At a Glance
I felt that the AncestryDNA test would be an excellent purchase for those looking to build an extensive family tree, or connect with their living relatives.
For those more interested in their ethnic mix or who want to learn more about their individual genetic makeup (i.e. Neanderthal traits, which genes they inherited from mom or dad, etc.), another test might be more engaging.
Although the terms and conditions made it clear that Ancestry’s subscription service is separate to Ancestry DNA, I think AncestryDNA promised a bit more than it delivered. Contrary to my expectations, I didn’t think the test really allowed me to discover distant relatives or uncover my unique family history, without paying for the subscription service.
For existing subscribers to Ancestry’s records-based service, or for genealogists who’ve built up at least four generations of their family tree, AncestryDNA is a must-buy test.
Full Review
Ancestry is best known for their genealogical records site, which launched in the US in 1996. Their autosomal AncestryDNA test launched in 2012, and can be integrated with their genealogical subscription service, which provides access to public records such as censuses, passenger lists, birth, marriage and death records, and more. By connecting your genetic results to your records-based findings, you can explore your family’s history, connect with DNA relatives, and build a family tree.
We’ve heard that no company combines the genetic and records-based approaches as well as Ancestry, so I couldn’t wait to try this test.
Product Expectations
From the AncestryDNA website, I learned that after ordering the test online they would sent me a saliva collection kit, which once returned would be analyzed within six to eight weeks.
From the information, I learned that their ancestry DNA test would estimate my origins using more than 350 worldwide regions. There was a link to see all regions, and it seemed that a great majority were European or European migrant populations in America, though there were also plenty of African-American populations, some Caribbean populations, and African and Asian populations (including Pacific regions). The populations outside of Europe and the USA were considerably broader. For instance, Europeans were broken into populations like “Lesser Poland” and “Donegal East” (in Ireland), while Africans were only broken down into national populations like “Nigeria” or “Mali”, or less specific: “Africa South-Central Hunter-Gatherers”.
This wasn’t bias on Ancestry’s part. The accuracy of population breakdowns reflects the mix of people in the database. Since the majority of people who have taken the Ancestry DNA test so far are European or African-American, these populations have better representation that others.
I saw that once I’d taken the test, I would be matched with my relatives in their database (I’d probably find a few – since their database contained more than 10 million people!). Since I wasn’t planning on paying for their genealogy subscription, I wasn’t sure how many of these I’d be able to see, and what information we’d be able to share with each other.
An FAQ section on their site covered questions such as ‘What will my results tell me?’ and ‘How accurate is the test?’, and I was impressed with the level of detail that this section went into. The first question covered privacy, and I read that AncestryDNA used standard security practices to store my data, and that my DNA sample and results would be stored without my name or any identifying information. I could download my raw data, and request for my DNA results to be deleted, and for my saliva sample to be destroyed. They emphasized that I owned my DNA data, and they would not share my name or any identifying information linked to my DNA data with third parties without my consent. But this still implied that they would share my DNA data.
Despite carefully going through the site, I have to say that it wasn’t clear to me how much information I’d receive about my genetically matched relatives, and what the limitations would be if I chose not to pay for the subscription service.
Ordering Experience
Ordering from the AncestryDNA website was very simple. An asterisk alongside the price on the homepage indicated that shipping costs were excluded, but when I came to order, I was surprised to see that I had to submit my payment details before seeing the full cost. (At the time, it was an extra $9.95 for shipping, which I thought was reasonable, as this also included the cost of returning my samples.
I received the kit four working days after the order was put through. The collection tube and instructions were professionally packaged, and I got a real sense of excitement about taking the test. The instructions were easy to follow, and I was able to fill the collection tube without any problems.
A box to return the sample had also been provided, and it was good to see that the return postage had been paid. One week after dispatching my sample I received email confirmation that it had been received, and that I could expect my results in 6-8 weeks.
Friendly warnings on the kit advised that I must register online before dispatching my DNA sample back to Ancestry.
During the online registration process, I was asked to participate in a research project that “preserves and analyzes genealogical pedigrees, historical records, surveys, family health data, medical and health records, and genetic information”. This would be used to better understand human evolution and migration, population genetics, and population health issues, all of which seemed like worthy causes. However, as I was planning to create a family tree using Ancestry’s free online tool, I decided not to participate – I didn’t want Ancestry to associate my genetic data to any of my family’s publicly available health data, whatever that might be!
The next part of the online registration process was to agree to the terms and conditions. The first thing I noticed was that several lengthy documents made up the agreement, so I was disappointed that I’d have to hunt through the site for other documents, just so I knew what I was agreeing to!
It seemed that since I hadn’t agree to participate in the research project, my DNA data would not be shared with third party researchers, though after scrolling through their policies I still wasn’t 100% sure this was the case.
Still, they said that any data derived from my DNA would continue to belong to me, and it was comforting to see that at any time, I could go into my online account and delete my data from the Ancestry website, or request that my saliva sample be destroyed.
The Results
Four weeks after the lab acknowledged receipt of my sample, I received an email to say that my results were ready – this was two weeks sooner that I was expecting.
My results were split into three sections: ‘DNA Story’ (which contained my ‘Ethnicity Estimate’), ‘DNA matches’ and ‘DNA Circles’.
Results Section: DNA Story and Ethnicity Estimate
This section revealed that I was 99% European (no surprise) and less than 1% Middle Eastern. My European ethnicity was broken down into Ireland/Scotland/Wales (36%), Western European (28%), British (20%), and Scandinavian (7%). 8% of my European ethnicity was attributed to ‘Low Confidence Regions’ such as Finland/Northwest Russia and the Iberian Peninsula (which included Spain, Portugal, and the northwest tip of Africa).

A map showing the regions included in my ethnicity estimate.
My Ethnicity Estimate map was interactive, and clicking on the different populations zoomed in on the region to offer more information about it.
As you can see, my Irish/Scottish/Welsh estimate was further broken down into ‘Munster, Ireland’. Clicking this refocused the map on Southern Ireland (quite a large area encompassing Galway, Dublin and Cork), and gave an overview of the region. Apparently, more than 1000 of my DNA matches were also linked to this region!
The results weren’t quite what I expected, but definitely correlated to what I’ve learned about my genetic ancestry from other tests. My paternal grandmother is Irish, so this part of my ancestry is no surprise, but I had no idea that my DNA would link me more deeply to Ireland than to any other region.
In terms of my Scandinavian DNA, I already knew that my paternal line (father’s father’s father etc.) is Scandinavian, and that my Y chromosome can be traced to Scandinavian populations in the last few thousand years, so it was great to see this reflected in the results.
By clicking on each of the regions that contribute to my ethnic mix, I was shown a “Range” for that result: a percentage range showing my minimum possible ancestry and maximum possible ancestry for that region. The corresponding location was then highlighted on the map, and information about the region’s genetic diversity and population history was provided. This is what was shown after clicking on ‘Europe West’:

My Western European result with confidence range, overview and countries included in the region.
At first, I was surprised that the confidence range for my Western European result was so broad. I was told my ethnicity was approximately 28% Western European, but the margin for error meant that it could really be anywhere between 0% and 57%!
By clicking “Read more”, I could view an information page detailing the history of the region, which was pretty comprehensive. I learned that because the region hasn’t experienced long-term isolation, the ethnic mix of Western European natives is pretty varied, which I thought explained why the confidence range for my Western European result was so broad.
Back on the main ethnicity map, I could view the migrations of the populations I belonged to overtime (shown below).

My Ethnicity Estimate map showing migratory routes.
It was a shame that the migratory routes didn't seem to relate directly to my personal ancestry (my ancestors stayed in Britain and Ireland, after all!), but it was interesting to see how the populations changed during the different time periods. It also helped me to further understand why our ethnicities are so mixed and why it’s sometimes difficult to attribute DNA to a very specific region.
As well as the routes, it also highlighted people in my family tree that were associated with each time period and provided ‘Historical Insights’, which were notable events that took place during that time.
Results Section: Genetic Communities
As you can see from my Ethnicity Estimate map, my results for Ireland/Scotland/Wales and Great Britain had been further broken down into Munster, Ireland and Southern England.
These, I discovered from the information, were Genetic Communities, which I read are groups of AncestryDNA members that share common ancestry and therefore are likely to have ancestors that lived in the same geographic populations.
My connection to Munster was rated as ‘Possible’, while my Southern English connection was ‘Very Likely’. I could click on both to find out more information about them, and follow the “Learn More” link from the ‘i’ button to discover more about Genetic Communities.
I clicked to see further information about the Southern English community and was able to see the exact area of the country that was included in it, which stretched across Southern England from Norwich to the tip of Cornwall (shown below).

My Genetic Community in Southern England.
Overall, this section was really interesting. It provided me with an alternative and more detailed insight into my ancestry, with interactive features that made it easy to explore.
Results Section: DNA Matches
In the DNA Matches section, I was shown the living relatives whom I have a genetic connection to: the top of the first page of results is shown below. I learned that of that out of all the people on the Ancestry database, I had 166 4th cousins or closer (though I later found out that I only had two 3rd to 4th cousins, and the rest were 4th to 6th), along with many more distant cousins.

My top two 3rd to 4th cousins.
For each relative I was able to view their profile, see when they last used their Ancestry account, and send them a message. I could also see their ethnic mix, matches I shared with them and the number of people they had in their family tree (provided they’d built it with or imported it to their account).
For people wanting to find relatives or research their family tree, it was very useful to be able to view this information at a glance, since a relative who has logged on recently and built up their family tree is probably much more likely to respond to messages than someone who maybe looked at their Ancestry DNA results and then never logged on again.
I could also filter my DNA Matches by region (which for me were Southern English and Munster Irish). I could flag them with a star, or make notes about them (which could be useful if I was speculating about their place in my family tree).
Viewing my relatives’ ethnicities was interesting, but I could only see the ethnicities that contributed to their make-up, not the percentages they possessed or the parts of their DNA that I share with them.
Unfortunately, even though many of my living relatives had public family trees, I wasn’t able to view them unless I paid the subscription fee for Ancestry’s records-based service.
Overall, I felt the DNA Matches section was useful, and I was glad that I had the ability to contact my matches. However, as the degree to which I was matched with most relatives was vague (e.g. 4th to 6th cousin), I doubted we’d be able to identify the ancestors we shared if I got in touch, unless they had already done considerable research!
Results Section: DNA Circles
The third component of AncestryDNA’s results was DNA Circles, which claimed to help me discover other living relatives among Ancestry members, even if those members hadn’t taken the DNA test.
I read that the tool would identify my living relatives according to the direct-line ancestors I shared with them, by using family tree information from the members I’d been genetically matched to. I thought this sounded intriguing, but was disappointed to see that Ancestry hadn’t yet added me to any DNA circles, as not enough of my relatives had been tested.
Results Section: Family Tree
It seemed clear that to get more from my genetic results, I should build a family tree using Ancestry’s free online tool. I was interested to see if the living relatives I’d been matched with according to my DNA could be placed on my tree…
I added three generations of family to my tree, and although the tool indicated there were public records that could be used to corroborate it, I wasn’t able to access these without subscribing to the records-based service.
I was then given the option to link my family tree to my genetic results, which I was told would allow me to see ‘Shared ancestor hints’ in the DNA Matches section. This was potentially very exciting as I might be able to connect my tree to others, and trace my broader ancestry. Unfortunately, my three-generation family tree wasn’t big enough, and so no shared ancestor hints were made available after I selected this option.
Given I was unable to access my genetic relatives’ public family trees without paying extra, I didn’t see how I could identify the ancestors I shared with my living relatives, or discern my exact relationship to them. That said, if I’d known more about my family and had built a bigger tree, I’m sure Ancestry would have provided the necessary hints for me to start making these connections.
I felt that the AncestryDNA test would be an excellent purchase for those looking to build an extensive family tree, or connect with their living relatives.
For those more interested in their ethnic mix or who want to learn more about their individual genetic makeup (i.e. Neanderthal traits, which genes they inherited from mom or dad, etc.), another test might be more engaging.
Although the terms and conditions made it clear that Ancestry’s subscription service is separate to Ancestry DNA, I think AncestryDNA promised a bit more than it delivered. Contrary to my expectations, I didn’t think the test really allowed me to discover distant relatives or uncover my unique family history, without paying for the subscription service.
For existing subscribers to Ancestry’s records-based service, or for genealogists who’ve built up at least four generations of their family tree, AncestryDNA is a must-buy test.
Please note that we were invited to take this test free of charge.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- The Results
- Results Section: DNA Story and Ethnicity Estimate
- Results Section: Genetic Communities
- Results Section: DNA Matches
- Results Section: DNA Circles
- Results Section: Family Tree
- Summary
At a Glance
All in all, I felt that the AncestryDNA test would be an excellent purchase for those looking to build an extensive family tree. However, for those more interested in their personal ancestry, I’d suggest that other similarly priced tests are more engaging.
Although the terms and conditions made it clear that Ancestry’s subscription service is separate to Ancestry DNA, I think Ancestry promised a bit more than they delivered. Counter to my expectations, I didn’t think the test truly allowed me to discover my distant relatives or uncover my unique family history.
For existing subscribers to Ancestry’s records-based service, or for genealogists who’ve built at least four generations of their family tree, AncestryDNA is a must-buy test.
Full Review
Ancestry have been offering their AncestryDNA test in the US and UK for many years and now sell it in several other countries as well. The company is best known for its subscription service which allows customers to explore their family history and build family trees using a non-genetic, records-based approach. You pay a monthly fee for access to public records such as censuses, birth records, marriage records, death records, passenger lists and more. This makes AncestryDNA all the more appealing, because you can connect your genetic results to your records-based findings for the best of both worlds.
We’ve heard that no company combines the genetic and records-based approaches as well as Ancestry, so I couldn’t wait to try this test.
Product Expectations
Before ordering, I learned that AncestryDNA would help me uncover my ethnic mix, discover distant relatives, and find details about my unique family history.
An FAQ section on their site covered questions such as ‘What will my results tell me?’ and ‘How accurate is the test?’ – I was impressed with the level of detail that this section went into. Ancestry said their test would “identify potential DNA matches and link me to others who’ve taken the AncestryDNA test”. However, they later said that the test would help connect me with distant relatives when I used the results in combination with their subscription service, which seemed slightly contradictory.
Despite carefully going through the site, I have to say that it wasn’t clear to me how much information I’d receive about my genetically matched relatives, and what the limitations would be if I chose not to pay for the subscription service.
Ordering Experience
Using the AncestryDNA website was very simple. An asterisk alongside the price on the homepage indicated that shipping costs were excluded, but when I came to order, I was surprised to see that I had to submit my payment details before seeing the full cost. It turned out to be an extra £20 ($9.95) for shipping which I thought was a bit steep/was reasonable, especially as 23andMe include shipping in the cost of their test/as this also included the cost of returning my samples.
I received the kit four working days after the order was put through. The collection tube and instructions were professionally packaged and I got a real sense of excitement about taking the test. The instructions were easy to follow and I was able to fill the collection tube without any problems.
A box to return the sample had also been provided and it was good to see that the return postage had been paid. One week after dispatching my sample I received email confirmation that it had been received, and that I could expect my results in 6-8 weeks.
Online Registration
Friendly warnings on the kit advised that I must register online before dispatching my sample back to Ancestry.
During the online registration process I was asked to participate in a research project that “preserves and analyses genealogical pedigrees, historical records, surveys, family health data, medical and health records, and genetic information”. This would be used to better understand human evolution and migration, population genetics, and population health issues, all of which seemed like worthy causes. However, as I was planning to create a family tree using Ancestry’s free online tool, I decided not to participate – I didn’t want Ancestry to associate my genetic data to any of my family’s publicly available health data, whatever that might be!
The next part of the online registration process was to agree to the terms and conditions. The first thing I noticed was that several lengthy documents made up the agreement, so I was disappointed that I’d have to hunt through the site for other documents, just so I knew what I was agreeing to!
I read that Ancestry would anonymize my genetic data and use it to make discoveries in the study of genealogy, anthropology, genetics, evolution, languages, cultures, medicine, and other topics. This was confusing as I’d already chosen not to participate in their research project, but it seemed my genetic data would be used for research anyway!?
The terms and conditions went on to say that any data derived from my DNA would continue to belong to me, and it was comforting to see that at any time, I could go into my online account and delete my data from the Ancestry website. However, I later read that Ancestry would own the rights to any commercial products developed which “may relate to my DNA”, and I didn’t understand how this could be possible if I still owned my data.
All in all, I was left feeling a bit dismayed by the contradictions in Ancestry’s terms and conditions.
The Results
Four weeks after the lab acknowledged receipt of my sample, I received an email to say that my results were ready – this was two weeks sooner that I was expecting.
Upon logging in to see my results I was shown a two minute video which was excellent. It touched on the genetic analysis used and explained that they’d looked at 700,000 markers in my DNA. It also went through the ethnicity percentage estimates they make, and talked about the high levels of human migration we’ve had in the past thousand years.
My results were split into three sections: ‘Genetic Ancestry’ (which contained ‘Ethnicity Estimate’ and ‘Genetic Communities’) ‘DNA matches’ and ‘DNA Circles’.
Results Section: Ethnicity Estimate
This section revealed that I was 99% European (no surprise) and less than 1% West Asian. My European ethnicity was broken down into Irish (36%), West European (28%), British (20%), and Scandinavian (7%). 8% of my European ethnicity was attributed to ‘trace regions’ such as Finland and Greece.

The four major European regions that contribute to my ethnic mix.
The results weren’t quite what I expected, but definitely correlate to what I’ve learned about my genetic ancestry from other tests. My paternal grandmother is Irish so this part of my ancestry is no surprise, but I had no idea that my DNA would link me more deeply to Ireland than to any other region. In terms of my Scandinavian DNA, I already knew that my paternal line (father’s father’s father etc.) is Scandinavian, and that my Y chromosome can be traced to Scandinavian populations in the last few thousand years, so it was great to see this reflected in the results.
By clicking on each of the four European regions that contribute to my ethnic mix, I was shown a confidence interval for that result. The corresponding location was then highlighted on the map, and information about the region’s genetic diversity and population history was provided. This is what was shown after clicking on Western Europe:

My Western European result with confidence interval, location and countries included in the region.
At first I was surprised that the confidence interval for my Western European result was so broad. I was told my ethnicity was approximately 28% Western European, but the margin for error meant that it could really be anywhere between 0% and 57%!
I could see that a typical Western European native would also have a broad confidence interval, but even factoring for error, their ethnic mix would be at least 15% Western European. All in all, my Western European result seemed quite meaningless.
The confidence intervals for my British and Scandinavian results were just as broad, but I was pleased to see that the margin for error was much smaller for my Irish result.
The section went on to show the other ethnicities that are commonly associated to native Western Europeans:

Other ethnicities commonly associated to native Western Europeans.
It was interesting to see that the second most common ethnicity associated to Western Europeans was British, but I was surprised to read that just 416 people had been used to produce this graph. This seemed like a small sample size given I’d read that more than 4 million people have taken the AncestryDNA test so far!
