At a Glance
I felt that taking the DNAFit Diet Fitness Pro test was really worthwhile. The reports included an abundance of manageable and easily understandable information about my DNA and also provided focused and implementable advice, which wasn’t just based on eating less and exercising more. I was particularly impressed with the strength of the connections DNAFit made between my genetics and the practical implications the results might have in terms of my diet and fitness.
At times it was slightly difficult to navigate the wealth of information included in the reports, but this was a minor issue in an otherwise excellent experience. I would recommend this test to anyone interested in improving their health and fitness, regardless of whether you’re a complete beginner or training for a marathon.
Full Review
Founded in 2013, DNAFit have quickly become one of the most prominent companies in the health and fitness DNA testing market. They have formed partnerships with sports clubs, gyms and health organizations around the world, giving coaches and trainers the chance to work with their clients’ natural strengths and weaknesses. As well as offering their own DNA kit, DNAFit gives customers the chance to upload their 23andMe or Ancestry DNA data to find out about how their genetic diet and fitness predispositions. The company has been mentioned in several high-profile media publications as well, from the BBC to Vogue.
DNAFit offers six different DNA tests, each with an ‘analysis only’ counterpart for those with their raw DNA data, and all with a focus on diet, fitness or a combination of the two. With all this considered, we were excited to give it a go!
Product Expectations
It was clear from the outset that the tests offered by DNAFit were aimed at using my DNA to provide insights into my diet and fitness. The three things that I might find out about with a test from DNAFit was made immediately clear: ‘Fitness&Diet’, ‘Sports’ and ‘Wellness’. As someone who enjoys exercise, but prefers to run than to take part in specific sports, I was most interested in exploring how my DNA might impact my fitness and diet, so clicked to find out more about this type of test.
This section explained what to expect from the process, via a step-by-step diagram and also a video which told me a bit about DNAFit and the process of testing, from taking the sample to it being analyzed in the lab and receiving results.
There was also a whole page dedicated to explaining the science behind the test. This was really comprehensive, including not only a list of the genes analyzed in the test, but information about each gene, how they chose which to include and how they came to conclusions about the different variants of each gene. There was even a sample selection of some of the scientific journal articles that were used to develop the test. It was also made clear that genetics don’t define everything about us, and that environmental factors play just as an important role in our fitness. I was really impressed by how well explained this section was, whilst remaining understandable and user-friendly.
Looking through the terms and conditions, I was slightly confused about how DNAFit would use my data for research, as most of the document talked about how it could be passed on as aggregated data to third parties for research if I gave my consent. However, there was then a line that said “If you do not give consent for your Genetic and/or Self-Reported Information to be used in DNAFit Research or in the Research Portal, we can still use your Genetic and/or Self-Reported Information for R&D, as described above. This may include disclosing Aggregated Genetic and Self-Reported Information to third-party research partners.” This seemed to mean that regardless of my consent, my data could be passed on to third parties and it was also made clear that I would not be compensated for any discoveries that resulted from research using this data.
Ordering experience
When it came to ordering, I entered my shipping and billing details and was pleased to see that shipping was free for those in either the UK or the US. I paid via PayPal, but also had the choice of using a credit card. As I was entering my details, a notification popped up, offering me 10% off my purchase if I signed up to the DNAFit newsletter. This was great, as I signed up and was given the offer code there and then to use for my purchase!
Results section
Just one week after I’d sent my samples back to the lab, via the pre-paid return envelope, I received an email notifying me that my results were available. I was informed that I’d be able to log in and view them online but could also download them as PDFs. When I logged in, I saw that the results were split into three files, my ‘Fitness Report’, my ‘Diet Report’ and an ‘Infographic Report’.
Results section: Infographic Report
I correctly assumed that the Infographic Report would provide me with an overview of my results, so chose to look at that first. This report consisted of one page that summarized both my fitness and diet reports, though the latter took up the majority of the page. You can see a section of it below:

A section of my Infographic Report.
The page was bright and included colorful diagrams corresponding to each of my results. This made it really easy to quickly look at all of the results, and gave me an idea of what my strengths and weaknesses were before reading about them in more detail in the other reports. Among many other things, I found out that I had a high sensitivity to carbohydrates, but in contrast wasn’t very sensitive to saturated fats. I was intrigued and wanted to find out more about what this might mean practically, so moved on to the Diet Report.
Diet Report
I decided to download the Diet Report as a PDF. There were 12 results in total: ‘Carbohydrate Sensitivity’, ‘Saturated Fat Sensitivity’, ‘Detoxification Ability’, ‘Anti-Oxidant Need’, ‘Omega-3 Need’, ‘Vitamin B Requirements’, ‘Vitamin D Requirements’, ‘Salt Sensitivity’, ‘Alcohol Response’, ‘Caffeine Sensitivity’, ‘Lactose Intolerance’ and ‘Coeliac Predisposition’. Each section was quite long, and because of the relatively high number of results I was surprised that there was no contents page.
It started with a professional-looking title page, that was personalized with my name, date of birth, sample number and the date of testing. The next few pages were dedicated to describing what to expect from the report and explanations of technical words I might come across, such as ‘gene polymorphisms’. I found this and the accompanying key, showing how to interpret my results, really useful. This introduction was followed by a page of terms and conditions, which struck me as a little oddly placed.
The report itself started with a ‘Brief Overview of Your Key Results’, shown below.

The summary of my Diet Report results.
I thought this was a great feature, giving me an idea of which results to pay particular attention to. I liked that it was more focused than the Infographic Report but was still brief enough to allow me to quickly assess. There were some, such as ‘Lactose tolerant’ that had obvious consequences (I can drink milk without adverse effects), but others were less obvious (what does it mean to be a fast metabolizer of caffeine?), so I was interested to read more in the full report.
The first detailed result was ‘Carbohydrate Sensitivity’ which is shown below.

My Carbohydrate Sensitivity result.
This section provided more detail about my high sensitivity to carbohydrates in a way that made the information manageable, using a scale to show how I compared to others and a table to show each of the genes analyzed against my variants and the effects. This table initially looked a little complex, but once I referred back to the key at the beginning of the report, it was really simple to interpret. This result also included personalized ‘Action Points’, for example suggesting I only consume 6% of my daily calories as refined carbohydrates. Beneath this was a thorough, but again not overwhelming, explanation of the different types of carbohydrates, and a page about what GI and GL were. Finally, there was a table with examples of carbohydrates with their GI and GL values.
I was impressed with the extensive amount of information provided, just for that one result, but was even more impressed that at no point did it seem too complex or scientific.
Each result after this was similar – I found out that I needed to increase my intake of antioxidants to compensate for my reduced capacity to neutralize free radicals, and that I had an increased sensitivity to salt, so should cut my intake. Once I’d gone through all of the results I felt that I hadn’t just learnt about my own dietary needs, but had gained a lot of valuable information about nutrition in general.
Results section: Fitness Report
After looking through my Diet Report, I moved on to finding out about how my DNA might affect various aspects of my fitness. The following four sections were used to present the results: ‘Power/Endurance Profile’, ‘Your Aerobic Potential (VO2 Max)’, ‘Recovery’ and ‘Injury Risk’ and the main conclusions were summarized in my ‘DNA Overview’, shown below.

My fitness report ‘DNA Overview’.
I initially thought that the relatively small number of sections might mean the report wouldn’t provide much information, but found that as I went through it, each result covered many areas of fitness. Together, the sections provided plenty of information about my results, how to interpret them and advice on how to act upon them.
This report started in a similar way to the Diet Report, but the results themselves were laid out slightly differently. The first result, my ‘Power/Endurance Profile’, was about how suited I was likely to be to power or endurance activities when exercising. A part of this result is shown below.

A part of my Power/Endurance Profile.
I liked that this result, as well as the others in the Fitness Report, contained many of the same elements that I’d felt made the Diet Report so valuable, but were adapted to best suit the fitness results. As well as a diagram showing my ‘Personal Power/Endurance Response’ there was a table similar to those used in the Diet Report, showing the exact genes that had been analyzed, my alleles and the effect they were likely to have.
The examples of different power and endurance activities also really helped to connect my genetic results with my fitness routine. I was initially disappointed to find out that I was more likely to respond well to power activities, as I enjoy running and regularly run 10K to work. However, there was a note at the bottom of the page that explained that the results shouldn’t change my fitness goals but help me to train for them in a more efficient way. It made me realize that I’ve done really well to keep up long-distance running, and that by incorporating more power activities into training for it, I could improve faster.
The rest of the results went over other aspects of fitness, such as my likelihood of sustaining a soft tissue injury when doing sport and ways to recover quickest, according to my DNA. I was particularly interested to read about and calculate my VO2 max score, which I learnt is used to assess how effectively my body uses oxygen during exercise. Whilst my natural score was intermediate, I was happy to find that when I calculated mine it was actually higher than average!
I felt that taking the DNAFit Diet Fitness Pro test was really worthwhile. The reports included an abundance of manageable and easily understandable information about my DNA and also provided focused and implementable advice, which wasn’t just based on eating less and exercising more. I was particularly impressed with the strength of the connections DNAFit made between my genetics and the practical implications the results might have in terms of my diet and fitness.
At times it was slightly difficult to navigate the wealth of information included in the reports, but this was a minor issue in an otherwise excellent experience. I would recommend this test to anyone interested in improving their health and fitness, regardless of whether you’re a complete beginner or training for a marathon.
Please note that we were invited to take this test free of charge.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering experience
- Results section
- Results section: Infographic Report
- Diet Report
- Results section: Fitness Report
- Summary
Very similar to the scam service
August 17, 2022
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The product does not work, the money is not returned for more than 6 months. Every time they come up with new incredible stories. Very similar to the scam service. I don’t recommend it.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2022-08-17
August 20, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-20
Lots of Insights
August 14, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Ok I really liked the reports and learned a lot of things about myself, in particular for nutrition and fitness. Gluten sensitivity was right on, as was the effectiveness of the low-fat diet, which works better for me than the low-carb diet. Knowing that I am a power athlete but that I have to be careful because of potentials for muscle injury was great. Being able to see which genetic variations were responsible was also good. Recommendations were clear to understand, although sometimes a bit too sciency. I didn’t actually get a sense of how much information there was until I'd looked a few times - all reports are well organized and I am thinking of printing them out so I have them handy.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-14
Interesting but not comprehensive.
June 21, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Interesting but not comprehensive. The report was interesting and gave me new intel on myself. It wasn’t however clear to me when I made the purchase that the report from 23 and Me wasn’t part of this – somehow you miss this in all the stuff you read. Hence was a bit let down.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-21
The information provided in my report…
June 21, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The information provided in my report was very interesting for me and revealed some un-expected aspects. In a follow-up call with a sports scientist I learned more on the scientific background of the various gene types. Positive effects on my training remain to be proven, however it was very inspiring for me. When ordering the test package, I did not expect the high service level with the option to talk to competent professionals free of charge!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-21
I wanted to get my fitness and diet to the next level through DNA FIT
June 17, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I wanted to get my fitness and diet to the next level. Once I received the reports from DNA FIT I could understand how to connect the dots, in my training and in my diet. However once I had the session with the fitness and dietitian coach everything was clear. Both of them they were very helpful using a language easy to understand, It was a very good investment and now I will adjust my training program based on the recommendations of the DNA FIT report and I am looking forward to see the results over the next six months!!!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-17
A lot of information to take in so make…
June 14, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A lot of information to take in so make sure you read your detailed report first to get the best out of your consultation. Professional consultants who knew their stuff and were able to provide helpful and tailored guidance. Spoke very quickly about science I am unfamiliar with so I had to slow them down now and again. All very interesting and explains a lot of things that that I had noticed but not got science behind until now. Thank you!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-14
Worth the money? Not sure.
