
October 8, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Very good helpline, prompt in getting back with help / answers. Got the DNA kit as an 80th birthday present for my mum, she loved finding out about her past history !
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-10-08
CRI Genetics Review
October 3, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Crigenetics gets a rep for being a “scam”. I disagree. I’ll comment photos below, but I did an AncestryDNA test as well and they’re both pretty consistent. They may differ some on ethnicity but other DNA companies do that due to different reference populations. Short summary: Crigenetics – 55% Native American, 45% European. AncestryDNA – 50% Native American, 46% European, 4% Black.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-10-03
CRI Genetics Review
October 2, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
There was so much information that helped me pinpoint exactly where I came from and why I do the things that I do. There were even some surprising areas that gave me the information to look just a little further into this side of the family or that side of the family. Very Fullfilling!! Now all my family members want to find out about their DNA.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-10-02
CRI Genetics Review
September 24, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I was pleasantly surprised at my CRI Genetics report. I had no idea that they could trace back as far as they did. The “famous people” feature was very enlightening and surprising! I would recommend CRI Genetics to anyone who would like an in-depth study of their ancestry!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-09-24
CRI Genetics Review
September 5, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I found the whole experience very exciting and extremely informative. I thought that I was going to get mostly medical info.that would be helpful , as I have an unusual and rare disease . I knew very little about my family, and I was a bit curious because there were some odd things that my parents did growing up. My mother lightened her hair, and said she did since she was a child. She really did not even know her own father as he died very young. No one seemed to know much about their parents life before they migrated! My descendants were a mystery, I knew they fled there homelands , but never knew why.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-09-05
CRI Genetics Review
September 4, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I had a good experience and was very excited to do a dna test and excited anticipating the results. Results showed up sooner than expected. I’ve read through it several times and is always there for me to review again when I’d like. I was very happy to learn this company does not sell my information. That was a huge attraction. I would recommend CRI to others. Out of a score of 5 bring highest, if score them 4.5 – 5.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-09-04
CRI Genetics Review
August 31, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
My experience with CRI Genetics has been amazing! I have learned so much about who I am and all the different places I come from! My view was very limited before I took the CRI DNA test; now I have so many places and people to explore and get to know, because they are all a part of me.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-31
CRI Genetics Review
August 29, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
After reading some of the reviews, I felt like I might not be able to add much to the positive reviews and features they mention. I wanted to speak in the context of negative reviews. I find the reports as extensive as I could expect (not knowing much about this subject). The writing in the reports is interesting, significant, and I find it easy to read. I believe that that says something. I have had questions about the process and my resulting reports (what ones should I have) and these have been addressed quickly and were all resolved. I only contacted them through their onsite chat and email. As far as I know, I have subscribed to all of their reports and to a special offer for future new reports.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-29
CRI Genetics Review
August 29, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
This was a great experience. The test was easy to take and I felt like afterwards I had gained a better understanding of my lineage.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-29
CRI Genetics Review
August 13, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
They have great customer service and explained things I didnt understand. You have to get that while your dna is passed down 50/50 from your parents, your ethnicity is not. I didnt realize this at first. Also, some dna ethnicity shows more where it originated from. So your results may not look like you expect them to, but they are 100% accurate. For example, my dna said German, but I’m Dutch. This is because there is no difference between the 2. Also it said places like Finland, but this is because my Dutch side started with the Vikings from there. Hope this helps
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-13
CRI Genetics Review
August 9, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I love how far back the dna history goes and the break downs of percentages that are given. Also, the traits and health and wellness gave some great insight. It is eye opening to what your dna can tell about you.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-09
CRI Genetics Review
August 6, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
CRI helped me have deeper insight into my origins and traits. It was very I retesting and aligned precisely with what little I know of my lineage that was passed down by word of mouth. So validating! It was interesting to have the health profile done for the “likelihood” of certain traits, as well. We will use them again for my oldest child to capture her dad’s side of the family, too. It’s great!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-06
CRI Genetics Review
August 6, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
The test was very quick and easy and the results were very detailed.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-06
CRI Genetics Review
August 6, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
the graphics were presented very nicely much better than any other company. made it much easier to understand my background. and when I had a question I could contact the company and they would explain, found that very helpful.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-06
CRI Genetics Review
August 6, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I was pleased with CRIGenetics results. Very fascinating! I would love more about the relatives out there, but understand this is more of an In-depth dna testing, maybe more scientific than the other sites. It is specific about what markers point to which regions. My husband did ancestry and received very little information. In addition, his results had zero percent Italian, but his great grandfather was from Italy. I am very happy with my results and want to do more testing through CRIGenetics.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-06
CRI Genetics Review
August 3, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
It was the detail provided that made me gift it to my daughter. Have also suggested it to my brother so we can check the paternal side. So far, he hasn’t taken me up on it though.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-08-03
CRI Genetics Review
July 20, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I found my dna history fascinating and was delighted with the information which was not what I expected. I think it should be compulsory and would contribute to the work being a better kinder place!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-07-20
CRI Genetics Review
July 17, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics opened my eyes to a history and “past” I didn’t know I had! I believed for 51 years that I was mostly Swiss and Scots-Irish, but through CRI Genetics DNA testing, I found out I was half-German! It’s so exciting to reveal the results of your OWN DNA test, and delve back into time while reading the results. It is akin to receiving a precious gift: a look into generations of people who “made you.”
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-07-17
CRI Genetics Review
July 16, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I had a wonderful experience with the staff at Cri Genetics. The reports were interesting and in depth. I will recommend Cri Genetics to everyone! My husband had tried Ancestory and the report was vague and difficult to understand. Cri Genetics beats them hands down.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-07-16
CRI Genetics Review
July 16, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
This is an amazing way to discover your family history! I am adopted and the stuff i was able to find out about my genetic history really gave me pace of mind ! My Great Great Grand father was 2nd governor of Virginia, signed the Declaration of Independence and so much more!! i Really Recommend this! Also the amount of time to get results were amazingly quick!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-07-16
CRI Genetics Review
July 16, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
My daughter and I ordered our kits and we were very impressed with the communication we received while we waited on our results. We were so excited when we received them and are looking forward to reading all of the information that came with the health reports. We feel confident that the information is accurate based on what we already knew about our family but there were some fun nuggets included! Again, very satisfied and truly the best customer service around!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-07-16
CRI Genetics Review
July 16, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Reviews are hit or miss for CRIGenetics. I was hesitant using them after I found their Facebook, and saw the lack of recommendations from other individuals. I contacted customer service, and they were nothing but very human and responsive. I’m honestly content with my results as they were accurate to what I know about my family. I am not disappointed by this company or their customer service. Pricing was fine, and I don’t feel that I didn’t get enough for what I paid.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-07-16
CRI Genetics Review
July 16, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
the report i received stunt me, i never expected such of a detail report, and so many generation back. unbelievable. i am very pleased, it showed me where i came from. thank you sooo much
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-07-16
CRI Genetics Review
May 12, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Cri Genetics is the best dna testing company ever, and their most advanced in their technology. Allaine is an awesome customer service rep, he helped me with all my questions
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-05-12
CRI Genetics Review
May 3, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Honestly some of the best customer service you will ever receive! Doesn’t matter how big or small your question is they will help you out! And their tests are amazing, there is SOOOOO much information you can get even out of the standard tests! Add on all the other options they have and you’ll be amazed at how deeply you’ll begin to understand who you really are! I couldn’t recommend a better company to anyone! Top to bottom they’re the best!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-05-03
CRI Genetics Review
May 1, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
If it doesn’t seem to include all ethnicities, look under, for example, Iberian; you will see this also includes Africa North and Sephardic Juduism. Toscani Italian includes Greek and Turkey. North European includes Lithuania, Poland, Russian, Ukraine, and Estonia, etc. and European Jewish ancesters.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-05-01
CRI Genetics Review
April 14, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Did my research and chose CRI Genetics because I thought they would best meet my expectations for both detailed health and ancestry history, and I am so glad I did. Not only did they confirm what I already knew going back 4 generations, they provided detailed timeline going back 32 generations! My family and I were amazed and surprised by the results. I also found the maternal haplogroup test results fascinating and mystery solving regarding certain aspects of my grandmother’s ancestry. I did pay extra for detailed health information which I found very helpful but be sure to do your homework so you know what to expect beforehand. I say this because I read comments from some stating their disappointment with their results .
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-04-14
CRI Genetics Review
April 10, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I wanted to start tracking my ancestry and CRI is a good place to start. I received my results a bit faster than 8 weeks. I also had a question about my heritage that I was not seeing. Customer service live chat explained to me what I should be looking for. If you don’t understand something or don’t see what you were expecting, talk to someone for help!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-04-10
CRI Genetics Review
April 8, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I opted to find if i was related to anyone famous, and the results were astounding! It’s the best money I’ve spent lately. And the health info was spot on. Confirmed lots of my health concerns and will guide future behavior/choices.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-04-08
CRI Genetics Review
April 3, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Significant detail provided. I like the security as well.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-04-03
CRI Genetics Review
March 28, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
This is the second company I have used. CRI Genetics blew the other one out of the water. I received a thorough report regarding my ancestors back to 625 AD. The genetic features were many and varied. I originally decided to do this because it offered metabolic reports. I was happy with this as well. Excellent value.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-03-28
CRI Genetics Review
March 20, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
CRI connected with me in a reasonable length of time. I tried Ancestry and they lost my first test, said they would send me a new one and I never received. CRI is willing to chat at any time to help me with my journey…
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-03-20
CRI Genetics Review
March 6, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I gave no info about self to this company, its a great way to test if your DNA is really checked. we are all aware in life how many scams are out there. There are those who will take your money, promise much, but do zero. Well…my point is this. i know my history 99% my family are very aware. CRI genetics did my dna and got it perfect 100% they spotted things that Only a real credible test would show. They cracked it perfectly. im so happy. Money well spent. to be a DNA match or link to BiBi or Benjamin Netanyahu made my day. lol. to see my Persian links, Iraq Iran china ottoman empire links were all perfect. Shows also that Us Jews are 100% mixed in with muslims empire, Xtrians and Pagan ancient world. it should that People are People and We are all One big Family and Better For it, proud Jew from English and Ottoman Empire links
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-03-06
CRI Genetics Review
March 2, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
The experience is fantastic! Customer Service is awesome. The detailed report is unremarkable!! I have learned so much about myself and my ancestors. I highly recommend this service.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-03-02
CRI Genetics Review
February 27, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
5 stars. CRI went back 74 generations on my timeline. There are a lot of questions to be answered. All of the health info is spot on. Bought 5 kits for family and results are coming in. We had sailors in our family. And from what I understand, they traveled a lot and were prolific. Great customer service from Monica L! I will buy more kits for other family members and purchase paternal test.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-27
CRI Genetics Review
February 27, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics has provided a thorough background of my genetics tracing back 34 generations. I opted for the health report that is updated monthly and also is very informative, in addition to the great recipes! The CRI blog is also very interesting and filled with current news. Overall, CRI has become a good resource that I use with regularity.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-27
CRI Genetics Review
February 25, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Actually, you have validated all of the other tests that I have taken and have added clues for a “brick wall” that I have been working on for 20 years!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-25
CRI Genetics Review
February 20, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I have had a wonderful experience with the customer service team and my results are still on the way! The team stayed in contact with me. Each time my status changed I was updated. Five star service. Thank you!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-20
I loved them I ve had test done with ancestry 23 and me and heritage they are the best
February 15, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I feel they are the best and what I like about them they have more detail all of the tests will vary even on Ancestry it changes every few months but with all you get a common them. I think this company digs a little deeper than the rest is what makes them stand out and its helpful for anyone doing their family tree to see which Gene’s enter in a specific generation or time. It only took a month to get my results. I have no idea what everyone is complaining about
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-15
CRI Genetics Review
February 13, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
The results were very interesting. I know I have some Native American ancestry but I didn’t realize it was that much! According to this test I have a Peruvian ancestor 9 generations back. Chinese and Tamil were very surprising though . . fascinating!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-13
CRI Genetics Review
February 13, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Fantastic company to deal with. I was very pleased with my results. I think some are looking for a result of definitive ethnicity, but that’s very difficult to do. CRI offers a geographical genetic analysis, which allows you to see how your ancestors moved from place to place over time, settling in different areas and creating new family lines. From that data you should be able to determine quite a bit about your ethnicity. I was able to match their results with my Ancestry Tree and they were pretty darn accurate. Look forward to different tests they may run in the future.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-13
CRI Genetics Review
February 3, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I have had six DNA reports and the health report from CRI Genetics is the most comprehensive! It contains valuable information regarding the tendency of vitamin and mineral deficiencies and other possible health risks according to my DNA.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-03
Poor research
January 31, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
The DNA results about my ancestry are at odds (totally and completely) with documentary evidence. This is not really a surprise as I belong to a small and long-isolated ethnic group. Most of my ancestors, going back 10 generations, were born within 15 km of where I was born.
CRI Genetics proclaimed, with high accuracy, that I am part Han and part Bengali, but mostly English. That’s rubbish. Their high accuracy grates.
I tried to give them my documented ancestry so that they could improve their algorithms, but they were not in the least interested.
CRI Genetics’ Response
Hi Richard,
Good day and I hope this email finds you well.
I would like to apologize first for the trouble that it may have caused to your part. I totally understand your frustration that your reports were not uploaded at the same time leading you to leave a negative review on
In regards to your additional tests, I can see that the yDNA (Paternal Haplo) has been uploaded to your account already. Kindly let me know if you can access it.
On the other hand, we're still finishing your mtDNA (Maternal Haplo). You will be notified once this test is completed.
I reviewed your previous interaction with one of our Consultants about your Ancestry Background Reports. I appreciate that you shared your Familypedia and I can see that your Ancestors mostly came from The Netherlands. You also said that you are Frisian.
In regards to Frisians, please be informed that they have a diverse genetic history. Originally, Frisians are a Germanic ethnic group indigenous to the coastal parts of the Netherlands and northwestern Germany. This explains why your report shows that you are dominantly German, 52.80%.
As time gone by, other People Groups occupied their territories. Angles and Saxons, Romans, and Franks to name a few.
During 6th to 7th century, Frisia received an influx of new settlers, mostly Angles and Saxons. These people would eventually be referred to as 'Frisians', though they were not necessarily descended from the ancient Frisii. It is these 'new Frisians' who are largely the ancestors of the medieval and modern Frisians.