The remaining Western European info was very well put together… I learned that because the region hasn’t experienced long-term isolation, the ethnic mix of Western European natives varies greatly. This explains why the confidence interval for my Western European result was so broad.
All the info was light, easy to read, and interspersed with pictures that helped explain the history of the region. For me, the volume of info in each regional section was perfect – just enough to give me a feel for the life and times of my ancestors, but not too much that I felt overwhelmed.
Please note that I’ve only covered the Western European section in this review, and that there were equivalent sections for the other regions that contribute to my ethnic mix, even for those contributing less than 1%.
Results Section: Genetic Communities
The second part of the Genetic Ancestry section was a relatively new addition to the service. I had been assigned to specific Genetic Communities, which I read are groups of AncestryDNA members that share common ancestry and therefore are likely to have ancestors that lived in the same geographic populations.
I had been added to two Genetic Communities, Southern English and Munster Irish. My connections to these were rated as ‘Very Likely’ and ‘Possible’ and I could click on both to find out more information about them.
I clicked to see further information about the Southern English community and was able to see the exact area of the country that was included in it. I could also tell how big different populations that lived within this region were, by the size of several orange spots that covered it.
A part of this feature that I found particularly interesting was the fact that when I clicked to see information about each time period, I was shown the range of migration routes that were common during that time. An example is shown below:

Common migratory routes between 1850 and 1900.
It was a shame that this didn't seem to relate directly to my personal ancestry, but it was interesting to see how the populations changed during the different time periods. It also helped me to further understand why our ethnicities are so mixed and why it’s sometimes difficult to attribute DNA to a very specific region.
As well as the routes, it also highlighted people in my family tree that were associated with each time period and provided ‘Historical Insights’, which were notable events that took place during that time.
Overall, this section was really interesting. It provided me with an alternative and more detailed insight into my ancestry, with interactive features that made it easy to explore.
Results Section: DNA Matches
In the DNA Matches section I was shown the living relatives whom I have a genetic connection to – the top of the first page of results is shown below. I learned that of that out of all the people on the Ancestry database, I had 74 4th cousins or closer (though I later found out that I only had two 3rd to 4th cousins), and many more distant cousins.

My top two 3rd to 4th cousins.
For each relative I was able to view their profile, see when they last used their Ancestry account, and send them a message. I could also see their ethnic mix, matches I shared with them and how many people were in their family tree (provided they’d built it with or imported it to their account).
Viewing my relatives’ ethnicity was interesting, but I could only see the ethnicities that contributed to their make-up, not the percentages they possessed or the parts of my DNA that I share with them.
Unfortunately, even though most of my living relatives had public family trees, I wasn’t able to view them unless I paid the subscription fee for Ancestry’s records-based service. However, I was able to sort my matches by those that were present in either of my Genetic Communities.
Overall, I felt the DNA Matches section was useful, and I was glad that I had the ability to contact my matches. However, as the degree to which I was matched with most relatives was vague (e.g. 4th to 6th cousin), I doubted we’d be able to identify the ancestors we shared if I got in touch.
Results Section: DNA Circles
The third component of AncestryDNA’s results was DNA Circles, which claimed to help me discover other living relatives, even if those members hadn’t taken the DNA test.
I read that the tool would identify my living relatives according to the direct-line ancestors I shared with them, by using family tree information from the members I’d been genetically matched to. I thought this sounded intriguing but was disappointed to see that Ancestry hadn’t yet added me to any DNA circles, as not enough people had been tested.
Results Section: Family Tree
It seemed clear that to get more from my genetic results, I should build a family tree using Ancestry’s free online tool. I was interested to see if the living relatives I’d been matched with according to my DNA could be placed on my tree…
I added three generations of family to my tree, and although the tool indicated there were public records that could be used to corroborate it, I wasn’t able to access these without subscribing to the records-based service.
I was then given the option to link my family tree to my genetic results, which I was told would allow me to see ‘Shared ancestor hints’ in the DNA Matches section. This was potentially very exciting as I might be able to connect my tree to others, and trace my broader ancestry. Unfortunately, my three generation family tree wasn’t big enough, and so no shared ancestor hints were made available after I selected this option.
Given I was unable to access my genetic relatives’ public family trees without paying extra, I didn’t see how I could identify the ancestors I shared with my living relatives, or discern my exact relationship to them. That said, if I’d known more about my family and had built a bigger tree, I’m sure Ancestry would have provided the necessary hints for me to start making these connections.
All in all, I felt that the AncestryDNA test would be an excellent purchase for those looking to build an extensive family tree. However, for those more interested in their personal ancestry, I’d suggest that other similarly priced tests are more engaging.
Although the terms and conditions made it clear that Ancestry’s subscription service is separate to Ancestry DNA, I think Ancestry promised a bit more than they delivered. Counter to my expectations, I didn’t think the test truly allowed me to discover my distant relatives or uncover my unique family history.
For existing subscribers to Ancestry’s records-based service, or for genealogists who’ve built at least four generations of their family tree, AncestryDNA is a must-buy test.
Please note that we were invited to take this test free of charge.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- Online Registration
- The Results
- Results Section: Ethnicity Estimate
- Results Section: Genetic Communities
- Results Section: DNA Matches
- Results Section: DNA Circles
- Results Section: Family Tree
- Summary
Fantastic tool
January 31, 2020
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This tool is very, very helpful for helping you to visualize how your ancestors came together to form you. It can help you pinpoint your ancestors and reach out to them. Additional tools are provided to help you build your family tree. It is also a lot of fun!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-31
AncestryDNA Review
July 30, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Thanks for excellent customer service team!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-30
AncestryDNA Review
July 29, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I called the other day to ask about the cousin I was matching with and they actually answered my question on the stop. The customer service rep was very polite and helpful.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-29
AncestryDNA Review
July 29, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Just by comparing the results with 23andMe (which seemed as if they were from 2 different people) I can tell that Ancestry DNA has the superior science – it reflects the ethnicity and origin of my parents and grandparents perfectly. 23andMe clearly don’t know what they’re doing. Ancestry DNA is an older, more popular company so it makes sense that their science is more robust and that they’re more accurate, especially because the results are more similar to what I was told.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-29
AncestryDNA Review
July 26, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am shocked that all it takes is a tiny bit of saliva to kick-start my family tree! Our genealogy research stalled some years back but adding my DNA to the mix in my ancestry dna account has made a huge difference. All of a sudden, dozens of shivering leaves have been added to my family and it’s helped me add several sets of census data, which in turn has helped me source my origins back to the 1600s. The format of the reporting works, it’s clear and easy to understand. I’d say it was cheap for such detailed information.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-26
AncestryDNA Review
July 24, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My ethnicity results were amazing because my own very unique African American and Native American ethnicity showed up clearly. My friends told me to do 23andme but I’ve seen their interface and I’m not going to bother. have the largest database size and the accuracy of what I’m seeing must be down to this.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-24
AncestryDNA Review
July 23, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Excellent all round, made a great gift for my Dad, and when he got the results two weeks later, it was like another gift!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-23
DNA test review
June 21, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Pretty good, I got kits for the whole family and now the results are in, we all connect to each other on our family tree nicely. The kids think it’s cool but aren’t as intrigued as we are (they’re teenagers). Glad we did this, just got one subscription for myself for birth, death records etc.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-21
All good
June 21, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Really excellent value. Compared to My Heritage and 23 and Me, DNA is easy to use, easy to understand (much more important!), and I’ve found twice as many matches. The family tree tool is also better than the others I’ve seen. Slight delay in kit delivery compare to what I was expecting, so watch out for that. I took time to go through the terms too and it’s all pretty fair – they’ll use your anonymous data for a few things so if that’s a trigger for you, you probably shouldn’t buy it. I highly recommend – watch out for special offers during holidays, they seem to majorly reduce the price at these times.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-21
June 14, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I decided to give it a try and it provided unprecedented information about my genetic ancestry. It showed the percentage of my genome that I shared with populations from around the world. All the tools are really useful./p>
Interactive maps are outstanding! These are definitely the best maps I’ve seen from a genetic testing company.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-14
Very good
June 12, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I think this is a good service. I think the language is very scientific and can be off-putting. I’m used to reading scientific papers so it wasn’t a problem for me. I think it may be made easier for the layman.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-12
Happy girlfiend
June 7, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Sat on my girlfriend’s shelf for two weeks but when she finally took it and got her results back, she agreed I’d got her a good gift (phew). She has greater Mediterranean and Middle Eastern ancestry than expected (two of her grandparents are British) and lesser Norwegian/Swedish ancestry than expected (the other two!). I’m awaiting my own results. I can confirm that makes a good gift.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-07
AncestryDNA Review
May 9, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
If you have questions, they answer on email. Don’t try to call them! I’ve had my subscription for two months and I’ve contacted two relatives – now I have their email addresses, I plan to cancel my subscription.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-09
Great but I want more!
April 30, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Bought for the ethnic breakdown, if are reading this – links to the research supporting each ethnicity % would make the breakdown more interesting.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-30
AncestryDNA Review
April 21, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My sample was ‘lost in the mail’. Ancestry sent me a new kit so they deserve a mention for that. The results raise a number of questions about my parents so I look forward to harassing them for answers…
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-21
AncestryDNA Review
April 15, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ordered four kits for our family – astounding educational tool for our two girls. No regrets and a fascinating learning experience. My wife (who claimed she has Spanish roots) has been vindicated!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-15
Ridiculus Test
April 10, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
They haven’t sent any results yet, still testing DNA. Been reading the reviews and can’t find anywhere where genes are evaluated for disease. That’s the main purpose I took this test. I may be jumping the gun, or misinformed, but no one has responded to my help request yet. It looks as though the company wrote the summary and I haven’t seen any data points or info regarding any healthful benefits or alerts. Just saw a video on 123 and me and it looks as though that’s included but I can’t say for sure, but what I see here , or don’t see here, it isn’t. I don’t usually write reviews on a product this soon, but truly disappointed already. A lot of family members died already, and looking for answers, but this doesn’t appear to be any help. This seems more like a facebook app for lonely people. Make sure before you buy that your getting the test you want, I just assumed. (If somebody finally contacts me, I’ll know for sure and amend this review). If necessary.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-10
Not for Japanese/Asians
March 17, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve bought different tests for different relatives for well over a decade. I had my Okinawan mother and multi racial adopted daughter’s done with DNA tribes . Resulting in fascinating in-depth breakdowns of MANY different Asian and world cultures. I did my Japanese father’s with Ancestry, came back “100% Asian”. How do you think this would be rated if results came back as “100% Caucasian” ?!? A warning that they have an insignificant amount of genetic markers for different Asian cultures in their data base so useless to use unless looking for living or recently living relatives a COMPLETE waste of money!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-17
These guys are #1 for a reason
March 16, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Took 23andme last year, took a Famly Tree test like years ago!! I think i finally got it right when i took’s test. 7 cousins to follow up with, the ethnic breakdown is beautiful – was delighted to share it with the rest of my tribe!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-16
AncestryDNA Review
March 12, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Interesting. Good for a basic result of your background and confirmed some things for me
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-12
Ancestry doesn't refund for late shipping and their rude about it
January 10, 2019
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I paid for expedited shipping for a DNA kit so it would arrive by Christmas. Instead, the 2-3 day shipping turned into six days and the kit wasn’t there for Christmas. I politely asked that I get the additional cost of the rush shipping back and was told I’d receive an email within 7-10 days notifying me whether a refund would be forthcoming. Two weeks later I called and a customer service rep acted like I was crazy and stated that Ancestory does not return shipping money for any reason. I stated that I’d like to return the kit and was told that I’d have to pay for shipping and a $25 penalty. So, it would cost be $35 to get $59 back. She then hung up on me. What a great customer service experience…NOT!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-10
Punitive policies/condescending customer service
December 28, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I purchased a DNA test kit for a gift. One day later the kit was on sale. I requested a credit for the difference, but received a condescending email that I would not receive a credit and if I chose to return the kit, I would incur a $25 return fee. As a repeat customer, my request was reasonable, and their response was unnecessarily punitive.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-28
Really easy to use
November 27, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Sharing your DNA data is as easy as sharing your family tree, makes it super simple to work out how you’re related to a match
Very glad I invested, I highly recommend
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-27
Satisfied customer
November 22, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve taken a lot of sh*t over the years about my Scottish heritage but now I’ve got the scientific results to prove it. Satisfied customer
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-22
Complete revelation about Spanish roots
November 18, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My family and our family tree (of the last three generations) show mostly Scottish ancestry but the Ancestry DNA results came back to show I have just under 30% Iberian ethnicity! I double checked the results with support and got a prompt explanation of the reference groups used to match my DNA to Spanish populations – very impressed with the speed and attention to detail. I have purchased a subscription to start matching birth/death certificates against my family tree in an effort to get to the bottom of my Spanish roots.
All round an enjoyable and surprising experience, absolutely worth the price
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-18
November 11, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My son has encouraged me to post a comment about Quite simply, I am dazzled by my ethnicity map – a wonderful depiction of the races inside me, it has given me a great deal to think and talk about. I emailed a question to about my matches and they answered me straight away which I was not expecting. My heartfelt thanks to the team for their invention. The detail in my DNA has brought me much joy and reawakened my past.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-11
South East Asians : Don't use AncestryDNA
November 7, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My wife and I ordered DNA test with AncestryDNA. Our results showed that we are 58% SE Asian and 42% Central India. It is like saying, 58% North America and 42% Texas. I understand that they do not have enough data for SE Asians. So while they are building their database then they should offer a highly discounted service, say $9.99.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-07
Really pleased
November 1, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I took the Ancestry D.N.A. test, I never had a name for my father, I just knew he was a Canadian soldier, I got a 1st cousin match and a 3rd cousin plus about 150 other matches, I found who my father was, and ancestors back to around 1800, I now have photos of my father, grandfather, grandmother, half brothers, cousins and aunties and uncles, plus a lot of family antedotes, I was born in England, but the Canadian family members have been very helpful and interested. I don’t how rare these results are, but I was really pleased.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-01
AncestryDNA Review
October 24, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The results came quickly in thoroughly.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-24
AncestryDNA Review
October 17, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Waiting for the outcome of my call, but altogether pleased with the explanation and very well impressed with the service representatives I dealt with.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-17
Total waster of money.
October 2, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I just received my “update” to my AncestryDNA results.
The swamped 9% Western Europe and 1% Scandinavian and replaced it with 10% European Jewish.
Hum, AncestryDNA morphed Western European and Northern Euro ancestry into European Jewish…
Very interesting, indeed….
BTW, there are several distinct Jewish populations in Europe and lumping them all together is fraudulent, also…
So overnight the just gave me what amounts to nearly a new Jewish great-grandparent.
I’m sure if I didn’t cancel my membership, by next update they would give me an Armenian grandparent or something.
Don’t waste your money on this pseudoscience.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-02
Bought for my daughters and I
September 30, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve had an ancestry subscription for three years now but a while ago ancestry had a sale on and I couldn’t resist getting this for myself and my daughters. It’s been fascinating, educational, and really helped me connect my daughters to their past (they’re of mixed ethnicity).
I’m very happy with the dna part of ancestry’s service, their matching section and their family tree builder. Actual results delivery was a week overdue but that didnt bother me that much.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-30
AncestryDNA Review
September 18, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Was not impressed. Not much info. Nothing i didnt know, What they do give is very vague, and they just want more and more money to do more tests, and give you more of your info. I think its a ripoff. I’m glad it was a guift, I would not spent half the money on it. Thank you for your time, R. Williams iii
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-18
September 3, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I clicked on a 23 and Me link, and was brought to an Ancestry ordering page? My fault did not notice, once I realized right after I clicked ‘pay’ – I called to cancel this subscription. They charged me 25.00 cancel FEE! for 20seconds of an honest mistake, not a company I would refer nor think to do business with.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-03
AncestryDNA Review
August 31, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Disappointed, either my father was not my father or test was very wrong. He was English, Scottish, and Irish, none of those any where on my heritage list. Not spending any more on any other test. Don’t believe they are accurate,
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-31
AncestryDNA Review
August 10, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Do Not Bother I have waited 6 month with no results
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-10
forced to participate in Research - cannot opt out
August 7, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I purchased the Ancestry DNA kits for my parents.
Since they are the last alive in both their families…wanted to see what the family DNA and heritage looked like.
Mothers kit was done 1st…does not match at all origin data gathered during family genealogy work.
Registering my Father to activate his kit….took time to read the Informed Consent, which ended up being over 30 pages long, if you read each option. The Informed Consent form clearly states in paragraph #2, that consent is voluntary and not required of a person to participate in research to have DNA tested. Yet the only option you are given is to consent, in multiple different places and times or not activate the kit that was purchased. No refund of money spent on kit.
This is about as dishonest as it can be. Forced to participate in research with your DNA, no way to opt out of it. Even though several places on the website say you can opt out. I would love to give Ancestory DNA a 1/4 star, however that is not an option either. So I give them no stars as a review…..will be interesting to see if they post my review??
Can’t even complete this review without assigning at lease 1 star… again forced to do something that I don’t agree with.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-07
Beyond vague - just plain wrong
July 29, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
As the daughter of a man 3/4 Native American and a woman of unknown heritage, I was interested in his tribe(tribes) and her lineage. Got neither – just some value suggestion of being from British Isles and ancestors migrating to Virginia. Welcome to a 7th grade American History class. This was a total rip off and an opportunity to ask for more money. Giving 1 star because site won’t publish with 0
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-29
AncestryDNA Review
July 19, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Many, many months ago I sent in my DNA sample. They said because of the large number of participants it would take six to eight weeks to get results. The eight weeks has been up and still nothing from this company. Anyone else have this problem?
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-19
Terrible Customer Service
June 14, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I received my test with results that could not have been correct. The percentage of one nationality was 50% more than the results my sister, my daughter, and other family members. When I called the first time I was told someone would contact me by email but it would take a little time. Six weeks later I called again and was told no one would contact me at all, and the person I talked to was the most officious, argumentative agent I have ever encountered. She tried to give me a science lesson about DNA , argued about everything I said, told me that I did not purchase a kit because I had no order number (they didn’t send one, just a verification). The woman told me , that I must have used the wrong email address, “Let me tell you, Ma’am…” . I was also told no one would call me to talk about the results of the test, I had to talk with her. After 20 minutes of being corrected on everything I said, I asked for a refund. Then she told me thay had no record of my purchasing the test, it must have been gifted to me. It wasn’t, I bought 2 tests at Christmas last year, one for myself and my spouse. As she was lecturing me yet again about how I must have used the wrong email address because “let me tell you, ma’am I have people all the time using the wrong email address”, etc. , I said, “I will contact my bank to get the details, and I don’t appreciate you arguing with me about every single thing I’ve said, telling me I must be wrong”—— and she hung up on me.