June 6, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Everyone was friendly and the report made sense. But in all honesty, I didn’t really learn anything that changes my life much. There’s a couple tidbits like more recovery time, but overall I didn’t feel like I got a whole lot of actionable insights. Maybe the science isn’t advanced enough, but it was a little underwhelming.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-06
I felt like I got some very valuable…
June 5, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I felt like I got some very valuable information and clarification. Amy was extremely helpful in answering my questions and giving me guidance to improve my diet
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-05
DNA fit was fast and easy with the 23…
May 29, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA fit was fast and easy with the 23 and me link. I love the way the results are presented and was very impressed with the customer service with a follow up call to review and explain the results. Similar companies do not do the follow up and it was a differentiator for DNAfit.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-29
I have found the report very useful in…
May 14, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have found the report very useful in adapting my diet and reviewing certain vitamins I am low in. I got some of the extra for free such as diet plan and workout plan. I found them ok but would not have paid for them. too expensive for basic diet and workouts you can find on the internet.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-14
May 5, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Provided an in-depth service, very prompt, and very good at explaining the various details you get with the reports
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-05
Nutrition side is very interesting, the fitness side could do more
May 4, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very interesting to find out what my DNA says about my nutrition- particularly enjoyed the follow up with the nutritionist which really added to the results and helped explain some of the data points in a easier to understand way and add actionable information. To be honest I didn’t find the fitness side of this useful at all- the data was pretty basic and not really actionable. Telling me that my DNA shows that I should cross train is good practice when working out regardless of body type- for the price I would have expected much more actionable data coming from the fitness side. That said, i’d definitely recommend the nutrition side
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-04
Exceptional service and accurate results
May 1, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
From first visit to the DNAfit website, through to the expert consultation after having received my report, the service has been exceptional and even far exceeded expectations. The method for gathering DNA sample was clearly explained without jargon. I received the report within a week and it too was relatively easy to understand: all of the essentials were there nicely explained, with the techie bits too for those who have degrees in biology and chemistry… Having gone into this with a fair amount of cynicism, I was surprised at the results – I have a predisposition for soft tissue injuries it seems. Absolutely spot on – I COLLECT tendinitis injuries (shoulder, forearm, legs, hands, golfer’s elbow etc)! Since the consultation with the exceptionally knowledgeable and enthusiastic Amy (dietitian), I also have tips on how to improve my diet to meet the needs my DNA has given me (and the things to avoid for the same reason). Again, without jargon, she explained the effects of certain deficiencies and how these can affect soft tissue injuries etc. I’m now much better placed to avoid those injuries. While it’s still early days, and the triathlon season has yet to start, I’m confident I am now on the right path. I’ll update this review at the end of the year. Amy and others all deserve a pat on the back – superb service. Well done!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-01
Received the kit really quickly
April 25, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Received the kit really quickly. Once I received my results, I did ask for someone to help me go through them, which in the main I did understand , Jacinta rang me and went through them and I am waiting for her to send me some additional information. All in all, I’m very happy.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-25
Great efficient service
April 17, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great efficient service, my report was explained to me thoroughly during my telephone consultation.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-17
Not bad
April 16, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Not bad, haven’t really used it
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-16
Really insightful and in-depth reports
April 16, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really insightful and in-depth reports. I had a follow up phone consultation which was also very illuminating and helpful. I’ve already started to act on the results of both the diet and exercise reports. I’m using the low carbohydrate plan and looking at changing the way I exercise to make the most of my training. Very glad I did it!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-16
Great service from start to finish
April 11, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great service from start to finish. insightful results followed up with a helpful consultation to interpret them more deeply than the already comprehensive report. Very happy with the produt and service
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-11
April 7, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A accurate enough insight into what your body needs. No diet is the same for everyone and that is our mistake that we need to understand more and listen to our bodies. This will help you in right direction if you need guidance or reassurance. I hope it reassures you like it reassured me.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-07
NOT worth the money
April 4, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
All the information that was provided I could have got from a dietitian or trainer. It was all very basic and some of it not even accurate. I was so excited about this too and had been doing research on it for a long time. The science just isn’t developed enough to really provide someone with anything more in depth than you could already tell from looking at their basic body type. Huge disappointment.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-04
Had a great experience with DNAFit
April 4, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Had a great experience with DNAFit. I fed my 23andme results through and received helpful, actionable info on diet and exercise which may be appropriate for my genetic profile. Would definitely recommend!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-04
The test recommendations are not personalized enough
April 4, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
While quite interesting, The test recommendations are not specific enough. They seem to be too generalized. I was hoping for more specific recommendation than just a Mediterranean diet for instance. It would be good if there were also age specific suggestions.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-04
Excellent Product
April 3, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent Product, i found the data provided was on point with a lot of factors i already knew and provided some new info as well. The session with the Peter Parel the sports Scientist was brilliant and he really ilumintated my report by explaining in detail the various genetic markers and how they can influence my health and training potential. Great company, great people, great product.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-03
Not worth the money until it’s improved…
March 29, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve purchased the complete Full DNA Fit analysis with food and health included. I was not very impressed when I first received my results (it would’ve received 0 stars from me considering the price I paid) because it wasn’t humanised or contextualised. There were a lot of stats but it didn’t really translate to anything meaningful I can action on or takeaway. And it was massively templated and didn’t feel personalised at all. My friend and I both did it and we felt cheated of our money. It was all just gibberish information. They must’ve received feedback on this however as they’ve followed up with a call where I spent 1 hour on the phone with a specialist who walked me through my results and broke down action points based on my personal results which I found very helpful. In a few areas the test results presented in the report themselves were misleading and incorrect which the expert helped clear up and decipher over the phone. Hence the 3 stars instead of 0. In any case the product proposition is great but the delivery is massively flawed which is letting down the entire business. I wouldn’t recommend paying that much money for this test at the state it is in but can see the potential for this if they fixed their massive flaws. The DNA results don’t mean anything to customers unless more care was put into translating what all that data really means in plainer English and how a customer can put that information and data to personal use.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-29
Overall Excellent Experience
March 20, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was very impressed with the DNAfit level of customer service and professionalism. I first heard about the service from the “Mark’s Daily Apple” podcast a few years ago, and after I did a “23andMe” test I saw that it would be easy to link my results and get a full analysis to give me a bit more knowledge on the “fitness and nutrition” side. I was able to view my results almost instantly, and was impressed with the analysis. I would say most of the information is written at a beginner-level, as I had previously encountered a lot the methodology behind why certain polymorphisms were used as predictive markers in my previous research. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a follow-up call from Elias a few weeks later, when I had admittedly put my results on the back-burner. He offered to connect me with a DNAfit nutritionist to talk through my results and answer any questions I had, free of charge. He put me in touch with Amy for the next week, and having a date on the calendar motivated me to print out my results and personalized summary infographic (nice touch) so I could ask questions during the call. Amy was superb, and we talked about micronutrient needs, and why one of a few approaches to diet might be beneficial for me based on my body’s tolerance/metabolism of fat and carbohydrates, as well as potential sensitivities to lactose and gluten. In terms of fitness, we discussed how my muscle-fibers might predispose me towards endurance over power activities, as well as ideal reps for hypertrophy. I would say I am more apt to change my style of training compared to my current nutrition plan, as my analysis suggests I would make greater gains through interval style weight training in 12-15 rep ranges to promote muscle growth and increase VO2 max, versus my previous training of “low level cardio” and barbell strength days going for 3 sets of 5 heavy reps on compound lifts. I was pleased with my results and am planning on purchasing the “23andMe” add-on for my wife to bridge her results as well. I am not 100% convinced that any sort of DNA analysis produces some “hard and fast” rules, as advances in genetics happen every day and the “best practice” can change quite easily. The gut microbiome was barely being studied 20 years ago, and now everyone is drinking kombucha and recommending coffee enemas. Who saw that coming? But I would say the DNAfit recommendations in combination with a good training journal/ability to track one’s reactions to certain foods or exercises would be a very useful starting point, even if you are relatively advanced in training. It could also help someone looking to make an initial set of healthier choices navigate the minefield of articles and advice columns reverberating around the internet.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-20
After seeing Greg Rutherford use DNA…
March 10, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After seeing Greg Rutherford use DNA Fit and hear him praise the company I thought it would really benefit my squash career. But all it’s done is drain my energy levels and has seriously effected my performances this season. The person I spoke to after having my results just told me what he did for his sport. I actually requested to speak to Crag Pickering but didn’t get put through to him and I wonder if my experience would have been different had I spoke to him.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-10
Useful info on diet / nutrition
March 7, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Useful info on diet, nutrition and to a lesser extent training. Good to confirm that I’m carb-sensitive and to learn that I’m saturated fat low-sensitivity. Good to know that I need to increase my Vits B & D and cruciferous veg intake. Excellent post-results customer care. They called me to check that I understood my results and what they could mean for me.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-07
DNA fit for the unknowing
March 2, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was given a basic DNA fit as a Christmas present having never heard of it. Felt the information from that was lacking substance so went on to purchase the more detailed package which was much more useful and informative. My only complaint would be that they promised results within a timescale that they just couldn’t manage. However, as recompense, they gave me a 45min consultation with one of their experts who thoroughly explained my results to me and answered any questions that I had. I think it a very useful tool to help understand what foods you may need to avoid or cut down on and what you should be increasing. The results took me slightly by surprise and I have modified my diet accordingly so it will be interesting to see if that has any impact on my health in the long run.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-02
Bit expensive but efficient..
February 28, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I did DNA lite and thought it was a bit short on information for the price. Very good service and follow up from them.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-28
Rethinking nutrition!
February 18, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Rethinking nutrition! I found the advice really useful and well explained in a 121 consultation. I have made some changes to my diet on the back of it, and feel better for it.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-18
DNA Test very useful.
February 14, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I found having my DNA tested very useful. I had both diet and exercise tested and they came up with results that I had always suspected but never been able to prove. I would recommend DNAfit to anyone struggling with diet and exercise, as the results could put you on track to a better diet and exercise plan that is much more personal than a one you get from a book, etc.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-14
Innovative and informative
February 13, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
At the forefront of “personalised medicine”. The core product is extremely valuable diet/fitness information, in well presented and easy to understand reports. The training program is useful too, but I wish it came as a native mobile app that works better in the gym (hence the 4 stars)
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-13
Would not waste my money
February 12, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Would not waste my money! Rather spend it on a personal trainer!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-12
My conversation with Peter did prove to …
January 31, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My conversation with Peter did prove to be very worth while and drawing on his knowledge has lead me to make some changes to my training and pointed out the deficiencies I have in my diet. I’m looking forward to some improvements now.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-31
Wish I’d known this 10 years ago
January 30, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
No complaints from me. Now I KNOW I need to focus on power activities and the micronutrient recommendations have given me a sense of ownership about my nutrient intake
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-30
a bit hard to understand my results but …
January 26, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
a bit hard to understand my results but superb overview later over the phone with support.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-26
Amy from DNAfit
January 21, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Amy from DNAfit was extremely knowledgeable guided me through the documents and meaning of all the terms and concepts. Very enlightening so I have changed both my eating plans and exercise to meet my genetics.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-21
Great service
January 17, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really interesting reports and a very useful hour call to run through the results and offer practical suggestions. Expensive, but definitely worthwhile in my opinion.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-17
Life enhancing
January 9, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
From start to finish, a simple evolution. The reports are exceptionally clear and detailed. There appears to be a little more detail in the online report that the printed one but perhaps it’s just in a different format and I missed it. That said, the reports are all well laid out, colourful and in plain English. Genetics it might be but the science is easy to follow. I’ve learned a vast amount from both the Diet and Fitness reports and will be adjusting my training and nutrition accordingly for 2018. The sports scientist consultancy follow-up was excellent; there was a little confusion about coeliac disease but I wasn’t surprised, only those with a very close association to it really seem to know the ins and outs of it as an autoimmune disease. Overall, the telephone consultancy truly enhanced the reports and brought a lot more to it; it’s definitely worthwhile setting up the call – you receive so much more information both on the telephone and then in a subsequent email. Thanks DNAFit, I thoroughly enjoyed the process and while not exactly a teenager anymore do still have a huge amount of time left on this planet – you’ve just given me a tool to optimise it for the best.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-09
DNAfit are very good at following up …
December 31, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAfit are very good at following up with their customers and ensuring they understand a very scientific report which can be hard to understand if you are not a gene doctor of some sort! During my consultation, not only did I get to ask all the questions I needed to, I was sent additional support documents straight after the follow up to ensure I was on the right path. Instead of wasting time on trial and error, I am now more confident in what training methods work best for me as well nutritionally. The best investment I have made! I haven’t stopped recommending it to my friends and family since day 1!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-31
My experience was fantastic
December 26, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My experience was fantastic. I was explained in details about my health and I am very happy with the results and explanation. I will recommend it 100% who would like to know what is best to do for sport and to eat
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-26
Best investment in my health this year!
December 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAfit is a wonderful way to learn more about your biology. Imagine driving a car and not knowing the road rules, it’s more than likely you will crash that car and cause damage along the way. Applying this to our bodies and knowing what our genetics mean for us is a huge advantage to ensuring we don’t crash and destroy our meat vehicle. The information can be pricey and overwhelming. But after a free consultation, where you are guided through your results the price of the package become invaluable and with you for life. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to quantify or improve their lifestyle with confidence. My only constructive criticism would be allowing the results from DNAfit to transfer to 23&me just like how 23&me results can be transferred to DNAfit.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-14
Happy Customer
December 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The free consultation was first class as was the service provided by Michelle. Her knowledge was very good and took time to explain things to me sometimes in laymens terms for my benefit. Follow-up email was excellent too as recapped alot of what was said and gave me documents to base my training and nutrition on. Thanks Michelle and DNAFit.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-07
December 4, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
informative, understandable, usable results.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-04
I'm Irish on both sides of the family …
November 22, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m Irish on both sides of the family as far back as it matters so I have a natural proclivity towards coeliac disease, low tolerance to salt and fats and tend to lose muscle mass fast when I stop exercising. DNAfit confirmed that all of this was because of my genes and the consultation with a nutritionist really helped to put everything in perspective. I naturally gravitated towards rowing when I was a teenager and it just so happens my genes say I have an almost 50/50 split between power and endurance so again confirmation of life choices. Just need to keep exercising.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-22
Game Changer
November 15, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Such and awesome thing to have access to and Peter my scientist that did my after test consult was an absolute legend. He had some much info to share and answered all my questions. I could’t rate this enough to people, well worth the investment.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-15
Very insightful and thorough review of …
November 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very insightful and thorough review of results. Easy to read infographics followed by a call to go through your results and answer any questions, would definitely recommend.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-14
Phone Consultation
November 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had a telephone conversation with Peter Parcel of DNAFit, who did an outstanding job of explaining the results and my best plan moving forward with both diet and exercise. I would certainly recommend this to anyone looking to enhance their fitness and well being.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-07
Well worth it.