The following century, Frisian nobles came into increasing conflict with the Franks to their south, resulting in a series of wars in which the Frankish Empire eventually subjugated Frisia in 734.
Going back to your report, 19.20% British Isles represents the common heritage of Frisians and people from United Kingdom which is Angles and Saxons. While, 6.80% France pertains to your Franks heritage.
In regards to the other traits found from your DNA: Han Chinese, Japanese, Bengali, and Toscani, this is the feedback that we got from our Laboratory:
Accuracy is exact match to reference population. If we match a string of DNA, and 2% of that string is not the same as the customer it would have 98% accuracy.
Generations back / Approx. Years Alive is determined by size and frequency of segments matching between the customer and our reference population. Using known generational decay patterns we developed our own algorithm to determine how far back this DNA entered their genome. This doesn't mean that exact ancestor is full blood of whatever is shown. It means they passed that DNA in. It could be from one of their ancestors previously as well. This can explain historic / migration mismatches in some cases.
DNA is so diverse and there is no such thing as Pure or Absolute 100% one breed. There is and will always be mixture of traits.
Timeline Report that shows Han Chinese 4 generations ago, Japanese and Bengali 5 generations ago doesn't mean that those ancestors are full blooded. What it means is one of your 16 ancestors 4 generations ago had a small traits of Han Chinese.
In regards to your request for review, we have gone ahead and forwarded it to our Technical Team.
Again, we apologize for the trouble that it may have caused to your part and we appreciate your patience.
Kind regards,
Customer Care Team
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-31
CRI Genetics Review
January 28, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
I’d had my DNA analyzed by another company. (Ancestery) But THIS report was much more comprehensive and detailed! It was very fun and exciting to learn so much about where my Ancestors started! And, very fun to see the “famous people” my DNA is connected to! I’m really happy I did this!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-28
CRI Genetics Review
January 27, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
totally happy with my results, totally in awe!!!! my entire family wants a kit now :)
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-27
CRI Genetics Review
January 6, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Overall good information. I had to email about the health report I paid for but did not receive, although CRI did satisfy my health report mere days after I emailed them. A whole lot of good info on the health report especially about diet and calorie intake etc.. They even have nutritional recipes. Awesome. The DNA report was pretty accurate comparing to my parents sharing family ethnicity.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-06
CRI Genetics Review
January 5, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Really happy to have picked CRI Genetics LLC for my first choice. Very detailed and I did not give any info before my DNA was done and where my family came from. The report is right on with what I know. Worth the money for sure.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-05
CRI Genetics Review
January 3, 2020
Autosomal Analysis
Compared to the other 2 test that I took, your report is much more in-depth than theirs. you went back 69 generations on my report and no one else did anything like that. Thanks
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-03
CRI Genetics Review
December 30, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Amazing breakdown of results!!! And results I didn’t expect. Explanations on site are easy to understand.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-30
CRI Genetics Review
December 18, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Because they accurately identified many of my traits, I trust the information about things I can’t easily verify (like distant ancestors or ability to absorb certain nutrients). In particular, supplementing with one of the nutrients they identified as being needed in large quantities has been a game changer for my health—no more brain fog!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-18
CRI Genetics Review
December 15, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Provide depth of information that other DNA studies services don’t. Looking forward to even better site improvements to identify what parts of ethnicity comes from my maternal versuspaternal DNA. (My mother was adopted)
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-15
CRI Genetics Review
December 7, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I sent my parents DNA to CRI Genetics for analysis and was absolutely delighted with the results, so much so that I have had beautiful booklets made with the information which I will be handing out to all of my family as xmas presents!.. In order to build the best dna profile and get the genealogy information I required, I enlisted the help of CRI Genetics customer service lady Sheena..Sheena was knowledgable, patient and altogether brilliant, I cant thank her enough as I was a total novice.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-07
CRI Genetics Review
December 2, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I loved my experience, the results are well language, the team on the chat and by email is super-available and effective. I’ll do it again in the morning!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-02
CRI Genetics Review
November 30, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I recommend you buy a kit, send it right away (it’s easy), sit back and relax and then hold onto your seat as you are headed for a wild wild amazing ride!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-30
CRI Genetics Review
November 27, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I found this DNA test more accurate. They covered more “long ago” areas of Human migration. While the two other test I took were very general. There were some similarities between all three test ( Ancestry, 23 and me), but CRI Genetics covered much more human history and interaction. I bet they get bigger and better. They look at the traits from a research institute, which gives me more confidence. thanks CRI!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-27
My experience
November 21, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
We weren’ t too happy with the results of the last 5 generations because they seemed vague. Unfortunately, these tests are still in their infancy and I think when the ancestors come from various nationalities and countries it is a bit difficult to be accurate. However, when complained on their Facebook page Cri Genetics showed to be very understanding and professional about it. If I were to take the test again in the future I would go back to them.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-21
CRI Genetics Review
November 20, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Information was good and thorough, to my understanding. They, like most others use marketing techniques to increase the cost which I would have like to have seen up front. Overall it ended up about the same as competitive services. I consider it a good investment at this point.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-20
CRI Genetics Review
November 14, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Better and more precise information than Ancestry
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-14
As Advertised
November 7, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
My DNA Kit was processed quickly. I tracked their analysis progress online and was notified when the results were ready. My ancestry was largely what we knew, but contained a few surprises. I never would’ve guessed I had a little bit of Chinese makeup. That actually brightened my day. The health traits seem to just describe me so well. So there are nutritional recommendations then that I have to assume are just as valid. I feel CRI Genetics accurately described their service and delivered on their promise. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend CRI Genetics to my friends.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-07
CRI Genetics Review
November 7, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Very good for health and history giving you details to better and know oneself
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-07
CRI Genetics Review
October 30, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
The response time was fast. Great customer service. The test was also easy to use. Very happy with the results
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-10-30
CRI Genetics Review
October 27, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
CRI is Great! It is easy to read and understand and the information that it provides is extremely accurate
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-10-27
CRI Genetics Review
October 12, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Very detailed. The customer service as excellent. I have recommended CRI Genetics to many friends and relatives.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-10-12
CRI Genetics Review
October 7, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
The great customer service and their tests backed up my research – totally awesome.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-10-07
CRI Genetics Review
September 30, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Great service and gives amazing insight on ancestry and your genetic makeup. I have had dna testing done before and so far this company is my favorite!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-30
CRI Genetics Review
September 17, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Excellent Customer Service, all my questions where answered.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-17
CRI Genetics Review
September 12, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
This was fun to see where your family has gone it’s helped me a lot. I’m going to go further and see about my mom and dad side . It answers a lot of questions why I like certain cultures!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-12
CRI Genetics Review
September 9, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I just got my result just in 4 weeks and results showed me amazing revelation about myself. Now I am triggered to know even more to see the entire picture of my ancestors. So much fun! I highly recommend to try it.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-09
CRI Genetics Review
September 3, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Excellent information & easy to access!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-03
Choose Another DNA testing Lab
August 29, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
After submitting and waiting patiently for my results to come in, I was gravely disappointed. It appears CRI DOES NOT MENTION OR STATE ANYWHERE ON THEIR SITE – analysis testing are for European markers only.
Read that again – for European markers only.
So, if you truly do not have European family – this is a waste of time and money.
CRI Genetics’ Response
Hi Milagros,
Good day!
We would like to apologize first for any confusion that you may encountered.
Our Ancestry Background Test would show you your overall DNA composition. Precision is one of the things that we are proud of since our test can show you all of the traits that can be found from your DNA regardless of the percentage.
As you can see on your Advance Analysis Report, you would see 5 heritage (Ad Mixed American, European, African, South and East Asian) found from your specimen and not just European. If our tests are just for European Markers, then we won't be able to show you those other traits found from your sample.
We hope that we clarified things to your satisfaction.
Please feel free to contact us here in Customer Care by Phone: 1-800-571-9216 or Email: should you have any further questions.
Kind regards,
Chris Orille
CRI Genetics
Customer Care Team
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-29
CRI Genetics Review
August 29, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
We were very satisfied with our DNA reports done by CRIGenetics. Plus, they put a rush on my husband’s reports as he is in Hospice care and we wanted him to be able to see his. I’ve made copies of mine for my 5 siblings and their families. Very extensive reports and interesting reading.Our parents always said that my father was Dane and my mom Norwegian. This report breaks that down so we have a whole new overlook of our ancestors.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-29
CRI Genetics Review
August 25, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I had an issue that needed to go through customer support. The team went above and beyond trying to make sure that I was completely satisfied and any questions I might have were answered. 2 thumbs up!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-25
CRI Genetics Review
August 17, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I love reading my reports, and they spot on accurate! In fact, I brought up one of those reports to my doctor, she run blood test, confirmed the issue and put me on the suggested vitamins! Without GRI reports I wouldn’t even know what my health problem was! I would definitely recommend GRI! Their reports had opened my eyes on why I like certain foods and why I feel “at home” visiting a certain country. I always look forward to reading new reports. I read some negative reports, and I think many people don’t know history or anything about human migration. As far as customer service, I had excellent experience and one of their representatives even followed up to make sure the issue was resolved. I learned so much more about my family history, and I’m excited to learn more!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-17
CRI Genetics Review
August 9, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
The test was easy and clear and I got the results back in a timely manner. The results seem to be very accurate based on what I know about my family history and the traits and wellness info was very interesting (and accurate!). I signed up for an extra fee to be part of new reports coming out, I was kind of worried this would be a waste of money but I have been pleasantly surprised as they keep adding new features as promised. I was also surprised at the number of bad reviews, perhaps people just don’t realize that geography and genes are not the same thing? Overall I have had a very positive experience.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-09
CRI Genetics Review
August 4, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I full recommend CRI GENETICS for understanding your ancestral past, where I came from and where my ancestors have been. Also the Customer Care is fantastic and informative and especially thanks Allaine for his amazing help!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-04
CRI Genetics Review
July 30, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics LLC offers a complete, comprehensive, and informative review of my genetics. It’s also easy to read and is not jargony at all. This includes information I did not expect, such as the best diet for me for weight loss, an explanation why I’m not a great sleeper and tips to improve, and so so much more. The information re: sleep quality alone was helpful in that I don’t feel like I’ve ‘failed’ because I’m not a great sleeper, it’s actually in my genes. I’m still getting through the information. I’m sure I’ll learn much much more. Also, if you have questions, they have online chats available to help you understand even more. I had an online chat and found the person to be helpful and friendly, with the right amount of humor. I chose CRI over other tests as it had very good online ratings. I am not disappointed.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-30
CRI Genetics Review
July 26, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I’m very happy with the info I received. Also amazed at the different races in my family. Love it! Will most definitely recommend this site for my friends. Many thanks.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-26
CRI Genetics Review
July 14, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Constantly updates you of new information and generates new reports. The ancestry report is incredibly detailed
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-14
CRI Genetics Review
July 6, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
The genetic analysis was nothing short of amazing. I didn’t expect the amount detail. The wellness category was accurate and the other categories were accurate, I am very impressed.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-06
CRI Genetics Review
July 3, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
It’s a rather comprehensive report, and while I did have some issues (entirely my own fault), the customer service was excellent.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-03
CRI Genetics Review
June 28, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I ordered CRI’s analysis because it got the best reviews, and now that I’ve seen it, I completely agree. Super.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-28
CRI Genetics Review
June 23, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
One of the best features were the drop downs that explained what the various sections and categories mean.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-23
CRI Genetics Review
June 16, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
The test result provides a lot of information. I am enjoying learning about my history – kind of surprise about the result. I strongly recommend CRI.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-16
CRI Genetics Review
June 13, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Loved the historical background and lineage from Eve to H6. It explains why phenotypically we look a certain way on my mother’s side. I knew that I was more than mostly Scandinavian etc. Customer Service was helpful both via phone and on line with Sheena. I will be doing more research with CRI Genetics in the near future.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-13
CRI Genetics Review
June 8, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Discovered CRI Genetics From a friends FB link, was interested in the Health and Wellness they provided through DNA testing, CRI reports matched some helth issues I’m currently being treated for and discovered some deficiencies that I was not aware of, which I’ve corrected with good results.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-08
CRI Genetics Review
May 22, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Yeshua Hamasiach has blessed me with you guys!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-22
CRI Genetics Review
May 19, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Love my kit! Was astonished to see that I have so much Northern European blood when my ancestry records are all German-French. I have the best experienced with CRI and play to sign up for their subscription service in the future.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-19
CRI Genetics Review
May 16, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
quite a bit of detail going back generations
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-16
CRI Genetics Review
May 7, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
This test is reportedly one of the most accurate. When I purchased the test, I had no idea the amount of detail that would be available. I have enjoyed learning more about my history.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-07
CRI Genetics Review
May 3, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I am very satisfied with this company. There was a comment on here that the site doesn’t track the process of where they are in processing your report; they must have change that, because I was able to track every step of the process online until my results were in. I like that it tracks back generations and tells you that ‘someone in your ancestry lived in this area x amount of generations ago’, and it also tells you what you are predispositioned for genetically, and how your body processes certain things. The only thing they got wrong as far as my traits go, is that they said my genetic makeup for my eyes read “not brown” and yet, I actually have brown eyes. I know there is a lot that determines eye color, so that wasn’t a big deal. They may just want to look further into the eye color ordeal. Other than that, I am pleased.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-03
CRI Genetics Review
April 28, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
In depth detail of my DNA.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-28
CRI Genetics Review
April 20, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
It took more than two weeks for the saliva tests to be received by CRI due to snail mail, but was excited to see the results when they were ready. The CRI reports went beyond my expectations. I definitely recommend the wellness report to. .
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-20
Avoid, Waste of Money
April 14, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I began my search with an internet search of best Family Tree DNA Testing. Well, CRI Genetics has a link that says to read this (their review) before paying for any other tests. The claim to be the best. Well, I was looking for a Family Tree DNA Test, not generic maps that they probably send to everyone. Their website is very unclear on what you will get vs what you won’t get. I also did Ancestry DNA & FamilyTree DNA testing. Both of them are much better then CRI Genetics. I also feel the fee was extremely high for what you get. In my opinion, this DNA testing lab really doesn’t provide anything that a genealogist is looking for. It didn’t aid me in anything at all. A complete waste of hard earned money.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-14
CRI Genetics Review
April 13, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I love it! My husband and mother are now interested after seeing my results. Blew my mother away for sure! My mother is was born in Germany to a native german woman and an american soldier. After my mom seen my DNA results she was blown away that I’m actually more Peruvian than german. Infact I’m still more Peruvian than European! Its definitely worth checking out cri genetics!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-13
CRI will not share data
April 11, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
We attempted to use CRI based on general reviews. The website is not very clear that they will not share your data to be utilized with Genealogical websites. When compared with other DNA collection and reporting companies that other family members have used the CRI result is not even close to the base we have seen. I believe they will not share the data to avoid comparison or validation of results provided.