If this is an example of Ancestry’s customer service, I will never deal with them again. I understand that percentages of DNA differ but there is something obviously wrong with the test. When I asked if there were never any errors in the DNA tests, I got another lecture, and why don’t I read the articles about family DNA. This is one of the WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE agents/companies I have ever dealt with. Don’t bother using their service because they don’t want to help you, they are just churning out a product so they can make money and they don’t care to address any isssues with the DNA test with their customers. I get it that sometimes people are surprised at the results of their DNA test but the results were so skewed that something was very wrong, and they don’t even have a person who can adequately explain the test to you. Instead they have a bossy phone rep who patronizes you and corrects you under the guise of being “polite”. I would give them no stars if I could.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-14
June 13, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
So i took my ancestry test from AncestryDNA. The first time, i was disappointed and didnt get my results due to many attempts. The second time i got my results, and it showed that my ancestors came from africa, europe and middle east. I thought i would have other ethnicities. The sad thing is that for europe and asia, they didnt give me the exact countries of where my ancestors came from for both continent.
So i decided that I would upload my raw dna. My DNALand gave me Africa, & Eurasia(Europe/Asia). MyFDNA gave me Native American(North/Central America) along with Africa & Europe and This site called Sequencing gave me Africa, Europe, Oceania, West Asia, Native American(North/South America and East Asian. I was surprise because with other sites it never gave me a percentage for East Asia and I never would have thought that I had East Asian.
My results was similar and I am not surprise by some of the results. I wish AncestryDNA pick up more on my ethnicity and gave a better breakdown because I don’t like the new update. One thing i love about ancestrydna is that you give you a story and make you see your dna match
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-13
June 11, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I just spoke with a man who was an honest and sincere person. I totally appreciate his honesty (which seems to be rare). “ Morris” gave me unexpected and precise advice that helped me tremendously. Thank you again very much.
Bless you always.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-11
June 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I would very much like to review your testing of DNA. However, I have not had any contact Ancestry DNA since they received my test 3 months ago! I received the kit for Christmas and was so excited, but I am beginning to think I will never get it. Ancestry needs to re-word their ads to “you will receive your results in 3-6 months”. Hire more people or something, people love this site and want to continue to love it!
A Kentucky Grandmother
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-05
hello? is anyone there?
June 4, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
got the kit after only a week and sent my sample. got a confirmation email after a week that said i would receive an email as soon as they started testing my kit. 60 days ago. still waiting for the email.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-04
Affordable and interesting
May 22, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Really like Ancestry’s service. Testing process was simple. Learned a lot and it was great having access to the genetic data.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-22
Beyond slow
May 20, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
If you want to find anything out in any timely fashion – do not use Ancestry DNA – the pre-paid package seems to be the slowest snail mail ever and takes forever to arrive at their testing facility!! and then you only have to wait another 6 to 8 weeks for the results!! If I have known how slow they are I would have used anyone else!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-20
May 15, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
It’s good and fairly on par with FTDNA & My Heritage, but if you’re wanting more specifics as opposed to general vicinity of where your ancestry originated, I’d recommend GEDmatch or DNA Tribes.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-15
Fell Short of Expectations
April 17, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
After doing the FTDNA and MyHeritageDNA tests, I also decided to test at AncestryDNA, primarily because of their very large (7 Million+) pool of testers to match with. However the results of the test did not meet my expectations. Ancestry does not make it easy to sift through your thousands of matches. It’s difficult to see ancestral surnames and places without clicking on each individual. Most testers do not have proper trees and few reply to messages you send them. The benefits of their larger database are this wiped out by these negatives.
Their ethnicity prediction was poor. I received 86% British/English and 5% Scandanavian, plus a few trace 1-2%s. I expected something closer to 56% Western Europe, 26% Ireland/Scotland/Wales and 18% British/English. Their genetic communities features, which narrows down ethnicity and origins to regions (e.g. Cornwall in England) is indeed a great advancement in the field of DNA testing, but not for me as I was not assigned to any genetic communities, not even the Netherlands where half of my ancestors are from. On top of all this is the fact that you need a subscription to view some of the details.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-17
Results don’t match my Family Tree
April 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I have a family tree that shows my lineage back to 980AD. My name is Scottish. There’s a Village in Scotland as well as a Manor and Castle with my surname. Yet my Ancestry DNA shows only 8% Scottish. Can’t believe that is correct.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-12
AncestryDNA Review
April 1, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very disappointed. my husband and I both did the test and we were practically the same excepted for percentages.
he is 65% Great Britain, I am 32%. He is 13% Ireland/Scotland/Wales: I am 15%. He is He is 10% Scandinavia: I am 4%. He is 6% Iberian Peninsula: I am 11%. So on and so on. I guess they use the same format for everyone and just change the %. I am sure we all came from those areas hundreds of years ago – I must also come from Vikings!. I was interested in the past 3/4 hundred years. My family came from Quebec 120 years ago, we all speak French but I guess that doesn’t count. Save your money and maybe try another one.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-01
Not worth the money
March 31, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This is literally the most disappointed I have ever been in my life. All this test gives is percentages and small blurbs about the regions. There are so many other DNA testing services that could be used instead of this trash. Unless you are specifically looking to create a family tree, this DNA kit will be nothing but a waste of time, money, and excitement. Not to mention it took way longer than advertised. Would recommend using 23 and me instead, I know people who have gotten great results from that site. I wish that I could give it zero stars.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-31
Best Comprehensive Use of Data
March 31, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
You can’t be this platform for ease of use and functionality.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-31
AncestryDNA Review
March 28, 2018
Autosomal Analysis
Very disappointing. I know I don’t have any Finnish or Indian in my background. Especially 30% of each plus a dozen other nationalities. European is in my background and I’ve traced it back to the 1700’s. Used another company and they were almost 100% what I was expecting.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-28
Pretty Good But Some DNA Combined
March 27, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
As I find more and more of my ancestors I’m realizing that the Ancestry DNA test was pretty accurate. At first I was amazed that all that Irish DNA I thought I had was Norwegian, but then I discovered Hrolf Rollo, Torf the Rich and all the other Vikings in my tree. All my “Irish” ancestors were Scottish.
At first I was disappointed (and surprised) that my German ancestors’ DNA was shown as Eastern European, but after learning about the Germanic tribes more, I can see why it came up Easter European.
All in all, pretty accurate test.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-27
Elderly disaponted
March 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My Mom did the Amcestory DNA swan test and was told she had to go online for results. I tried to help her but it was confusing & complicated to get results. I tried to get a written copy but was told this wasn’t possible, So $100 later my 89 year old Mother never got one single but I’d help or results. What a misleading farce!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-12
Looking for father
March 8, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I recently took a DNA test with AncestryDNA and found little info regarding who by biological father is but I did find out that the father I knew is not my father, this is painful. I reached out to a possible 1st or 2nd cousin and I told her my story in full detail and her response was a 'thumbs down' emoji. I explained that I understood that this may not be something she was comfortable in helping we with but she could have dismissed me in a more polite manner. Everyone has an innate need to know where they come from and to respond is such a cruel manner was hard for me to understand. I don’t know how I will ever find my father because my mother doesn’t have anything to give me to find him except he was in Phillipines in 1964 and he was possibly in the military. He may have already passed away so time is not on our side.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-08
February 18, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My father is 93, we knew that he was biracial but did not know what nationality he was. Dec. of 2017 we had him take the DNA testing which showed he was about 40% Great Britain and 14-19% African. When his results came back it showed he had a second cousin that lived about 25 miles from where we live. We are Black Americans and she was Caucasian, which was strange knowing that my father was born in West Virginia and she and my father were both in Ohio. I began to message her and gave her information about my father. Not too long after that she message me back with information, she had connected me with more family. She got quite a bit of family Involved that I did not know on messenger to try and figure out who was who! When the family contacted me, we found out that my father had a twin sister we did not know about, but she knew about him, and had been looking for him all her life. Sadly she passed away a year prior to this DNA testing. When I talked to my newfound first cousins they informed us that their mother and my father which were born on July 4, 1924 in West Virginia in a small town to a young white woman who gave birth to the biracial twins and a month later wrapped them up and put them on a train by themselves, I’m guessing because of the times there was probably a lot of shame but somehow the train derailed and the babies were discovered. The porter on the train found them and took the baby girl because he could not afford both and somehow my grandparents took the little boy (my father) which separated the twins foe 92 years. My father had always told us that he was found by the railroad tracks, but we never believed him!!! But the story was true, the story is told that the mother confessed what she had done and remained in the daughters life even though the girl twin had been adopted. my grandparents moved to Ohio with my father not soon after that. We also found out that his twin sister moved to Kentucky got married and moved to Ohio and raised her children they have been 4-5 hrs away from us for years and we did not know. We found out that my fathers birth mother died in her 40’s with something to do with the heart, we have had 3 siblings also die with Cardio Myopathy, the heart and we believe it was hereditary. We are planning a Easter reunion for my father who is soon to be 94 to meet a host of nieces and nephews and cousins. We are also planning a trip to WVA to visit family and the grave sights. We have wanted to know all these years who we were and Ancestry DNA made it available to do so. I wish I could post the pictures of my father and his twin sister, they look identical, its just so sad that we were not able to meet her before she passed, but I here there were alot a similarities. My father has been able to see pictures of his birth mom, grandfather, and even great grandfather, and it has allowed him to put some closure to his early beginnings.Thank You so much for the opportunity to tell our story.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-18
Highly recommend
February 9, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Really great way to see the depth of the DNA reports besides ancestory %. Gave insightful look into my warrior gene and some of my habits. Highly recommend.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-09
Zero stars-Scam
February 3, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am extremely disappointed in the results and this product. Sadly it appears that this company merely looked up my surname. I was a bit suspicious when I began getting emails about the history of my surname before my results arrived. Surprise it is an adopted name and this set of “results” clearly missed the mark on my DNA as the countries of my relatives are not even identified in the results. For some individuals with some knowledge of their family history and roots this may be a way to meet other family members, however be mindful of the results themselves.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-03
January 13, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
trash, way too hard to sign up took me 2 hours to activate my kit because the dumb website kept saying my email was already being used which it was not . 1 hour wait time on the help hotline. this company is absolute hot garbage NO REFUNDS haha what a joke there is no way in hell i am what they say i am, get out of here . if i could give negative stars i would. knowing your ancestry is over-hyped anyway who really cares, you live you die why does it matter where you’re from.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-13
AncestryDNA Review
January 12, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Received the results, not even close to what I know. Must have taken a dart board and thrown darts at a map. Do not waste your money here. NO REFUNDS, claim they are99% accurate. A joke
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-12
Worth the time and money
January 9, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Well funny enough to me anyway, my results came back split between European and from Libya. Both sides of my family have been in the US for 4 or more generations and both sides are blonde and blue eyed and very fair. I know for a fact that my paternal great grand parents were Norwegian so i was astonished. I got the results back in less than a month which was pleasing. I give 5 stars.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-09
January 8, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The kit was given to me as a gift from my son and daughter in law last Christmas 2017. I followed instructions and mailed it back on dec 6 2017 and by dec 20 2017 i had the results. This was suppose to take 6 weeks. The test was wrong and it was hurried. Turns out my uncle became my first cousin….that was wrong. I am not whales, Scottish or irish. My dad was half Indian and my percentage came up 8%…that was wrong. Now they keep sending me stuff to explore my family name of Clark…..that is my married name….again all wrong. I am not impressed with this test at all. To me it is a scam. Everything you do on their website you have to pay for. Save your money. I am sorry that my son paid out this money as it was a waste. There is also no way to contact these people. A good and honest dna test takes more than 2 weeks. I hear 23 and me is a honest test. I will do that one. I would not recommended ancestry to anyone.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-08
January 5, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
One never knows if companies are trustworthy when dealing with the Internet and I participated in this DNA test with skepticism. I was truly amazed to find the results. I knew I was predominantly Scandinavian but the other results were surprising. To find out I had Irish blood surprised me. I found the results so interesting that I sent for kits for my two daughters too and found that my older daughter is more Scandinavian than I!!! I thoroughly enjoyed the revelation.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
What rubbish
January 3, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My family is from Norfolk/Suffolk/Essex/Cambridgeshire in the UK. I have traced back all the sides to at least 1780- my 3rd gt grandparents. Yet the ethnicity says 32 per cent Gt Britain. Someone contacted me as a match. I randomly checked 10 of the 24 surnames that they said were in both trees. None appeared. What a waste of money. I would like to give no stars.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-03
January 2, 2018
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Had to send in all my family's samples, one after the other because we couldn’t get enough of what we were learning! The instructions are simple and I would say everyone should buy!!
One thing, they don’t start processing your sample until more than 1 month after they receive it.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-02
Can't activate the kit!
December 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My wife and I both received an Ancestry DNA kit for Xmas. I was abled to activate my kit on line with no trouble at all. However, when I tried to activate my wife’s kit, on the same computer, it totally stopped me. I called Ancestry (had to wait about 30 minutes) and was told I needed a different email address different from the one I used to active my kit. So I tried using my daughter’s email address using my computer and that didn’t work. So far I haven’t been able to activate my wife’s DNA kit. Not sure what to do at this point. What a waste of money!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-28
December 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Poor value for money. Disappointing.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-27
results i wanted
December 26, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
It’s been many months of interesting research and i have the subscription now too which is also worthwhile
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-26
Very happy
December 26, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Worth the cost. We finally have solid answers. They gave us results saying 43% from France which is amazing!! This is one of the things we really wanted to know about. Glad I spent the time and money on this. I would recommend to everyone and I'm happy for those who got answers too.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-26
AncestryDNA Review
December 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very disappointed. I deliberately did not fill out the ancestral tree as I wanted to see how accurate this test was. Information would correlate great if information wasn’t based off of my husband’s last name. I am not Irish or british. A clear line back to alsace lorraine region of france on one side and Scandinavian on the other. I would not recommend the waste of money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-23
AncestryDNA Review
December 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My heritage from AncestryDNA was somewhat surprising, but I was not disappointed. I just do not know where one part came about.
I talked with Enga about another thing and she was more than helpful.
Thank you all.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-20
December 17, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
So vague Europe really Europe ! There digging up all these ancient cemeteries and they can’t DNA those bones ? Maybe ancestry can spend a little more money and narrow it down a bit. Maybe put a pen in the map instead of a big circle !
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-17
Recommend this company.
December 15, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Purchased three of these tests for my husband and his mother and her brother over the course of a year. Results vary between all three. All are of Scandinavian descent…the brother and sister have the same parents, the brother is showing up with 14% East Asian, which is crazy! The mother is showing up with 12% Indigenous American! Customer support is awesome, very good phone support, top pick for a genetic test if you ask me.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-15
Fun mystery to solve
December 11, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This is a wonderful offer! The results were jaw dropping. I did the DNA test from 23andMe and although the results were done quickly and comprehensively, this one is better. 18% Finnish is a mystery I need to figure out.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-11
AncestryDNA Review
December 4, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Never got any information back. called 11/1/2017 and left message to call me. no response. called again 12/4/2017 and was told test failed and need to redo. advised won’t pay again. Sherri was great today and is sending out a new kit at no charge.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-04
Very precise
December 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I took this test and was very impressed. They were extremely precise with their conclusions and the price is comparable to all of the other choices. I just wish I had bought in November because they had a bigger discount at the time.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-03
December 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Obviously well managed process. I sent my sample to the wrong address but they found their way to and were amazingly picked up and processed! My husband has now bought one and sent his sample in a week ago (to the right address!) and his are already in the processing stage…
CS are friendly and can give answers - this is a good choice for having your ancestry analysed.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-03
Excellent Service
November 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
On the second busiest day of holiday shopping (cyber monday) I placed two orders instead of one — my mistake. Although their Help Line was long, I was able to be continuously updated on my place in line. When it was my turn the representative was kind, gracious and had a can-do spirit. Very impressed!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-28
A waste of time and money
November 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Both my Parents and Grandparents were born in Australia.
The DNA result shows 71 % English, Welsh and Scotish
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-23
Too slow
November 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I purchased an Ancestry DNA test and sent it off in January 2017. It is now almost the end of November 2017 and I have had no result.
They advertise a six week turn-around for results. Their advertising is incorrect and should be changed to a 1 year turn-around – then at least purchasers know what they’re in for.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-23
AncestryDNA Review
November 17, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
delivery slow but no complaints with results
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-17
Disgusting, Greedy, Selfish Company!
November 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
If you’re adopted or seeking lost family members, DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE! All messaging and communication with matches is locked behind a paywall! I’m adopted and found a couple of matches, so out of desperation I paid for a subscription so I could contact them. Unfortunately, if they are not paid subscribers, they cannot see or reply to your messages! I have found 2 second-cousins and can’t even communicate with them! Beyond infuriating!!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-16
Amazingly helpful
November 11, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
We had a huge problem after my father passed away having bought the test. Ancestry arranged a call with us and straightened everything out, I’m very impressed by their customer care team
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-11
AncestryDNA Review
November 10, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
So much Spanish heritage! My grandma is very happy that her genes are in me :)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-10
Adoptees, AVOID Ancestry
October 29, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Simply: A waste of money for Adoptees. Everything is locked behind a cash register.
All they had was what I already knew.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-29
Twins do not send in your samples
October 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My twin and I sent in our DNA samples to Ancestry. Her’s was processed and received her results within 3 weeks. Mine as of 3 months later have not been returned. They were ‘flagged’. it took this long and many many calls and emails to figure out that it was flagged. So DO not send them. You won’t get it back. So you have wasted your money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-19
Do not use Ancestry DNA
October 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Please do not waste your money on Ancestry DNA, they are only it in for the money. My twin sister and I both sent in tests, mine was processed. Her’s was flagged and they never communicated with her, never called her or asked her any questions. She called them multiple times, as well as e-mailed them. They only time she got a response, other than the canned, it takes 6 weeks to get results….was when she put a bad review on their Facebook page. Then they told her it was flagged and started asking her all kinds of stupid questions, like if she has a twin, etc, etc. What does it matter if she has a twin? They should still process her DNA, she paid for her own kit. Plus they are not refunding her money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-19
AncestryDNA Review
October 17, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very pleased that such an affordable service is available. I’m looking forward to creating a family tree utilizing Ancestry DNA’s service.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-17
kind of confused
October 9, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Most of my results were expected. I knew I had a lot of English blood, so the 58% Great Britain was expected. What throws me off is that I am showing zero French. My MawMaw was 100% French and my great grand-mother on the other side was from France. My results even say I have recent (past few hundred years) Acadian ancestry from Nova Scotia that migrated to Louisiana. All of the Acadians in Nova Scotia came from France. How do I have zero French??
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-09
AncestryDNA Review
October 4, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Wonderful service representation with wonderful skill of wanting to help the customer with the problem. Beyond expectation.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-04
Is this a scam?
October 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My husband and I both sent our sample in. I know the activation code of both samples. I even had mine sent to a gmail account so the sample results would not be confused! Well they both came back with identical heritage. I think they tested my husbands twice and attached it to my code! I had previously done my father so i knew a ballpark figure of my heritage. No email so I could relay my questions to them!
I would not recommend!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-03
Liked speaking to an American
September 29, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
All I needed to do was to change my email address to receive my results a month from now. It was easy to do and as the title says I talked with someone I could understand who understood me
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-29
As Expecte
September 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My results arrived in the time frame stated -amazing considering Irma’s wrath and confirmed what I had been told as a child.