November 1, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
As promised, my 23 and Me data was immediately translated into a number of detailed reports, all of which I found useful in planning my diet and exercise program. An added bonus came, however, from the follow-up phone call, which I frankly thought might be a little information with an upsell attempt. I was delighted when I spoke with Peter for nearly an hour and he continually offered useful advice, interpretation and recommendations, with no apparent sales motive. It was a very informative call that added value to a product that I thought was already fairly priced. Peter followed up with further information that I have also found very useful. In all, my experience has been excellent, and the additional information I’ve received from DNAFit to be germane, useful and well worth the money.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-01
Peter was great and helped me …
October 30, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Peter was great and helped me understand my genetic report and made some recommendations. I really enjoyed learning from him!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-30
DNA staff were very professional and …
October 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA staff were very professional and helpful. I would recommend to anyone who is committed to getting the best out of their training.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-20
Great call with Amy to excellent pains …
October 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great call with Amy to explain and run through both reports. I wish the reports themselves could be easier to get direct hints and tips. Post results call is definitely worth it and a great value add.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-16
I found the DNAFit report of real …
October 11, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I found the DNAFit report of real interest and benefit, and consultation really insightful. This gave me new ideas for my diet and fitness training. I would recommend this product to anyone interested understanding more about their health and well being.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-11
The amount of information provided in …
October 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The amount of information provided in the various reports is overwhelming. I was very pleased that Peter walked me through each section of each report and advised me of the significance of my particular readings and the suggested actions- foods to eat (or avoid), potential vitamin supplements etc. Made much more sense after the thorough explanation.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-06
Great Experience and Interesting Insight
September 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I really enjoyed doing my DNAFit test. I wasn’t quite sure what I would get out of it but, after having a consultation with my dietitian (who was amazing!), I was able to better understand what my diet and exercise regimen should look like. I would recommend this to anyone with an interest in health and fitness!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-21
Amy was very professional and answered …
September 15, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Amy was very professional and answered all my questions. She gave me the right amount of detail that I was looking for. I will recommend DNAFIT to friends and family.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-15
Very interesting information
September 11, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very interesting information, especially combined with the telephone consultation. Although I realize that we are only just scratching the surface in terms of what can be determined from our genes, and I don’t plan to make any drastic changes to my lifestyle, I am paying closer attention to how I respond to certain foods and types of exercise based on what I have learned from DNAFit.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-11
We all have a magnitude of …
September 5, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
We all have a magnitude of information,but when we have the ability to individualize it based on our genes, we are truly empowered to make changes.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-05
Marketing needs reviewed
September 1, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The 1 hour consultation significantly enhanced the benefits gained from my DNA report. My only criticism is that it would have been better if provided at the time the report was issued. I was also disappointed at the almost immediate attempts to sell more services to me – primarily fitness programmes – following receipt of my report. DNA Fit is quite costly, yet this cheapened it and made it feel more like an entry level product.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-01
Excellent value for money
August 31, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was blown away by the help and support that the team gave me both before and after I took this DNA test.
I found the whole outfit to be very professional and for someone with low confidence in my sporting ability, the Fitness Diet Pro service was just what I needed.
I know I’m overweight but I was encouraged to see that I’m genetically predisposed to respond well to exercise – this built up my confidence massively. I got specific advice about the aerobic exercise, interval training and and high-intensity training that I should take. There were also some great tips about what I should be eating to grow muscle (I’ve never liked the look of artificial supplements).
There’s a lot of material to read through after you take the test but having read a lot online from other companies already, it’s so much more meaningful that what the others appear to give you.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-31
It was good to gather information to …
August 29, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It was good to gather information to identify the nutrition plan I should follow in order to have the healthiest body possible.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-29
Fascinating genetic insight
August 24, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It has been a very interesting experience indeed. The report is fascinating but where the value is really added is with the follow-up consultation.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-24
Positively impressed
August 23, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The explanations provided by Alexandra were very clear and concise. It was exactly what I was expecting. She was very helpful and always offered to answer any doubts I might have had.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-23
DNAFit Review
August 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
All interesting feedback about my genes and very grateful for their support
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-17
A standout success for me
August 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I think that keeping healthy is extremely personal so although this test has worked for me, you should definitely research what you’ll get with DNAFit before you get it.
The moment I got the results I was hooked on my ‘genetic potential’ as so much of it made sense to me. I work out with my boyfriend and he helped me adapt my routine to my results and 3 months down the line, I can say that the info has made a considerably positive impact on my life. Thanks DNAFit!!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-16
Top marks
August 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
They worked with me on my training plan – their customer service department isn’t just an anonymous message centre like other companies
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-14
Bought out of curiosity, have learnt so much
August 11, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I purchased a DNAFit test out of curiosity as I had already completed an Ancestry DNA test. The test process was extremely simple and the results came through quickly. Biggest news to me was that I was lactose intolerant, something I had never considered. The consultant appointment afterward with Tom was brilliant as it really brought the results to life, helping me understand all the aspects in easy, day to day language. I am not big on exercise but now understand how I can give my body the biggest boost in the spare time I have. I would definitely recommend to anyone with a fitness or body goal in mind or anyone curious like me on the subject!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-11
Take up the free phone consultation offer
August 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
At first I wasn’t sure whether the product was worth the money or quite what I expected. This is a very new area of diet science so I guess it is quite ground breaking and will evolve. I agreed to the complimentary phone consultation which allowed me to go through the report which I had skim read when I first received it. It made much more sense talking it through and actually some of my initial assumptions were the opposite of the reality! I also was under the false impression that you had to pay for the diet plan and diet advice which again I was assured I had to access to. The phone consultation is therefore vital to get the complete picture. Some of the advice I think will be very helpful. I spoke with Peter who was excellent.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-03
DNAFit Review
July 28, 2017
Fitness Planning
Had my doubts when I first logged in but after showing my PT and revising my training plan my DNA has helped us get a better handle on my progression
Friendly team, very supportive, data has made a difference – I think it’s been worth it and would encourage others to try
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-28
I was very happy with my DNAFit report
July 28, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was very happy with my DNAFit report. The people of DNAFit know their product very well! Only the diet plan was not specific enough in my opinion.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-28
Excellent service
July 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent service, would definitely recommend. The initial process was very easy and the follow up support has been incredible. Thank you.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-14
Great Product!
July 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great product!! DNA Fit is a must have for anyone looking to improve their diet and increase their fitness. Really insightful for optimising your body’s performance…
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-13
July 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent! Nice and complete results, clearly explained by their Sports Science and Nutrition experts (video-conf)
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-06
My DNAfit outcome
July 4, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was very interested in having my analysis done and had read a lot of articles about the various companies who conduct the DNA testing but decided to go with yourselves at DNAfit and have both the diet and fitness reports. Although I have a health background and was fascinated by the reports on receipt, I just felt I was missing something in putting them all together. When Sindi offered me the scientific review consultation with Minky this morning I jumped at the opportunity and it just seemed to gel everything together and the explanation of how things are linked was eye opening. Really appreciate the greater insight and if that is not part of the overall package, I would definitely recommend it is! Thanks once again!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-04
Brilliant across the board
July 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very helpful staff who know what they’re talking about :) I just got an email back from them and they totally went above and beyond to answer my questions
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-03
June 30, 2017
Genetic Predisposition
After ages of dieting and mostly failing now I know what actually works me and what doesn’t . The reports were very informative and the consultation with a specialist was helpful for clarifying any queries that I had. Thank you DNAFit and I definitely recommend it to anyone.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-30
All very good
June 29, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
All very good, got a lot out of the follow up telephone conversation with Peter.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-29
stunned by quality of customer support
June 24, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
they made SO much time for my queries, this is a great company
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-24
Fantastic company &service
June 22, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great program fantastic customer service and personalized advice, really impressive. A must do if you are serious with sports
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-22
Don't waste your money
June 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It contains useful information but does not offer good value for money. Please do not waste money on this.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-21
Everything about the product was sleek …
June 18, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Everything about the product was sleek and easy to follow. And I didn’t realise that a follow up consultation with a sports scientist was included in my product which just made it all better. I would recommend this product.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-18
100% value for money
June 18, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This service has given me access to info about myself that has significantly changed my view of how to work-out and how to recover, I’m really impressed with what I’ve learned, thanks DNA Fit!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-18
The 1on1 consultation was excellent and …
June 9, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The 1on1 consultation was excellent and I am now reviewing my diet. The DNAFit Report is technical but everything was explained in terms I understood during the consultation and all questions were answered in terms I could understand.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-09
Results are in
June 3, 2017
Fitness Planning
All good but a week overdue
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-03
Had a huge impact
June 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I took the test after my gf pushed me into it, I followed the recommendations (added more HIIT to my routine, started using caffeine for specific workouts etc.) and six months later I can see the difference
The analysis is great value when you think about what your PT and nutritionist sessions cost
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-03
I wish I did this years ago!!!
May 23, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Before I had my children I was a very active, athletic and competitive person. However after 7 children and many years of inactivity and poor lifestyle choices my motivation for exercise deminished as well as my positive body image. DNAFit has provided me with my own individualised breakdown and understanding of how my body functions and with that a new found motivation and realisation that I can achieve my goals to reclaim myself and a health lifestyle according to my individual needs. I’m so glad that I have DNAFit’s support which has kickstarted my own personal transformation. The team are great and explained my report in non jargon terms. I wish I could have done it years ago!!!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-23
The Best Health Testing
May 22, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA fit is simply awesome. The health reports are very well organized and easy to read. The reports are very helpful. Now I know, based on my genetic profile, what kind of diet is more effective for me, how to improve my exercise plan, and how to better care for myself. I am so happy! I cannot thank DNA fit enough!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-22
cant beat finding out about you D.N.A …
May 22, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
cant beat finding out about you D.N.A it is who you are and tells you the right diet for you which I am following. after care good too. thank you
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-22
Excellent service
May 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent service, would recommend to anyone looking to learn more about their body or just trying to lose weight!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-20
Great insights into my potential and …
May 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great insights into my potential and issues.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-19
Great Customer Service and very useful insights
May 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations
So I ordered their Fitness Diet Pro report and got the information I wanted. I had a few questions and emailed customer service, I got a response back within 10 minutes! Pretty interesting insights on my most effective diet and useful information on my vitamins and minerals. Great customer service!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-16
Bit skeptical due to price
May 12, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Bit skeptical due to price, however, such an informative process and the post results support has been incredible.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-12
May 11, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Understanding more about my natural abilities has helped me vastly improve my workout. I bought the Fitness Diet Pro over a year ago and the learnings are still having an impact. Awesome!!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-11
Insightful and Interesting
May 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAFit reports were very insightful and interesting. I learned a lot about nutrition and how I should best plan a diet and fitness routine to my advantage. It also told me about some metabolic aspects which I already know to be true. I would recommend this service to everyone to learn more about themselves and plan their lifestyle based on this.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-06
Worth every penny - basis for both small and lifestyle changes
May 4, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAFit’s services are scientifically based and communicated in an accessible and user-friendly manner. I especially love that it is completely transparent which data the reports are based on. Furthermore, the reports have a nice layout and the content allows for both small changes and greater lifestyle changes. To me, it makes sense to base both smaller choices, like my choice of diet, as well as larger lifestyle changes on my genetics. For example it have been an easy choice to try to eat more low-carb now that I know for sure, that it makes sense for me personally.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-04
Dnafit is well worth the money: excellent info
April 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am super impressed: learnt so much about myself and most things make perfect sense including my slower than average muscle recovery rate and my risk of magnesium deficiency. Links are very helpful too. Loads of info. Everyone needs to have this kind of self-knowledge to make the right decisions. Great stuff!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-27
The infographic is outstanding
April 26, 2017
Fitness Planning
For the way in which the information is presented in the infographic you get, this is worth the price on it’s own – so easy to see what you need to at a glance – i can look it up on my phone anytime and can chat with my football coach about it (he thought it was very cool!!)