Customer service is marginal at best.
CRI Genetics’ Response
Good day!
We apologize if we're unable to provide you your Raw Data because of security and privacy concern. Uploading your Raw Data to a different company can make your DNA information susceptible to data mining and may also compromise our Patented Algorithm.
We understand that this explanation may not appease you which is why full refund has been initiated when you contacted us.
Again, we apologize for the trouble it may cause and thank you for understanding.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-11
avoid at all cost
April 8, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I paid for the basic service, the expedited delivery, as well as two of the optional detailed tests, both of which guaranteed a wide range of results. The 3-week promised delivery took 7 weeks (they did reimburse me for this), we never received any results from the two optional tests for which I paid a pretty high fee. The ONLY result sent to me was a one-page report with a map showing what countries are included in my husband’s DNA…that was IT! I am telling everyone who is interested in DNA ancestry testing to avoid this company at all cost. Something is VERY wrong ….is it a sham of a business????
CRI Genetics’ Response
Good day!
We apologize if it took us a while to complete all of your reports as we want to make sure that everything is accurate.
Having said that, your remaining reports are uploaded and available on your online portal. Kindly log on to your online account to view your reports.
Since we are unable to complete all of your reports during the 8 weeks guarantee period, we will go ahead and process a full refund. Please let us know how to communicate with you to complete your refund.
Again, we apologize for the delay and thank you for understanding.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
CRI Genetics Review
April 8, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Extraordinary! I was more interested in the ancestry profile. Once I got the resuts I was surprised by the amount of information on traits and wellness sections of the report. The level of detail of the Ancestry Advanced Analysis included general regions like American or European and then a more specific area categorization, like British Isles (Eng-Norway-France…), Toscani-Italian (Italy-Greece-Albania) and lot more with percentages making it easy to see my DNA heritage make up. All of this with information about each geographical area. In the Advanced Timeline report, is where you get the precision level in percentage of probability for having and ancestor from a specific area or region and back up to 30 or more generations. All sections of the report exceeded my expectations and I am so satisfied that I am ordering kits for my son and grandson. Fully recommend.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
CRI Genetics Review
April 6, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I am very pleased that I chose Cri Genetics for my ancestry report. Although I was told it would take up to 6 weeks to receive my reports, they arrived in less than 3 weeks. The reports are detailed and well presented. I contacted customer service with a question by phone. The representative was helpful and friendly. A second question by email received a prompt and detailed reply.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-06
Highly recommended
March 31, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I loved the speed at which CRI completed the DNA sequencing and report. The famous people report was very interesting although having more information on the links between them would be great. Over all I am very pleased with the results and what it showed is pretty much what my Geneology has discovered, a few suprizes were found and leaves the door open to explore more.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-31
CRI Genetics Review
March 25, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Once we received the package it all happened fairly quickly. Nice to know what and where I came from. Now time to buy more test to find out about my father. Wish it was all one test. I trust the information they are giving me and for that I say Thanks you CRI.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-25
Exceeded my expectations.
March 20, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Spot on to the area my grandparents came from.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-20
Exactly what I was looking for
March 6, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I like many others was quick to pass judgement but after hearing the steps needed to take to extract DNA, Process, Research and keeping all in mind that it was not just MY DNA that was being processed. IT IS WORTH THE WAIT!! Yes, took about 3 months – but I got it and it amazed me. Now, my mother being white and picking only the nicest of all nationalities and telling us kids what we were growing up – WE believed it. My father being tanned and he not knowing where he was from other than Spanish- Excited me to do this test. I cannot believe what came back. My mothers side was the total opposite of what she claimed she was AND my father is LATIN but of a different kind- PERUVIAN. this explained my Asian look that soooo many people claimed I was and even Executives from japan thought I was just a tall looking Japanese. My father looked Latin, I was just the odd one in the family (looking more Asian) than my brothers and sisters. My Mother has Spanish, Finish, English (They did Invade the world). Overall I am pleased to see that their is a resemblance of me of those I see in Peru.. I am 50.1 % and 32% NW European and live in Texas. The other % was actually from Africa, SO Asian (due to the migration into Peru) I am just sooooo Happy to finally put it all together. You should try it if you have been questioning yourself and with an OPEN MIND. Be patient because I would rather them take their time than rush my question of myself.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-06
Waaaay better than Ancestry
March 5, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics is far beyond ancestry searches frequently advertised on television. I tried Ancestry and got a very general and somewhat curious report. Wanting to go deeper and know more I read about CRI and tried it. The CRI results were very much in line with the ancestry of my family through time with some great surprises in the deep ancestry portion. There were many things in CRI report that validated family ancestry and no surprise. Getting this report was like taking a history course. So now I know that some Spanish ancestor was a Mexican Conquistador, and that through him I have a little native American blood.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-05
CRI Genetics Review
February 15, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
This DNA test was a waste of money and totally erroneous…never mentioned my 3 out of 4 Irish great grandparents that immigrated through Ellis Island. Said I was 87% European ( duh… thats supposed to cover most people!)with 54% French through last 5 generations..TOTALLY WRONG….DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY. NO STARS FOR THIS DNA TESTING COMPANY. Pamela Feb 14,2019
CRI Genetics' Response
Hi Pamela,
We have read your review and apologize if the report did not meet your satisfaction.
We have issued a refund of your entire payment. We would love to get your feedback, we can learn so much from all of our customer feedback.
If you would ever like to share your feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly. We save customer feedback for our product development team to review periodically. This helps us to know where we can best focus our future efforts.
Customer Loyalty
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-15
Customer services out of this world!!
February 13, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
CRI has been the ONLY DNA Test I have done so far, out of three, that has exceeded my expectations for details, especially in the Advanced Ancestry Report…which is absolutely my favorite part!! I have always stated that we are the total sum of our DNA. Our loves, likes, attributes, hobbies, our passions for work, the Arts and Music, the languages we speak, the countries and peoples that we have a deep connection with… the foods we love, all have contributed to who we are and where we come from…our family bloodlines…our ancestors. I was amazed to see my life unfold in DNA before my very eyes with CRI…I can literally trace everything that I love and have done, back through the ages in the Ancestry Report – Recent and Advanced. It is as if I have lived through my DNA …so far. And Yes…there were some hilarious “Shockers” too! The 1% Bengali gave me the fighting spirit of a Warrior! GO for the GOLD CRI….and thank you so much for your STELLAR Customer Service too!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-13
Reliable and live up to their commitments
February 13, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Very detailed reporting. I bought another test and the results came back inconclusive. Instead of asking for another sample to try again, they offered a refund of that specific test purchase because when it happens, the findings don’t usually change so there was no point in trying again. I liked that honesty and integrity. The test processing time was not overly long. I think it was right around 8 weeks though they do warn it could be longer depending on the quantity of customers in a certain period of time. I’m quite please with the results and how they break down each region represented in the report.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-13
Highly Suspicious!
February 11, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
As far as I know, I am 100% Dutch. But that likely means a little German (border moved over time), French & Spanish (they conquered the Netherlands at various points), etc. My CRI profile originally told me I am 91% English, with a little of many other things, including Northern European, Punjabi Indian, Peruvian, Mexican, and 72 generations ago Japanese. A week later, the results were adjusted to 70% English, with the same odd sampling of other ethnicities. ZERO% DUTCH?! Customer service tells me that English and Dutch are very closely related; but an amateur knows Dutch is closer to German than to English. Also, during the generations in which I supposedly have Peruvian, Mexican, Bengali, Punjabi, etc., my ancestors were farmers in the Netherlands. If they were explorers or merchants, then maybe. But I don’t think these far-flung DNA are likely to get into the bloodline of a Dutch farmer!
Highly suspicious!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-11
February 11, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I really liked the analysis that dates back to ancient, prehistoric times. They also gave me clues about my health. The report got me thinking and reading about early humans, their migrations, their progress. It is a very good value.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-11
CRI Genetics Review
February 10, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
Amazing DNA Analysis, I did lots of research on different DNA Co. and I decided to go with CRI and I’m glad that I did. The amount of regions that are covered is the most that I could find. Then after recieving my results I was amazed at the detail. The Timeline is out of this world. Thanks CRI Genetics
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-10
February 8, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I was impressed with the maps and the percentages of the areas covered. My family would really be surprised as to where we came from as was I. you folks did an excellent job, and I will recommend your services to all of my friends. Thanks
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-08
Shout out for CRI
February 2, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I like the other reviewers found this to be an exciting event. The wealth of information detailed in the reports, the break down of percentages, maps of origin w/explanations is superb. I was very impressed. Staff was very helpful; online and by telephone; I would highly recommend this company! Thank you CRI Genetics !!!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-02
CRI Genetics Review
January 17, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
My son did his dna with CRI. Results came back ok but od there was no Filipino on it. So we ordered a maternal test. Honestly, I think they tested the wrong person,,,because the results came back with Sudan, Iraq, Africa, etc…
Did a test with, their testing was faster and showed I have Filipino dna. Now my son is doing another test with to 2nd test his history.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-17
CRI Genetics Review
January 8, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
my son did the test first with a different company. His was not as detailed as we wanted. This test was way more detailed with more academic information. I feel that it was very thorough and has Opened new doors of investigation opportunities for us.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-08
CRI Genetics Review
January 6, 2019
Autosomal Analysis
I was very skeptical about buying in into ancestry craze. I did my research and wanted a repudiable company. The cost of the testing is the same as other companies. The initial testing was super easy, I enjoyed having updates of the process, and extremely surprised of the unexpected results. I am very happy I decided to find out my ancestry background with CRI Genetics.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-06
CRI Genetics Review
December 27, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I didn’t know what to expect – maybe worried about what it might say. Company had no clue about my personal family history research and explained in detail about unexpected results. It **** take me some time to sort through all of it – I am looking forward to the adventure. Learning some world history along with my own family story!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-27
CRI Genetics Review
December 20, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I got back a confusing and almost funny analysis of my supposed background. According to CRI, I am apparently a Mexican Viking, with a large swath of Gypsy and (South American?) Indian blood.
While I have no problem with that outcome, IF IT’S FACTUAL, all the genealogical research done by relatives points to a less unusual Anglo/Irish ( Irish Catholic as well as Scots Irish) lineage.
So either my Father had a different Mother than the one claimed, or CRI is full of s**t.
Will go to another more established DNA analysis firm to have CRI’s results either confirmed or — which is more likely — tossed out.
Am giving more than one star because CRI did not totally screw up the analysis with the more likely returns for someone with my last name. You can read between the lines for what that means. So some sort of effort went into the scam, if scam it is….
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-20
CRI Genetics Review
December 16, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
First, I would like to praise the CRI Genetics conscientious, responsive Staff and Customer Service. Any questions I had were quickly and thoroughly addressed. I read a lot of reviews prior to choosing CRI Genetics. It took a couple years before I decided to go ahead and do a genetics test. I chose CRI Genetics based upon an excellent review in Genetics Digest. I was looking for my family’s Geographic footprint… not for family members. My kit arrived, and I really liked the very simple process of scraping the inside of my cheeks and placing my 2 little sample tubes in the provided box and dropping it in the mail. I was notified as soon as my samples were received (one is a backup). I had paid for all available options except the Y-DNA report, as I am a female… you know.. XX. In around a month, I was notified of my results. I went online and started reviewing my reports. What fun! The only information I’d had on my family was a family tree my paternal grandmother had tried to put together for me over 50 years ago. She was right on target for the 3 or so generations covered. Now I have a much better feel for how my lineage moved about the globe, for thousands and thousands of years! I highly recommend CRI Genetics for all the reasons mentioned in this review!!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-16
December 13, 2018
Combined Paternal & Maternal Analysis
We did not get everything we paid for. The famous people related to my husband were identical to mine on both our parents’s sides. We asked multiple questions on numerous occasions because certain results for our children did not seem accurate. Our emails were never answered and when we made phone calls we were told someone would get back to us within 5 days with answers. No one ever called. Very disappointed especially since our kids were so excited about finding out their heritage.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-13
CRI Genetics Review
December 1, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I was debating on using this company and accidentally pushed purchase and immediately tried to cancel my order. No response. Once they have your credit card, that’s it! If you want to check your ancestry, use someone else
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-01
CRI Genetics Review
November 17, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I’m surprised about all the negative reviews on this website. I decided to proceed with ordering a report from CRI Genetics, despite all the negative feedback. It has led me to believe that people posting on this site may have been paid to post negative reviews. My report was astoundingly accurate. There is no way that someone could have known the history of my family that well, unless they had my DNA. My report was received within approximately 4 weeks. The report reflected exactly what was in the DNA test, and did not require a novel to explain it. I’d definitely recommend that people scrutinize negative reviews, as well as positive ones. I’m recommending this company to all my family and friends. Thank you very much.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-17
November 9, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
My brother’s and had previous DNA test with other companies. We all matched. But now with CRI I get totally different results that had me laughing.
My family is Spanish, Middle East, European with Mexican. The previous DNA showed 40% Southern Europeans, 20% North African, Ashkenazi Jewish, 20 Western Europe, 20% Mexican.