Very pleased.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-28
AncestryDNA Review
September 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Couldn’t be happier, Ancestry has revealed my true heritage in their reports :)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-23
Completely inaccurate, very disappointing!!!
September 21, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My mother is half Italian as well as being partly Scottish, a little bit Jewish and possibly French and Spanish. While my father is half Jewish with some Italian, Eastern European and Swiss (Italian/French). Given that both of my parents are very Mediterranean looking, my mother has black hair dark brown eyes and golden skin and now referring to my father, I know that Ashkenazis are pretty pale and on the other hand my father is not and I’m not sure if there could possibly be Sephardism As well as ashkenazism. My results were; Western Europe: 47%!!! European Jewish: 29% Ireland:9% Eastern Europe: 7% Italy/Greece: 3%!!! Great Britain: 2% Iberian Peninsula: 1% Scandinavia: 1%. I’m very disappointed by these results, I realised that my results were sent back too soon (after 10 days of sending my saliva sample) which makes me think that they did not test properly and the results do not match to my physical appearance either, I look very Mediterranean and I thought my Italy/Greece results were going to be much higher. Also there isn’t much history of Western Europe on my mothers side. I’m also surprised that traces of Caucasus or Middle East didn’t show up as many people believe I may have Arab blood as well. Poor effort on Ancestry’s part and the accuracy of my results are just pathetic. If I could I would like my money back!!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-21
Glowing feedback
September 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Hello! I wanted to write a review about’s DNA test and to utterly recommend it to subscribers.
My family tree was sat at 25 relatives for a year before I made a breakthrough with Ancestry DNA and their DNA Circles tool. It’s marvellous that you can extract historic data from cells and that the technology is so well integrated with the traditional genealogical techniques.
I am a very happy customer and I wanted to share it.
One downside, expect delays when awaiting results. I’m sure they’re working on it :)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-16
99% European Jewish, but no European listed
September 15, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Hello. I was so excited to try AncestryDNA. I know I have a lot of European due to the fact my mother was born and raised in the Netherlands. I knew I also had Spanish from her side. My father’s side is Polish and Russian (both his parents were born there respectively). I received my results and all I get is 99% European Jewish. WTF does this mean? What countries am I from? My breakdown was pathetic. They say I have 0% in Europe and everything else! How can that be if I am being told I’m 99% Europrean Jewish? Plus, we’re not even Jewish!!!! I’m so upset. What a waste of money and time.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-15
AncestryDNA Review
September 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Choosing Ancestry DNA was a WONDERFUL experience for me! I was soo excited when my results came back MUCH SOONER than expected and were full of exciting surprises! Another family member chose 23 and me and is STILL WAITING for the results and sent his in weeks before I did. I just ordered another kit for my husband and there is a special discount for buying more than one at a time. I HIGHLY recommend this to everyone
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-13
September 10, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I thought this would be a nice gift for my wife so I purchased the kit in April and she sent it in the first week of May. As of 9/10/2017, she still hasn’t gotten the results. She called the first week in August and they said it had not been processed yet. Things get backed up, I understand, but this is getting to the point where I’m about to ask for a refund, and use a different company.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-10
Great surprise gift
September 9, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Thankyou! Surprised my Father with a kit and he thinks its a genius gift!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-09
The genetic information is weird and wonderful
September 9, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The Ancestry DNA test has yielded both weird and wonderful results. I can see my French/Polish roots in the ethnic chart and some roots from some other countries (e.g Turkey) which is unexpected.
Sadly I’ve got no new DNA matches to add to our family tree but I’m told that may change as more people take the test.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-09
September 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Even though I have documented birth records from Western Germany from some of both my maternal ancestors and paternal ancestors, the DNA results show 82% Great Britain and 13% Eastern Europe, with nothing for Western Europe. A recheck at MyHeritage DNA more correctly showed 50% Northern & Western Europe and 29% English.
Assuming 6.2% of my DNA came from my great great grandparents, using what I know of their ancestry my unscientific estimate is 53% German/North West Europe and 43% English/Scottish.
I confronted with the above comparisons and got some holly-golly about not every ancestor contributes exactly his/her percentage and on rare occasions one’s great great grandparent might not appear at all. In my case it would be four or five of such “rare occasions”. Then they told me that since Germany is such a new country that my German ancestors could have been included as British.
Recently an commercial has been running on TV that shows a gentleman who was delighted to learn that he was Scottish instead of German. My guess is that his DNA results were just as flawed as mine.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-05
Good response
September 4, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I emailed as it appeared my test had not been received. Very prompt response advising timescale.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-04
Overrated and disappointed
September 4, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I took the AncestryDna test last fall. The test was so off with my Spanish heritage (1% Iberian). Not to mention it took me longer to get my results than the standard 6-8 weeks.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-04
AncestryDNA Review
September 4, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I sent a sample of my saliva to AncestryDNA for analysis – for a fee of course. On the 30th of August, they sent me the results indicating that I am 91% Asia East and 9% Polynesian. This is absolute farce. They are telling me less than I already know about myself. Asia East does not distinguish Chinese, from Japanese, Koreans etc. I have heard similar complains from other people being classified as Asia East with a similar percentage of Polynesian genes.
People from “Asia South” got a similar treatment.
What upsets me is that it was a 71st birthday present from one of my children. To be told that I am “Asia East” when I have family records of Chinese ancestry going back scores of generations is indeed unconscionable business practice. If I had told them that I am Chinese, would they come back with the result that I am a human being?
If they do not have the ability to analyse the genetic make-up of “Asia East” and “Asia South” people, they should be honest about it and say so. They advertised on TV promising so much but delivering nothing.
I and others who have responded to their advertisement trust them because we believe that they are a genuine scientific and business organisation. In both areas, they have failed their clients.
I will be failing in my responsibilities to fellow Australians if I do not alert them to this unconscionable practice. They will be laughing “at you” all the way to the bank. Thank you for your attention.
- Teow Loon Ti
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-04
Very disappointing
September 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I just sent in my DNA sample but I think I wasted my money and effort. It seems like it is meant more for people from the Americas and Europe than for people from Asia or Africa. For example, it yields 0 results for Indian last names to trace the origins. Very disappointing.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-02
AncestryDNA Review
September 1, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I got DNA add-ons for all four sets of my grandfolks and it’s all they talk about! Lots of family intrigue and discussion, we’re all meeting up on Sunday so it’ll be like a big genealogical convention!!!
I’m grandson of the year for getting these kits, I 110% recommend to any others looking to get their grandfolks gifts (and obviously helps if they already have an account)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-01
Inaccurate and very generic
August 30, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Most of my genetic ancestry was reported as “South Asian” – this is very broad and with no breakdown being provided. There are vast ethnic differences within the geographic region of “South Asia”! One of my great great grandfathers was French but his DNA was not picked up at all!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-30
August 29, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
After searching for over 20 years with little to go on, I have found my 3 half-sisters and brother through DNA testing.
From on only child you can only imagine the thrill!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-29
4 Stars
August 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Arrived on time and clear but lacks detail
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-28
Wonderful Reports
August 25, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Delivered some really wonderful reports after I took their DNA test – these guys know they’re doing!!
The charts are interesting, showing where in the world my DNA is from. I wasn’t quite as Scottish as I thought, with the breakdown showing I shared as much genetic information with the Germans as the Scots! This sparked quite the debate in my household and I suspect I’ll be forking out for tests for my children before the year is out.
If you’re British I’d definitely recommend this test, it was an eye-opener in my case.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-25
August 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I would recommend this service. Very professional.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-24
Buyer Beware
August 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Buyer beware
I have had bad customer experiences before but Ancestry DNA “takes the cake”. I ordered the kit on August 14, 2017. I immediately received a confirmation email and on the 16th received a second email stating the kit was being delivered. Moments later, however, I received another email from Ancestry with the subject line, “We’re still holding your AncestryDNA order”. The email went on to state, “We noticed that you started an AncestryDNA order but never quite made it through” with a click-thru button, entitled “Complete your purchase”- which I did. Soon after, I received another message that the first order gone thru and now my second kit was also on the way. I immediately called customer service to cancel the second order and was put on hold for 50 minutes before finally giving up. I then went to Ancestry’s website to send a message about the second order and received a notification that “The last question took an Ancestry expert 6 minutes to answer.” I was relieved to know the matter would soon be sorted. But I never heard a response about my order(s). Two days ago I received the first kit and the second (unwanted kit) has just arrived. Unsurprisingly, there is no information about how to return an unwanted, unused product.
Ancestry uses deceptive and potentially fraudulent business practices. I surmise that my original “uncompleted order” referred to Ancestry’s attempt to up-sell a year-long subscription. This product is meant as a gift to my adopted daughter and although I look forward to the results I can honestly say this has been the most disappointing customer service/experience I can remember.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-23
Total rubbish
August 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Total Rubbish if you are not from Europe or Africa
I know my Maternal Grandfathers family history, where he, and at least 5 generations were born and lived.
Ancestry only gave me a very generic 4% probabilty
My Paternal Grandfather 7 Generations know where they were born and where they lived
Ancestry only gave me 6% Generic Probability
My European Ancestry was minutely broken down and matched what our family histiory understands to be true.
If you are American, European or African, I say go for it. If not don’t waste your money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-23
August 22, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very very disappointed. Have my ancestral search going back to early 1600’s which says 100% French which we are not naive enough to believe there was not some straying however test came back as 52% Great Britain not even 1% french soooooo Really???????????????
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-22
Extremely happy
August 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I couldn’t speak more highly of this service – I’ve always wanted to know more about my parents’ roots as they have German and Spanish ancestors :-)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-19
AncestryDNA Review
August 18, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Good but very hard to overlook the delayed results :(
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-18
Essential for professional and novice genealogists
August 18, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
It opens up a whole new world of genealogy, buy it! And answer emails from your matches when you do!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-18
Absolutely on point for ethnic breakdown
August 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Can’t believe how accurate the ethnic breakdown is! Took me a while to check it out with my folks but have got it dead on as far as I can calculate. The whole thing is awesome, I love this tool. Wish I’d have waited for a sale to buy it tho – it’s still good value
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-16
AncestryDNA Review
August 15, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My wife’s test came back 33% other. We already knew the 67%. What we wanted was the 33%. A total ripoff.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-15
AncestryDNA Review
August 14, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am a black person and I knew I had some Native American ancestry. To some people I looks blasian, latina (afro latina), mixed with mexican, or anything but just black (african descent). People constantly asked me in school if I was some type of asian even at birth the nurse asked if my dad was Filipino. It wasn’t until I got my results this summer that the jokes and assumptions became reality. I did indeed have asian ancestry (central and east). In addition to Polynesian (maori) which through even my mom off. It was a fun and interesting experience
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-14
Native American?
August 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This is interesting!
First off, I suspect this is a DNA database build for someone or something.
I am a Native American and I have and know my history. My paternal g-g grandmother and paternal g-g grandfather we’re Cherokee from Alabama and Oklahoma, nothing changes until my maternal grandmother, she was 1/2 creek & 1/2 Cherokee. Without getting too difficult my father and mother were 100% Native American (respectively)100 %
I’m still 100% Native American. I did this test at the request of a friend to check the authenticity of the test. Knowing I don’t have a drop of European, African , asian blood in me.
My DNA report was a farce. German European descent.
Save your $$$
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-13
DNA add-on is extremely cool
August 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My only negative would be that they’re not as specific about your ethnic breakdown as I’d have liked
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-12
German/Scandinavian heritage
August 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Pleased with my ethnic information, my German/Scandinavian heritage has been revealed in the results as I hoped it would
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-12
AncestryDNA Review
August 11, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
after test was completed, was more confussed than before. I think they all say the same thing, Europe, that covers alot of area. results came back very quick tho. I would not depend on this test for any specific results. it was good for a laugh or two.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-11
mix up?
August 10, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I paid for my DNA I was told my ancestry was from south England and Scandinavia. I have jet black hair and dark oily skin. When I complained about the results they ignored me.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-10
Really horrible
August 10, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My sample was received 5/9/17. It has been 2 WHOLE MONTHS and I have yet to receive my results. Have called 4 times and been getting the run around. Horrible customer service. Will be filing a claim with the BBB.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-10
rip off
August 8, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very general information we knew already. “Western Europe” for god’s sake! Save your money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-08
August 7, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Bought the DNA package AGES ago but I got a message through Ancestry yesterday saying someone thought they were my cousin and it looks like I’ve got close family that I never knew about! Amazing!
Looking forward to working out where ‘Charlie’ and his family sit in my family tree, early days, I never expected something like this. Can’t wait to discover more about my lost Aunt’s family. Thanks!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-07
Total B.S. Marketing to get you to buy.
August 7, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
First off let me say there’s a lot they don’t tell you about this before buying. My mothers family is German, my fathers English. My results came out 84% UK, 7% Scandinavia, 3% Asian, 2% European (German being one of the countries mentioned). We have paperwork showing our ancestors arriving by ship to Elis Island. Now what they don’t tell you. The DNA tests back thousands of years. So the Scandinavian would be the beginning of my DNA, then UK from the Vikings conquering. 1% Irish from when the Celts ruled all the way to Turkey which would explain the West and South Asian. Completely not what I was expecting. So more then likely my German ancestors originated in the UK or Scandinavia and then Germany. DNA can’t tell when people move about the world, so the results you’ll get are from the very beginning. That’s why so many are shocked by the results. If they told you this up front you would probably pass.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-07
A good buy!
August 7, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Hello. Purchased for my husband in April who’s an amateur genealogist and this genetic upgrade has helped him significantly with his family research. He frequently brings up his genealogy antics in company, the gift has brought him much pleasure. A good buy!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-07
August 7, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m a bit of a geek so I have to say, I love that you can see how much DNA you share with your matches! Had to look up ‘centimorgans’ and it’s fascinating!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-07
Pleasantly surprised
August 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Read the reviews, quite a few bad ones for :-S Saw my cousin’s account and knew it would be delivered in a format that I’d understand so I bought it. I’m pleasantly surprised by the ethnic breakdown and the number of matches I can contact
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-05
Don't waste your money.
August 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This test was an absolute waste of money. The results indicating where our ancestors came from are so broad as to be useless. All you can report is Great Britain and Western Europe? These are hardly the results from your commercials. Our DNA community results were likewise generic and only in very recent generations – Southern and deep Southern. Really? Don’t expect specifics as to your origins because you won’t get it. I’m giving it 1 star because it won’t let me choose 0.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-02
August 1, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Europe West:
the Europe West region is a broad expanse stretching from Amsterdam’s sea-level metropolis to the majestic peaks of the Alps. Geographically dominated by France in the west and Germany in the east, it includes several nations with distinct cultural identities. From the boisterous beer gardens of Munich to the sun-soaked vineyards of Bordeaux and the alpine dairy farms of Switzerland, it is a region of charming cultural diversity.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-01
welsh, irish or english
July 31, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Only stated Great Brittan 80%. No distinguishing between being welsh. I have been told that my ancestry was from wells.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-31
10 out of 10
July 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
A very emotional time in our family. Decided to buy this on a whim, our French, Polish and Jewish roots have shone through! It’s brought our family a little bit closer together, and posed some interesting questions for me to chase up with my grandparents next time i see them. 10 out of 10 from me – very easy to use and quite accurate as far as i can tell.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-28
July 26, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-26
Results just came in...
July 25, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
…I’m showing everyone at work and it’s brilliant!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-25
Zero stars
July 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Doesn’t deserve one star but would not allow submission without at least one! Total waste of money! Waited months for an answer; finally told 92% Eastern Europe and 8% other! This nothing like the precise results shown in their TV ads. No breakdown of whichEastern doesn’t European countries or even an explanation of which areas they include in that region! Could have used the money I paid as toilet paper; at least I would have gotten some use out of it!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-24
Pored over the results today
July 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Some aspects of the results are confusing and don’t make sense. Other aspects are truly a revelation – I didn’t speak to my folks about their parents and the test has really given me an idea of my four grandparent’s origins which I’m grateful for.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-24
July 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Unbeknown to me, I was bought two DNA testing kits for my birthday. One was ‘My’ and the second I used ‘My Heritage’ first. When the results came, I felt that the United Kingdom section of my DNA wasn’t broken down enough. It combined Scotland, England and Wales in one large lump. However, it did tell me I had
Scandinavian DNA, along with Irish, Italian, plus west African.
But because the United Kingdom area was less than satisfactory, I then sent off the’ Ancestry’ sample.
I received the results from this not long ago.
It did break down my UK DNA a little better for me.
However, ‘Ancestry’ gave 0% for Italy and 0% for West Africa. But 2% from Asia.
I have since received an email through ‘My Heritage’ showing a 3rd cousin DNA match from Italy. ‘Ancestry’ showed 0% from here, although they did include Europe West.
I also now have two DNA matches from 4th to 6th cousins via ‘Ancestry’ from West Africa. Yet they showed 0% from here too.
All in all, for myself, I would say there isn’t a lot to choose between them, but I think ‘My Heritage’ gave me the clearer results. it is a pity they didn’t break down the DNA a little better for the United Kingdom.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-24
AncestryDNA Review
July 21, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
A women contacted my husband and told him she’s his daughter, beca use told her. Now, this women’s looks a little like him.and he believes hook line and sinker I am very uneasy and think proper tests hold be done this is crazy and my marriage is on the line.. if it’s true then I’ll accept an cr estrus .com h as ruined my family..sorry.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-21
Danish roots!!
July 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Could not believe it when I saw Danish ancestry come up but sure enough I checked with my grandfather (he’s 88) and HIS mother’s family were from Denmark!!
Happy with all the AncestryDNA family and ethnicity tools but this nugget of info has made it great value for money
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-20
Another cousin found!
July 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry’s DNA test is truly amazing, no regrets whatsoever
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-19
July 17, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The proof is there. I had 2 close hits from other users. A 2nd cousin got the kit for Christmas, and mailed it in, I didn’t know about this, but boom, it came back and linked us. Similarily, a 4th cousin came back with a match, and I knew this person existed as well, so it does work folks. My ethnic dna makeup was bang on. I love it, and it was a great puchase for me.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
Astonishing results
July 17, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Worth every penny!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
Very disappointed.
July 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very disappointed. I purchased and sent two test at the same time to Ancestry. One result came in within two weeks and the other seems to be lost in a black hole. Spoke to someone and recieved a canned response, a perfectly nice canned response but with zero customer service attached to it. For a company who is hoping to go the IPO route, I would say investor beware. Once a company goes public, the warts matter. I was excited and had planned to purchase an upgrade once I received both results. Every day that passes without any meaningful connection means I lose interest in the company, the results and ultimately will walk away from the money I spent with a feeling that I have been taken advantage of. Very disappointed.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-12
Where's France?