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-26
Lots of useful info
April 26, 2017
Diet Recommendations
I always wondered why I wouldn’t feel well after drinking milk or eating yogurt. A friend pointed out that this could have something to do with my genes, but to get a test with the help of my doctor seemed overkill, given that it’s not that I’m suffering or something. I ordered a report from DNAFit and it was quickly apparent that I was lactose intolerant!
And then – there was so much more information!!! I also learned about other deficiencies related to my genes and how to supplement them with food. It’s really interesting and also very helpful in the way that the reports give suggestions and have links to related scientific articles. I got a lot of insights out from this report.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-26
Feedback was useful but really became a …
April 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Feedback was useful but really became a plan of action after talking to the consultant – Peter – who was excellent. Definitely take the time to get the 1 on 1 talk to their consultants.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-20
Check it out: great value for money and impressive insights
April 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations
DNAFit was recommended to me by a friend as I was looking to interpret my 23andme data. I am a yo-yo dieter, and lately feel a bit too tired of generic advice. I purchased their Diet Pro report. First of all, I learned that I have difficulty losing weight. No surprises here but it’s good to know it’s in my genes! and I’d stop blaming myself. My best diet is actually low carb rather than low fat that I’ve been trying for years without much success. Will give it a go now. Two other issues stood out: need to increase my omegas intake and magnesium. Also need to boost vitaminB12 and vitamin C. Really like the explanations and action items. Lots of super-useful info. Great value for money.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-19
Comprehensive, well explained and cheap considering
April 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
What else can I say!? Five stars
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-19
Good for Targeted Dieting!
April 18, 2017
Diet Recommendations
It was good knowing which diet works best for me. We did it with my husband and ended up having two different diets that are good for us. Figures when I look back how each of us gained weight differently. Will try out the diet recommendations. Was funny that he has Iron overload and I have Iron deficiency, hard to coordinate foods. Maybe have a family meal optimizer?
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-18
Great Insights
April 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The DNA Fit personalized report is just super cool! I was so excited about the results. I especially enjoyed the recommendations on what foods my body could handle right as well as which foods I need to eat less of to lose weight, which I absolutely needed to know. I got insights about my physical abilities that I have never used seriously in my life!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-16
Great Dietary Advice!
April 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Got my results last week. Changed my diet and cut my sodium intake.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-14
Brilliant service
April 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Brilliant service, called when arranged and answered all my questions.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-13
Consultation essential
April 12, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The report itself was interesting, but it can be difficult to make sense of the load of information given to you. DNAFit set up a 1hr phone consultation in which they went through my reports and explained my results. It was very helpful to put everything in context, and very interesting to hear how individual gene results contributed to my overall results. At the end, the representative sent along followup information about diet and exercise guidelines tailored to my genetic predispositions.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-12
Comprehensive, Informative
April 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations
I had been kind of waiting for something more interesting to do with my 23andMe results. Explored many different options and saw the reviews on this site and gave them a try. The reports were quite comprehensive and informative . I had long suspected gluten sensitivity but it was helpful to see that I had a higher chance than 90% of the population to have it!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-10
Highly impressed from the day received …
April 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Highly impressed from the day received the test kit and how well it came presented. 2 day turnaround from confirmation on recieving. Beautifully laid out reports & a 1 hour follow and up FOC consultation going through the results & taking questions with a lovely guy named Jarrad. Highly recommended! Great experience
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-06
Very detailed and personalized -- highly recommended!
April 5, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A friend recommended to send my 23andMe results to DNAfit for in-depth genetical analysis and reports on fitness, diet, etc. I was amazed by the detailed information I received, and the recommendations. Absolutely worth it! I told all my family members to do the same :)
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-05
I was really impressed with the …accuracy
April 5, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was really impressed with the findings and the ease of talking to someone who had a wealth of knowledge and explained it to me in great detail. It has really opened my eyes to the fact that certain foods affect me in different ways. I would not hesitate to recommend you to friends and family. Thank you Catherine Neethling
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-05
Great to determine your best lifestyle
April 5, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Loads of info from DNAFit! Cool design too. I first looked at my report on the laptop. Also printed the pdf. But it looks really nice on the phone too. Most importantly, I learnt so much about my body. Many thanks, DNAFit!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-05
Great for Serious Bodybuilders!
April 3, 2017
Fitness Planning
Just went though my report. Lots of stuff there that would have saved me a lot of pain. The best part of it for me as a professional athlete was the sections on injury potentials and muscle characteristics. What I liked less was the fitness profile. I think whatever your initial genetic influence, anyone can become a power athlete through training and this seems to suggest that only those with genetic predisposition should go in that direction. But lots of great info on various injury potentials to consider. Amazing accuracy for the muscle and injury info.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
Personalized advice
April 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I always wanted to learn more about genetics and what can be done about it. So happy I found DNAFit. You get insights and personalized practical advice. Highly recommend to anybody who is interested in investing in their health!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-02
Amazed by how much information you get
March 30, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My brother recommended I buy DNAFit as we’ve both taken a test with 23andMe. I was put off by the price but I’d seen a few of my brother’s reports and I believed it was worth it – it totally was, there’s much more here than 23andMe provide!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-30
Valuable information
March 28, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The information is interesting and valuable and the people are great to talk to in order to better understand the results.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-28
Very enlightening
March 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAfit is a great tool to understand your individual strengths and weaknesses, in order to optimally adapt your diet and fitness regimes. I also appreciated the explanations given during the telephone consultation.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-14
Good and useful insights
March 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good info provided and detailed reports on diet and fitness. Have recommended to a friend
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-14
March 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Ordered two DNA Fitness Testing kits in October 2016, the kits did arrive, collected the saliva and mailed them. Results came in for my wife and I and I was blown away!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-14
Good service provided
March 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got my results at the end of December and everything looked good. I decided to buy personal fitness plan. When you have Qs they answer emails and there is a phone number to call. Facebook page is good too.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-13
Informative and accurate
March 11, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Helpful, gave me insight into the allergies that have plagued my life for many years. I am now able to begin to seek help to deal with my allergies and improve my quality of life. The fitness report, nutrition and metabolism reports have assisted me in planning my fitness programme and diet. It was all very informative and worthwhile. I will recommend this to my friends and colleagues.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-11
Awesome Reports, with free follow-up consultation!
March 8, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was excited to get my DNAFit reports & they definitely delivered with loads of actionable information. The free follow-up consultation was unexpected, but definitely delivered some great extra insights. Highly recommended!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-08
Superinformative, great insights!
March 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great stuff! I wish I knew all this before. Highly recommend. Very nice design too. you can look at results from your cell phone/tablet or download pdf.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-06
Interesting insights & great service
March 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have been a little surprised by the DNA results that I have received, but I had a follow up call with a specialist where I learnt a lot on how to read the results and what action to take based on this. Awesome service, keep it up!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-02
They're always there
February 28, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I can ask a million questions about my test and they always come back happy to help
Worth investing with DNAFit to have your genetic potential explored
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-28
It is much better to learn about your own body than buying expensive products that other people recommend with no facts or data
February 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
When I first heard about DNAFit I was pretty excited. I do spend a lot of time making sure I eat the right things and do the right amount of exercise but how did I know it was actually right? I didn’t. DNAFit has helped me in lots of ways; it has helped me to actually know what I am doing right and establish what I need to be doing to maintain a healthy body. When I say ‘What I need to do’, it could be anything from cutting down on certain food groups, eating more of certain food groups, doing more endurance exercise, added some weight bearing exercise to my fitness plan, and so much more. I even know what vitamins and minerals MY body needs on a daily basis and during recovery during exercise. There are EU guidelines for these but my results showed that I either needed the same, more or less of each vitamin – after all, we are all unique so why would we all need the same. In some cases I needed a whole lot more that the EU recommended dose. How else would you know this without a DNA test? You wouldn’t. With all the nasty air pollutants and additives that are put in food and products these days, I want to give my body the best chance of staying healthy so I chose to do the test for that reason. Its a one off test and the results are with you for life; so much better than gimmicks and products claiming to be able to get you fit and healthy. I would highly recommend anyone interested in their own health, to take the test.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-27
February 23, 2017
Fitness Planning
Lost 5 lb over the past 2 weeks. Didn’t have to calories count. The stuff works.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-23
Strong science
February 23, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Loved that their reports looked at your total genetic variations, most others only look at one or two genes. I also like that their reports are very transparent with regards to the science and quite comprehensive.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-23
Accurate but poor value for money
February 22, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Dnafit do deliver on what they say but having received the full results and comparing it to what is available from competitors e.g. 23andme and free gene databases, it seems poor value for money
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-22
Definitely worth the investment!!!
February 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had the great pleasure of speaking with Minky who very patiently went over all of the results and information garnered from the DNAFit analysis of my genetic makeup. There was sooooo much information to review and Minky went over all of the details with me always allowing me to ask questions when something wasn’t necessarily clear to me. I feel that the information I acquired will help me make better choices in my fitness options and my dietary choices. I’d highly recommend the service and would say confidently that working with Minky will be a great experience.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-19
Very responsive
February 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I sent a large number of samples to analyse and the responses came in quickly. I recommend using DNAFit for your clients. It's very easy to contact them.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-10
They always respond
February 9, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got an email saying that they have received my saliva sample on Dec. 3. Got my results by Feb.9, very impressive and wonderful customer service.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-09
Not worth the money seeing as I had already done a DNA test
February 9, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I saw this on TV and thought that I would get a lot more of a tailored diet and fitness regime than I actually got. I had already done a DNA test with and so all DNAFit did for my £110 was send me some extra (quite generic) information via email using my existing DNA results that I had already paid to get analysed elsewhere! Totally NOT worth it. They just divide people in to Low Fat, Low Carb and Mediterranean diet groups and tell you if you need extra vitamins in certain areas or are lactose intolerant. All of this I knew anyway, so there was nothing new there. I feel that they have massively overcharged for the 23andme service provided (basically an email, no swabs taken) and I would not recommend them to a friend. Oh and the site crashed when I had just paid so I couldn’t get my results until the next day. Seems quite amateur in my opinion, and I think they are overcharging for what they provide.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-09
Just awesome
February 8, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Per the report, last week I started enhancing my meals with the nutrient dense foods in the areas where the report showed I require more than the RDA. Already I'm feeling so much more energetic and clear headed. Next I will tackle altering my workouts. One week at a time however! And am loving the email updates on the findings. Positively cool! Congrats DNA Fit on building such a life enhancing report.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-08
February 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Infinitely delighted with extremely good communication. Updates to the tools are regular and they respond to my questions super quick. Impressed with the transparency and their committment to updates.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-07
February 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve taken two tests in the past two years – I recommend anyone buy the Fitness Diet Pro from the outset
The results have been astonishing, my twin (non-identical) took the DNAFit test a year after I first did – he could see how the adaptations to my workout had made an impact
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-03
Futuristic health and fitness
February 1, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Today I got to do my free consult with Jarret, Sport Scientist, from the DNAfit team. He went through my report with me and never hesitated to answer my questions. It was extremely interesting and informative. I’m blown away by this genetic take on health and fitness, so much of which makes sense to me uniquely. I’m looking forward to implementing a new fitness regime and dietary change based on this test. The communication was fantastic, well done DNAfit. I recommend this product.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-01
Amazing Product
January 23, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The staff were friendly and very patient with my excited calls waiting for my results. Can’t wait to see improvements in my training and diet!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-23
January 18, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It was very easy to take the DNA sample and the results came through quicker than I’d expected. I was extremely impressed with how in depth the results were and am looking forward to utilising this knowledge in my future fitness programmes and diet. I would highly recommend this service to anyone with an interest in this area. Money well spent!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-18
Excellent Actionable Reports!
January 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I really liked the reports since they provided actionable information for me to optimize my workouts and diet. The reports validated many suspicions I had like being sensitive to caffeine and gluten. I also realized that my body really responds to workouts of all kinds .
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-10
Data Goldmine
January 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very informative and comprehensive report. My consultant was also incredibly helpful and insightful in assisting me in understanding the results and the suggestions in the reports. Recommended
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-10
A lot of Data!
January 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results were extremely good, but for a lot of the data, there is no immediate and clear translation to action. Certainly, with some, it’s obvious. I can make out that a sodium sensitivity means I should reduce my sodium intake. However, while the data was extensive and easy to digest, there was little assistance in truly understanding so to beget action therefrom. Very useful, though, and would recommend to most!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-03
Comprehensive and actionable
December 24, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My results make so much sense, this helped me understand so much more about what’s actually going on when I train
Very good product but be warned, customer service is slow
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-24
Seriously valuable feedback gained about my DNA
December 21, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Ordering this test was the best idea! I paid for three genetic screenings before this one (fine-tune my exercise and diet being the primary goal) – DNA Fit blows them away with the highest number of results and the most practical suggestions
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-21
Uploaded my 23andme
December 20, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The quality of the reports is impressive and very comprehensive. Excellent value for money
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-20
Great to see my results
December 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great way to find out how to really influence my training and diet. The information received is extremely detailed with very easy to read summary sheet. I would highly recommend
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-15
Good but there was a mix up with my results.