Oh but CRI came up 80% Peru,
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-09
CRI Genetics Review
November 8, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I never knew there was more to my family than just German and English. Wow! My family is old and all over the world! The percentage of Japanese might explain why I’m so short? I’m just in awe of all the cultures I can explore now. Thanks so very much – I am so happy I picked your company to analyze my DNA! Well worth it and the detail in the report, history of the area I come from, countries it includes. It is beyond interesting. If you want to really know WHO you are – don’t hesitate to buy the kit and find out.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-08
CRI Genetics Review
November 6, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I took the test, had no problems with receiving the kit to the lab. All the reviews about folks not being happy surprises me. 1 – The comments below say they all came back as Finnish. I did not show any Finnish in my results at all, so there’s goes that theory of everyone is Finnish. Also, did ANY of them these people read CRI Genetics test info before they bought it? Their website clearly states that people of Finnish descent have DNA that identifies them as Finnish, apparently some strong DNA genes in the Finnish. 2 – I found DNA from areas of the world I had No Idea I came from. They also advised me that my Haplogroup dates back 37,000 years. So what If my mom was 100 % Irish, we’re talking 37,000 years of people traveling the world and making babies together. It’s not going to show Irish; if it is traceable to 37,000 years ago. I’m surprised there not more diversity in there to be honest. I have both Asian: Indian and far east (Japan, Vietnam, Chinese) DNA present, central and south American DNA, as well as mostly European. My grandfather was 100 % Irish, but I did not go into this test blindly thinking that all I would discover was Irish and German (the two main backgrounds of my parents) And the reason why is because I knew there would be other DNA lineage mixed in there. That’s what I figured, and boy did I get what I asked for. So, ZERO Finnish in my test results, so that NOT a standard test result from CRI genetics, I’m proof of it. Buy, boy am I glad I did this test. Sure most are about the same and such. Regardless of who read my results and produced the test results for me, I’m glad I did it. Very fascinating to find out I come from such diversity. I’m amazed by my results and very very happy I did this. It also advised me I am from the Jasmine blood line, from Eve’s daughter Jasmine.This is the blueprints of me! And I’m proud of who and what I found & where I came from (which is from nay different places). Which is a diverse background. DNA, AMAZING! Thanks CRI, I’m happy with the results. Very happy.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-06
High recomended
November 2, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Very interesting way to find out where your family is from if you are unsure. I highly recommend it. The ancestry that i thought I had was no where close to what I actually found out through CRI. The timeline that is presented to you in the report makes it very interesting. Being able to kind see how your family migrated is awesome.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-02
CRI Genetics Review
November 2, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Was a gift
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-02
Wow, very fascinating DNA truly is
October 30, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I recently tested using the CRI DNA test kit for ancestry, haplogroup, famous people relations, and a timeline of my DNA. I found out much more about myself, and my ancestors, than I was aware of. I am so proud of my heritage and the folks that came before to make me, well me. I have always wondered why I was prone to certain likes or behaviors, and now I finally have the answers. I recommend CRI to anyone looking to research their heritage. I am so happy that I completed this test, and shared it with my children so they also know more about their heritage as well. Amazing, absolutely amazing.
CRI was great. Great company, great reputation, and very professional people that helped me quite a bit over the phone to understand what I was looking at. I selected CRI from an article I read, which was an independent comparison of all the tests available. Glad I read that article before buying a test. THANKS CRI… I’M TRULY GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOUR WORK ON MY DNA AND HERITAGE.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-30
Great Customer Service!!
October 29, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
When I discovered I ordered the wrong kit I reached out to costumer service and spoke with Nate. From start to finish he made my return seamless and I received my refund right away. So refreshing to have an experience like this. When I do order the proper kit I will be sure to go through CRI Genetics. Thanks Nate!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-29
High Pressure Sales, Skimpy Generic Info, Everyone is from Finland!
October 24, 2018
Combined Paternal & Maternal Analysis
I had high hopes for CRI Genetics, but found them to be very disapointing for what you pay. Which is through the nose for basic information that can be found elsewhere on the web. Famous People forget about it! Wiki has just as much information.
Autosomal? Well I have family history that tells me more and both sets of grandparents were off the boat at Ellis Island direct from countries of origin. One set met and married at Ellis Island. The other met in a specific city and state here. Though all four grandparents had family who never moved from origin regions for generations.
Basically I pretty much knew what my heritage was and just wanted to confirm it. But instead for all the money I paid CRI…. you might think I’d get something in Autosomal that was at least close. Instead I got I was mostly Finnish??? With some Punjabi, South American, Mexican, which as I said My family was straight off the boat from Europe.
I complained and guess what…. it got changed. It was a little more right, but still missing key information and basically was just what I told them.
mtDNA? Come on people…. everybody is ‘H’ or ‘T’ and it’s the subclades we want to know about not just a generic thing that could be anywhere in Europe without specifics. Far from precise you’ll get info that’s posted from another website.
Y Chromosome? Well it would be fine too if what they told you were Subclades that located you with in at least the country your ancestors are from. Instead I paid $100’s to be told I was R1b and H with the bogus Finnish changed to French! Save your money and wait to get more exacting and detailed information from ‘Living DNA’. It’ll take longer…. but at least you get more than CRI gives you all for one price. It will include Subclades and your Raw Data will be downloadable.!!! Living DNA doesn’t pretend to have a staff Geneticist….. they just give you truly Sequenced Genetic Information and that’s what we are looking for. Results for me will take a while more, but they are the REAL DEAL and CRI or nothing but Con Artists!!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-24
CRI Genetics Review
October 16, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Amazing! After reading reviews awful reviews about the other big DNA test companies like 23and ME and Ancestry I discovered CRI. It was so easy and super fast getting the kit in the mail. Then when I accidentally spilled the solution from the vial my sample was going to go in I just knew I would have to buy an entire new test. Then after emailing CRI Genetics I received not only a response with in a day it was to tell me a new test was already on it’s way to me!!! We got our results back in about 4 weeks. I will definitely be recommending this company to everyone.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-16
You’re Finnish..There I just saved you 125 bucks
September 30, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Absolutely awful. I read all the awful reviews prior to buying this that everybody was coming back with the same DNA profile. I know for a fact that my family is from the Philippines and Mexico. And lo and behold I came back as Northern European specifically like everybody else, I am finis absolutely awful. I read all the awful reviews prior to buying this that everybody was coming back with the same DNA profile. I know for fact that my family is from the Philippines and Mexico. And lo and behold I came back as Northern European specifically like everybody else, I am Finnish. What crap. I waited 10 weeks for this? I wasted $125 for this? Additionally I purchased the “who am I famously related to?” Package and all I received was a cheesy sentence that says Elvis Presley may be related to you. WTF are you serious? Total waste of money this company needs to be sued in a class action lawsuit!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-30
September 25, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Reports nothing more that gross generalizations. Not notified reports were available. They are rated 42 out of 51 for a reason. Look elsewhere. Graduated pricing for each report – outrageous. I’ve purchased 4 DNA test kits – 3 are listed in the top 5, all three terrific for different reasons.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-25
Not Recommended!
September 20, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I am extremely disappointed with the CRI Genetics results, many of which are not substantiated by ancestry DNA nor through my extensive genealogical documentation. Their format in many areas are not in alphabetical order nor are common options available to enter making their site very user nonfriendly. My whole experience with CRI has been negative. I never even received notice that results were available. I vote no confidence in this organization!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-20
September 18, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I paid more thinking I was going to get more… did not receive any of what I expected. Trying to get a refund…no luck as of yet.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-18
CRI Genetics Review
September 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Surprised and disappointed that no hard copy was provided. This was not mentioned in the pitch. I’m having a difficult time accessing my on line report, haven’t seen it yet, so no opinion on the science.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-12
September 6, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-06
August 29, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Before paying your hard earned cash for a CRI dna test, you should consider how that cash would look in flames over a barbecue pit or…flying out your car window at 95 mph….either option would be a better investment. This company is a complete scam from the phony review website they use to promote themselves to the vague, generic results, to the fact that EVERYONE who tests with them seems to be 11% Iberian ( 10.9% in my case ). Also, everyone tested seems to have the nearly exact mixture of South American and South Asian ancestry. We all seem to have almost identical mixes of Punjabi and Kihn Vietnamese for example….A GENETIC MIRACLE.??….probably more like a genetic scam from a company cashing in on the DNA Test wave. BUYER BEWARE
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-29
Sloppy work
August 19, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
We don’t know if the CRI analysis methodogy is better or worse than other companies but we do know that their quality control is dreadful. My husband and I come from very different ethnic background. We know this from family research and more obviously our appearance.
We never received notification that our test results were available, we finally just logged in and found our results. According to CRI we have very similar and nonsensical heritage given our family histories.
Clearly our samples were mixed up with two other samples.
We notified the company immediately of the problem and they never bothered to get back in touch with us.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-19
CRI Genetics Review
August 15, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Totally AWESOME!!! Very happy with everything. Very easy to navigate thru your website & find info. I like the way the % are set up & it zooms in on the map, totally kool! Love the way you explain the genetics & DNA & how it works (for dummies who have no clue). Probably would prefer a page where ALL options (tests) are on one & can click on reports I want to purchase. As it stands I order the ancestry kit, then go to check out page, put in my info, click on place order. THEN the option for ordering the other tests pops up, I would’ve preferred everything on ONE page for me to check off.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-15
CRI Genetics Review
August 7, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
To summarize: early last year, I got a DNA evaluation from one of the very popular, highly-advertised services. I have known my mother’s side well, ever since I was a child. She was clearly about 50% English, and 50% British, mainly NE English and Scottish. On the other hand, my father’s background was a total mystery. I was shocked when I got the results: they said I was “98% English!” So I went back and ordered two more DNA evaluations from the other two very popular services. Result: a little better, but they were also significantly wrongone had me mostly Scandinavian, with some “British” and some Iberian. The other had me about 1/4 Scandinavian 1/4 “Western European,” and the rest “British.” It is striking that all three were significantly different from each other, and had little or no relevance to what I do know about my background. Finally, I got an evaluation from CRI Genetics. What is significant to me is that it nails me as approximately 25% British, 25% Western European (specifically naming Germany and France), which seems to me to match my mother quite well. The remaining roughly 50% was found to be about 2/3 Scandinavian and 1/3 Iberian. So I think I can conclude that, given where I’m from, my father’s side were made of Scandinavian immigrants to Northern Mexico, who had somewhat intermarried with Norteno Mexicans. So, I must say, in my case, I trust only the CRI Genetics results.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-07
CRI Genetics Review
August 4, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I especially appreciate the depth of explanations & history that accompanies the report…I learned a lot about my H haplogroup, delighted to know it originated with goat herders as I have had “herded” goats off and on since 1976.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-04
CRI Genetics Review
August 1, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I received my test results recently, and was quite surprised. At first I was very confused, but after reading all of the analysis and contacting your customer support with questions, I felt much better. It’s quite the history lesson! I’ve been reading on the migration of humans since receiving my DNA analysis. The “Seven daughters of Eve” is extremely interesting. On the whole, I’m having a great time sharing my results with family and comparing notes on our family history.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-01
CRI Genetics Review
July 31, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-31
CRI Genetics Review
July 26, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Great results and experience with my DNA Ancestry report. Company is reachable via telephone and very responsive. I highly recommend their services.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-26
Update in Test Results
July 24, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I logged into their website to print out my ancestry test results and noted that they have renamed “Finnish” to “Northern European.” It seems that just about everyone who is tested is Finnish or now Northern European. This is further evidence of their bogus testing. Please note that I had to provide 1 star to submit this review. This company does not deserve any stars.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-24
CRI Genetics Review
July 22, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
The DNA report matched exactly much of my family’s known history. For instance the report flags British ancestry about 1320 AD. I know that a paternal relative was the Mayor (Clerk) of Aberdeen, Scotland, at about that time. From there however the known history disappears but my relatives are still there. I have always had an unusual affinity for Germany, Northwest and South, which I have never understood as none of my relatives (paternal) are known to have lived there. I was also not surprised about the report’s finding of 20% Central and South American ancestry. When I traveled that part of the world people often remarked on my flawless Spanish diction and frequently I am asked by strangers if I am Hispanic. The only disappointment was the fact that my maternal ancestors are known to have come from Palestine, but the report flagged no Middle Eastern haplogroups. Perhaps a mitochondrial based search would say some thing more about that but that is for another day. All in all, a very worth while adventure!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-22
the insight I learned about my self blew my mind
July 14, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I initially bought the crigenetics kit to learn more about my ancestry, I kind of knew… since one parent was Ukrainian another jewish, and I immigrated from Ukraine…. the test came back around 93% European that broke down into 34% jewish, and 44% western european which further indicated most likely Ukrainian and some others… an interesting thing is that this test showed I was 3% Peruvian which we could not understand where it came from… however apparently my great, great, grandfather was a sailor and has gone to Latin America and apparently may have brought his wife back to Europe (according to my 87 year old grand mother)… thats incredible.
after this test I was offered to signup for their advances health and trait test, which showed me things im allergic to, things I should stay away from, and what to focus on if I want to get fit… I half A** tried some of the suggestions, and in about 3 weeks dropped 12 lbs!! all I had to do was switch to complex carbs like brown rise, sweet potato, and increase my protein intake.. this test blew my mind, with the information from my past and also with what I can actually use now in my life! 10 Stars if possible!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-14
Fraudulent & Fabricated
July 13, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
After I received my results two days ago, I was not only surprised but very shocked by the results. My ancestry verified through family and genealogy research is 50% Irish and 50% Italian (Sicilian and Neapolitan). My paternal grandfather emigrated from Sicily to the U.S. in 1905. My mother emigrated from Great Britain to the U.S. in 1957.
According to CRI Genetics, my ancestry is 85.2% European (Northwest European, British, Finnish, and Iberian), 8.2% South Asian, 4.4% Ad Mixed American, 2% East Asian, and 0.1% African. I do understand that with distant ancestors that migration and genetic exposure to other cultures may have occurred, but there is no way that I could possibly have ancestry of South Asian, Native American (from Latin America), or East Asian in my background to account for those percentages. Believe me, I would love to claim that I have Native American ancestry, but I know beyond a doubt that I do not have that in my genetic background.
I contacted CRI Genetics today and explained this to them. They tried to tell me that my ancestors probably traveled to the Americas and intermingled before returning to Europe. That is not only impossible, but it is rubbish. When I confronted her on this, she then claimed that contamination could have occurred in the lab. At that point, I asked her to look at the Timeline that they provide, which shows that I have Sri Lankan Tamil in my family at 1900. In 1900, my maternal grandparents were in rural Ireland, and my paternal grandparents were in Naples and Sicily. None of my grandparents tangled with anyone from Sri Lanka. No one!
Per the CSR at CRI Genetics, they are going to redo my DNA testing. If it comes back wrong again, they promised that they will send me a new kit for a redo.
Honestly, I think the results are completely fabricated. And I do not think that anyone extracted and tested my DNA. My first cousin had perform her DNA testing, and her results were definitely consistently with her (our paternal) family’s heritage.
I will await the results of the repeat testing of my DNA; however, I do not expect the testing to reveal my correct genetic ancestry. Quite honestly, I think that CRI Genetics is a fraudulent company that needs to be put out of business. Although I wanted to give them “0” stars, I had to give them “1” star to submit this review.