July 10, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My research shows that I am 50 % French mixed with some British and Scandinavian (probably Vikings that settled in Kent). Ancestry indicates that I am 87% British! According to their map; just about all countries close to Great Britain are grouped into one.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-10
Save Your Money
July 10, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The results are extremely vague ex. 68% Great Britain, 21% Ireland, Other. My wife took it also and came up majority Great Britain even though her ancestry that we know of is German and French. Just save your money or buy Lotto tickets, at least you might win something.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-10
AncestryDNA Review
July 8, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My wife and I decided to take the Ancestry dna test with Ancestry. Com, the results for the both of us was completely off. I have had our genealogy don’t for several years, with Federal, state, and local papers as proof, plus we both have certain physical characteristics also. We both have Native American in us. Federal papers are Census records of native American, state papers are birth and death records. I have family history with pictures and stories. Some physical characteristics are reddish brown skin, oval brown eyes, little toe under next toe, large nose, heavy ear lobes, and shovel teeth. Tell me what does it that tell you. I should have listened to my heart instead of my brain.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-08
The best test with the poorest services
July 6, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
AncestryDNA is like a Harley Motor without Harley. The Best DNA test with the poorest services and customer service.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-06
Made No Sense
July 6, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I have done enough family tree research to know that I am at least 75% German. My DNA results came back as 90% British Isles, and not the least percent German. There is no way that is possible. I think they throw your sample away, and pull results from a hat.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-06
Waste of Money for fake results
July 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I was adopted at birth. I found my birth mother and family. My Grandmother was American Indian. My DNA show’s zero American Indian. After receiving my DNA report and reading the reviews of others experiences, it’s obvious that DNA testing for your ancestry is a total waste of time and money!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-03
AncestryDNA Review
July 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The DNA Ethnicity results 2nd Edition is certainly more refined than Edition one, I think. 97% British and Irish became 99.1% Irish, Scottish and Welsh. Not terribly impressed.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-03
July 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
What a scam!!! Had to wait months for results while they kept sending invitations to join the main Ancestry site. Finally got a couple of pages of vague information. Not one of the people they offered as 2nd, 3rd or other connections had any recognizable family names, or family trees; where are the 1st cousins? Also, I have Italian blood, not shown. The test revealed that most of my ancestors are Londoners… Not True. I am only 3rd generation Londoner, having originated from Sheffield/Darbyshire on my fathers side and Cornwall on my mothers. I know this because I knew both my grandparents who new the family history, not hard when you’ve lived in the same place for hundreds of years. It was the “others“I was interested in. Not what I thought I was paying heaps of money for. Total ripoff, save your money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-03
The coolest thing I've bought in years - highly recommend
July 1, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Only downside is the sometimes vague answers that customer support give you when you ask detailed questions
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-01
Do not use for your DNA test
June 29, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
What a scam! for 99 bucks you don’t get any results other than some vague circles around geographic areas and a list of nameless faceless people who are possibly your cousin? And I guess we’re suppose to connect with them? Excuse me? This isn’t Facebook. I paid for a detailed DNA test to be provided and it wasn’t. Also, no one ever notified me that my results were done 4 long months later!@! I found out by logging in my account. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY :-(
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-29
Very good buy
June 25, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
After taking the plunge and trying genetic genealogy I can definitely say that this DNA test is worth it
67% British, 25% Spanish, 5% Middle Eastern and 3% Other. Coupled with the family database and the headway I can now make on my tree, I’m very satisfied
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-25
Unexpected and fascinating!
June 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
At first the results seemed a bit suspect – 26% of my DNA was shown to originate from Germany but I spoke to my mom about the results and she told me her mom (my grandma) had German parents which I never knew! It wasn’t a big family secret or anything but it was amazing that my DNA test brought this to light.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-24
June 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I paid for my kit, told I had to redo the DNA and have never received a reply. I followed all instructions both times. Finally, I was able to find a way to cancel. My $200 gave me some info. I already had but I never received the results of my DNA. Feel I was ripped off.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-24
AncestryDNA Review
June 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I really find it interesting about who we are and how we got here in America. Your support people are great and very know age able. Thanks for your help.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-23
Don't bother
June 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
What a rip off!
This was an expensive purchase for me. The test only showed European and northern England-both of which I knew already!
I had sought clarification on where in Europe as it is quite a large area.
Apparently I have a mysterious 27% other regions-all unspecified.
I would like to explore more about my results, but as soon as I try to view the results sections in more detail, a form flashes up urging me to sign up. No way!
I want my full results-after all I have paid for them.
The adverts are misleading-I fell for them-make sure you don’t.
Avoid this lot like the plague.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-19
Worth it
June 18, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
A very good complement to my Ancestry subscription
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-18
A good investment for me and our family
June 18, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m the oldest male in my family and I am responsible for charting our tree. I got an Ancestry subscription two years ago which significantly helped our family investigation. I got the DNA add-on in April and the results went live last week. It’s been way longer to get the DNA results than I thought it would be but my wife and I have gone through them now and they’re very accurate. I’m missing markers related to our Eastern European forbears but everything else matches our official family history. I’m going to try another test later this year but I give Ancestry 4 stars for their DNA service.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-18
June 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I got results from right away.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-16
Great value and information.
June 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The test is good value. The ethnic percentages given seemed to be correct but the regions are broad and overlap with each other. Hopefully in years to come they will be able break it down a little more and name specific countries. Quite happy with the test though.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-16
Total rip off
June 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This is a total rip off test. I have my grandmother who is full blooded Cherokee Indian and my mother who is Mexican. I should have my DNA showing this!!! ONLY SHOWS European??? I just wasted my money and will leave it at that. I explained this to the supervisor and she offered me free time and articles. Why would I want free time and articles when this TEST IS NOT ACCURATE AT ALL??? ZERO stars I would give if there were a zero.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-16
June 15, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Please AVOID this company! All they gonna do is just to send you a kit and 3 months later tell you that the quality of the sample wasn’t good enough! I did similar tests few times already and never had any issues except with them. As I read in previous reviews I’m not the first one having the same issue. They just like to take your money and delay the results for as long as possible if ever. They are very slow and unprofessional. Just don’t bother with this company, please!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-15
Native American Faulted
June 14, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Their Native American testing review is totally faulted. They claim that anyone who has ancestry in New Mexico is Native American. Totally wrong.. My ancestry is Spanish and has lived in New Mexico for over 500 years but Ancestry DNA say we are “Native American”. Totally wrong. I don’t have a drop of Native American but they say I am 30% “Native American”. So if Ancestry DNA says you are Native American do not believe them.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-14
Bogus test
June 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Took the test to narrow down my ancestry, I already have my family tree back to the Mayflower- verified by registered genealogist. The test reported that my 2nd cousin was possibly my 4th cousin. When Ancestry was contacted and asked why the faulty results- crickets! No response. Send your $99 to a charity- it will make you feel better than this bogus test!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-13
Love it
June 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I love everything about this – surprisingly there’s not a trace of Irish DNA to be seen despite my paternal grandmother being Irish through and through!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-12
Waste of Money
June 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I send off my DNA for testing 2016 came back in time stated so no problems there. Whilst I was pleased to get the breakdown of my ethnicity I don’t think it is worth the money. Nearly all of those you are matched with don’t have trees or trees are private. I even changed my tree from private to public for this purpose. I had only one match where If I remember correctly we shared either great or great grandparents. I had been stuck on my trees having records I cannot find or records which would be helpful but still not available and I understand there will be no 2021 or 31 census records so not sure it will be even worth continuing with membership considering the cost involved if I get nowhere. I have also read that some people believe these are not true DNA record either.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-12
Extremely Disappointed
June 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Nothing but skimpy, vague, general results that are emailed to you without an actual report (you know, a report with complete sentences and paragraphs specific to you)…For the price, I expected that. As it is, the info is worth about $5. Soooo disappointed. The results say that I am 81% Western European (well, that doesn’t say much); 11% Irish and the remaining is “other regions” that ARE NOT anywhere to be found on the maps they provide and may include Mars for all I know. What a waste. Maybe I was expecting too much. Don’t expect much, and you might be happy. Or, if you have absolutely NO CLUE as to your ancestry, you might get a glimpse of it with this.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-12
A Long Wait for the Totally Obvious
June 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Testing seemed to take an excessive period of time with the usual excuse for inefficiency – system overloaded with tests. The results were frankly pathetic. I could have guessed their conclusions without spending any hard earned cash. My father’s family came from the north of England and his grandmother was Scottish. There was no hint whatsoever of these facts in my test results. This is impossible. Either the test is completely flawed or I have been given the results of another person or they did not bother to test and just guessed my results from existing data. Do not waste your money on AncestryDNA!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-12
June 9, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Didn’t expect my results until sometime in July, but got them today, which made me nervous because I was told it may take over 8 weeks because they were backed up. Both of my paternal grandparents were Native American and my maternal grandfather was French. Neither showed up in my DNA. I’m pretty sure someone else ended up with my results.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-09
Long Wait, Poor Customer Service
June 7, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The 6-8 weeks for results is not even the minimum, they started my test 8 weeks after they received it, and 10 weeks later they said they could not complete the testing! No refund, nothing… Their solution is to start all the process from zero again…
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-07
Starting to fall behind other Dna Testing companies, but still good
June 4, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Cousin matching aspect is excellent and the Ancestral breakdown is pretty good though not as detailed and precise as the results I recently received from My Heritage DNA and Family Tree DNA both of which really came closer to what I know of my ancestry. They really need to update their algorithm I think,.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-04
Never again
June 1, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
5 months and still waiting for results from DNA testing. Never again Ancestry .com
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-01
Inconsistencies on Processing Time
May 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I submitted two tests at the same time for my sons. They were both received on March 18, 2017. Nearly 4 weeks later, I was notified that my oldest son’s test was finally in processing. Two additional weeks later, I was notified that my youngest son’s test was in processing. After being in processing for only 2 weeks, I received my youngest son’s test results. We still have not received any results for my oldest son’s test. Why does one test only take 2 weeks but it’s been nearly 6 weeks on the other one? Seems like there should be more consistency. I’m concerned that they’ve lost my oldest son’s test.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-24
Totally generic and a waste of money
May 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder’s DNA test follows what you put in your family tree. DUH. Because I only had completed half my family tree, it totally missed that I’m half German, but it got correct all the information I had given them. I wish I could get a refund. I wish I had done 23 and me and at least had some useful health information. This DNA test and the results were a waste of money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-23
Long wait
May 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very disappointed. Test was received in January 2017, and still no results as of May 18,2017. Emailed company regarding status of my results, and was told it may take an additional 6-8 weeks for precessing. False advertising regarding wait time, and not much customer support. Concerned my test was lost in their lab and this was a waste of money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-20
Incredibly powerful
May 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
An incredibly powerful tool once you get the DNA bundle – totally worth it, very cheap considering the family tree research it lets you do
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-19
They're Lazy!!
May 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I had maternal family members (1st cousins) already in the Ancestry DNA data base system before I joined and sent in my DNA sample. Oddly, and also how conveniently, my DNA results came back with the exact same genetic breakdown as theirs did. Our mothers were sisters and100% Italian. However, our fathers came from completely different backgrounds yet I had absolutely NONE of my father’s heritages. It is my understanding that you get 50% of your DNA from both parents, yet I had NOTHING from my father (and yes, for those who are thinking it, I know 1,000 % who my father is.) So, as far as I’m concerned, they just matched me up to my cousins DNA that were already in their system and called it a day. Lastly, I did find a number for Ancestry online that I called to ask further questions and the woman I got on the phone was completely clueless and not qualified to answer any of my DNA questions. I should have read online reviews before I purchased 2 of their kits (I also bought one for my son and we are still waiting on the results ). Now his father has absolutely 0 Italian background so if his results come back exactly the same as mine, then I know they are really full of it. Don’t waste your money with Ancestry Read online reviews first, and then pic a different company. I would give 0 stars if I could.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-16
Wish I'd used 23andMe
May 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I was very disappointed in the detail and format. When you pull up the report, the map take up most of the screen with the report in the corner of the screen, hard to read because you can only see a little at a time… MOST of ALL.. My sister took the 23 and me and it is MUCH MORE INFORMATIVE than the ancestryDNA one. It stated where the probable bloodline came from, etc. It focused on the information for her and NOT the maps and history of the country!! WE CAN LOOK UP THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY on google. I DID NOT PAY you to copy a history of the countries! I can find this on WIKIPEDIA. VERY UPSET that I went with this one and not 23 and me. DON’T PAY FOR THIS ONE>… USE 23 and ME
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-16
Incredibly valuable
May 15, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am so chuffed that I purchased the genetic add-on, my results were posted yesterday and I’ve started investigating my 18 close matches!
As a long time subscriber, it’s thrilling to have so many new avenues to explore. Wish I’d bought it years ago TBH
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-15
May 14, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Speechless at the results. There was no sign of my Dutch ancestors when I logged in and this has answered a long running question in my family. The results upset my mom (couldn’t convince her to take the test unfortunately), fortunately Ancestry emailed an explanation of what we were seeing that was easy to understand so mom has been appeased to a degree.
This is a warning to anyone with a family story that’s been passed down: Your DNA won’t necessarily reflect this story! Buy and share the results with your family at your peril!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-14
AncestryDNA Review
May 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I unfortunately joined Ancestry in late April of this year, 2017. I had 21.00$ taken from my bank account, on a monthly subscription. On May 10th, I paid the 21$ to Ancestry, AND then later the same day I cancelled my service, after reading hundreds of negative reviews. I had a cancellation email sent to me. People told me to ‘‘watch out— Ancestry will keep going into your bank account’‘. I lowered my bank account balance to 4$ on May 11th. I later that evening added 187$ to my bank account for outstanding checks I owed for my utilities. Sure enough, without warning, hours later,Ancestry STOLE 161$ from my bank account. Now, for the first time in my life, and I am 69 years old, I have ‘‘bad check fees’‘ from my bank. Ancestry did not email me before asking to steal the 161$ from my bank account NOR EXPLAIN ME THEIR LOGIC FOR STEALING MY 161$. I went to my bank today and filed a complaint against Ancestry taking more money from my bank account. I have to change banks and get a new debit card since the shysters at Ancestry will keep stealing money from my account even though I have a cancellation number from Ancestry on May 10th. I am a disabled Vietnam veteran and I can not afford this loss. I hope to file a lawsuit under the American Disabilities Act to stop Ancestry criminals from ‘legally’ stealing from my account. I will phone both local, state and national media until the fraud that is Ancestry will be known to millions of suckers that hope to find family members. To the thieves at Ancestry, DO NOT send me the results of my DNA!! throw it in the toilet!!!! I will have to take the loss for the 109$ DNA spit test and the 21$ for the one month subscription= 130$ in total. However, if you soulless swine think you are going to keep my 161$, I will see all of you swine in HELL!! ALERT, DO NOT JOIN ANCESTRY.COM. IT IS OFTEN A RIPOFF PLAYING ON SUCKERS EMOTIONS!!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-13
Very slow
May 11, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very slow. Says 6-8 weeks for results but I have been waiting more then 8 weeks
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-11
Stunned by Mediterranean ethnicity!
May 8, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Prior to receiving the results, my mother assured me that her (and my father’s) parents were Polish/German! Stunned to see my Iberian ethnicity!!
Very good all in all and glad I bought, but results took 8 weeks so I can’t give 5 stars
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-08
Very slow......
May 8, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This was a Christmas present for my wife, then in the new year we posted our samples off. We received an apology around 1 month ago, for the delay. The results finally arrived back to us in the end of April.
This is a ridiculously long time to wait, more so as they promise 6-8 weeks, which in itself is a long wait.
Our DNA tests said that we were Irish, though no family member had any knowledge of any Irish relatives for many years going back, so the results were also suspect.
For this reason I would NOT recommend this company.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-08
Bought for my grandma and she loved it!
May 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Buying this service for my grandma has been a runaway success! Ancestry DNA is really simple and she has no trouble playing around with her results. I highly recommend for a grandparent :)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-05
Completely wrong
May 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Don’t waste your money. Completely wrong. Nothing much between me and test . I am not Asian, all my family from north.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-02
Takes too long
May 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I was promised 6-8 weeks from submittal to receiving my results. My kit has been in their hands for 8 weeks and I just called for a status. I was told they have not even started on my kit. I can expect it in July 2017. That makes it 16 weeks from the time I submitted the kit. That is a ridiculous amount of time to process this. I am very disappointed. (When I complained there was no offer for a discount or anything to please the customer. They kind of say, “This is the the way it is.” I am very disappointed. Wish I had not spent the money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-02
Roughly lines up
April 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Before taking the Ancestry DNA test I had rigorously charted my family ancestry: 12.5% Scottish, 6.25% Spanish, 12.5% German Jewish, 12.5% Polish Jewish, 6.25% Native American Indian, 25% Southern English and 25% Czech – phew!
I am happy to say that my Ancestry DNA results broadly reflect this. They over-estimate Southern English, under-estimate Czech, Spanish and Jewish and completely miss out Native American! However, I have learned that autosomal DNA isn’t always passed down equally and Ancestry DNA doesn’t have comprehensive reference populations for a few of my ethnic segments. It also depends on when in time (a hundred years ago? A thousand?) you consider someone to be a native of that country/population group. For example, if your grandparents emigrated from Germany to Britain, are you partially German or partially British, or both?
Anyway, money well spent, my research continues… Be warned to all readers, genealogy can become addictive!!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-27
Helped me expand my family tree
April 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very impressed with the DNA element, especially glad that it’s a one-off fee instead of a heightened subscription – my family tree had stalled but the DNA tool let me contact five additional relatives, all of whom are now on my tree
The only negative was that the results took a long time to come
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-27
Slow speed, huge $150 add on automatic membership
April 25, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ordered a test in November, got results back in March. Then saw the added a $150 membership they refused to refund after waiting on hold an hour. Pretty positive about American Indian heritage 4 generations removed, shows 0% on these. Seems they just used the data that was already input into the family tree and called it good.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-25
Family tree gold
April 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Absolutely no regrets about buying the genetic add-on for Ancestry. 7 additional relatives added to my family tree, my Dad couldn’t believe it – a huge talking point for my family at the moment!
I’d give 4.5 stars because the results took much longer to come through (2 months) than expected, but can’t give 4.5 on this site so I’ll give 5 because of the amazement factor :)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-20
Four stars
April 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry bring genealogy together with DNA quite well. However:
- Results took A LONG time to arrive
- Ethnic map could be more nuanced
Four stars
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-20
Great gift, slow results
April 18, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Bought as a gift, my wife loved it, only downside was it took two weeks longer than anticipated to deliver the results
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-18
Way too slow!
April 18, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
False advertising regarding the time it takes. Sent 2 tests that were both received the same day. One has been processing for 2 weeks while the other hasn’t even started. How can that be?! Called customer service and she basically blamed me for waiting too long to send the kit out! Bad AncestryDNA- shame on you!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-18
Ethnic mix maps
April 18, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve been looking for something that can give me some sort of racial background for myself for many years… I come from an interracial family and my father left when I was very young, leaving a lot of questions that I couldn’t ask my mother. The ethnic mix maps have finally shown me where his family most likely came from and I can be more confident of my racial mix
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-18
Has given my grandmother much pleasure
April 14, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
She couldn’t believe her eyes when I showed her the Spanish and Italian DNA I possess, my grandmother is convinced that my grandfather (her husband) didn’t know his parents’ roots, so given we’re confident of where my other grandparents came from, Ancestry DNA has proved she was right!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-14
Don't Waste Your Money
April 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I wish I had read these reviews before my husband wasted his money on this Christmas gift for me. I had been wanting to know what my percentage of Cherokee is, as I have it on both my mother’s and father’s sides. After waiting 4 months for the result, it came back showing nothing regarding Native American. Since I’m not adopted, this is clearly wrong! All it shows is European percentages. What a scam! And I couldn’t find anywhere on their website to contact them to ask if there is some other test I should’ve taken to search my Native American dna. Don’t waste you money. Why can’t I select 0 stars?! They don’t deserve even one.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-13
No surprises but it's reassuring to have my German roots confirmed
April 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve wondered for a long time about my Bavarian ancestry and it’s reassuring to see it confirmed by a DNA test
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-13
A real disappointment. Should have gone with a different service.