December 14, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great service and the results go into good detail however I had trouble redeeming my results and was sent the wrong ones but it was resolved fairly quickly. Its a great product and would still recommend to friends and anyone in the fitness industry.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-14
Making the most of training and diet
December 14, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Looked in to DNAfit after a friend recommended it. Wanted to make the most of my training and get the most out of my diet. Results came back quick with some things confirming what I thought and other bits I did not know. Follow up was good by the DNAfit team. Had a conversation today going through my full report to explain exactly what it means. Reason for not giving 5 stars is that I haven’t put it fully in to motion yet, so can’t report whether it has made the most out of my training and diet yet.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-14
Great experience working with DNA Fit
December 12, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAFit validated most of my assumptions about my athletic potential and also gave a few new insights/surprises about my genes. Good quality report, good customer service. Overall a positive experience.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-12
Informative and easy to do
December 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Easy to do the test. Just swab and put it in envelope supplied. No mess or fuss. Waited eagerly for my results . As promised they were with me in 10 days. The results come easily laid out and well explained. It is pretty detailed so it takes time to read through it all but it’s interesting to see the results, I’d recommend everyone to do this. Especially if you have struggled getting results in the gym this could help you make the adjustments that wil get you there!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-06
More information than you can shake a stick at!
December 5, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The interface could be better but there’s an insane amount of info here! From what I’ve seen so far, it chimes with my own experience and there’s a number of key takeaways that’ll help me upgrade my workout
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-05
excellent tool
December 4, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
What an excellent tool to take the guess work out of fitness and nutrition. Great way to get fast results from an accurate vantage point. All my clients are in and recognise they are part of a new frontier of health and fitness.
Simply Brilliant
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-04
Had no idea you could learn so much
December 3, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This has confirmed a lot about my response to exercise and cleared up some myths, so for those reasons alone the DNA Fit package has been a good investment.
Another thing to say – their customer services respond quick and explain well!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-03
Super useful
December 1, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am a professional bodybuilder, and this service helped me a lot to improve both my training and especially my nutrition
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-01
Excellent but takes time!
November 26, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Basically, my friend recommended me this company instead of other famous ones on the market. The interface is impressive. Every report is well explained and we don’t need any PHD to understand them.
Quality/price ratio is perfect .
The only issue was the turnaround time. It took a long time to get the results. I understand that you guys have lot of samples to analyse but you should correct this !
Worth it!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-26
Great experience.
November 24, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I bought the full package from DNAFit in August 2016. I got the most out of the diet test results. I asked for an explanation of some of the results and they replied to me straight away.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-24
Informative reports
November 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I found a lot of information in my reports that helped me a lot in my training and nutrition.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-23
Surprising and not so surprising results
November 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I love the simplicity of the test, a simple swab. I also love how the results are clearly presented and easy to understand, but also how you can learn more about specific genes if you want to. Worth a try if you are curious how your body function and what to feed it to feel better
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-22
Report was interesting and thorough
November 20, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The report I received was interesting and in quite a bit of detail. Personally, I needed a nutrition specialist so go through it with me so I could understand the meaning behind the data much better. I would definitely advise people to do this so as to get the best out of the information.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-20
Great start
November 13, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
For anyone looking to learn more about the way your body works it is very interesting. The information is very technical and also has some actionable advice. The diet plan is easy to follow but the fitness one takes more interpretation. Highly recommend it.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-13
DNAfit report feedback
November 9, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The report looks great and is easy to read for the general public. However, because I am learning so much additional information (from Caroline Hansen and DNAfit themselves) about how to understand the gene SNP’s themselves and interpret the report to be able to advise on specific macronutrient quantities, I wonder how the general public is supposed to be able to do this on their own.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-09
Really good
November 8, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After hearing about DNAFIT I was initially skeptical, but when I got my results, I was beyond pleasantly surprised. The dietary information as well as the suggested exercise regimes have help me lose 7 lbs in one week, excellent stuff.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-08
My patient was very satisfied
November 5, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have recently had the chance to give counseling to a client who took the DNA Fit test. He was very satisfied with the results and plans to purchase a professional training program off the back of it. He is a devoted body builder. Likewise the physician of my client found the results very useful. If only there can be a way to receive results in a more timely manner.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-05
Better than 23andme health service
November 3, 2016
Fitness Planning
I initially bought the new 23andme health service. I was little bit disappointed with the low level of information about my health. After uploading my 23andme raw data on the DNAFit website, I received my login details and I am extremely happy with the reports provided and the overall services (fitness planning).
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-03
Genetic Test Review
October 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Extremely informative, I have no qualms about recommending
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-23
The best system for fitness
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA FIT and the consultations are most important to making a better version of you. Whether you work out for competition or sports or general well-being is great. I would invest in oneself by taking this test. Some might say it’s expensive but to change your lifestyle is even better. Thank you!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Comprehensive results
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations
DNAFit Diet was recommended to me by a friend, who thought it might be useful in respect of some of my health issues. I have severe ME and follow a dairy and gluten free diet. I chose the Diet Pro because I wanted to get as much information as possible. The test confirmed by problems with both dairy and gluten. The two issues that really stood out though were my need for much higher calcium and omega 3 intake. I have followed a dairy free diet for over 20 years and took a calcium supplement to help protect against osteoporosis. However, the level I was taking was nowhere near enough, even though I do get a reasonable amount from my diet. So that was very important to discover. The results also provided an opportunity to revisit my B vitamin intake, and even at this early stage I think this has helped my cognitive function, which is a well recognised problem with ME. In order that I can work out what supplements are useful I’m only introducing one at a time, so I can’t report yet on the cumulative effect of my dietary and supplement changes, but I will be monitoring this process to see whether it has any significant effect on my ME in the longer term. Only downside is the cost of the DietPro.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Diet and Fitness
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations
A very good exercise for those wishing to learn more about which particular diet they are best suited to. The report highlighted the fact that I need to increase the amount of detoxifying foods in my diet as I struggle to rid free radicals from my body. That information alone has surely got to be worth the money. The fitness information is a little less concise and does not really provide too many specific indicators on how best to improve your fitness.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Totally worth it
October 19, 2016
Fitness Planning
Great feedback. Great service.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Excellent service
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I found DNAFit’s service quick and professional. The information provided was comprehensive and spot on. I have been broadly following their advice for the last three months or so now, and I’ve dropped about 5kg and feel much fitter. I find their recipes delicious and simple to follow.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
So nice to have diet guidelines based on my own DNA!
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I had the test done because I simply wanted an answer regarding the healthiest approach to eating for me. I had tried so many different approaches before, and we get a lot of different information on what is healthiest nowadays, that a clear picture of my DNA seemed the best route. I am currently following the recommendations of the plan and feel great about the decision.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Interesting and helpful profile
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have previously used genetic screening for other reasons, and so I was interested in what such screening could tell me about nutrition and exercise. I wanted to optimise my pre-existing programs. The data I received was very helpful in enabling me to tweak my nutrition (particularly carbohydrates and anti-oxidants) and confirmed that my current exercise regime was appropriate for my particular profile. I have added in more recovery time due to the results. I found the data very helpful; very suitable for anyone looking to improve their performance or just interested in what their genetic markers might tell them. I was pleased that the reports came with caveats i.e. that the results cannot tell you the whole picture, as there are many variables that interact with health. Nevertheless I found it a valuable supplement to my current fitness program.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Interesting info
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I heard some very successful and health conscious dudes talking about DNAFit on Facebook, and one guy said he lost a bunch of weight following the plan they gave him so I thought I’d take a look. I had already gotten my results from 23andme, so I figured I might see what kind of insights DNAFit could give me based on those results. I’m kind of obsessed with my health, so I’m always looking for new knowledge, and this seemed like the ultimate thing because it is information based on my actual DNA! Anyhow, the info was very interesting. I was happy to learn that I’m good at processing saturated fat, which made me feel good about eating the healthy saturated fats I love like grass-fed beef, grass-fed butter, cheese, coconut oil etc… The meal plan was good. I’m not going to follow it because I’m just not that type of person, but I will incorporate the suggestions they’ve given me and am hopeful that it will be beneficial. They also give you a free consultation, which I haven’t gotten yet, but I think that is a nice touch.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Excellent consultation and excellent knowledge
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I just had a consultation with Minky to better understand which genes I should concentrate on when discussing DNAFit reports with clients and she was amazing!!! I got so much information on how to correctly interpret the reports and put it in practice with my clients both on the diet and fitness front . Great lady , excellent knowledge on genes and excellent customer service… A true asset to DNAFit !!!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Great information!
October 19, 2016
Fitness Planning
I really loved the consultation. It answered all of the questions I had. The only reason for 4 starts was because it was difficult to hear on the other end. Almost like she was too far away from the phone, and she was breaking up a lot. Other than that it was perfect!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Interesting Insights
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I subscribed to DNAFit after coming across an article on how sports personalities were using DNA analysis to improve their health and fitness. Given that my DNA sequencing was available to be imported to this website and the cost seemed quite reasonable, I was interested in knowing more about how fitness and diet can be influenced by by genetics. The results were interesting and in some cases quite surprising. However this has provided me with a better insight into my fitness and diet and I am using the results to bring changes to both. I think this has been quite useful to me.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Great information for creating customized diet and fitness lifestyle changes
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I used 23andMe’s DNA data with DNAfit to create my diet and fitness profiles. I will quite pleased with the information they provided, though I will say there is a lot of overlapping information in the diet information from the 23andMe reports. Overall I would fully recommend DNAfit both diet and fitness to anyone looking for this type of service.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Pleased with results but get the phone consultation
October 19, 2016
Fitness Planning
I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the results I was given (e.g. 50/50 power & endurance didn’t seem actionable) until I was given the phone consultation. Granted this was a few months ago, and I heard they may be doing consultations for all. Overall very pleased with the test and the information. I am not a 23andMe customer, so I can’t speak to the value as compared to the base information they would have initially provided.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Worth every penny. Period.
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It takes a lot of the guesswork and trial and error out of seeing what you are best suited to do and consume as far as exercise and nutrition.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Useful reports, concise and practical
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve just granted access to my 23andme data and received very useful and easy-to-understand recommendation on what should I add and what I should avoid in terms of nutrition. I also received the useful data on how to achieve more in fitness based on my DNA.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Great Consult
October 19, 2016
Fitness Planning
Minky tailored a plan using my DNAFit profile to work towards my goals. She was very knowledgeable and answered all my questions without hesitation.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Excellent information
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations
Minky was wonderful to talk to and clarify the information, as there is an overwhelming amount. She was able to focus on the key features and explain in terms I could understand.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Looking forward to future information
October 19, 2016
Fitness Planning
One of the few sites that uses data from 23&Me to personalize a medical and fitness plan for users. I found out that I need to recuperate after exercise because I am especially vulnerable to injury. One size fits all is not only passe, it can be dangerous if one is advised or worse pushed into courses of action that even if it benefited the majority, it could be risky for an individual.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Minky was incredible!
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations
She was insightful, humorous, kind and intelligent. She cemented my opinion about DNAFit. Many thanks for finding her and putting her expertise to our good use.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Delivered what they promised, great customer service
October 19, 2016
Fitness Planning
So far, DNAFit has been great with delivering what they promise on their website. My results came back earlier than I expected, their customer support team has been very helpful, and the results were easier to read and understand than I had anticipated.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Minky was so helpful!
October 19, 2016
Fitness Planning
Thank you so much – going through my reports made everything much clearer. Minky is really helpful and didn’t mind answering my questions. Great add on service to the excellent DNA fit testing.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results from DNA fit have been invaluable in helping me create the ultimate healthy life style.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Great Insights from DNAFit
October 19, 2016
Fitness Planning
There is nothing better than matching your training with your genetics. Simple to use and lots of great information in the report and from my consult. Very professional.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Good insight
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This is a great service helping me gain insight into my body’s blueprint. Over the years i could only guess at the actual optimal diet and fitness through trial and error but this gives me a great base on which to adapt the fitness and diet regime that are right for my body. The consultation helped me understand even more what my results meant of me. Have highly recommended the service to family and friends
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Awesome Product
October 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This product was awesome It did everything it offered. Just a bit pricey
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
October 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This is fascinating information!
I’m questioning some of my results that would be useful to know.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-15
Thank you!
October 14, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m still using your training plan and I continue to see results. So a big thank you!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-14
Outsanding knowledge
September 29, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve done my test by 23andme and DNA Fit. DNA Fit provides a very high level of information compared to 23andme. Very happy with my purchase.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-29
Very disappointed by lack of detail
September 29, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The basic test (about $200USD including shipping) provides no details. The results are one of three diets. Mediterranean was recommended for me. The others are Low Carb and Low Fat.