Stay far, far away from this company. The $189.00 I paid them for two fabricated tests is completely down the drain.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-13
Questionable Results, Poor Service, Missed Deadline
July 13, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
My daughter and I did DNA genetic testing kits to see what it would tell us about our ancestry. The site offers an 8 week guarantee. At 9 weeks, we started calling and finally got our results. Note, that even though their guarantee says they will refund your fee if it is late, we have yet to receive a refund. We have emailed and called customer service several times. They promise a refund is on its way but it never shows up. I am currently disputing this with my credit card company.
As for the results, we were rather shocked to learn we are 1/3 Finnish. No one in our family recalls having any relatives from Finland. In fact, one side of the family has already traced its heritage back quite far and has no one from that region. We have decided to obtain a test with a different company to confirm our ancestry before we start buying airline tickets to visit the homeland.
Overall, we have been very disappointed with this company. Having spent $270 total, we expected more.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-13
Horrible beware
July 1, 2018
Maternal Analysis
From their reviews, it seems that everyone tested has some background from Finland, Colombian, Peru etc even when they are from the opposite side of the globe. My husband is from Iraq and received similar results to mine (I am South American) as well as having a high percentage of Finnish, what a joke. I also ordered the famous people and the maternal haplo test and didn’t receive essults for that. So I paid extra for that and didn’t get those services from the company even after emailing customer service about it and not getting any kind of response whatsoever. Horrible customer service. This company is a fraud!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-01
June 29, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
This company is a complete fraud, and shame on me for falling for it! I am embarrassed, but hoping to help stop this travesty. If you have not yet given them your money, PLEASE don’t! You will obtain the same results I and everyone else got: Finnish! This is ridiculously inaccurate, irresponsible, and FRAUDULENT to charge people for this tripe! Do your research thoroughly, and don’t take the word of made up “online genetics magazines” or fake reviews. Go with a reputable company instead. CRI Genetics must be laughing as they rake in the money from suckers like me. It’s the perfect scam, because by the time you realize they’ve got you, it’s too late…
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-29
CRI Genetics Review
June 16, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Very unhappy. I bought the report for famous people I may be related to and got no report. I have contacted them 3 times with no response
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-16
Don't buy this kit
May 31, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
They will not allow you to download your OWN DNA!!! Do not waste your money. Go with ancestry or my heritage. This is ridiculous.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-31
Yep, I'm 26% Finnish too!
May 19, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
For such a small place it’s quite amazing the Finns have contributed so much DNA to the world – and they weren’t even Vikings!!
Questioning my Finnish heritage, which would make my father NOT my father (and thank you CRI for placing this doubt about my mother in my thoughts) I submitted a sample to Results quickly back show I’m Irish/English just like my family tree says, AND it identified my cousin on my Irish father’s side. Sorry mom for doubting your fidelity for even a second.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-19
May 7, 2018
Maternal Analysis
This DNA testing is garbage. I thought since this was more expensive than the others it would provide more information. Wrong on my part. My sister did hers on Ancestry for half the cost and got alot of information. For the 2 test I purchased I was told i’m European. No mystery there.
Do not purchase this product. Use one that gives you true DNA results that can be shared with siblings and will let you know about relatives.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-07
Waste of Money-They tell you upfront they do not have to be even remotely accurate
April 25, 2018
Maternal Analysis
RIPOFF!! Don’t waste your money. If I could give zero stars I would. Other companies are far more accurate-Ancestry for one. Buyer beware. My test was done in a few days not 6-8 weeks as told. My test results were altogether too much resembling the results in the online ads. I remember reading the online ads and wondering about the different nationalities and how far-flung across and around the world these peoples’ ancestors must have been like guppies with Lear jets. Then I get my results—my report was almost identical with our family members—people we actually know, are barely mentioned….there is no way these are accurate but shame on me, they tell you up front that they may have utterly contrasting reports even between siblings. Code for, gotcha sucker!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-25
CRI Genetics Review
April 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
SCAM! Reported to the ripoffreport. Wish I could get a full refund :(
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-12
This Place Is A Joke
April 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I read where this place had better reports than Ancestry and 23AndMe so I went with them. I sent them my DNA sample and waited 8 weeks for the results. Nothing…so I called them. They had a record of receiving my sample at the front desk, but it never made it to the lab…and they can’t locate it. Nice. At least they are going to refund my money (supposedly within 72 hours). Don’t even consider this place for something as sensitive as DNA testing.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-12
I got my results fast (excellent info
April 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve always wanted to know more about my origins, never took the time to do anything about it. Last Christmas, I decided to buy myself a present: a CRI Genetics DNA test.
I chose them because of the reviews I read online. It’s always tricky, because reviews aren’t always true, but I felt like I could trust them and I was right.
I got my results fast (excellent info, BTW), there was no hidden fees whatsoever, and I learned a ton about my history. I think CRI Genetics is a great company and their test is well worth it’s price.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-12
Waste of money
April 6, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
The report is useless; complete with information about genotypes that must have been taken from a pre-K textbook.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-06
April 2, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I received two kits- one for me And one for an elderly uncle. We sent my test and the postage method showed it was delivered to“garage”. That made me wonder what this company is. They lost the test results for my uncle we went half way across US to get.. I have emailed several times and never receive a response. I called and asked also but was told it was being processed . It has been 6 months I still have no test results. Very sad they mess with people this way.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-02
Ridiculous, confusing results!!
March 30, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
My results look like the history of mankind. I too wish I had looked at these reviews before spending money on CRI. I am Jewish and am probably not 12.5% Finnish or 4.1% Punjabi. Would love a refund!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-30
CRI Genetics Review
March 29, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
CRI does not appear to be knowledgeable or honest. I had purchased an additional test along with the original two and have not received the results despite multiple requests. Seems unbelievable that 10 people I spoke with that ordered the test kit are all predominately Finnish. Called them to say I was unable to view their map, was told I would need to change my internet browser as they did not support the one I currently use.My husband and I have a strong knowledge of our heritage. Neither of our results are even close. Now they want me to purchase a subscription as soon as the director hires more staff….guess his business is booming.
Not only will you be wasting your money, but chances are your results will be the furthest thing from accurate.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-29
I had A pleasant experience so far!
March 29, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
So far I have had a pleasant experience the postal service had a delay so it did take 10 days to get back to them (no fault of theirs) I was tracking it the whole way saw when it arrived and few hours after the tracking said it arrived I was emailed. I was able to log in and view the progress on the dash board, so the site was pretty easy to navigate.
My results seem accurate from what I was told by my parents and my mom is from Barbados which was shown as African carribean and at what percentage even showed small trace pints of other things. The majority seemed to be accurate at least as it can be. I’m seeing a lot of bad reviews but wondering if all of you know that from my understanding our dna is entered into a database and the software pretty much gives the most accurate information. So it’s not like a person is guessing you know. How ever I did order test from ancestry and my sister is doing 23 and me so that we can compare I will be back to update if anything seems shady lol!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-29
CRI Genetics Review
March 28, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I did my DNA test with them and another company. I believe the results from CRI Genetics to be pretty close to what I know of my genealogy background.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-28
CRI Genetics
March 27, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics is a joke. I went to them to verify a reputable test site and got idioitc results. They had me from all over the map. The results completely contradicted all family genealogy and history and actually made no sense at all.
My genealogy says I am French and British, and they said I was Finnish and SE Asian. I can’t get them to answer any questions unless I pay them (and I won’t).
In my personal opinion, they are complete and utter crap. And if could give a 0 rating here, I would.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-27
Not Accurate at All -- Don't Waste Your Money
March 27, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I had my DNA tested several years ago through Ancestry DNA (which turned out to be pretty good) but I was hoping to get a better break out of my German and United Kingdom DNA.
Wow, the CRI test wasn’t even close to the Ancestry DNA test. And it cost a lot more! I’ve found some of my ancestors back to 50 AD so I’m sure who they were. I can assure you I have no east Indian or South American relatives.
So the results from this test made no sense at all. Just wish I could get my money back.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-27
Sketchy, Plus Constant Spamming to Up-Sell
March 25, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Yes, I too came back 22% Finnish. And the usual mix of Gujarati Indian and Vietnamese thrown in, same as everyone else’s results. Don’t know if they’re even opening the samples.
But the most annoying thing is the nonstop barrage of upgrade offers in my email from the company. Alexei Fedorov, Chief Science Officer at CRI Genetics, is very excited about new developments and wants me to buy a SUBSCRIPTION to get all the wonderful, upcoming new results. One of the emails was deliberately misleading, with the subject line:
“RE: Your CRI Genetics Subscription Questions”
as though I’d sent a question in to Support.
I do not believe my test results after reading that most people received similar results, and I warn others that once you purchase a test from this company, they will spam you to death!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-25
No Confidence
March 24, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I wish I had seen these reviews before committing to take their DNA test. Like many others my results came back predominantly Finnish. I know I am descended from predominantly English and Irish going back to the early 1800’s and beyond. I wrote to them saying I would like a refund but don’t expect any real satisfaction. I would be very skeptical of the five star positive reviews. Best I can say is stay far away from CRIGenetics.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-24
CRI Genetics Review
March 22, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
A total waste of money. Just like the other reviewers have said, I was found to be 10% Finnish, and had ancestors from MExico, Peru and Puerto Rico. And Theses results are absolutely false.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-22
CRI Genetics Review
March 15, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Please save your money and do not use this company! We bought the test for Christmas and ALL of the results said we were all over 70% Finnish and we know for sure thats not true, we all come from different backgrounds. I asked for a refund and they said NO , now I am mad and I feel so ripped off! If you want a true test use we tried them and they got our results to the county in Ireland where we still have family and know for sure it is true.
Finnish ? what a joke!!!! I wish there was a zero star
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-15
March 15, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
You all will be Finnish with results at 98% of everyone you know ! SAVE YOUR MONEY
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-15
Totally fake reports
March 14, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Utterly ridiculous results. Wife bought the test for me and HER mother. After a very long time, we both got the results. Except for very minor percentages, both of our results are nearly identical. Nearly 1/3 Finnish, mixed with British, Italian, Colombian, Punjabi, Bengali, Southern AND Northern Han Chinese along with several other far out places. How could 2 totally non-related people be nearly identical? Both of our families know our heritage and this test did not even touch on any fact at all. Save your money!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-14
Look, I'm 25% Finnish too!!! :-(
March 9, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Well as many others have found, I too am 1/4 Finnish, even though all of my siblings are not.
Here I thought I was being smart by paying a premium for DNA service, I find that what you spend does not mean you are getting superior results. I was totally surprised to see that they were able to process my specimen in less than a day from receipt (really?) and give me vague results. When I called I was told that random samples are chosen and processed to get their “allotment” of specimens sampled per week and that I was one of the “lucky ones” to have mine done so soon.
My sister has been working on the family tree for almost 10 years now and was appalled to hear what my results are. Then to read so many other complaints about this company and finding all with similar results to mine leads me to not accept or trust these results. The term “boilerplate” comes to mind when I hear how closely everyone with complaints match my results.
I have processed a dispute through my bank to deny paying for this service. I’m hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Hopefully with enough complaints like this many others will not be swindled by this company again.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-09
200,000 years
March 7, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I truly wish i had done more back ground on crigenetics. 28% Finnish? My mother and gather are both Italian as is out entire history. They say customer satisfaction is a garantee…
Thats l lie. I was told that once the test is completed no refunds. How can i know untill i see the report???
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-07
CRI Genetics Review
March 6, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Wish I had read these reviews before I bought the kits for all of my family members for Christmas. Seems like we all have over a quarter of our DNA coming from Finland. Really? I don’t think my Calabrian and Scicilian ancestors even knew where Finland was. My daughter-in-law whose father’s family actually comes from Finland, many relatives still live there, had only a little more Finnish in her than I did.
Wish I could give it Zero stars.
Don’t spend your money on this test.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-06
Results are highly suspect
March 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I took the CRI ancestry analysis to compare it to an DNA analysis I had done a couple years ago, just out of curiosity to see how the two compared. They don’t compare very well. The Ancestry results matched quite well to what I know about my family history. Some of my ancestors on my mother’s side of the family emigrated from England to the British colonies in America prior to the American Revolution, and settled in Virginia. My mother was born in Indiana and my father in Illinois. All of my father’s family came to the US from Northern Ireland at the end of the 19th Century. Ancestry’s result said I was 65% British and 22% Irish/Scots/Welsh, and 6% West European. The other 5% were “low confidence” regions such as Finland 3% and Middle East (less than 1%).
The CRI Genetics breakdown was 88% European but with only 20% British and with a surprising 19.6% Finnish (which other reviewers have said they found suspicious). At 19.6%, I would expect some known family association with Finland, but there is none.
Some of my mother’s family had migrated to Kansas in the 19th Century, and I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a small percentage Native American, as my mother suspected from the features of some of her older relatives. But in the CRI report, the only results that could be considered Native American were 5% from Central America, Puerto Rico, and Peru (another region that shows up suspiciously in a number of reviews I’ve read hear).
Now for all I know, the 5% from Southern Asia and and 1.4% from East Asia that showed up in my CRI results might be explained by migrations from Asia to Europe thousands of years ago. But there is no way any of my ancestors came from Peru, Mexico, or Puerto Rico as stated in the CRI report. There were no migrations from those regions that made a stop in Europe before coming to North America. My parents visited Tijuana Mexico when I was a kid, and that is the only contact my family ever had with any region south of the US-Mexico border.
The only thing positive I can say about CRI Genetics is that unlike other reviewers here, I got the results very fast (in about a month).
My conclusion is that when it comes to DNA tests, go with Ancestry and stay away from CRI Genetics, which is more expensive than Ancestry but certainly not better.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-05
Waste of money
March 3, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Unless you have absolutely no clue as to your ancestry this info was too general. Top five highest percentage country of origin results were all over Europe but also could be forty other various countries in Europe !?? Then they include a history of ancient migration of the world for filler. Additional optional haplo group expenses were also worthless. I think its a scam to collect DNA for research. Don’t waste your money.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-03
what a joke
March 2, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Buyers beware!! Can’t really even understand the results.
Most of the junk read like a enternet report. The company is definitly a believer in evolution. Christains” DO NOT GO HERE”. My husband and I both had it done and our results were so much alike and yet out ancestry is total different.
Save your money….