April 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My mistake was in expecting the detailed results to be comparable with those provided by 23and Me. That’s what you get for trying to save a few dollars. After waiting six weeks I learned I was 90 percent Ireland and 9 percent western Europe. Period!! That’s it!
Now I’ll spend the money I should have originally and go with 23and Me. Don’t waste your time and money on Ancestry DNA.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-13
Big delay, big errors, bogus results
April 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I sent my sample in November 2016; I got the results in April 2017. The results were bogus. I know this two ways:
1. My father’s side of the family were old families from England and Scotland, carefully researched by my great aunt. Ancestry DNA reports only 3% of my genes are from Britain.
2. I already had my DNA analyzed by another service. Their results were consistent with my documented family history, but contrary to Ancestry DNA results.
I conclude that something has gone wrong at Ancestry DNA. In the huge delay, maybe their new lab mixed up samples, maybe they faked results to deal with their huge backlog of samples, maybe they rushed the lab procedure when they finally analyzed my sample, maybe the integrity of the samples decomposed in the delay time. Or whatever. In any case, I have plenty of objective reasons to distrust the accuracy of their results.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-12
16 weeks and still waiting for results
April 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Sent the vile for testing Dec 28th 2016….today is 4/12/2017….still no results. I think they should refund my husbands money as he gave this to me as a gift for Christmas. We both feel robbed. I would not use this service. (just in case your asking – yes we activated per the instructions and verified it was received in their labs 3 days after we sent it).
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-12
Worth it
April 7, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Results finally came and it was worth it
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-07
Disappointing so far
April 6, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I received the test kit immediately after my online purchase. Submitted/Mailed my sample the Sat. in January before MLK Day. Received an email on the day after MLK Day (a no mail day) that the lab on the west coast (I believe Utah) received my sample. Curious since I had mailed it on Sat. at noon from Ohio. Today, April 5th, I received an email that I need to re-submit the saliva sample, and Ancestry will mail a replacement kit. I agreed to the new kit, but now — in my mind — the testing agency has lost some credibility with me. If I get a result at all, it may be a year from now. I hope it works.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-06
Results came today!
April 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Absolutely amazing data and so glad I can show my grandma our family heritage at Easter :)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-05
The best add-on for your genealogy research
April 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry DNA provide a marvellous service. I am a full believer in what they do.
If you are serious about building a family tree for your family for decades to come, Ancestry DNA are better at incorporating your treasured family history into a system that connects you to your wider, genetic family.
I have no complaints and I have a Family Tree DNA account and Ancestry is infinitely easier to use and grow your records
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-05
Unexpected insights
April 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Radically opened my eyes to my heritage which i did not expect, thought i was english born and bred but i clearly have french, german and middle eastern roots, i look forward to connecting with my newfound genetic relatives to investigate!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
SCAM!!!!!!!!! Don't waste time or $!
April 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The commercials for this slow, lousy company portray the tests as if they can tell you specific countries. THEY CAN’T!! If you know you had relatives from Europe, and you have a good idea what those countries might have been, you haven’t wasted $100 nor have you wasted 12 weeks of your life waiting. Instead of spitting into the tube, just spit directly onto the continent from which your ancestors likely came. You’ll save time, money, and be more precise. I would give dna 0 stars if I could. Remember: $100, roughly, and about 12 weeks of waiting for NOTHING.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
Waste of money
April 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This test is a big waste of money and time. I waited 9 weeks 6 days for results and they give me basically nothing. The results were 51% Europe west, 30% great Britain, and 19% other. Pointless, I know I’m at least 25% Cherokee Indian so it’s all made up. This tells me nothing I wanted to know. I should start a business just making up vague descriptions on people and steal their money. I’m mad I paid for this. Should be free. Don’t waste your money on a scam that tells you nothing useful.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-02
DO NOT use Ancestry
March 30, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Their processing times are much longer than they let you know. We have been waiting for over ten weeks now and even though the tests were sent at the same time one has not even been processed yet. Did a little research and they send most of their testing out to the other labs so just one of the other ones directly and get rid of the middle money sucker.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-30
Exactly what I wanted
March 29, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Bought for my mother, she totally ‘got it’ and I was afraid it would be too complex and too fiddly for her to find relatives with
Not as detail-packed as some other tests I’ve researched but it worked for mom!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-29
Rediculously Slow
March 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am extremely disappointed with the processing of my DNA test. I received it as a Christmas gift, mailed it on 12/26/16 and they received it on 12/30/16. They contacted me on 1/26/17 that they could not use my sample. I received a new kit & they received it on 2/7/17.
I still have not received my results and their site shows that my sample is still not even being processed. This is almost 4 months from when I sent it in. I do not believe that my second sample should have to go to the back of the line.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-28
Absurdly Slow....
March 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I submitted my test well over 2 months ago. They just started processing it and now will take another 8+ weeks to process. What were they doing with my DNA during these last 2 months? Professional labs don’t function this way. This is ridiculous.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-28
Ridiculously slow
March 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My wife wanted the test results for her birthday in March. I bought it in December and mailed in January. The time says 6-8 weeks. Received an email on March 28 stating slow processing. In the future, we will receive and email stating “you should soon receive an email notifying you that your DNA sample is in its final stages of processing. From the time of that email, it should only take about 2-4 weeks until processing is complete.” Hopefully, have it for my birthday in April or possibly Wedding Anniversary in June. Thanks for the fail.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-28
Hugely impressed
March 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ordered three weeks ago and already have the results, much much faster than when I ordered the National Geographic Geno 2 which was two years ago.
Information in the account is way more accurate and it’s so much easier to add my matches to my family tree now I’ve actually built one in the interface. Excellent value for money and it’s a pleasure to write this!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-27
Huge disapointment
March 27, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
They advertise on TV where this guy thought he was German but AncestryDNA results said he is Scottish. I was expecting the same granularity in my result. But no it was not. It was very very generic. It said I am 80% East Asia. What is that? That comprise Russia, China, and all of the East Asia countries. That is more than half of the world population. I can tell that without having my DNA analyse.
Very useless test. I want my money back.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-27
Very disappointing. Waste of time and money
March 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My results showed that I was 91% Great Britain, 9% other.
In reality my lineage comes from Germany, Switzerland, and Scandinavia. It did not break down these percentages, just the Great Britain 91%.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-24
DNA very slow and poor customer service
March 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The delay in shipping should have been my first clue ancestry was over their head with demand . The gift almost didn’t make it on time for Christmas gift it was intended to be CS was no help and could careless about client satisfaction. 16 weeks after the Sumter was summited and still waiting on results. Would not recommend there are many companies out there doing a better job with good cust service
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-24
Ethnicity is so cool even though it's a bit off for me
March 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My parents are 3rd generation immigrants, by my calculation I’m 25% German, 25% English, 25% Irish and 25% French. I have a French surname
Ancestry DNA reported that I’m 62% British, 20% Western European (large proportion French and German), 15% Eastern European, 3% unattributed!?
From reading up there’s a certain amount of ‘drift’ to be expected but I’m still impressed
I’m in touch with a new branch of my family tree thanks to the database, the test has definitely fired my interest in genealogy, I’m thinking about the subscription…
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-20
Faulty--don't waste your money
March 19, 2017
Maternal Analysis
Both my husband and I purchased DNA testing through Both of us have proven American Indian heritage. Our DNA testing came back with no sign of American Indian. My husband’s paternal grandmother was full blood Creek Indian who spoke very little English. My paternal grandmother was 1/4 Cherokee Indian, and my maternal great grandfather was full blood Creek Indian. Don’t waste your money on this DNA testing.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-19
Thoroughly impressed
March 14, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Couldn’t have asked for more!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-14
Just do it! ;)
March 14, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Unless your family’s got a criminal background ;) I highly suggest it. Sure I’ve been told I was French, German, Polish, Irish, Scottish ect… I was still shocked to see the Irish dominance. Considering the Polish Pride I brought up on. Yes, it took a little longer than expected for the results… it was rt after xmas, though. I still love it. It kicked back 254 4th cousins or closer. Which I thought was pretty neat. I’m not rushing to make a family tree, & trying to connect. As I barely like the judgemental, less than kind, nose in the air cousins, I already have. Maybe someday… however – I’m excited to share my results with my brothers and sisters. If you have the extra money – I think it’s worth it. If I could show up in Switzerland waving around my results and gain citizenship… I’d be so impressed && over the moon happy! You’d probably see me as a Ancestry DNA spokesperson. Hehe. Cheers to happy days and to finding all those relatives you can only hope are better than the one you know. ;) (kidding.. a tad)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-14
Don't waste your money.
March 13, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My husband and I bought these as Christmas gifts for each other. His results came in this morning. All the results told him was that he was 98% European Jew. We knew we were Jewish and we knew we were from Europe. That was all it said. Don’t waste your money. You will not get the results that you anticipate
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-13
Hard to believe
March 9, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My paternal great grandparents are from Great Britain. Imagine my surprise when my DNA results said I was only a trace Great British. I find this hard to believe and a great disappointment to my confidence in their DNA testing.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-09
Christmas gift
March 9, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My son paid big money to AncestryDNA as. Christmas gift to me . I was on the three way phone call with a representative for the Company for them to mail a DNA testing kit to my address. They told him it would be thirty days. It is about two months and we are still waiting. I cannot understand how they give you one price on the phone and the internet have a cheaper cost.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-09
Ridiculously Slow
March 8, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry DNA has had my wife’s sample for almost three months and they Just started processing. Give me a break. Why offer a product if you cannot horor your promise or the customer’s expectations? Try someone else for you testing.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-08
Five stars
March 7, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Can’t believe what I’m seeing!! My Spanish roots are inside me :) Have forced my da to get one and I am writing this review I’m so pleased with it
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
March 6, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Difficult to find contact info
Difficult to make connection with them
No response when I finally found contest info and reached out.
Felt like sending it off was like throwing it out in space.
Poor customer Service (in that there was NONE!).
Very very very disappointed!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-06
March 6, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve corresponded with Ancestry saying how their service is a complete waste of time and money. They wouldn’t refund the cash – had it not been a gift I would have tried to take further action against them.
Re the fact that most of my ancestors were Scottish whereas Ancestry showed me to be Irish(!), they replied “We are working to isolate each section of ethnic DNA ie. distinguishing between Irish and Scottish DNA .”. Good grief, that just confirms how useless the service is.
I think it’s just a way to get people to sign up for the Ancestry subscription service, ie people who are interested in discovering distant relatives. Personally I’ve got no interest in that whatsoever which is why I’ve got no intention of corresponding with every Tom, Dick & Harry who contacts me and thinks we’re related just because AncestryDNA thinks we might be.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-06
Very disappointing
March 6, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Now discover that results are based on typical percentages of small samples. These are not real dna results and told me virtually nothing – about half GB and about half European Jewish (from anywhere in Europe). Not at all what was promised in the advertising.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-06
Pleasantly shocked!
March 6, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very easy to use and very friendly support staff who monitor their emails. I was alarmed when I first looked at the results because they were not what I expected – I am much more Eastern European and much less Russian than I believed. I am now glad that I decided to buy the AncestryDNA test and would encourage a friend to buy it.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-06
Surprised by results
March 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’d done African Ancestry years before and was intrigued by those results, but I wanted to know if I indeed had Native American blood. I was disappointed to find that I didn’t but the cost and specificity of the Ancestry’s tests made it worth taking.
It does concern me that there are multiple fees to see connections though
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-05
March 4, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
AncestryDNA, is exactly what it reads, Disappointed N Angry. Disappointed cause the results were very generic, giving me a whole region with 40 countries as my origin. Angry cause I spent my money on something worthless.
I would give it -1 star.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-04
Too broad and does not cater for the entire population
March 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Dissapointed – This is probably more suited for people with European background obviously because the breakdown is as per European countries.
Whereas for example South Asia covers all parts of India, Kashmere, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the Maldives (approximately 30-40% of population). Likewise East Asia etc.
So it’s Very biased and total waste of money for me in my opinion. Not really giving me any indication of a true break up within regions
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-03
No doubt that this is five stars
March 3, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Yeah the ethinc stuff is vague (so many angry reviewers!) but you literally find family you never knew you had. Jesus, it’s amazing, it is WORTH IT
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-03
Complete Waste of Money! Hope also for Nothing
March 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I do not know how for so long Ancestry . com has been able to operate under misleading customers regarding their dna profile testing and what they will learn. The only information that they told me was what i already knew. Only 1 person with 100 percent certainty that was related to me that had an account on Ancestry. It is amazing to me that Ancestry .com has not been sued for probably the millions of dollars they have swindled from people all over the world. It is a complete waste of $99 . PLEASE SAVE YOUR MONEY. THE RESULTS ARE so vague and absolutely give no valuable information. Companies like this should be shut down by the feds.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-02
Terribly Disappointed
March 1, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I was very excited to have an opportunity to take this test. I ordered one for me and one for my Irish husband. When I got my results I was dumbfounded!! I wanted to dig deeper into my Native American Indian heritage but my test results stated I was 0% Native American Indian.
I’m 1/8 Cherokee Indian!! I know this because my family was very open about our heritage. My grandmother was born, an only child, not in a hospital but on a Cherokee reservation near Claremore, Oklahoma. My Dad was born in Claremore, Oklahoma and so was my older sister.
I can only assume that because my great grandmother was the full blood Native American Indian and only had a daughter that AncestryDNA goes by last names of my great grandfather and grandfather.
I also found it amusing that I was 1% more Irish than my husband and my mother-in-law has done all the research and is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution proving their Irish heritage. My grandfather was of Scottish descent and I had a very low percentage of Scottish.
This test is a reality check for those who know a lot of their heritage because AncestryDNA got mine totally wrong! I immediately cancelled my membership to
I really laughed when I saw their commercial about the lady who was shocked to find out she was Native American Indian. I personally am very proud of this part of my heritage and I can’t imagine anyone not knowing they were Native American Indian!
Perhaps they got our tests confused……
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-01
Please please fill out your profile
February 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I love ALL the services, my family tree now covers 62 peeps, WAY more than I thought possible when I started researching. The DNA test gave my investigation a massive boost.
However, if you’re gonna buy it, please please fill out your profile and check your messages! So frustrating to find a 2nd/3rd cousin and they don’t reply to you
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-28
Helped to find out about my biological Dad
February 28, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Worth the money, I never knew my biological Dad so when my Mum and I got tested we were able to see that he contributed Middle Eastern DNA to my ethnic blend. Learning anything about him is important to me so this is big
Putting together my profile at the moment and fingers crossed will find relatives on my Dad’s side
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-28
Exporing a mystery with my Auntie
February 25, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
A brilliant tool that both me and my 60 year old Auntie understand – we’re tracing my great-grandmother’s origin and the DNA add-on has really helped :-)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-25
February 24, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I was given the Ancestry testing kit as a present from the family and the results were eagerly awaited, although I admit to a degree of sceptisism. Results were received after about 7 weeks and showed me to be -
Ireland 44%
Europe West 37%
Scandinavia 9%
Trace Regions 9%
Now I had hoped there would be a lot more detail but leaving that aside the results just look wrong! On my father’s side I’m 100% Scottish going back to at least 18th century, on my mother’s it’s about 50% English, 50% German. Certainly no Irish.
My experience appears to be similar to that recorded under the title Shambles here on 19th Feb.
Waste of money. I would have given no stars but one is the lowest you can give.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-24
Wonderful use of technology
February 20, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve spent 18 months trawling through census data etc. when it was a DNA test I needed
Added seven relatives to my father’s branch.The nationality breakdown has been an added bonus, prompting an exciting new round of research into my Hungarian (yes, Hungarian!) heritage
Results came a week later than I’d been told
Customer support are responsive
My humble opinion: 4.6stars (so I’m giving 5 on this site)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
February 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
BEWARE! My actual genealogy back to 1500 AD is 75% Welsh and 25% English. 23andMe and FamilyTree DNA have confirmed this. AncestryDNA says I’m 53% Irish and the rest 37% United Kingdom, with 10% for other EU countries. The reality is that AncestryDNA cannot differentiate Brythonic Celt (Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, Galicia Spain) from Gaelic Celt (Ireland & Scotland) ancestry. AncestryDNA simply does not have the capability to handle UK & Ireland ancestry accurately. This was confirmed with a representative of AncestryDNA on the phone.
BEWARE! Because AncestryDNA cannot distinguish Welsh heritage accurately, it is now sending out inaccurate “Shared Ancestor Hints” for Welsh ancestors. 1/1 wrong so far – I’ll wait for more. Even the detail in does not agree with AncestryDNA, and my detailed records certainly don’t agree with AncestryDNA.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-19
February 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Good but needs subscription for most use
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-16
How can you contact them about a late result??
February 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I sent off my saliva kit before Christmas 2016. It is intended as a gift and I had hoped, and was led to believe, that I would have the result before the date of the celebration. However, I have been told that it will be weeks before it is ready and too late for the celebration. I have tried online to contact them to express my dissatisfaction but my emails have been returned and I cannot find a telephone number or address. Can anybody help?
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-16
Ruining Families one test at a time
February 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Do these tests if you want inaccurate ethnic results. Also, beware of finding lost relatives you may not want to find. Do you really want to know the one night stand you had 20 plus years ago produced a child? What legal implications will be involved. Or that your father cheated on your mother and you now have a new sister? All to find out information about your ethnicity that is not true or accurate to begin with. Read about these tests VERY carefully. Get information before you give away valuable DNA. Ruining families one test at a time.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-12
February 7, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry DNA is helpful in identifying people with matching trees but doesn’t give you the % DNA match so you can’t tell if the person is a 5th cousin or a 6th cousin… 23&Me is very analytic but it is difficult to match to relatives. The MyHeritage website for family trees is very frustrating to use.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-07
Marketing Misrepresentation
February 5, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Results showed 5 percent Great Britain; my sister’s showed 56 percent Great Britain. After considerable research, I now understand that these percentages are highly suspect. There is negligible difference between some categories, rendering meaningless geographical classifications. Yes, the tests are pretty good at identifying cousins, but contrary to advertisements, these tests do not establish ethnic identity.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-05
Significant Scottish heritage!
February 4, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Thank you Ancestry DNA!