My recommended exercise plan is Low Intensity with a HRT never exceeding 60% max. For me (age 56) that is 100 BPM. I run short, 5K, distances competitively (~28 minutes). How am I expected to do this while keeping my heart rate below 100 BPM? I feel that I threw away nearly $200 to be told to not exercise, sit on the couch and eat a balanced diet. I will ignore the first and continue the second.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-29
A few observations
September 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
On my training report I have a “less efficient” metabolism (not too sure what studies you are pulling from since there are many), so it might not affect any results that I am aware of in the report itself, but I could be wrong on that.
Otherwise you’ve got a great product and I think you have the best reports and usable tips of any of the sites. Your results are also the closest so far with my own personal research and findings amongst all the DNA analysis companies.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-23
Quite powerful when combined with conultation
September 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had my test done about six months ago and was initially unsure what to think about a 50-50 power & endurance split. After speaking with a member of the DNAFit team, I was able to better use the information in the test. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fitness enthusiast, but I was mostly interested in the nutrition regime. I chose to do the full test because it wasn’t much more expensive to do them both at the same time. Personally, the best immediate payoff was to prove to my parents that I am not lactose intolerant (according to the results) as they had thought as I was growing up :)
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-22
Best value for money
September 13, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am personal trainer from Russia and I am using DNA fit services since a while now for my customers. All of them had great results and all the information given helped me a lot to build an intelligent training and nutrition planning.
I will also take the test for my personal knowledge and post an other review.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-13
Best DNA testing company
August 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have had the best experience with dna fit, ever since I ordered my kit. Not only do they provide a great product, they also have an excellent support team
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-23
Analysis of my 23andme data
August 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I discovered this service on this site and read many positive reviews. I thought that it might be a similar concept to Prometease or nutrahacker that also allow 23andme users to upload their data to get the reports. (prometease & nuutrahacker are both a complete waste of money)
But I was suprised to see that there is NO comparison between these 2 services. The quality of DNAfit results is simply awesome. It is a serious fitness tool that deserves the first place of this site.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-22
August 21, 2016
Fitness Planning
Compared to $400 for Genos, DNAfit is underpriced for the thousands of genes they look at.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-21
Radically improved
August 21, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I took the DNAFit Pro two years ago and have recently taken the Fitness Diet Pro – the reports are radically improved and the interface blows the old ‘PDF Report’ out of the water!
Super impressed by this company
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-21
Used 23andMe data to buy test
August 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I highly recommend you!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-19
Actionable advice
August 12, 2016
Fitness Planning
With just the report I would have found it difficult to make conclusions regarding my workouts. But the (free) phone consulting cleared things up considerably and led to the specific advice I had been hoping for.
I feel more confident now about which workout style is right for me. Interestingly, many results match the gut-feeling I always had, but there are some optimizations I will definitely include in my regimen. Also, from now on it will be easier to disregard advice from other well-intended people who simply have different genes.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-12
I finally know what my body is up too
August 10, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
From the moment the DNAFit’s stylish and well designed box arrives you feel like you are taking part of something serious,cool,important for yourself and exciting at all the same time. The instructions to use the DNA collecting swabs are easy to read and underrates and the process was simple and effortless. The results came as promised not more than 4 weeks later and they were clear, in depth and were finally able to give me an overview of what my body is up too: what it is or not is producing enough, how fast it processes nutrition and deals with self healing and recovery. Absolutely recommend it to both the regular person interesting in their general wellbeing or pro athletes wanting to tailor their diet to their unique boy and DNA.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-10
DNA Analysis very helpful and good customer support
August 10, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I decided to buy the DNA Diet Professional Analysis to optimize my diet and nutrition intake. The overall experience I had is great – from ordering, doing the test at home, sending the test back to the UK and getting the results online. I had a small issue with the online registration, but the team from DNAFit replied promptly via eMail and fixed the issue.
The DNA report itself helped me a lot to gain better insight into my diet requirements and confirmed some of my assumptions.
I also ordered the DNAFIT fitness report and have now much more clarity what type of sport and exercises are ideal for me.
In summary, I can recommend the test and DNAFIT to anyone who wants to optimize diet and training plans.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-10
Very pleased
August 10, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m very pleased with the results I got as they confirmed some things I had inferred for myself a while ago, regarding training and nutrition.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-10
Minky gave me the gentle push I needed
August 10, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Minky patiently went through my diet and fitness reports and took time to get to know me and to listen to my questions and comments.
One of the big problems I have is a tendency to injury which has put me off a lot of activities over the years so I have grown increasingly fat and inactive.
I’d even stopped swimming because the breaststroke kick was hurting my knees. But, with Minky’s gentle but persistent encouragement, after our phone call, I went down to my local swimming pool and started doing Aqua exercises. It felt so good to do squats and lunges without screaming in pain! It has opened up a whole new world of possibilities to me and I’ve been back to the pool several times since and can feel my strength and flexibility growing.
Minky has also emailed me useful material explaining how to build up an exercise regime.
I am very grateful for the help and support.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-10
DNA fit changed the way I eat train and recover.
August 9, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After years of mismatched diets and training plans, (10 years).DNA fit cut through all the misinformation out there and pointed me in the right direction for carbohydrate and fat intake. Further more the team gave me a workout plan to match my predominate endurance profile. This resulted in less injury and better results. I also added the suggested daily vitamins to my routine which is helping with my rest days and recovery. Some trainers out there suggest everyone needs to lift heavy and do short sets (5×5) others say you need high carb or zero carb to get results. Once DNA fit gave me my results I knew not to listen to all the different money grabbers out there. I highly recommend anyone out there who is either trying to loose weight or just get fitter complete a DNA fit kit immediately. My honest only regret is that I didn’t complete this kit earlier.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-09
Amazing to learn about yourself
August 9, 2016
Fitness Planning
It was easy to complete the instructions. You pretty much learn everything about your body and it was dead on. Takes little bit of time to read and understand your results but it amazing to see what comes about.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-09
Great professional help
August 3, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Minky is a skillful professional with good knowledge of the science behind athletic performance, dieting and genes. She’s also a helpful person and a pleasant talker. Great combination! Tnx!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-03
Very helpful
August 1, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAFit provided real steps I can take to stay healthy for the long term. My consultation with Minky expanded my understanding of the DNAFit results. I look forward to implementing the recommendations.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-01
Discover your genes
August 1, 2016
Fitness Planning
Good insight regarding your genes. Report for 23andme users is nearly instant.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-01
Very Interesting but
August 1, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I found the information very interesting but a little expensive for it.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-01
Too expensive
August 1, 2016
Fitness Planning
The report quality is good but quite expensive for what you get. You can use Rhonda Patrick’s excellent report for free ( or for a more complete (but less user-friendly) report try ($5).
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-01
Unexpected personalized service
July 29, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Unexpected but nice personal follow-up by a fitness consultant after receiving my personalized report.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-29
Good service
July 28, 2016
Fitness Planning
In general I had a positive experience. The staff was very helpful, especially during the consult. I thoroughly enjoyed that they contacted me to see if I was satisfied with the analysis and consulted with me on my results. That being said, I find that the results profile is poorly structured. After seeing some of the competitor’s layouts I am a bit disappointed. I had the opportunity to view a friend’s results with a different company and she was provided with much more information and a ton of free resources, not to mention free updates for life if any new gene research becomes available.
Generally I found the experience to be a positive one. Had I not spoken to a consultant I probably would have been disappointed, but speaking to a person to help you understand the results and to answer any lingering questions was the best part of this experience.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-28
Great fit for me
July 27, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
As a 23 and me customer, I had a lot of data but not much actionable insight as to the diet and exercise program that best fit me. I am active (arguably athletic) and have run 7 marathons, but felt like I was still in discovery mode for the best fit strategy for my body. I am currently in a nutrition class that emphasizes a low-sugar diet, but it did not make complete sense to me as most of the participants are there just to lose weight, not improve athletic performance.
DNAFit has really clarified what my genomic data means, in terms of actionable diet and exercise recommendations that best fit with how I am made. Based on the sum total of my experience with me, these make sense. I have altered my low-sugar diet slightly to simulate a Mediterranean regime, and changed my workouts to emphasize longer, slower runs and heavier, fewer lifts. My body likes this approach, and both my body composition and my performance are improving.
What I realize is that the raw genomic data is more of a platform for analysis, and companies like DNAFit offer the real product that reveals the “so what” we are all looking for. My wife is already a customer, and my kids will be soon. Great product!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-27
Great Consultation!
July 27, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The consultation helped me to better understand my results on a deeper level and plan my course of action. I highly recommend doing the consultation.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-27
23andme interpretation
July 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Best interpretation in the market
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-23
DNA fit going above
July 22, 2016
Fitness Planning
The DNAfit team is going above and beyond to accommodate my learning curve and give me the appropriate tools to navigate the nuances of DNA interpretation.
Minky and Alicia are wonderful and sweet individuals that are professional and easy to communicate with. I’m excited to apply this knowledge and help individuals “hack” their DNA for the best!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-22
DNAFit is well worth the money
July 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations
The information I received from DNAFit is something that everyone in fitness needs. It helps to steer you in the direction of optimal health.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-22
I love my DNAFit results!
July 21, 2016
Fitness Planning
DNAFit has completely change my approach to working out. I paid for my test 18 months ago and my sister recently remarked about how good I’m looking and thinking about it, I’ve made the most progress since focussing on HIIT and free-weights, all brought on by learning about my genetic predisposition online.
This is a top quality package, I strongly recommend
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-21
July 21, 2016
Diet Recommendations
DNAFit customer service has been great. I had a few problems in the beginning with understanding things which lead me to send numerous emails. Response time for answering my emails was EXCELLENT, courteous and my issue was always resolved. I sent one email asking if I could get a discount for my consultation to better understand my report and my reply was “a free consultation” which I will be doing tomorrow morning. Also, there was a mix up in my package and I received a $50US refund that I would not have even been aware of. This is a very honest company with great customer support and I cannot wait to learn more tomorrow during my consultation. The thing I like is this is for life, DNA doesn’t change so, be proactive and order now; you won’t regret it!!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-21
Highly impressed
July 20, 2016
Fitness Planning
I recently purchased a dna fitness test and I am highly impressed.
I now feel confident I have a handle on a number of fitness aspects.
I would also like to share that I found the results to be well presented and understandable for a lay man.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-20
Fantastic one on one information
July 20, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was excited when I came to know DNA fitness and nutrition information was available and easily accessible and I was even more delighted when I received my reports from DNAFit. Not only are the reports very user-friendly and offer usable information, but I also received consultative time with a DNAFit representative who walked me through my results and provided me a wider understanding of how to interpret my personal results. I think this type of information is invaluable and will enrich the lives of anyone pursuing self improvement.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-20
Comprehensive but a little complicated
July 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I took the advanced DNA Test and the process was ridiculously easy. About 10 days after sending off my DNA swab my personal Genotype report was made available to me. The report is very comprehensive but I did find it difficult to understand exactly what each section meant and what changes I may have to make to my diet and exercise regime to ensure that I made best use of the ‘tools’ that nature has given me. I noted the easier bits to understand and then just ‘parked’ the rest to look at in more detail at a later date (which never arrived). However, about 6 months after taking the test I was contacted by DNAFit who asked me for some feedback on my progress. I explained my dilemma and they arranged a personal (and free) telephone consultation with one of their experts. Following this call with Minky I now have a far better understanding of my report and what it means to me. Minky was extremely knowledgeable and was able to explain the various effects that certain genes would have on me, both whilst exercising, post exercise and dietary requirements.I need to take on board the extra information that Minky has given me but I am confident that I now have enough knowledge to adapt my exercise and dietary requirements to improve my lifestyle. Minky has also offered a further follow up in a month’s time so it appears that thsi expertise is continually available.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-15
Good results
July 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It was good to get the information on what foods I was sensitive to and what I needed more in my diet. Additionally, it was also really good to get the results of what kind of working out I needed to do. What I believe is lacking is there should be at least a week of a diet and a week of a workout, for the price you pay, to understand in practice what you should be eating and how you should be working out. The advertisement wording makes you believe that you would get 12 weeks of both but that was not accurate.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-15
Not as in depth as imagined
July 14, 2016
Fitness Planning
I didn’t find the DNAfit section very useful. Certainly not as in depth as was made out to be before buying it.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-14
July 14, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was pretty disappointed with the amount of information I received. It’s advertised as being a program that’s more tailored to an individual’s genomic composition that what is actually produced in both your fitness and dietary profile. Based on the advertisements, I really expected more in depth information, it looked like a canned format with limited variability in the outputs.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-14
Better and cheaper
July 12, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent reports and service! I purchased a fitness and nutrition report for my husband with another well known company and found yours to be much more comprehensive and cheaper.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-12
DNAFit consultation with Minky
July 11, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Minky did an excellent job explaining the DNAFit Diet and Fitness reports to me. Going over the reports with Minky provided me with more information than I could have gotten from using the reports alone. I highly recommend that DNAFit subscribers take advantage of this resource in general, and Minky in particular!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-11
This is so amazing!