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-02
Don't waste your time or money
February 17, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Like so many reviewers before me – I feel like I got scammed. Ordered the kit after having an amazing experience with 23andme, I wanted to have some more information. Great sales job on the website because they got me to click & pay. As as payment was received I got an email saying they were “out of stock”. Out of stock of q-tips & plastics bags? So that was 3 week delay before the kit arrived. Then when it arrived I did the swab & sent it back immediately. Another 4 weeks before they even acknowledged receive it. Then the 8 week process began. Results are fuzzy at best, and inconsistent with the 2 other sites I’ve used. Save yourself the headache & buy from a different site.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-17
What a waste of $$ and time
February 17, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Save your money and time and go with someone else. I wish that I had picked Family Tree DNA 3 months ago and not wasted my time on CRI Genetics. They were true to their word and did give me a full refund, after missing their guaranteed delivery timeframe. What a waste of my time and effort. ZERO out of 5 stars.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-17
Use someone else for DNA !!!
February 13, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
They are Crooks!! They said my ancestry is from OVER
They rip you off and then when you contact them for an explanation, they never return you call or email. They don’t even send you a copy of the nonsense they tell you
is your family background. Outrageous. They should be
put out of business. Go elsewhere. You have to put a star
rating. Mine would be minus 0.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-13
...stories about her childhood I had never heard before
February 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I bought this for my grandma and gave her the test for Christmas and helped her do it.
She’s already received the results and she’s pretty excited about them. She’s been telling me stories about her childhood I had never heard before.
I love it.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-12
way more detailed than what I had ever gotten before
February 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve never had a report as extensive as this;
I’ve tried AncestryDNA before and the CRI Genetics report was way more detailed than what I had ever gotten before.
I also really liked that the process was as simple as described; it’s not really complicated once you’ve done it anywhere else; you essentially just send in a cheek swab sample and wait.
I can’t wait to get my husband to try it so we can compare our results.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-12
CRI Genetics Review
February 7, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I sent my sample in a month ago and their web site says
it hasn’t been received, although when I call they indicate it was received. Don’t use this company if you expect to get results
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-07
February 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I sent my kit in September and was told I would have results in 6-8 weeks. After many phone calls I was told in December that there was a problem with my kit and it would need to be redone. Now in February I am told it will potentially be another month before I have any results. Only offered a “sorry, there’s nothing I can do” from customer service. Terrible service in my opinion! I DO NOT recommend this company to anyone! Save yourself time and a headache… use another company for your genetic testing!!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-05
It was a lot of fun!
February 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
My brother and I both took the test, so I could have my paternal lineage too. We compared our results and it was a lot of fun!
Our Ancestry is pretty different, more than we thought it could be!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-05
I am overall extremely satisfied with CRI Genetics service.
February 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
This test is super easy to use, the results are easy to understand and the customer service really helpful (I called them to order over the phone, I didn’t want to enter my credit card number online).
I am overall extremely satisfied with CRI Genetics service.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-05
Definitely not the results I expected!
February 1, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Definitely not the results I expected!
I’m a very visual person but I’m not great with geography so having a visual map with circles with details explaining more of my DNA was really helpful.
I also like that the website is easy to use and customer service has been so helpful.
I’m interested to see if they will add any additional features that can give me a further more in-depth look about my health in the future.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-01
Great price for the amount of details I received
February 1, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I like CRI Genetics because:
1. The test is super easy to do.
I received mine just 3 days after I ordered it. Everything is well explained, the instructions are easy to follow.
First, I activated my test online on the website. Next, I rubbed the inside of my cheeks with the cotton swabs furnished (no spitting in a cup!). Then, I just had to put the swabs in their vials, seal them in the included pouch and mail them to CRI Genetics in the prepaid box.
2. I received an email a few days after to let me know that the lab had received my test and I could track the testing on my personal page.
3. I received another email when my results were ready. It was also shown on the tracking line on my profile.
4. The website is really user-friendly. It clearly shows your ethnicity percentage breakdown. I had never thought I was such a mix. I’m Caucasian but I still have 2.8% Colombian and 1.7% Chinese Dai!
5. They said it’d take 6-8 weeks after they receive my test for my results to show up online. I got mine in 2.5 weeks which I think is pretty fast.
6. I also ordered my paternal haplogroup. It made my test a bit more expensive (still less than some others I found online), but it was really worth it. The reports I received were awesome. I’m R1b, and I discovered so much about how my line evolved. I’m thinking about ordering my maternal haplogroup now…
7. They didn’t try to sell me on other tests after I received my results. What I paid was well explained before I paid it and I didn’t have to add anything afterwards (no postage or hidden fees).
8. They offer a money-back guarantee if your results come in after the 8 weeks window. I didn’t have to use it but I like that it’s offered.
9. CRI Genetics registered my information anonymously so I’m growing their database. It’s pretty cool to know that I’ll help later generations discover things about themselves. What I would like to see…
1. Some others give you names of related people, and I think it’d be pretty cool to have those.
2. I’d like to have more results available, like my health or things like that.
But I think it’s an overall great price for the amount of details I received.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-01
I am very happy with CRI Genetics
February 1, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve always been interested in discovering my family history.
A few weeks ago, I finally decided to have my DNA tested and I chose CRI Genetics.
I’m glad I did. I was surprised to receive my results within less than 3 weeks, but even more surprised by my ethnicity breakdown! My mother is Japanese, my father African-American, so I expected a good mix.
But I didn’t expect 5% German and 2% Peruvian! I am very happy with CRI Genetics and would recommend them anytime.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-01
Terrible Experience
February 1, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
We ordered the kit for my son as a Christmas gift. We performed the swab and mailed by Oct/31. It is now Jan 31 and still no results. It was supposed to take UP to 8 weeks. No one answers at customer service and I’ve left numerous messages. I’ve asked for my money back. Who knows if I’ll get it. $102+ It feels like this company is a fraud.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-01
January 31, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
After 3 months with no results, my husband and I contacted Customer Support for resolution. It took a week before we could get anyone on the phone. Finally, they said my husband’s results were ready, but he was unable to login for over a week (that included several more painstaking emails with Customer Service). They there had been some confusion with mine, but they ‘found it’ and my results would be ready in 48 hours.
Finally three weeks later, I got my Ancestry results – 91.3% European, primarily Finnish. Plus 4.1% South Asian, 3% Ad Mixed American, 1.4% East Asian, .1% African. But guess what – my percentages were EXACTLY the same as my husband’s test results!!! EXACTLY the same!!! I find it ENTIRELY UNBELIEVABLE that we would have IDENTICAL results – even the percentages in the subcategories were IDENTICAL!!!
This is a SCAM!!! Please, please do not waste your money! This company should not be in business at all!
My ‘Maternal Haplo’ test results consisted of canned text and blurry pictures of cavemen that looked to be lifted off a middle school history book with no personal information about me at all. The ‘Famous People’ test results also consisted of canned text and random pictures of people from Nicolas Copernicus to Dr. Oz – and no information whatsoever how these people could be related to me. I guess I can conclude from these results that I am related to everyone else related to cavemen (which we all already know) :(
I give one star so everyone can see my review and be warned. This company is not legitmate and should be put out of business.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-31
My experience has been great.
January 29, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
My experience has been great. I ordered my kit on12/13 and received on 12/16, which I thought was pretty fast.
With the holidays, I didn’t do my test before the new year.
I sent I back on 1/2 and got my results uploaded on my private profile on 1/25. Just under 4 weeks! It was much faster than what I expected. My results are mostly what I expected.
I am largely Northwestern European and British with a few other things mixed in. My mother has always told me I have a Vietnamese great-great-grand-mother, and it showed. The reports are easy to read, I just wish I could download them.
I really like the explanation that comes with the percentage breakdown. It makes it even more interesting and understandable. After discovering so much, I decided to order the famous people report for fun (it was only $10).
I received it instantly! And I discovered I share my mtDNA haplogroup with Meryl Streep…
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-29
very detailed and worth the 5 week wait!
January 26, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve done 2 other ancestry tests in the last year, just to compare an be sure of my heritage. I’m a data specialist and traced back my parental lineage back 5 generations.
Not surprisingly it becomes very difficult tracing lineage beyond 3 generations due to lack of records online, and for the reason that most places that do have records such as birth records don’t convert them to online searchable databases, and unless you are going to travel to Europe and try to get a hold of someone in a hospital and then attempt to convince them to release their records to you… You wont get anywhere, so I ended up stoping my search at 5 generations, which took me close to 10 years to trace on my free time.
First I took the test which I believed to be the best at the time, and when the results came back there were only 4 populations I was part of, 96% European, and the rest was a nonsensical breakdown between india, Asia and Africa.
You must realize thats the kind of information you can get from my first name alone.
Then I submitted the dna test, and that was much more detailed, actually broke down my background into about 9 populations with 80% being around the European continent, and the rest around the surrounding regions of Asia and overall Europe outliers.
This tes was much better than ancestry, yet still did not break down my European heritage beyond the general European regions such as East, north east etc.
Thought my research I found and after reading they had an actual data scientist and specialized geneticist on board I decided to give them a try, it made a lot of sense since being a data specialist my self I can trust someone who focuses on factual information vs something else.
The results were in about 5 weeks after I sent my sample to their lab, and the break down was by far the most advanced and detailed of the three companies tried, it was also very in line with the 5 generation back tracking I did, broke down Europe into multiple country regions, and helped me understand even further which European regions I come from.
I believe so far cri genetics report is the most detailed out there, and seems to be directly in line with my own research in tracing my ancestral heritage.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-26
I'd have never guessed!
January 25, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
My husband’s family and mine cover 3 continents and about 10 countries (I lost count) with only the 2 generations I know of. So I was curious to know our genetic background. I decided to test my son so we’d have a broader spectrum. We bought the goegraphical ancestry and both haplogroups. I am so happy we did it. Our roots spread al over the world, even in Asia, and that, I’d have never guessed!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-25
Results are suspect
January 24, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I am a 59 year old female computer professional and graphics/web designer for a living. I have also been conducting extensive family tree research for my family for several years. So to round out my own information, I tried CRI Genetics tests because they did a whale of a job promoting themselves on their website.
That is the only place where they excelled.
I also figured because they were a bit more expensive, they must be better, right? First red flag should have been the backorder. It’s a lab, how can tests be back-ordered? If a lab can’t keep up with orders, that tells me they are either under-funded and can’t afford their supplies, or the owners are too cheap to hire enough staff and resources to provide excellent service.Second red flag was the packing used to return your sample. The bar codes, printed with laser toner on cheap paper, were already flaking off the paper by the time I received them, and were badly flaked by the time I covered them with tape and shipped my samples out. Again, shows use of cheap resources. Those VERY important labels, which identify your sample as YOURS, should have been either covered with a protective coating (UV or aqueous coating) or at the very least with clear tape. Made me worry whether my bar code would have held up enough to even properly identify my sample had I not protected it when I shipped it to CRI.
Third red flag: I registered on CRI’s website. The registration and results interface was pretty well done (like the website). However, the next time i tried to log in, my password was not accepted. I called CRI and after holding for quite a long time, a nice young fellow said he’d go ahead and register me over the phone on the spot. He said I was all taken care of.
A couple of weeks passed and I again tried to log in, but was unable. I called CRI again. The woman who answered said she could see where the young man had registered me, “but apparently it didnt take.” What does that mean? I’m a professional web designer, and I interpret that as “he didnt really do it.”
Finally I was able to log in, as I had the CRI representative wait on the phone while I tried it. I was able to log in successfully, finally.
Fourth red flag: I will say I did receive my results within six weeks of sending out. The interface for receiving the results works well – but the results themselves were presented in the most cheesy fashion for a company that claimed to be so scientifically accredited.
The basic test results contained some information that I can tell you is not just inaccurate – it’s just wrong. Interestingly, when I went on the web and read all the reviews by others who tested CRI’s products, they seemed to have had the same results – that is, a disproportionate amount of the reviewers’ results seemed to contain large (and surprising to them) amounts of Finnish, Northwest European, Italian, Han Chinese, and Peruvian. That certainly seems to be quite a coincidence from among a few dozen reviewers, does it not?
One HUGE complaint I have, and this is my main one – The mtDNA results DO NOT use the latest and current ISOGG nomenclature. For example, subclade J1a has been renamed to J1b3a. This again tells me that the company is busy with their bottom line rather than paying to update the software they use with the latest protocols. And so I am wondering how accurate my test was at all.
The charts and graphics are amateurish, some look as though they were sloppily photocopied or cut out of a book, and have no key or legends (the migration chart has no explanation whatsoever.
THEN I couldnt find my mtDNA results on the website. The “Click to see your results” did not take you directly to your results. I could not find it until I just happened to click on the little “Read More” button at the bottom of an article “What does the mtNDA HaploGroup Mean”, halfway down the webpage. there is no way you would know your mtDNA results were buried well down in the webpage that resulted from clicking the “Read More. button!!! Adding to that confusion is the fact that below that “read more” button were the cheesy migration chart, with a paragraph saying “Today, haplogroup U is very homogeneously spread across most of Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Its frequency typically ranges from 0.5% to 2%. Only a few isolated ethnic groups have frequencies above 3%. They are mostly in the Volga-Ural and North Caucasus regions.” Then right below it is a chart listing several nations with 3.5% to 20% U status in complete contradiction to that paragraph.
Anyway, I finally found my mtDNA results and they were, again, printing with very, very tiny type in pale colors with NO legend and no explanation as to MY results. Another thing that REALLY added to my confusion was the way the results chart is displayed, with the sub-haplogroups in VERY tiny letters in a line below it’s main group letter, it took me a very long time to figure out that the teeny, tiny little vertical mark that connected the subgroup from the main is over the sub-group that is supposed to be mine. At first glance, any novice would just think that ALL the sub-haplogroups below each main group would apply to him. What CRI Genetics should have done was either leave off all the groups that do NOT apply to you, or invest in much better graphics so the person who paid all the money can decipher their results easily.
I would not recommend this company to anyone, I just don’t feel comfortable with the unprofessional presentation of which should be professional results, which makes me suspect their accuracy.
Terri Aigner
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-24
Run from this Company
January 24, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I would like to have given this zero stars, but you have to mark at least one star. I am a Black Woman with noticeable black features and skin color. However, the test results that were given to me said that I am a white woman 83.3% European with Finnish being my primary background. This would be comical if it were not so sad.
I have called the company on several occasions and can not get any resolution. Your constantly told that someone will get back with you. I am going to file a report with the Better Business Bureau as this company clearly has some issues.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-24
received my results in 4 weeks, a lot of information!