I’m 36% Scottish which is soo cool. Dad and I went through the charts and are bowled over – he’s having his DNA tested now, we think he’ll he be less Scottish and more Polish if our family records are anything to go by
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-04
Sold too many kits to process over holidays
February 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
AncestryDNA had a campaign around Christmas lowering the price from $99 to $79. I received a kit and sent it in immediately (mid December). In mid January, I received an email saying they were mailing another kit because their lab failed. Its February and the replacement kit hasn’t arrived. Once it does, it will extend out another 6 weeks minimum…likely a 4 month process. All because they couldn’t handle the surge in workload from the advertised sales and samples were tossed out.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-02
My data came through this week
February 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Findings are mainly as expected – this is what i hoped. Thought there would be much more but you need to pay. Despite this i’d recommend the service. Wanted to give 4.5 stars.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-02
Genius service
January 29, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Hello. I put my whole family tree onto Ancestry and by connecting with AncestryDNA I found 2x second cousins
I am a big fan of the service and would encourage other people to use it
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-29
100% worth it
January 23, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
A brilliant add-on to the service, gaining access to the genetic arena has opened up about a dozen more opportunities to continue our family genealogy research – I think it would do the same for any subscriber
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-23
AncestryDNA Review
January 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Extremely cool.complrtely verified my (and my sisters) Spanish ancestors who lived in the late 1800s/early 1900s
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-19
January 19, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My “results” came back as 100% Eastern European Jewish. Along with the “results” came a list of of distant cousins, all of whom indicated a mixture of at least a half dozen specific countries. Every Ancestry DNA commercial presents a pie chart of various percentages. I have yet to see anyone who is 100% anything. Very disappointed.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-19
January 17, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m very disapointed! I know that I have Native American heritage…and yet my test reported that I have “0%” Native American, and that I’m 99% European and 1% Asian. My mother was born on an Indian Reservation in Oklahoma. What is the deal? Wasted investment and time! My expectations were blasted out of my spit!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-17
January 16, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry DNA is advertising quite frequently on Facebook BUT people in AUS and NZ need to know not everything is depicted. See Below from their website
Will the test tell me if I have Aboriginal or Maori ethnicity?
Ancestry’s current genetic ethnicity estimate does not provide a direct estimate of Aboriginal Australian Ethnicity. Should someone with Aboriginal Australian ancestry take an AncestryDNA test, the resulting genetic ethnicity estimate is most likely to include South East Asia and Oceania.
Because the AncestryDNA genetic ethnicity estimates do not currently break down Polynesia into smaller populations, we would expect people with Maori ancestry to have an estimate of Polynesian genetic ethnicity.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-16
Located family
January 12, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I give this test 5 Stars. Initially I did it for ethnicity. Once I started discovering DNA matches, I actually found my Father’s Mother. It is a lot more than people think. I recommend it, especially if you’re looking for your family.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-12
January 9, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I would suggest only a few improvements:
1. Faster data processing
2. A free month of the subscription service so you can properly connect the family found in ‘DNA circles’ to your family tree
3. More specific ethnic results
The headline is that it’s a brilliant service, I just hope Ancestry can continue improving it
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-09
They keep losing my samples!
January 6, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I would like to review the Ancestry DNA test, however, they can’t seem to keep control of their samples. I have sent in two consecutive samples in Nov & Dec 2016, and they have lost them both. I’m now sending in a third sample. Hopefully, Ancestry can get it processed this time and not lose it again.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-06
No regrets
January 2, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Extremely good value for money in my opinion
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-02
DNA element is good but I recommend the subscription
January 1, 2017
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
But the subscription is totally addictive!
Haven’t managed to put my genetic relatives on my tree sadly
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-01
December 30, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Happy with the maps, graphs and matches
The ‘ethnicity estimate’ could be more accurate – from looking at the other types of ethnic breakdown that other companies produce this must be possible so I don’t know why Ancestry are behind
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-30
I'm a hero in my family for buying this!!
December 30, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Showed off our family tree and my ancestral mix and my folks were blown away!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-30
What a big rip off
December 28, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This is a big rip off. I have verification of Indian . Ancestors on my mothers side were of Cherokee blood. There’s no mention of this on your test.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-28
The genuine article
December 20, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I bought Ancestry BY DNA (watch out for the ‘BY’) six months ago which was a total waste of money. My results came through today and I’m blown away, REAL value for money and I’ve actually learned something about myself unlike AncestrybyDNA.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-20
A superb gift, couldn't have asked for a better outcome
December 3, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My Grandmother was over the moon when she received the kit for her birthday! We’d both seen the ads on TV and she’d commented that she wanted to try it, so I got the kit for her
I think about six of us have been shown my Grandmother’s results so far, she’s so proud and it’s brought back a lot of happy memories of her parents (Polish and Serbian).
She said this was the best gift she ever got! Thank you (my Grandmother has since bought a subscription too)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-03
SCAM is putting it mildly!
November 29, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Although I have hard evidence that I am Cherokee and Choctaw on both my mother’s side and my father’s side, Ancestry DNA test said I was 0% Native American. My results showed generic circles for Europe that were meaningless. Ancestry’s reply to my Better Business Bureau complaint was also obviously a generic reply since it called me by a wrong name at the first of the reply and called me twice by a different wrong name later in the reply. I am shocked that the LDS church would be associated with what appears to me to be such a fraudulent scam.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-29
A very generic piece of info
November 27, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I think looking up the definition of a white American on Google gave me pretty much the same information as I got from Only difference is the $100 I paid for their service. Skip the test, use their research site and stay ahead of the game!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-27
Totally Waste Money
November 24, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My result came back “ You are Asia East “
Yes, I know, I am a Japanese
I expected more detail ethnicity classification,
because Japanese people are mixed with various Asian ethnic groups
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-24
Finding family
November 9, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I was very disappointed at first because my husband and I did this together. We wanted to do this as a couple. However his results came in several weeks before mine. This left me very disappointed. After my results came we had fun comparing our ethnicity. I also was matched to over 412 cousins 1-4. With help from a new found 2nd cousin I was able to also find my father, sister, aunt, and loads of cousins. This has help me see another piece of my traits that were different from the family I knew. Has become a very interest journey in my life.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-09
Perfect gift idea!
October 29, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Hello . My name is Ethel Isaacs and a few months back I had Ancestry do my DNA …. I was COMPLETELY pleased as it came back just as I’d expected from my Family History …..
I thought what Wonderful presents to give my loved ones ….. Others should also consider this a great Holiday gift . Especially , for someone who has everything ! LOl !
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-29
October 28, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Compared to the Family Tree DNA test I did, Ancestry’s is slightly better bang for the buck. That said, I only gave it 3 stars bc it wasn’t narrowed down enough to my liking. I’d like to point out that compared to the FTDNA company, Ancestry tests your saliva compared to to swabbing the insides of your cheek. It said I was 68% European with 42% of that being Italian & Greek. 32% was the Caucuses, which I agree with as my father’s family came from Syria. I could see the Greek part, especially from my father’s side. But I have no family members that claimed any Italian ancestry. Now my g-grandmother was adopted & it’s possible that was her ancestry, but then the elaborates to include regions like “Romania, Hungary, Bosnia Herzgovina, etc…etc. So that part seems nebulous to me. But otherwise I’d consider the test fairly accurate.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-28
October 22, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
What a waste of money! Told me nothing that I didn’t already know. Gave me names of people who had a good chance of being a 6th cousin. Really?????? Why even bother. When I went to try to contact them, their setting was private. What a farce like flushing $100 down the toilet. BEWARE!!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-22
October 21, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Just received my review yesterday and it was a joke. Although my great great grandmother was Chickashaw and her husband was Ute, I am less than 1% native american. Are you really telling me that thru four generations I only have a trace of native american blood. I find that impossible to believe. They must have mixed my test with someone elses. They need to take a good long look, since I got my results in 11 days instead of the 6-8 weeks they said it would take. No rush job is a good job.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-21
This is Crazy!
October 20, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I just got my results back from after two unsuccessful attempts at interpreting them. I am shocked to find that I am only 2% British, in view of the fact that practically my entire mother’s side hails from England and has been there for at least a thousand years. How can this possibly be? 23andme said I was 26% British and Irish, and that sounds far more accurate. I got a very high German percentage on both, which is probably accurate since my father’s side is from there. But I still find the whole thing most baffling.
I am going to try Family Tree DNA next, because this entire process has left me dazed and confused. The only thing that is uniform is that I am 100% European.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-20
October 7, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am Eastern European and was trying to figure out my ethnic background. Long story short… test results came back as 87% Eastern European. Shocking! No breakdown what-so-ever. Says I could be anything from Greek, Macedonian to Austrian and Jewish. My DNA matches were mostly Polish people. I could’ve come up to a random person on a street and asked them “Hey, where do you think I’m from?” and gotten a more detailed answer for free.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-07
DNA can provide miracles
October 5, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am thrilled with my results. I was adopted at birth, and only had non-identifying information about my birth parents. Through the AncestryDNA test I matched with a second cousin, contacted her through their site, giving her what I knew. All my information matched with what she knew. I found out who both of my parents were, all about them and their families and now have pictures of all of them. I look exactly like my birth mother. I am 71 years old and have been searching unsuccessfully for the past 30 years. My parents, birth and adopted, are all dead, but the exciting thing was, my birth parents married each other 37 years after my birth. I have also contacted several other DNA match 3rd and 4th cousins through this process. I was skeptical, but now realize DNA doesn’t lie.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-05
Overall satisfied
October 1, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Having done research on my family before taking test was a big plus, to understand what etnicty and background of regions fit into my research..with a few surprises..overall satisfied..There is only one issue,after brother taking his test, now my Beta Circles are messed mother’s ,,my maternal side has been listed as paternal relatives..can’t get it straightened’s been two weeks now of trying to get this straightened out with no luck at all
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-01
An exciting insight
October 1, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m in my 60s and have been working on the Robinson family history for 3 years. My subscription has been very rewarding and the AncestryDNA upgrade has taken our Robinson research to the next level.
I’m tracking down my relatives and have convinced two to test with AncestryDNA and I can’t wait to see them in the DNA Circles feature.
I advise anyone to go ahead with AncestryDNA, it’s helped my family greatly
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-01
Very Helpful
September 27, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
While it seems many of the bad reviews don’t understand the maps or migration, I found it very useful as far as the test itself. The matching… not so much. Way too many matches with no other matches. Getting people to respond is like pulling teeth. I have met a few cousins that have been awesome. May have found the mystery line for my adopted great grandfather. Not sure how he fits in their tree yet, but piecing it together. I have done myself and my aunt (hers was much more useful than mine. Almost 600 matches to my not quite 200). Her and I come from very large families and I have been able to fill in some great info. Hoping to get my aunt on my other side done soon to help break down some matches between my parents’ sides.
One person said if you want the truth to ask your relatives. Well, not everyone has relatives to ask. Not all that info is accurate. I am one of those, oh your grandmother was Cherokee. Me and several matches have zero NA blood, so we assume it isn’t true, as is the case in many families. I grew up being told we were 100% German (one line is heavily documented over 1000 years and estate is now a museum). Yeah back 2 generations maybe for the most part. But great grandparents that had already passed weren’t German and I actually get more DNA from them than my German ancestors.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-27
September 25, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I knew they were right that I had some English in me (Townsend) and Irish (Scotch-Irish White). So they “verified” that. German, and possibly French, however were lumped in to Western European East Europe, Finland/Russia, Italy/Greece, Scandinavia and Iberian peninsula are grouped as stated.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-25
Waste of Money
September 21, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I got my results back and was sure it was NOT mine. It said I was mostly Scandanavian decent. There are no Johansens or any type names in my family history. Family names are English, Plus I know that I had two Great Grandmothers that were full blooded Cherokee, and they said I was zero percent Native American
Waste of money
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-21
To say a fraud may be an understatement
August 23, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My DNA was linked to group of about 5 countries which they labeled as an area of a certain religious group. No specific percentages for a country in that group were given. The religion part is garbage because there is no way you can tell a religion from DNA. What they gave me I could have had for $5 from an observant palm reader. How they have the nerve to even imply they will give you reasonably specific results is amazing. Additionally, they charge $10 for shipping of the kit which is not sent by Priority Mail, but by regular mail for about $2. While not a lot of money, it should have been a red flag when they were even trying to make money on the shipping. Use them at your own risk but don’t say you weren’t warned.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-23
A scam
August 22, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
So for someone who really has no clue as to their heritage their results may seem to be accurate to them and therefor thrilled at the idea of thinking they know where their ancestors came from. However, as someone who has not only done my own extensive research and paid the monthly membership subscription fee, my family has also done their own extensive research outside of I feel the test is a scam! Both my aunt and I took the DNA test and we both were left confused, frustrated and frankly pretty angry. We’ve dated our ancestry back as far as the 1700s. We know that my grandfather was 100% Norwegian and my grandmother mostly Irish. I only showed as 3% Scandanavian and 7% Irish. How does that even make sense?? We know my mothers parents came directly from Italy as did their parents and their parents parents and so forth. Ok so perhaps there may be some Spanish/Portugese in there according to the DNA results, sure they’re close enough. But how would Native American be in my DNA? Also, what’s this European Jewish? Maybe I’m uneducated on the facts, but I thought Jewish was a religion not a region! If ur unsure of your heritage and would like something to amuse yourself feel free. But for those who have done your research beware!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-22
Absolutely brilliant information
August 18, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I love this service, the AncestryDNA information is absolutely brilliant and has definitely complemented my genealogy research through my Ancestry subscription
An utmost recommendation!
Btw, very easy to download your raw data, but a bit weird that they only let you download it once!?
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-18
DNA matches is super cool
August 18, 2016
Combined Paternal & Maternal Analysis & Family Finder
Six really close matches, made big headway on my family tree because of this
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-18
August 12, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I know some if not most of my family history did the DNA spit in the cup and waited for no reason told me nothing about what I actually am. Where did my Native American go? My grandfather should have shown up? I would think 25% would show up. But it didn’t
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-12
August 4, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Not worth the money. Didn’t get any information worth the $100. I spent.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-04
Disappointing and waste of money
August 2, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry DNA starts off by explaining how the test is based on estimates. I know for a fact and can trace my father who was born in Italy and has generations before him from this region back many many years, as for my mother we can trace her irish and french ancestry back even further. The results came up as Irish and British being the greatest then there was Scandinavian and European Jewish thrown into there as well as middle eastern. There were no traces of French whatsoever and a small percentage of Italian compared to the family history and documents we own. Not worth the money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-02
Means a lot to be part of the genetic revolution
July 25, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Enhanced my family tree IMMEDIATELY with AncestryDNA and found 13 more 2nd/3rd cousins which has massively supported our family research
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-25
Great DNA test
July 19, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I have been obsessed with genealogy for many years, and I recently finally decided to take the AncestryDNA test. I suggest you order through Amazon Prime, so you can get free shipping. It took one day to arrive at my house. I spit in it, then sent it in 3 days later. I got my results exactly 5 weeks after I put the sample in the mailbox. Boy, was I surprised by the results. I am 24% Irish! I recommend doing this DNA test to find out more about the roots.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-19
As advertised
July 16, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Information isn’t very specific but overall the reports are interesting and make for a great conversation starter.
Happy with purchase.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-16
Makes you think!
July 16, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My sister and I know very little about our ancestry as our parents don’t talk about their parents (for good reason), so I wanted to buy AncestryDNA to learn a bit more about where we come from.
We’re both ‘olive-skinned’ as opposed to Caucasian/White and so learning about my Iberian ethnicity (67%) explained a lot!
I’ve now got an Ancestry subscription and have begun setting up my family tree (matching census records etc.) so hopefully I’ll make contact with our Mediteranean cousins soon!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-16
Extremely satisfied with the data
July 14, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
A well put together portfolio of ancestral information
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-14
July 5, 2016
Combined Paternal & Maternal Analysis & Family Finder
I was very excited about getting my test results back from AncestryDNA until I received them.
Point in fact is that I’m a fourth generation Cherokee Indian. According to my AncestryDNA test I’ve got 0% Native American Indian.
I was extremely disappointed and the only reason I believe the test came back that way was because my Cherokee bloodline was from my great grandmother instead of my great grandfather. I honestly believe they have no clue but by names to establish your heritage.
If you really want to know your heritage talk to your family!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-05
Connected to my Granddad!!
July 1, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Hello! I connected my Ancestry DNA account with my Granddad’s account today! He’s been paying a subscription for five years or so and I bought the DNA test (because he didn’t want to do it) and my account revealed several 3rd cousins who I’ve connected my family tree with, and now all our trees are connected!!
This is an absolutely ace service, super glad I did it
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-01
Very cool
June 30, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
They crushed it. My genetic heritage has been decrypted and its amazing to see
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-30
Very happy with Ancestry DNA.
June 24, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I received my results in May,2016,very impressed with the accuracy & matches I have received. Would really recommend anyone looking to fill in the missing links to take this test.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-24
Another world
June 19, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
It’s been a truly bizarre journey and I wanted to write this review because sticking to your offline genealogical data (the non genetic stuff) just isn’t going to let you fully explore who you really are. My Dad has told me a number of stories about my British heritage and the fact is that I’m descended from Greek immigrants and I look exactly like you’d expect me to look – darker skin, dark hair, dark eyes etc. I’ve been working on our family’s family tree for 7 months, transferring my Dad’s knowledge into my account. It was pointed out which branch was supposedly British, but since taking the quantum leap to integrate my autosomal DNA into our account, things have significantly changed. my AncestryDNA results prove that I’m a mix of Greek, Middle Eastern and Polish, with English/Scottish/Irish/Welsh nowhere to be seen!! My Dad and I have discussed this several times and I think he’s coming around to the fact that our family history isn’t quite what he thought – I guess it’s quite a revelation when you had one set idea your whole life and your son points out its wrong! It’s been totally fun to take this test and I would highly recommmd it. My sister is going to take one, my Dad might take one, and our family tree has grown in very unexpected ways!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-19
DNA Results: Eroupean vs. Native American
June 18, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My entire life, and those generations before me were all led to believe that our family name, “Lightfoot” was of Native American decent. Specifically from the Sioux Tribe. Several years of self-initiated genealogy work, coupled with my new Ancestral DNA Results positively determined that I do not have one ounce of Native American DNA. All of my test results were predominantly European with a 37% Scandinavian lineage. “Amazing!” Thank you to all of those dedicated at who have helped those of us to dispel decades long rumors of our natural heritage. I’m now armed with the truth and am changing the mindset of those before me. This has been a great experience! Thank you. I recommend all persons take a leap of faith and challenge your identity with a DNA test from
Randy L.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-18
Big Disappointment
June 16, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m Japanese, my AncestryDNA results came back saying I’m Asian.
So the Japanese, Chinese, Southeast Asians, Mongolians, etc have the same DNA backgrounds?