July 6, 2016
Fitness Planning
I did the fitness and training package. Thank you, I have been extremely pleased with the experience!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-06
23andme service
June 30, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I just got my 23andme data analysed by dnafit for health, Amazing and cheap service ! Thank you for bringing such valuable service to us. I am also looking forward to seeing any new reports!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-30
Took one year ago and haven't looked bavk
June 27, 2016
Fitness Planning
Getting DNAFit’s breakdown showed that I truly was better at long distance running and cycling and I’ve never been happier since focussing on these two sports
Before taking a look at my DNA, I was unsure about where to concentrate (I’m a woman who likes her routines!) and the results gave me the confidence to zero in to sports id be best at
I’m now in several track teams and hope to do the next London to Brighton bike ride!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-27
results with 23andme raw data
June 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was amazed by the quality of the results. Very well detailed and comprehensive.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-23
Great training results
June 16, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have had good results by following the training programs recommended by DNA fitness, I’m very glad I bought this test
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-16
What I found after taking DNAFit
June 14, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I decided to order the DNAFit test after listening to Mark’s Daily Apple podcast were an athlete was mentioning that the test gave him information that supported the reason why a high intensity training was not good for him. The athelete then tells the story of how he changed to endurance based training and that made the difference on improving his times.
Since I am an engineer this made a lot of sense to me. I was lready following a paleo/primal lifestyle and had recently endured an injury due to over training when biking. That’s when I decided to order the DNAFit test to discover any new insight into my nutrition and training.
The ordering process was easy, then making the saliva swab and shipping it back to the UK. A few weeks passed and then I had the results.
I was amazed to see that my genetics moved me towards long duration endurance tasks (like walking and slow biking, or weight lifting) were my heart rate was not so elevated. So that made me realize I was on the right path by performing endurance activities and weight lifting.
So today I perform the eventual High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for cardio reasons, but it is only a few times a month. And I haven’t been injured since.
On the nutrition side I got confirmation that I needed to limit my carb intake, I was already eating lower carb on paleo but, DNAFit gave me the confidence to try out ketosis for a while and that worked out to be really good for me. As well it gave me the information I needed to get more cruciferous vegetables on my diet. As well as not needing a lot of fish for omega 3’s.
These days I recommend to new people that want to pursue fitness or a paleo diet, to get the DNAFit because it will give you a good blue print of what to pursue and what to try, for some people low carb may not work, or high saturated fat.
So instead of doing like me and spending lots of time trialing new things that might not work, you can have a good idea of what your body is genetically programmed to like better and then you have a higher probability of success with whatever exercise/nutrition path you take.
Hope this might help others!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-14
My take
June 7, 2016
Fitness Planning
Good level of detail, very comprehensive, enjoyed the various sections and the information provided.
Liked the training stuff, it was interesting, it generally tallied with what I had found personally.
Was hoping for health risks and was a bit annoyed when I saw they weren’t there.
The interface is probably the weakest point about the results.
Money well spent, good value for money.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-07
Genetic Test Review
June 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am impressed with the quality of this program.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-06
Dropped a shirt size and 3 belt notches!
June 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I just finished up my first 12 week program and I’m very happy with the results. I dropped a full shirt size and 3 belt notches all while increasing my squat, bench press and deadlift! Your technology works and I can’t wait to take it even further. For my next 12 week program though I’m going to focus just on weight loss and not muscle building, I can’t wait to see the results!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-06
Very satisfied
June 6, 2016
Fitness Planning
Thank you for your hard work, the fitness plan is awesome.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-06
Excited about my new training plan!
June 3, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m confident this information has given me an edge in my training plan and I’m more enthusiastic about making the most of my DNA
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-03
Solid company !!
May 31, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I order 23andme interpretation from dna fit for my fitness. Good and detailed with an awesome gene panel!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-31
It works
May 26, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am now following the guidelines for 1 year according to my dna results and results are very good
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-26
Innovative product
May 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Amazing innovative product for the 21st century trainer. Results with clients have been awesome! Highly recommend
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
5 stars
May 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Amazing life changing improvements well done team
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
May 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA fit is great for anyone looking to progress and achieve health and fitness goals, it can literally change your life’s for the better, and is sculpted to the individual.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
23andme interpretation
May 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Enjoyed a lot reading all your informative reports
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
Affordable price
May 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I thought it was a low quality fitness DNA test as the prices are very low, but this wasn't the case at all! I compared my results with my friend’s who did his test through another company, DNA Fit covers many more genes and gives more actionnable reports. Well done!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
Recommend it!
May 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The report exceeded all my expectations – telling me some things that I already knew or suspected, but it was good to have them confirmed with some scientific backup (in simple, idiot-proof language), and giving me some more understanding around them. It also told me a whole load of things that I didn’t know; it recommended a style of training that I had never used before, but which immediately felt right when I started it.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
Lowest price, best quality!
May 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The support from day one of joining has been fantastic! Not only have I experienced incredible insights from getting my own results, my clients are experiencing fascinating results too. My learning curve has been amazing & fulfilling.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
Very patient
May 20, 2016
Diet Recommendations
Backlog with the postal system so my client had to wait longer than anticipated for his kit. This in turn delayed the results but thankfully DNAFit were very understanding and patient with me – I asked a lot of questions – and we eventually got the results through
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-20
Online account
May 20, 2016
Diet Recommendations
Good interface, lots to read before you get your results, information seems heavily caveated and DNA Fit clearly erring on the side of caution!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-20
A brilliant test - the infographic is especially good
May 8, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I am very happy that I chose to have my DNA tested with DNAfit. The testing kit was easy to use and the and the materials that came with it were of high a quality. My results were available in 10 days and the report was an exciting read. I especially liked the fun infographic that summarised my results and is perfect to stick on the fridge. The written report was detailed without being overwhelming and the customer service has been brilliant. I am looking forward to seeing how the little adjustments I have made since going through my results will affect my health in the long run. I would recommend this service to anyone who loves science and nutrition and is fascinated by the nuances of their own body rather than someone looking for the next fad diet or exercise.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-08
A low price for the information you get
April 18, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve taken both 23andMe’s personal genome service and the DNA Fit test – DNA Fit provides more extensive reporting no question
One flaw, you don’t get any genealogy reporting so you don’t get the ‘two in one’ effect, but 23andMe is a half-measure anyway. If you want to work on your personal nutrition and training plans then DNA Fit is superior
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-18
Both my wife and I took the DNAFit Fitness Pro in January
April 10, 2016
We’ve been running together for over 30 years and I’ve been through more than my fair share of private trainers. My current PT has coached me for several months and advised us to buy this DNAFit service and the results surprised us. My wife and I always seemed similar in terms of our preference for long distance running, but the reports suggested she would respond very positively to training with free weights to lose weight whereas I should stick to cardiovascular. My wife has been focussing more on weight training and is seeing her arms and legs become more toned which she’s delighted about. We continue to run together but my wife is much enthused by the changes in her body shape
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-10
Everything you need to optimize your work-out
March 25, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m a personal trainer and having bought a DNA Fit analysis for myself last year, I’ve recommended it to my clients, two of which are now working off their analyses and seeing results
We love everything about this. The infographic is a handy quick-reference tool, the dietary information is valuable, and to discover your sports injury resilience plus predisposition to power or endurance training is exactly what you need to optimize your work-out and really fight for the body you want
I totally recommend the DNA Fit Fitness Diet Professional package
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-25
I put on significant muscle in 8 weeks
March 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA analysis is a new approach to working out and the DNAfit report takes ‘fine tuning’ to another level.
It was only when I purchased the test that I really put my back into bodybuilding so to speak and per my review title I made massive progress for 8 weeks after!
DNAfit gave me the confidence I needed to make a start on improving myself
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-23
23andMe interpretation
March 2, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The 23andme interpretation is awesome. Recommend it to all
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-02
Outstanding service !
March 1, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
As a personal trainer, will definitely be using their service with my clients in the near future.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-01
DNAFit drives real change
February 28, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Owning a software company I understand the conflict between being cutting-edge and sticking with the tried and tested. Even more important in your industry when peoples health is at stake
Well done for keeping it real
Ben x
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-28
PT pitched this to me for six months
February 27, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Overrated, save your money for when DNA testing and analysis gets cheaper. Info seems lacking to me, kicking myself for being taken in
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-27
One time investiment
February 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was the best big spend on fitness and diet I have ever done. The test took 4 weeks (I was expecting longer) and the report gave a detailed and comprehensive explanation of my genetics and variations and action points based on that individual data. It has led to several really important improvements, but also reaffirmed some things I was already doing. Genetic information on anti-oxidants, fast/slow twitch muscle fibers and hypoxic training has the potential to improve more than just my fitness and I am very glad I know these risks now. Wish this had been available when I was 21.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-23
So so
February 18, 2016
Diet Recommendations
Does what it says but the report is too basic
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-18
It's paying off
February 11, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I bought the Fitness Diet Pro about seven months ago and the fine tuning I’ve been able to do to my work-out plan and micronutrient intake have helped me maintain my bodyfat % and fitness levels with about 25% less effort – given I’m in my 40s, I’ll take any gains in efficiency i can get
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-11
DNAfit have taught me about my sensitivities
February 1, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I recently had the DNAfit and DNAdiet test done. I learnt a lot about myself, some of which I had long suspected eg Carbohydrate sensitive which showed up as high. No one would believe me in the past. There were a lot of sensitivities that were high. Now I know what they are I can do something about it. The one surprise was that I wasn’t lactose intolerant. I have been told for years by doctors and even had a gastroentoroligist,tell me that it was causing all my problems. My DNA said it I wasn’t lactose intolerant. I drink low fat milk again and have no trouble.
It’s surprising to me how friends and family try to tell me I’m wrong when I tell them I have a raised salt sensitivity. They say I should have more salt because I don’t use it in my cooking and because when I do strenuous exercise I should have more salt to replace what’s lost in sweat.
I’m very glad that I had these tests done, they have helped me immensely. Thank you. Cheers Gloria
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-01
DNA fit really does work
January 30, 2016
Diet Recommendations
Just to let everyone know that DNA fit worked for me. Initially I missed some of the foods that were not compatible with my DNA but I feel so much better I do not miss them anymore. I am slimmer sharper in my mind and feel great. So thank you to all the DNA fit team…….And yes DNA fit really does work.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-30
Feedback at 12 months
January 28, 2016
Fitness Planning
I’ve used their programme for 12 months and it HAS made a difference. I would say this type of test will help you perfect your workout, it’s not going to revolutionize your workout
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-28
Great company - amazing information recieved and good customer service
January 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I would recommend getting the DNAFit test done of you want to learn more about yourself to optimise your health and training.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-06
January 5, 2016
Diet Recommendations
I bought the DNAFIT Fitness Diet Pro a few months ago and the change of diet has been an absolute revelation for me!
Many Thanks DNAFIT
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-05
December 20, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I wanted to let you guys know that I found the results of my test absolutely phenomenal- they confirmed somethings I had known/ suspected for ages…I am a women’s health doctor, in my mid 50s now, who has always been very active and fit, but have injured ligaments easily, and has an “over responsive” immune system..all of this was confirmed.
I build muscle easily (I have the “Olympic athlete” gene!!!), but recently have gained some weight (unusual for me, as it has always stayed between 51 and 54 Kg and it was 59!!). I had relaxed my eating habits and started imbibing too many refined carbs…
I have a high sensitivity to carbs, and having altered my habits completely (veg, salad, fruit, nuts, fish, chicken, with yoghurt , cheese etc as I am lactose tolerant) I have lost 2Kg in a month and am feeling really vibrant again.
The whole process has impressed me so much that I have bought the kit for my partner (it was one of the ladies who comes to see me re Women’s Health ie one of my clients, who introduced me to DNAFit, and I am eternally grateful!).
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-20
Super insightful!
December 15, 2015
Diet Recommendations
Thank you so much DNAFit. The reports are very insightful, particularly the information about the potential to gain weight on a higher fat diet. I currently consume a diet about 50 to 60% fat so I could see where I may need to make some changes there. The good news is I avoid gluten the vast majority of the time, so I think I can rule a gluten sensitivity or Celiacs as a potential issue currently. But it’s good to know to keep that on my radar for the future.
I want to thank them again for taking the time to address my concerns about the service I received and being so generous with their time.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-15
Changed my work-out for the better
October 26, 2015
Fitness Planning
Ive been using the info from my DNAfit test for 8 months and ive noticed positive difference. I wouldn’t say the learnings made a big impact but ive been training for over 10 years now and have tried loads of different fads so anything that helps me refine my work-out is good. Learning that im prone to soft tissue injury has actually helped a lot.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-26
September 25, 2015
Diet Recommendations
Got my diet test results back, mind blowing info!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-25
It's made a big difference
September 20, 2015
Fitness Planning
I took the DNAFit Fitness Premium test about a year ago and have been putting what I’ve learned into practice. I was surprised to see that it’s made a big difference.