January 24, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
The process was simple, swabed both of my cheeks and sent the box with my DNA back in. Once it got to the lab I received an email and then a few more emails over the past few weeks letting me know what’s going on with my Dna. Just got my results, about 4 weeks since I sent my dna in. A lot of information… I opted for both maternal and paternal and ancestry report…. still reading the paternal, and ancestry seems very detailed, some makes sense as I’m mostly European some is new… 2.3% Peruvian? Very interesting… gotta talk to my sister and have her take it too!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-24
For me, it was really cool to finally get answers about my heritage.
January 23, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
For me, it was really cool to finally get answers about my heritage. Anyone could look at me and assume I have heritage in West Africa. That’s way too easy. CRI Genetics was able to specifically tell me that my ancestry is 72% Nigerian and 19% from Sierra Leone. I was a little surprised to find 7% Northwestern European, but that’s cool.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-23
I got my reports sooner than I expected and they’re also even better than I expected!
January 23, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I can’t say enough about how much I love CRI Genetics! Quick shipping, easy instructions, and great customer service. I got my reports sooner than I expected and they’re also even better than I expected! A lot of detail, really great value. I highly recommend this service to anyone who wants to know more about their ancestry!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-23
Can't Give Zero Stars
January 23, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
No one answers the phone. No one answers emails. They double-charged my CC and no communication whatsoever. FOUR HOURS on hold. Does anyone even WORK THERE?
This is a scam. Do NOT waste your $$$ As others have said, this was a present from my wife. I feel really bad for her.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-23
Awesome service
January 22, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Awesome service. Out of all the Ancestry services I’ve tried, I’ve never seen this much detail and accuracy.
My haplogroup reports are especially awesome.
It’s one thing to tell me which haplogroups I belong to and give me a couple sentences about them like most services. CRI Genetics gives way more information, essentially a detailed history for each haplogroup.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-22
got me a CRI Genetics kit for Christmas and promised me I wouldn’t regret trying it—and she was right!
January 22, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I had heard about these DNA testing services that trace your ancestry, but I always thought they were a little weird and was never interested in trying them.
But then my sister got me a CRI Genetics kit for Christmas and promised me I wouldn’t regret trying it—and she was right!
We’ve been able to share and compare which ancestries we inherited from our parents and it’s been a lot of fun.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-22
Amazing detail! love my report breakdown.
January 19, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Being an Asian American, I’ve found that it’s hard to find an ancestry service that’s actually worth the money. I tried one service and they literally told me that I’m 98% East Asian. Great, thanks! (sarcasm) CRI Genetics was able to break it down a lot more than that though! Apparently I’m about 67% Southern Han Chinese, 24% Dai Chinese, and 9% Japanese!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-19
CRI Genetics Review
January 19, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I sent for a DNA kit last October. I sent the kid with the requested DNA at the end of that month. I was surprised that I never received any more communications from Cri-genetics. I phoned and found out that the results were to be released in two weeks time. I caleed after 4 weeks to find out that the results would be ready the second week of January. A supervisor called last week to tell me that I needed to wait for two or three more weeks.
I cannot understand what the problem is. I am very frustrated and have serious doubts about the end result of my tests. I also have nagging questions in my mind in regards to the seriousness of the company and the reliability of the end results.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-19
Horrible ! Would be 0 stars but required to give at least 1
January 19, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Kit received 11/4/17 per tracking. Still nothing but sitting in same status for months when that phase says 4-7 days. They ignore emails and when I call they say “check in 48 hours” and there is NO change. Trying to get $ back and will notify BBB and try somewhere else. Was a gift from wife. I feel bad
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-19
Amazing detail! love my report breakdown.
January 18, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Being an Asian American, I’ve found that it’s hard to find an ancestry service that’s actually worth the money. I tried one service and they literally told me that I’m 98% East Asian. Great, thanks! (sarcasm) CRI Genetics was able to break it down a lot more than that though! Apparently I’m about 67% Southern Han Chinese, 24% Dai Chinese, and 9% Japanese!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-18
Unhappy customer
January 18, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Did this in November and still waiting for results. Very disappointed and will not recommend them. Now will have to buy a new kit from another company. Wanted to give it no stars but would not let me submit unless I checked at least one star.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-18
January 18, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
The results were useless. My ancestors are from North Europe which has well over 25 countries. So, I just found out I’m white.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-18
I've found cri genetics to have great customer service
January 17, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I made a mistake and mailed my kit with my dna to their lab without registering the kit… I simply forgot to register my kit, so i didnt have my kit number anymore. you would think that i’d have to get another kit and pay extra for it… but no. I called them and they were quickly and easily register my account, and since I only bought one kit they were able to help me register. Hats off to them! To top of my experience my ancestry report is fascinating!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-17
Big Disappointment
January 17, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Paid my money and registered for 3 reviews and got nothing for several months (after the 8-month guarantee period). A first communication was OK and then none. I eventually requested a refund 3 times by email and got no response. After having PayPal intervene my refunds are supposed to be available “in up to 30 days”. They get a no-stars rating from me.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-17
I highly recommend them
January 16, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics is great. I knew I was Italian, but they were able to tell me a lot more. Their report has this cool map tool that shows you all the places around the world where your DNA comes from. I highly recommend them.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-16
Great detail, tried 2 other companies.
January 16, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve tried a lot of different ancestry DNA services. Some are better than others and CRI Genetics is definitely one of the better ones. The level of detail in their ancestry reports is WAY above average. One of the things that impressed me the most about CRI Genetics was that it only took 3 weeks for me to get my reports! I’ve never gotten results that fast before.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-16
Results are a scam, too
January 13, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Previous poor reviews focused on the poor state of CRI’s customer service and customer interface, which are more severe, but not totally unlike my own.
I give CRI poor marks because the results are very dubious, as well as completely lacking the information you would need if the results were credible,
My wife and I had results that were, from a statistical perspective, the same. According to CRI, we are both mostly Finnish and British, with a smattering of East Asian, South Asian, and one of the groups that settled North America 10,000 + years ago. Our mtDNA is very different, however, and my wife has had tests by two other companies that agree with each other but are very different than the CRI interpretation.
Which brings me back to the no communicative customer service. We hoped the duplicate results were due to a lab mixup, but have not had any response to emails or voice messages . We did talk briefly to a person, who tried to tell us the differences were real, instead of artifacts expected from models, then hung up on us.
The National Geographic ancestry test provides better data and contextual information for a similar price.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-13
January 13, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Three months later, after paying them and sending back the swabs, I have heard nothing from CRI Genetics.
Beginning to believe they are running a scam.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-13
Love the report, very surprised!
January 11, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
The report came in fairly fast, I did ancestrylast year and it took way too long over two month, while this one from CRI genetics only took about 30 days and the detail surprised me …. recommend over all.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-11
Fast and simple, excited about my results!
January 10, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
The test was fast only took about 4 weeks for me, received email about results being in via email, and they look great! Very detailed, see my mothers and fathers lineage too!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-10
Im asian, but don't look it!
January 10, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
so turns out im 35% asian an British mix between Han Chinese, Japanese, and Philippina, British and some Swedish. I dont look asian at all, not a bit. So I asked my parents about this, turns out both of their grand parents were asian, (my grand grand parents), My great grand ma on fathers side, and great grandpa on mothers side… what a turn.
the test was very simple, just two cheek swabs, and received results in about 4 weeks…
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-10
fast, simple, gerat report!
January 7, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Received my results this morning, not sure what people are complaining about, although i did not call customer service… I did order my kit dec 3, thats about 4 weeks ago and l just received my results this morning sunday jan 7… Thats faster than the 6-8 weeks i expected. The report is very detailed, i recieved my maternal, paternal, and ancestry report…
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-07
took a 1.5 weeks to get the kit, then entire process took only 3 weeks, and detail was worth the wait!
January 6, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I ordered my kit about 6 weeks ago, then when I didn’t receive the kit for about 5 days I called them they said the kits went on back order and were coming in the following week and would expedite my dna analysis. I got the kit about a week later and sent it in, then received a few emails about my kit being at the lab, then being processed, and then about 3 weeks after I sent it back I got an email stating my results were up. I logged in and was blown away by the detail! It showed I have as little as 0.4% from Peru and then the top being Finland 24%, Italy 12%, Britain 8% and about 10 more regions.
aside from me not receiving the initial kit on time the experience was great, I did perviously and crigenetics detail is beyond way more, and in my opinion the results are worth the wait! Highly recommend.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-06
We are really grateful
January 6, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
We adopted our son in Colombia when he was a baby and always knew he’d want to know about his biological family. He just turned 12 and was asking many questions we couldn’t answer so we ordered a kit for him. We received the results a few days ago and already talked a lot about them. He has a high percentage of Native American blood (34.7%). We’d have never guessed. Now, he’s learning everything he can about that culture and its history and we’re helping him. That test connected us in many ways and my husband and I are really grateful.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-06
I’d recommend CRI Genetics to anyone questioning their roots.
January 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I never knew my father and my mother refuses to talk about him. The subject is taboo in the family and I learned to deal with it. But, about to become a father myself, I wanted to know more about my roots. My mother’s Caucasian. She can’t tan and her hair is almost red. I am mixed race with blue eyes. I always thought my father was African-American.
My results were a surprise. I have some Irish and German blood, from my mother I believe, but I also have some Caribbean and Bengali blood. That’s why I could never really figure out where I belonged…
I also ordered the haplogroup report. I found it really instructive. It gave me a lot of information on where my father lineage comes from. One day, I will share it with my kids so they’ll never feel lost not knowing where they belong. I think this service is really important for people like me and I’d recommend CRI Genetics to anyone questioning their roots.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
My mother will love to learn that we share ancestors with Meryl Streep…
January 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I would give them 5 stars for speed of delivery, detail of the results and how easy the whole process was.
I wanted to give my mother a different gift this year and I thought ancestry and lineage reports would be perfect. As we’re supposed to have the same maternal lineage, I only ordered my ancestry report.
I wasn’t expecting our results before Christmas but I just received them today. I couldn’t resist but to take a look. These are amazing! The haplogroup report goes in so many details. I also bought the famous people report on an impulse, and I think my mother will love to learn that we share ancestors with Meryl Streep. She’s always admired her.
What impressed me the most is how different our ancestry is. We share a lot of regions but our percentages aren’t that close. She’ll definitely be entertained by those results and I’m sure we’ll talk about them for quite some time. That was the perfect gift for her. And for me at the same time!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
January 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve been waiting since mid October for the results. They don’t keep the tracker updated and if you want any information you have to call. You might get lucky and get to talk to a call center that looks at exactly the same information as you have in front of you. They don’t give any updates at all. Very hard to get a hold of anyone and when you do they have no clout so it doesn’t matter. Definitely don’t use. Go with one of the name brand companies that specialize in the consumer side of this. I haven’t seen the results yet so I can’t comment on them.
Avoid this company.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
I really recommend it. It’s easy to order and to do, delivered pretty fast
January 3, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Speaking of, I really recommend it. It’s easy to order and to do, delivered pretty fast (kit and results) and the web interface is high-quality. We didn’t need the customer service, so I just rated them 5 stars too. I was satisfied with the whole process and understand my family much better now.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-03
SCAM I Stayed Hopeful Far Too Long
December 31, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I have been waiting since Sept. 1st. I have gotten nothing except 3 times, in 3 weeks I was told my results would post within 24 hours. That was in November. I tried to call and once was disconnected and another time told to leave a number for a return call I didn’t receive. I asked for a refund and altho I ordered and paid for 2 tests, I received a refund for 1. I sent another message that guaranteed a response within 48 hours. 4 days later I am still without a response. Even if I were to receive any DNA information, I would not trust the results. My belief is this is either a scam or this lab is poorly managed. I suggest anyone interested in DNA testing find another provider.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-31
This is a SCAM!
December 30, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
This is a complete SCAM. I ordered this about April of 2017 and its about to be January 2018. I received an email from them only after asking them what the hold up was. They said my results were completed within 24 hours and to login in. When I logged in the results were blank. I logged into my phone and desktop and both results were blank. I emailed them back a screen shot saying that nothing was appearing. They sent me an email saying to reset my password and log in again. I did and now im back at the waiting for my results indicator. Its been waiting for a month and they are no longer responding to my emails. Its a Scam!!!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-30
December 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-27
It was fun to read about my ancestors
December 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Just received my results today and thought I should post a review. It was fun to read about my ancestors and how they arrived in Europe. I also liked learning I had some Asian blood, even if it’s only 2.3%. And I didn’t expect to receive my results that fast. Great product.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-27
Would not recommend
December 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
When ordering, I inadvertantly clicked on something I didn’t want and their website never gave me a final order confirmation page, where I could remove or add other requests. I received confirmation emails from their right away, and right away I replied on one of the orders to cancel and phoned them the next day, but had to leave a message. They DID NOT cancel my request, so now being charged for something I didn’t wants
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-23
I was really impressed by the detail
December 22, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I bought this DNA test on an impulse and received my test 3 days after I ordered it. It only took me a few minutes to do but it got me curious so I started reading everything I could find on line. Some of the reviews I read were quite bad and was a little worried. I ended up receiving my results less than 4 weeks after I sent my test to the lab. The email went to my spam folder but I check it every day so I found it. I was really impressed by the details of the reports I got on the personal page. It’s definitely good quality stuff. And I opted on them keeping my samples, so I can get more results later on.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-22
December 22, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I posted a review on 12/20/17 titled “THIS IS A SCAM”. To my surprise, 2 days later, the test kit arrived by USPS, 12 days after I ordered it online. That was a relief. However, everything in my earlier review regarding my experience of CRI Genetics holds true. The other reviews on this site reflect a consistent lack of customer service but a wide discrepancy in when or whether the kit, or results, are received. While I am relieved that my kit arrived,I remain skeptical about receiving results, based on so many other reviews. Nonetheless, I need to update my review to inform readers that the kit did in fact arrive after all. I am now working with my credit card company to track my return sample to insure that I receive my results. Hopefully, these will be returned within the 8 week time frame promised, and the results will be valid (though I will have no way of knowing without cross referencing with the kits from competitors).
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-22
Received my result around 3 weeks after I sent my kits back
December 21, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I am passionate about genealogy. I am a genealogy major and will graduate next year. For my personal research, I purchased almost every DNA kit available and I gotta say, CRI Genetics is my favorite.
First, it’s much more convenient to use a mouth swab instead of spitting in a tube. It’s faster, easier and cleaner. The website is easy to use, nicely designed and it uploads really fast. Some of the companies I used promise just a couple days before sending out the results, while CRI Genetics guarantees them under 8 weeks. At the end of the day, I received them all within the same delays, around 3 weeks after I sent my kits back. I much prefer being surprised by a fast response than wait for a delayed delivery.