Waste of $99
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-16
June 6, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
They only test the maternal side—My paternal side has Native American and German roots and they did not show up at all—NO, there is no chance that my father is not my father!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-06
Way better value than 23andMe
June 2, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Seem to be a lot of complainers on this site but look at the price of AncestryDNA! I’ve taken 23andMe and it’s twice the price and Ancestry give you basically the same info for less than half that! This is totally a no brainer.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-02
Be warned, you might need a subscription
May 23, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ethnic breakdown data is good but it’s definitely not clear what you have to pay for to fully apply your genetic results to Ancestry’s customer database
I have to decide if I want to pay for a subscription to truly advance my family tree
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
Totally different experience
May 5, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The reviews I’m reading on this site don’t reflect my experience at all – though I bought my subscription in October last year and upgraded to the AncestryDNA evaluation in January of this year – maybe are overloaded.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-05
May 4, 2016
Autosomal Analysis
My friend used another tester and got specific results. example: French and percentage, German and percentage. All Ancestry DNA gives you is a general area like Great Britain and a percentage. Well that is a large area so you never know exactly where you might be from. Not worth the money for no specifics. I regret spending the money.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-04
Are they having staffing problems?
May 1, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
03/05/16 Mailed my kit to AncestryDNA in the provided package.
03/16/16 Rcvd email from AncestryDNA saying they received my kit (there’s no way that it took 11 days to reach them).
03/24/16 Rcvd email from AncestryDNA asking me to rate my experience (Yes, seriously. I suggested they may want to wait until after customers receive their results to send out rating emails).
04/05/16 Rcvd email from AncestryDNA advising my test was in their lab for processing (an entire month from the date I sent it to them).
04/12/16 Rcvd another email from AncestryDNA advising that my test was in their lab. This email had a link to ‘check the status’ of my test. However, that link failed to connect (somehow, I wasn’t surprised).
04/21/16 Rcvd an email from AncestryDNA offering a 20% discount for new customers to have their DNA done. Of course, as a waiting customer, I did not qualify for the $79 price. I paid $99.
04/25/16 Rcvd a second email discount offer for new customers to pay $79 for the test. Pretty insulting considering I paid $99.
05/01/16 Still waiting for my results.
AncestryDNA seems to be having problems with their ability to process incoming kits in a timely manner.
They also seem to have a problem with their marketing department who asked me to rate my experience before they even began to process my kit, and then sent two (2) insulting emails offering discounts to new customers when I had already paid full price.
My spouse and I, both, submitted kits. My spouse received the results within four (4) weeks (under the company’s stated results time). Mine is apparently being processed by a turtle. A very slow turtle.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-01
Genetic matches
May 1, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Brilliant for making your family tree but I thought that taking the DNA test would help me combine my family tree with others, but it looks like I’d need a subscription to do that
I’ve contacted my ‘close genetic matches’ but haven’t heard anything yet. Not sure if Ancestry is going to help me to grow my tree at all
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-01
Very disappointed
April 29, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am French of French parents and descent since the 1500’s ( with official documents to prove it ). Only one person with Belgium ancestry married in the family in 1850 ( on my mother side ). The Ancestry DNA testing tells me that my ancestry is from all over Europe (89%) but my French ancestry (western Europe) is only 7%. The $99 for that DNA testing was not well spent.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-29
What a waste of money..
April 11, 2016
Autosomal Analysis
The only way I think you could fine value in this test is if you’ve never done ANY genealogical research. The results, such as they are, are so basic AND so “iffy” that a brief conversation with a Parent…Grandparents…even a distant cousin would render better and most likely more certain results.
Seems to be a BIG money making operation….
Here’s a guess at what we think we know about you…but if you get your family members to buy the test maybe we will be able to tell you more about you…so sign’em up!
What a waste…Buyer Beware!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-11
April 8, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I ordered the AncestryDNA test and the reports are interesting, however, I wish I’d done more research before buying. From looking at the reviews on this site,’s genetic report is more basic than most. For only a bit more money, I could have traced my maternal and paternal lines too with 23andMe or Britains DNA or Family Tree DNA.
Fairly happy customer
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-08
Found my half-brother!
March 25, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My subscription was purely for building my family tree online, but the AncestryDNA add-on has been amazing, I’ve actually found a half-brother!!
To anyone reading the reviews looking to justify the AncestryDNA add-on, I can guarantee that it reaches the parts that other genealogy services don’t!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-25
Love the new family tree viewer!
March 18, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I just logged in to my account (my grandmother recently passed away and I wanted to update it) and the new family tree viewer is a HUGE improvement on the last one
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-18
February 15, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I haven’t yet had the courage to search out my adoptive parents. Seeing the diversity of my background before my eyes has been a moving experience. This is service gets 10/10 in my book. JangleE
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-15
A standout report
February 5, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve been tracing my Scottish/Irish ancestry for 2 years and I now have a report from Ancestry DNA that acknowledges my Celtic roots. I'm very happy about this!
I'm contacting matches, trying to map my paternal ancestry and confirm my shared paternal ancestors, it looks like its all very easy to do this with Ancestry DNA which is awesome.
A very happy customer!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-05
Good at first glance
January 27, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I got access to my results today and it’s a very smooth platform – theres lots to get through though
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-27
Pretty good
January 25, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Glad I took it, don’t think it’d be that useful if you didn’t already have an Ancestry account
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-25
The perfect information for my grandmother
January 20, 2016
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve had my DNA tested by before so I bought my grandmother the test so she could learn about her heritage and see just how far the technology has come. She has a fascinating ethnic breakdown as she had a Norwegian mother and Irish father. This was clearly displayed in the account, and gave us a French mystery to solve too! My grandmother’s heritage has really come alive for her because of this test and I’m grateful to for their support – a wonderful experience! 5 stars!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-20
grandma loved it!
December 28, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
we showed our grandma her results today and she was extremely happy to see her Norwegian roots in here chromosomes x
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-28
Ripoff and a joke
December 24, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I purchased Ancestry DNA for myself. It came back predominantly Irish(29%) with only 9% British. This made no sense. I have easily traced my ancestry on their site and nearly all of it originated from England. This made me curious, so I acquired a test for my granddaughter. One of her grandparents immigrated from Italy. He married a Cherokee. Her ancestry had zero results from either of these sources. I could not verify her Native American ancestry, although her uncles and aunts went to Oklahoma and received registration, which I assume must verify authenticity. But I absolutely know about her Italian ancestry.
Because I was so frustrated with these results and obvious ripoff, I had my wife’s ancestry done next. I know absolutely that three of her grandparents came from Germany in the late 19th century. I know what towns, what years and anything else that is relevant. These facts are indisputable. I have documented records. So what do her results show? They say she is 69% British. This is outrageous. These people are criminals. They are scamming the public with their dishonest ads on television. Do not buy this product. It is totally inaccurate.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-24
My essence in exquisite detail
December 9, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am extremely happy with my package
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-09
December 8, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am extremely disappointed in my results. They came back in just under 3 weeks. Because of my last name being Irish, I had a large percentage that was of Irish descent. My father was adopted, so no Irish in the family. He was of English/German decent. My mother’s side is all Scotch! I know that there should be a little French but that goes back quite a few generations. So, all-in-all, I was told stuff that I know to be untrue. A pure waste of money! AND, I am pretty sure that if I want to follow up on anything, I need to pay monthly/yearly fee. Rating, as far as I am concerned should be zero but had to check one to submit!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-08
A treasure-trove of information!
December 2, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My AncestryDNA results contain a treasure-trove of information that’s been lovely to go through and share with my daughters.
My family’s ethnicity is more complex than I expected!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-02
56% Scandinavian!
November 4, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I had no idea the Ancestry DNA add-on was going to uncover such a mystery! My brother and I have been able to trace our ancestry back three generations and only two of our eight great-grandparents have Scandinavian heritage (both Norwegian). It is therefore mind-boggling that I have inherited so much autosomal DNA from Scandinavian tribes. My brother has just sent his test off so we look forward to comparing results.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-11-04
What useless results!
October 31, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
An ABSOLUTE WASTE OF MONEY!! I know my heritage back at least 7 generations, more on one branch. Their spin states “ethnicity across 26 regions/ethnicities” and tells “what region of Europe” my ancestors are from. They showed me very broad FIVE regions and told me that my closest European region was Hungary and Middle East was Afghanistan. Neither is even close!! Interestingly, I anglicized my name and may retry with my actual name to see if that changes the results.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-31
I love it
October 29, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Top marks for the ethnic breakdown!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-29
An absolute must for any genealogist
October 27, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m forever telling people to get into the genetic side of genealogy! There’s another world of info out there for those of you who have yet to get involved :-)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-27
Lots of fun
October 26, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I knew nothing about genetic genealogy before giving this a try and I’m SO glad I did!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-26
Has really helped me build my family tree
October 23, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Adding my DNA to my account has really helped me with my family tree. Very impressed.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-23
My review of the results
October 22, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I would like to add my review of the results I received from my DNA test done thru I know my heritage and the results did not match what I know to be true at all.
I should have researched more before wasting my money on this test with I was so disapointed and angry. I would like to warn others not to waste their money on a DNA test thru
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-22
I can finally prove I'm Irish!
October 20, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Thanks, I finally have the ethnicity report to prove my Irish descent. My husband was doubtful but now I have proof :-)
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-20
Very Disappointing
October 20, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
We bought the kit for my Mom as a Christmas present… the results came back as 100% Europe East, with a big blob of a circle around the whole eastern half of Europe. That’s it.
Sorry – I know that’s where my grandparents were born (they could have a least narrowed down the blob on the map) , but there is no way that anyone is 100% anything going back through a family tree.
The only reason for the two-star rating is because it was kind of exciting taking the sample, sending the kit away and waiting for the results. Any excitement quickly died when we got the results.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-20
Astonishing results
October 19, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Buzzing about the reports I’ve got access to, I shared them with my son today
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-19
Very happy
October 6, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am always very happy with the quality of support and customer service we receive from, They always put a lot of thought and effort into helping us and I feel that is because they are aware of how important this is to everyone concerned
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-06
Must have add-on!
September 20, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
If you use (or even if you don’t) the AncestryDNA add-on is a must have. I found 12 more relatives by undergoing a genetic analysis, and the stuff you learn about yourself (like the ethnic breakdown) is VERY cool
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-20
Everyone should do this
September 8, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m very glad i took the plunge and decided to upgrade to AncestryDNA. I have been able to take a big leap with my family tree because of the genetic connections I’ve found, and it’s even helped to solve one of our family mysteries! The ethnicity data is also fascinating.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-08
Best interface, weaker ethnicity estimate than 23&Me
August 20, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I am an American of European ancestry, and have had both the AncestryDNA and 23&Me tests, so this is a comparison of the two.
For the same price, 23&Me gave me more in several respects: both autosomal DNA analysis, as well as Y-haplogroup and mt-haplogroup. 23&Me also gives very interesting and potentially helpful health-related information. Ancestry does not include health or haplogroup information. (New US subscribers are currently blocked by our FDA from receiving health information from 23&Me.)
Concentrating now on what both services have in common, the autosomal DNA gives you both an estimate of the regions your ancestors recently came from, as well as a list of cousins you can potentially contact. Ancestry’s regional analysis is called “Ethnicity estimate”, 23&Me’s is “Ancestry Composition”.
According to 23&Me, I am: 100% Eur., 34% BR + IRE, 27.3% FR + GER, 1.7% Scand., 32.9% Broadly N Eur, 0.5% IT, 0.4% BALK, 0.8% Broadly S Eur, 0.5% E Eur, 1% Broadly Eur.
According to Ancestry, I am: <1% BR, 15% IRE, 68% W Eur, 3% Scand., 13% IT + GR.
I have been able to trace about 28% of my ancestry to England, 6% to Wales, 9% to Ireland, 36% to Germany, and 2% to France, leaving 31% unaccounted for. But most of those missing lines disappear in mid-18th C (pre-Revolutionary) eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. From what we know of the demographics of those places at that time, my missing lines are overwhelmingly likely to be predominantly northern European.
A few percent of southern or eastern European parentage could be admixtures while my ancestors were still in Europe, or the odd early immigrant from those places, or a statistical fluke.
But that leaves two major discrepancies between 23&Me and Ancestry DNA: A huge underestimate by Ancestry of my British ancestry, and (most likely) a fairly large overestimate by Ancestry of my IT + GR (S Eur) ancestry. In both cases, 23&Me is a whole lot closer to what I know and what is reasonable from other evidence.
How about the relative finder? Ancestry gives me a list of 2800 cousins, but most of them are in the 5th to 8th cousin range. The chances of finding the exact common ancestor you share with those that distant are fairly small, in my experience. Those in the 4th to 6th cousin range have a higher probability of a successful match. (How many cousins you have will vary according to how many of your distant cousins have tested with Ancestry.)
Once you look at a cousin, Ancestry has a tremendous advantage in that if both of you have public family trees on Ancestry, it automatically searches both trees to find your common ancestor(s), and presents you with those results. 23&Me does not do that.
23&Me also gave me 918 cousins — still more than I can take time to check out! 23&Me subscribers are on average less knowledgeable about genealogy, in my experience.
The big disadvantage Ancestry suffers from in regard to tracing your genealogy is they do not offer a chromosome mapper. This is offered by 23&Me, and allows you to see which parts of which chromosome you share with a cousin. If you share the same parts with two cousins, it is likely that you are related through the same common ancestor. This is a big help, and a big disappointment I have with Ancestry.
If you are serious about genealogy, you should get both. If I had to pick one, it would be 23&Me, for the health reports, the better ethnicity estimate, and the chromosome mapper.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-20
Learned a lot about my genetic mix
August 7, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry DNA concluded that I have East and West African DNA which is odd because I don’t have a single African ancestor. In addition, the French, Swiss and German DNA I should have inherited from my grandparents appears to have been eclipsed by the British DNA I’ve acquired from my father!
Intriguing stuff, but has left me with more questions than answers.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-07
Good for ethnicity
August 7, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
My results show I’m 66% West African, 26% Central European, 6% Scandinavian and 2% Uncertain. Despite being told I have numerous cousins, I don’t have any close enough that I’d consider them ‘true relatives’, and so don’t think I’ll be contacting them.
The Ancestry DNA results are lots of fun, but I doubt I’ll go back to the ethnic mix info. I’ve subscribed to access the records to help build my family tree, hopefully my genetic links will come in handy when my family tree grows.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-07
Biggest waste of money and total ripoff ever
August 4, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Got any email that they needed to send another kit because they were unable to get results from first DNA sample sent. First sample sent was done step by step according to directions. I requested full payment back. We will get a credit of $49 back. Total ripoff and waste of time.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-04
Brilliant add-on
June 12, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m a long term subscriber of, having built three family trees for my family and two friends.
I have to stay that the AncestryDNA product adds a whole new dimension to the trees you can complete, helping you attach your tree to others which you previously wouldn’t have known you could have.
I’ve always been a huge advocate of and have friends all over the world because of it! This genetic upgrade is a brilliant add-on
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-12
Truly excellent
April 18, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I got stuck building my family tree a few years ago but after taking the AncestryDNA test I’ve managed to match my family tree with one cousin who has a public family tree 4,000 strong! It’s been awesome to discover a whole new branch of my family going back to the 1700s!
I advise newbies to subscribe AND buy AncestryDNA when they start as it could save you hours building your tree.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-18
Worth the wait
March 18, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I bought this test in November last year, planning to give it to my mum as a Christmas present. I should have read the small print a little more closely, because it took nearly three months to arrive. Thankfully her birthday was in February, and contacted me after they received the sample in time for me to get an alternative Christmas present. The broad array of charts was incredibly interesting and made a nice change from playing Scrabble after dinner. We were genuinely shocked to see how geographically diverse our genetic heritage appears to be.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-18
ethnicty results
January 5, 2015
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
not surprised to see that im 90% european, but very weird to see im 4% African and 4% native American!!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-05
A good choice
December 8, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I picked Ancestry DNA because of the positive reviews at the time of purchase and also the association with ‘Who do you think you are?'. This wasn’t a decision that I took lightly due to the large amount of money at stake and so I did consider other companies. I haven't been let down. The quality of the results is very high and I've been happy to receive them…
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-12-08
December 1, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The interface would benefit from more ways to analyze cousin matches.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-12-01
Brilliant product
November 20, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Lots of question marks in my family about my mother’s parents and grandparents, so I knew getting anywhere with a family tree would be challenging. I started with a basic Ancestry subscription but buying the AncestryDNA add-on was a breakthrough – I got 3 genetic member matches and managed to speak with all three. I’d recommend the AncestryDNA add-on if your basic membership doesn’t get you far enough.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-11-20
my say
November 19, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ive taken ancestryDNA and 23andme, both are gud, I got roughly the same results (more family matches with 23) ancestry has a better interface, buy this one if u have to pick one
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-11-19
November 11, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Very interesting service – I got my online results eventually, after a much longer period than they promised, so that was a shame
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-11-11
my findings
October 31, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Hello. I have found 2× 2nd cousins, 3× 3rd cousins and 38× 4th to 6th cousins, all with high confidence
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-10-31
A good genealogy service for beginners
October 12, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
DNA testing for genealogy really works, I think the price is cheap for ‘Ancestry DNA’ in the grand scheme of things
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-10-12
Five out of five
September 27, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Excellent genealogy tools. You can also export your genetic data to other platforms like FTDNA and GedMatch.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-09-27
5 Stars
September 25, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Wonderful service
Unfortunately my closest matches are with users who’ve chosen not to share their data with others – IF YOU BUY ANCESTRY DNA THEN SHARE YOUR DATA
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-09-25
Thank you!
August 30, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
AncestryDNA gave me excellent technical support. Thank you!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-08-30
August 13, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Lots of genetic percentage information which doesn’t help you complete your tree
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-08-13
Wonderful Reports
July 22, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Given as a gift and got a lot of credit for such an original gift idea!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-22
June 16, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Beautiful maps that are really easy to understand
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-06-16
June 8, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’ve learned that I’ve got tens of thousands of cousins – it’s just a shame that after corresponding with thirty of the closest, I’ve not been able to identify my ancestral link with them and incorporate them into my family tree.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-06-08
Get a chromosome browser
June 4, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Ancestry needs to get a chromosome browser. now
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-06-04
Bring on the rellies
May 14, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
This addon is super easier for contacting your genetic relatives. I’ve loved messaging my newfound family and am planning the reunion!
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-05-14
April 17, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
Super easy to use, was really worried about it before the results came through but it's actually really simple. I haven't found any 'DNA relatives' yet but I realise there aren't many people on the database yet
LOVED seeing my French roots show up in the reports
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-04-17
Ancestry Review
March 23, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
I’m thrilled with this! sick or arguming that my family has Scandinavian roots and now I can prove it.
One warning, I received an overwhelming number of messages from matches who I believe they’re part of my family and had to change my AncestryDNA settings after four days to stop getting them.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-03-23 DNA test
March 4, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder should work on their member matches section. Good to see a list of ethnicities alongside each match with a confidence level, but it’d be much more helpful to know which particular ethnicity(s) link us together.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-03-04
Cousins Cousins Cousins
February 19, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
You’ll see thousands of cousin matches but don’t get excited – I suspect, like me, only a dozen will be third cousins or closer, and I doubt your anyone is going to want to put up thousands of cousins on their family tree anyway
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-02-19
Ancestry DNA Review
January 29, 2014
Autosomal Analysis & Family Finder
The best money I ever spent. AncestryDNA has verified my Mexican roots and revealed a Native American heritage I was previously unaware of.
AncestryDNA review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-01-29