Speaking of results, CRI Genetics’ reports are much more complete than any other I received. They didn’t tell me if I had the gene for the unibrow or blond hair, obviously I can see that in the mirror, but they did give me a lot of information on how my lineage evolved and my detailed ancestry. I double-checked the information and it was all accurate. No nonsense, just facts easy to understand. I’ll keep an eye on them to see what they’ll do in the future.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-21
I am sooooo excited! Only took 4 weeks to get my results.
December 21, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
My parents adopted me in Colombia when I was a few months old. They never knew where I was born or the exact day so we celebrate my adoption day instead of my birthday. They adopted my sister from the same orphanage 3 years later and received more information about her history. I’ve always felt a bit jealous of that.
When I was 15, I started researching my history with my mom. It was difficult and frustrating and we ended up nowhere. Last summer I turned 18 and my mom had an awesome gift for me. She had bought me an ancestry test! I did the test really fast and was so excited I could barely wait for the results… I must have been really lucky because I received them 19 days after I sent my kit back. Yes, I counted the days!
At first, I was a bit disappointed, cause it didn’t give me any relatives’ names. But then I realized I had enough people in my life. What I wanted to know was where I came from, my roots. And that was all there. I am 24.2% from Colombia, 29.5% from Peru and 31.6% from Mexico. What’s common in all of those is the Native American ancestry! I ordered a haplogroup report to know more details. I am sooooo excited!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-21
5 months and no results
December 21, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Ordered in first week of July. Didn’t receive DNA collection kit until Aug. 30. It is now Dec 21 and have not received an email or voice response to the handful of communications I have sent them. Initially my profile showed no progress until at about 3 months I called to see why there wasn’t any progress. All the sudden the DNA progress tracker showed it was at step 9 of 10. At this stage the website states 4-7 days for a completed analysis. It is approaching 30 days and no response to any further communications. The only email i get from CRI Genetics is an up selling email that usually comes shortly after I email them looking for information about my current report. Absolute garbage.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-21
December 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! I share the same experience as all others with negative reviews listed here and BBB. I was unable to get through by phone to make my order so did so online. At end of order process, I was informed that kit would be shipped within 2-3 days. I received no email confirmation for the order (standard for all online purchases) and when kit did not arrive, I was unabe to get through by phone. I was on hold for ~2 hours in ~15 minute increments over 3 days, their limit for remaining on hold before directing you to leave a message. I left a message, and also emailed them, but received no response. I finally got through by phone and it sounded like I was talking to someone in a foreign call center, which is fairly common nowadays. The person I spoke with apologized for the inability to get through, claiming a high volume of calls. I was told that the USPS had attempted delivery the day before at 7:50 pm (the USPS never delivers that late in the evening) and that a notice was left (no notice was delivered). I was given a supposed USPS tracking # for my package which I took to the post office. There I was told that while it looked like an official USPS tracking #, no such number existed in their system. Like one of the reviewers, I also took the recommendation of what I thought was an independent online reviewer of genetics testing kits (CRI Genetics was #1 and was #2) which I now also suspect CRI either wrote or hired a ghost writer to write. This kind of thievery really boils my pot! I am now in the process of reversing the charges through my credit card company but sadly my son will not be receiving a genetics kit for Christmas as hoped.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-20
No product or and no customer service
December 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Ordered kit for family member. Never received order confirmation or product. Tried multiple times to call, wait on hold, send an email, and leaving a message. Received no answer or response. Will reverse the charge on my account. Waste of time. Wondering if this is a legit business.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-20
Poor Service
December 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I order two kits but the billed me for three. Cannot reach anyone by phone, just told to leave a message but get no callback. Sent Email, no response. Will work with charge card company to get a refund.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-19
Don't order from this company
December 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Ordered 2 kits on December 8th. The website order status says “order Accepted” which apparently means we’ve got your money. Cannot reach anyone by phone (literally several hours on hold ), just told to leave a message, which i did, but get no callback. Sent Email, no response yet. Planning on asking the for a refund. Should have believed the reviews…
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-19
Are they overwhelmed or a scam?
December 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Submitted sample 2 months ago. Website dashboard “stuck” on “Received at Lab” for 5 weeks. After email inquiry dashboard indicated “Algorithic Report Generation” and email support responder told us to wait 1-3 days for results to begin appearing. 15 days later still “stuck” and an additional 2 emails have not been answered. Phone calls to support put you on hold for 15 minutes and then hang up. You would think that they would respond to emails and/or answer the phone. Scam? Plan to wait another week or so and then demand refund per their 8-week refund policy.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-19
Terrible service
December 17, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I sent my sample in early September and didn’t hear a word from them, not even an acknowledgement of receipt. I waited 3 months and sent an email which went unanswered. I finally got on my profile and found that my payment of $212 hadn’t been received – I have proof that it was – and that the tests hadn’t been done. I was put on hold for 20 minutes, then the young man said he’d check. Suddenly – voila! – all the tests had magically been done. I don’t trust them at all! They could send me anyone’s profile, just to make me happy. Terrible service. Use a different company!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-17
I found out I have Japanese ancestors!
December 14, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve always thought we were Italian. My last name is Morita, sounds Italian, right? Well, I just received my ancestry results from CRI Genetics and I am 34.8% Japanese, and only 2.7% Italian! That changes everything. I understand now why I’ve always been so intrigued with the culture… My fiancé is actually from Japan! I guess it was in my genes.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-14
December 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
DO NOT order from this company. On 11/25/17 I ordered and paid for 2DNA test kits to be given as Christmas gifts. After 3 weeks, 4 phone calls and 3 emails and a great deal of frustration and anxiety about my order, still no communication from CRI. Today I rec’d a call from CRI to inform me my test kits are being shipped, I expressed my concern in never getting a response from CRI to my many order follow up requests. The caller stated he was calling to tell me about shipping. CRI is currently advertising a significant discount on the DNA test kits, which I stated I should be given to me in compensation for the lack of communication and frustration it caused me. The caller stated “that discount is for new customers only” I requested to talk with a supervisor, where upon the call HUNG UP on me. BOO HISS! this organization should get NO stars
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-13
I am first generation American...
December 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I am first generation American. I arrived here with my parents 77 years ago. I was 4 years old. It was just at the beginning of the war, when we could still travel somewhat easily. We never talked about what happened then and why we moved away. My parents actually never talked about our life before, and I didn’t know anything apart that I was born in France.
I have 11 grand-kids and 8 great-grand-kids. Over the years, they’ve have asked me a lot of questions I couldn’t answer. I didn’t like not knowing where I come from. I’ve always thought it was important for a family to have roots.
My son bought me a CRI Genetics kit for my birthday last month. At first, I was a little worried. I wasn’t sure I’d know how to use it. I’m not so good with computers and it looked like I had to do everything on the website…
He helped me and we called the customer service. We spoke with a really nice young lady who explained me how to do the test. I was surprised to see how easy and painless it was. I barely felt a thing. She told us that I’d receive information on my mother lineage only, because I didn’t have a male chromosome. So my son offered to be tested too. The nice lady said it wouldn’t work as his male chromosome came from his dad, and not my father. She said that it’d work if I had a brother tested. I have a much younger half-brother. She said it was ok as long as we had the same father… We don’t talk often but my son decided to purchase a kit for him anyway. That lady was really helpful.
We sent my kit back and my son contacted my brother to ask him to do the same. I received my results on Monday and learned so much about my mother’s side of the family. We have ancestors going back to the first woman on Earth! Having some Middle-Eastern blood sure didn’t help during the war. That could be why they left… My brother said he’s sent his kit back to. If his results are as fast as mine, I’ll have them before Christmas. It will be a great present!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-13
I am overall really satisfied with CRI Genetics
December 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I ordered my kit on a Monday night and received it by that Friday. It was easy and fast to do and I received my results just 4 weeks later, when they advertise 8 weeks. I loved the haplogroups reports I received. The only reason I didn’t rank the results 5 stars is because I’d have wanted to have my Y-DNA haplogroup too but I have no direct living male relative so… I am overall really satisfied with CRI Genetics.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-13
Much faster than I expected!
December 9, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
My last name is Italian but my family’s been in the States so long we don’t even know if we are of Italian origins. I chose CRI Genetics because of the website. It was clear, simple and informative. I figured the test would be the same. And I was right. I received my kit just 4 days after I ordered it (over the weekend), and it was easy and painless to do. What surprised me the most is that I received my results less than 3 weeks later, much faster than I expected! I’d definitely recommend this company
Mike Abruzzese
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-09
No customer service
December 8, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I’ve been waiting over two weeks to receive their product. When I go and check the status of it, it show anything. Not even if it has been mailed. When I call, no one ever answers the phone, leave a message but no one calls back.
A total waste of money!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-08
What a pleasant surprise
December 8, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
just received my results this morning, very exciting, I waited the long 3 weeks to get my results and what do you know? – I’m mostly European, British, then a bit of Irish and Scottish, and finaly some itallian.
And out of no where 27% Japanese… Since I know my family line down fairly well, down to my grand parents, or i thought i did, and we are all british, perhaps one indian great grand dad, so this seemed like a crazy surprise… I called my Mom, I tell her about the results are that came in… She was quite..
Then she opens up and tells me my dad who passed away when I was young, must have not been my dad???
Turns out that while my mom was seeing my dad they weren’t exclusive… She worked at an army base and had another half Japanese boyfriend… And now she thinks he may have been my father!
At first this sounded confusing, and i was glad my mom could open up and share this with me, it may look like my real dad may still be alive… whats more… I’m part Japanese!!!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-08
Going on month #4 no results
December 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Took a month to received the kit after calling them. Sent it back 1 of September as of December 5 still no results they do not respond back to e-mails same old story every time you call them we will check on it. 6 to 8 weeks what a joke looks like I just wasted a lot of money.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-05
Got my results in 3 weeks, Great detail!
November 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I found the results very surprising, I’ve always thought I was mostly Scottish, turns out im actually British and partially Indian… i spoke to my mom about this and she mentioned that i had a great grand mother who was Indian and the great grand parents lived in Britain from my mothers side, while my parents came from Scotland so this makes a lot of sense.
my genetic report came in pretty fast as well, about 3 weeks since i maild in my dna kit back to them, and a total of 4 weeks.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-28
November 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Mailed sample in August. There web site status states that the lab has not received it yet.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-24
What a surprise! I’m from 30% Japan and 12% from Britain! Got my results in 3 weeks
November 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
My entire life Ive been told I look Chinese, but because I never knew my real parents I never knew the truth. About a month or so this topic came up again for the million time with my husband, and we decied to settle it once and for all with a dna test. I was looking online and found many websites saying cri genetics is the best test to find your backgroung, so we bought it. Swabbed my cheek and sent it back a little over 3 weeks ago, and just received my results and what a surprise! Turned out I am mostly Japanese! 12% British, and only 1.2% chinease… then a small percentage of other populations. Very excited about my results!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-05
Over 16 weeks with no communication
November 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I ordered and received 2 test kits. Although It took almost a month to get them I figured that was OK because they had stated some of their kits were back ordered. I registered the kits, did the swabs and mailed back 2 kits(2 people). It is now over 2 months later and my account shows the tests have yet to be received. I have left the 3 emails. 2 of the emails asking if my kit was in fact received and 1 asking about adding on a paternal test. I heard back quickly about making additional purchases but have heard nothing about whether my kits were received or not. I think this is a scam regardless of the reviews. I just want to know if the samples were both lost in the mail.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-02
Very Detailed, received faster then expected
October 31, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Just got my results, their ancestry report goes into really good detail, cri genetics showed me that im not only 67% asian like the report i did earlier this year they broke it down further by 23% china, southern han 9%, Dai in 3% and 11% beijing, then 20.2% Japan, and 23.8% vietnam.
they went further into showing my european background that did not even show up on the test, i learned i have british, spanish and even .02% finish genetics.
very detailed test.
I ordered the kit in the first week of october and received my results today oct 31, thats lets then 4 weeks, although i read they guarantee results in under 8 weeks.
very happy with their results, and was surprised to learn about my european genetics, i’ve always thought i was fully asian from china. Really glad i took their test.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-31
Love the detail! worth the wait!
October 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Finally got my results, took about 6 weeks give or take a few days, wish they would deliver the reports faster, and the wait is worth it because I love the amount of detail… I really wasn’t sure what to expect as I did not see an example of their genetics report, but when it became available I received an email and the detail still amazes me… I have done an ancestry report before which only broke my ancestry down to 4 main categories, and I thought you could tell that just by my first and last name… and comparing that to cri genetics it is miles ahead… I didn’t count the exact amount of regions they expanded my ancestral dna to although it looked like 20-30 regions, and then summed them up into 5 main regions where I could see the big picture… Mostly they told me I was 67% European, then part Asian and very little African and some others, after that each region expended into about 5-6 more… Like European broke out into british, italian , Spanish etc…. all with very specifc %… then each of those was clickable and more information appeared on the right side describing migration patterns, and a whole bunh more info… Very interesting… and love the overall report detail!
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-27
The customer representant called me back within hours!
October 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I received my results yesterday but couldn’t really understand them so I emailed the customer service. A few hours later, I recieved a phone call and talked to a CRI Genetics customer representant who took his time to explain me everything. I appreciated the call.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-27
took 4 weeks but the detail is incredible
October 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
just wanted to share my experience with cri genetics, it took a while to get the results about 4 weeks for me after I sent my swabs with dna to their lab. today I received an email that my results were ready and I could log in, and when I did, woah, there was a lot of detail, and I mean a lot. They indicated I was mostly from Europe 63%, then broke that down into 6 more regions all by , finish, british, Italy, Spain, then even further by other regions around the world, too many to list. What was impressive they even showed that I had 2 Peruvian dna!
over all fantastic detail, and worth the wait.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-27
A scam
October 26, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
I sent in my samples back in July/August, and here it is almost November 1st, and I have nothing back. Not only that, but when I call, they make excuses as to why their website is down, or why my sample is not done yet. In the beginning, I was getting really irritated, and now I think this may be a scam.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-26
Do Not use them
October 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis
Placed order on Sep 14, 2017 It is now Oct 13, and I never received a kit to do the testing. I made multiple phone calls to CRI most of which told me to leave a message. When I did get through I received multiple excuses why it hadn’t shipped and that it would be shipping the next day. Also was charged shipping expences and taxes for each kit when in fact only one kit was needed to do both tests.
CRI Genetics review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-12