I paid particular attention to my genetic predisposition to injury and replaced football and running with swimming and cycling – I get far fewer injuries now which means I don’t have to keep taking four-week breaks to recover – so frustrating!!
I fully encourage anyone to take a genetic fitness test
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-20
Very positive about the future with DNA Fit's help
September 8, 2015
Diet Recommendations
Thank you DNA Fit for answering all my questions. I certainly didn’t expect to have them answered quite so soon! What excellent customer service.
I really do appreciate their taking the time to respond to my questions and queries, and in particular thanks to their team for the additional breakfast ideas; it is a meal I have always struggled with on any eating regimen because of my problem with eating eggs. Their offer of sending me the updated eating plan when it is available is very generous and most appreciated.
I have already started putting the recommendations from the reports into action and feel so much more positive about my potential to manage my body in the future.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-08
Light at the end of the tunnel
August 23, 2015
Diet Recommendations
I’ve had questions about my test result, which I received on the 14th July, but first I would like to say that this test has been life changing for me. I have increased my vitamins and minerals and Omega 3 and after a month I am starting to feel better and not so tired. I have been on diet for so long and it has been a total uphill struggle, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel following this plan.
I have recommended this test to my family and so far my sister has had a test as well as my Husband, I am sure my brothers will follow.
I have the final 15 pounds of weight to lose and then I will be maintain my weight by following my DNA results.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-23
Really impressed
August 8, 2015
Fitness Planning
I take my personal health very seriously and I’m always being told about new fads to help me me improve my physical fitness. I’ve been burned a few times but having taken the DNAFit Fitness Pro and putting the recommendations into action for the last 10 weeks, I’m convinced this has made a real difference.
I’ve always thought that concentrating on power activities would yield the best results, but my DNA surprised me – it turns out my body would be more responsive to a mix of power and endurance training. I spoke to DNAFit about the results and put several changes into place e.g. reducing rest period between sets, and focussing on supersets. As a result, I’ve seen my rate of progress improve steadily.
I’m really impressed with DNAFit and their customer support
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-08
Had a huge impact
July 8, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-07-08
VO2 max
June 15, 2015
Fitness Planning
I’ve done a lot of reading around improving this.I saw an article on Google and it led me to this comparison site.Ive ordered by genetic test and want to see if I should focus on something else because of my genes.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-15
Now I want the diet report
May 20, 2015
Fitness Planning
Having ordered the DNAFit Fitness Premium product, I logged into the website to get my results. They seem interesting so far, although I have spotted one error – looking at the analysis of my CRP gene in the Aerobic Potential section, I’m reported to have a “GA” result. Looking at the “learn more” blurb, I see explanations of AA, AG and GG, but no GA. Confusing… However there’s a lot of detail which looks actionable and I will spend some time validating the results to figure out whether I should change anything.
But taking a step back, on the first page after logging in I can click into “Fitness Report”, which gives me all my details, Diet Report, or “Expert Consultation”. The last one just has a button saying “order”, so it’s obvious I don’t have access to this. The “Diet Report” has a button saying “open”, so I clicked it and found a page saying “Welcome to your personal DNAFit Diet Report!”, and has introductory paragraphs for each area of that report – Optimal Diet Type, Carbohydrate Sensitivity, Saturated Fat Sensitivity, and about 10 more categories like that. As someone who’s always claimed to have super natural capabilities when it comes to metabolizing sugar, I keenly clicked. At this point, I was told to “order your diet report now to get your personal DNAFit results”.
I guess this is a clever bit of up-selling, but I felt a little duped and annoyed that I couldn’t see information about myself that they said they already had. Once I’ve got over that, though, I might go back because I’ve always been curious about my reactions to things like sugar, salt, fat and caffeine – even though a life without good quantities of those is not worth living!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-20
Look at both online report and PDF download...
May 20, 2015
Fitness Planning
I just received my results from DNAFit, having ordered the Fitness Premium DNA testing kit. There are two sets of results – a PDF which you can download, and an online report. I initially assumed they were both pretty much identical, and just looked at the PDF to start with, but having now logged into the website it seems you really need to use both. The PDF, for example, delivers what I was initially hoping to find out from this test – what are the best types of sports for my genetic type. There were only three recommended disciplines, however (sprinting, power lifting and track cycling), and I would have preferred some more details. However this seemed to be totally missing from the online report.
The website came into its own when I wanted to drill into some details on the actual genes that had been tested and what this meant. The PDF includes tables showing which genes were tested within each category (power, endurance etc.), your result (a combination of letters like DD or CT), and the effect – ranging from ++ to -… presumably whether your genes influence your power or whatever in a positive or negative way. It’s only in the online report that this stuff is explained in a way that a layman can understand. ACE becomes “Angiotensin Converting Enzyme”, with a paragraph explaining what that is, and the fact that it is the most researched gene in relation to sporting performance (ACE? Coincidence? I think they’re making this up…). Then your result is broken down with a paragraph on each aspect, e.g. for me I was told: “Power based training recommended. Good muscle growth expected from weight training and strength sports. Good muscle recovery. Ensure blood pressure is monitored during high intensity exercise. Effect increased in conjunction with AGT C-allele.” Thankfully my blood pressure was tested recently and is “ideal” – bonus!
I’m still just starting to get to grips with all the information, but by combining the two reports I think there’s plenty of useful stuff which will influence my training for the better.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-20
Interesting at first glance
May 20, 2015
Fitness Planning
I wrote the review on 30th April saying that DNAFit contacted me on 25th April to say my results should be ready in 10 days. They emailed me on 6th May as promised, inviting me to log into my account in order to explore my report interactively on the website, and to download my results as a PDF. The full PDF report has 15 pages. The first 4 are generic, just explaining some genetic background and listing legal disclaimers. Then I got my ‘genetic overview’, which started to get interesting… it told me I should make the most of my genetic tendency for power activities by placing a priority on power exercise in my training programme. Not a total surprise, as I’m normally fast in the sprints when running or cycling. Next I was told to improve my tendency towards a low VO2 max by including both performance and power activities in my training programme – I have to say this was pretty surprising as I seem to be pretty fast over medium distances where I figure oxygen absorption is critical. Still, can’t have it all – but definitely an area I’m keen to learn more about. The rest of the overview included some information about “free radical clearance”, “antioxidants”, and my tendency towards sporting injuries. The rest of the report breaks down all these areas into more details, including recommended sports disciplines (apparently I should focus on track cycling rather than road cycling, for example), diet, etc. I would definitely like to understand the report better before taking any major decisions, but at first glance it looks very interesting!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-20
Going well so far
April 30, 2015
Fitness Planning
I’m getting ready for a major cycling event in early August and thought I’d see if my DNA suggests I should take a different approach than usual. I ordered the DNAFit Premium product on 13th April, and it was delivered to me in France for £4.50 which I thought was reasonable, especially as it only took five working days to arrive. I sent it back on 21st April and got a confirmation email from DNAFit on 25th, saying my results should be ready in 10 days. I’ll report back when I have them!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-30
April 14, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am incredibly happy with the service I have received from this company. I am particularly satisfied with the robustness of the results given the science and development behind the test. I have struggled with exercise motivation for a long time but now that I know I am a high responder for endurance exercises I am now more willing to invest in a training programmes with the confidence that with the adequate training I will improve my fitness – I definitely recommend!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-14
DNA Fit test review
April 2, 2015
Fitness Planning
DNAFit have really helped me to pinpoint how I can work out more efficiently.
I used to pound the streets endlessly, and after I while my body just plateaued. After finding out I’m more power orientated, I’ve started introducing HIIT sessions. Combining the two training methods has been a godsend. My body fat has dropped and I’m starting to see some muscle definition which I’ve been longing for for years. I am on a low carb, high fat diet. I now know what I can and cannot eat, so the calorie counting and worry has vanished. I feel less bloated, happier and healthy.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-02
Amazing progress!
April 2, 2015
Diet Recommendations
Impressively, in just over a week following their recommendations, I went down a clothes size, which convinces me that knowing your body’s needs at a genetic level is a huge leap forward!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-02
This test has been a revelation.
April 2, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve always had problems picking up calf, Achilles and ankle injuries. DNAFit showed that I had high risk of soft tissue injury, which explained why I was so susceptible to these injuries. It recommended that I should increase my intake of antioxidants from foods like berries to reduce the risk of tissue damage. The test also highlighted that I have a fast recovery rate, which means I only need a short rest between runs, cycling or swimming. This means I’m perfectly suited to the triathlon.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-02
DNAFit Diet test
April 2, 2015
Diet Recommendations
I’ve been second guessing which foods make me feel bloated, sleepy, spotty and heavier for years. DNAFit has changed my body and my entire life, as I’m no no longer obsessing about what I should and shouldn’t eat. The fear of eating out has been removed, and I am far more relaxed. I can feel the toxins, which plagued my body previously, have now vanished. When it comes to your health it’s easy to put things off, but all it takes really is making a few small changes now to reap the rewards. Why wait?
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-02
Triathlon training and DNAFit
April 2, 2015
Fitness Planning
Thanks to DNAFit for giving me a heads-up on the injury risks lurking in my genomes. Getting an early heads-up about my genetic background as I train for my first Triathlon has led me down a treatment path that should pay off big for my future. I’m now working on strengthening my achilles and around my knees. I’ve also focussed on the right nutrition to support my journey. Increasing my levels of antioxidants intake has been of notable help
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-02
DNAFit meal plan
April 2, 2015
Diet Recommendations
Using the DNAFit meal plan, I’ve seen a correlation with my fitness whilst on my bike
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-02
Incredible customer support
March 26, 2015
Fitness Planning
I must have asked these guys 20 questions about my results and how to adapt my routine to the data – they never lost patience. 10/10 for DNA Fit!!!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-26
February 3, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
six months since i got my dna fit report. noticeable difference in my weight after making the suggested changes. cant speak highly enough bout the team and their advice
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-02-03
Diet Report
January 10, 2015
Diet Recommendations
I took the dna fit diet test and having looked at the recommendations, they seem specific to me (which I like) and complement a discussion I had with a nutritionist last year. I'm already doing most of what I should, but it's nice to have it reinforced.
One word of warning to anyone else who wants to take this test, I tried to discuss it with my Doctor and didn't really get anywhere as she wasn't familiar with it. This is a little worrying but I think dna testing hasn't been around for long.
All in all, well presented diet recommendations and i'm happy I know more about myself.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-10
Spookliy accurate
January 7, 2015
Fitness Planning
Results were spookily accurate, down to my experiences improving my VO2 max, my low predisposition to training injuries, and my faster than average recovery times that tend to set me apart from my team.
I’d highly recommend this fitness DNA test, am trying to get the other rugby lads involved.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-07
great piece of tek
December 16, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
advice in the reports is actionable and easy to understand and their ongoing support is brill
thanks dnafit
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-12-16
Noticeable results
November 28, 2014
Fitness Planning
DNA Fit Review
I was definitely a sceptic when my PT got me on to this, but a few changes to my routine, informed by my genetic makeup, has made a noticeable difference to my cardio capability.
A good investment.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-11-28
November 6, 2014
Fitness Planning
The DNAFit results have totally boosted my fitness regime. My personal trainer recommended I take this test six months ago, and since we went through the report together, we’ve really dialled down the cardiovascular to noticeable effect. Buy it, use it.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-11-06
Absolutely awesome
October 15, 2014
Fitness Planning
Would definitely recommend the DNAFit test if you want more confidence about your training regimen! I'm much more focused now I know for sure what my body will respond to. Great customer service too.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-10-15
Totally impressed with DNAFit's assistance and effort!!!!
August 8, 2014
Fitness Planning
Thank you so much DNAFit!!!
Their advice makes a lot of sense to me, especially for dealing with my “problem”. For example I have really often problems with my Achilles tendon, and DNAFit have described the exercises to help with this!!
I have a black roll but I didn’t use it very often. That’s one point of my workout which comes much too short! But in the future I will take DNAFit’s advice and do this as often as I can. I’ll try for 3-5 times a week.
I know this kind of practice under the “Lane Norton” (Phat System).
That sounds to me is exactly what DNAFit recommend for me. One time a week very heavy weight with log rest between the sets. The other workout is a hypertrophy based session.
I’m so happy that I try the DNAFit webside!!! The support is awesome!!!
Thank you very much for the recommendations!
I’ve already recommended the DNAFit webside/service to one of my colleagues who will also try the test!!
Thank you very much!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-08-08
Thanks so much.
July 29, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got my results. The information is excellent and very well done.
The support was so valuable for understanding the findings and the information with the test results is very thorough.
Adding DNAFit to my program has had a hugely positive impact.
Thanks so much.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-29
July 24, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Am goin to get ripped DNAStyle!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-24
Not another diet fad
July 24, 2014
Diet Recommendations
Took the Diet Premium test and found the report to be really refreshing. It’s so good to read diet advice that is backed up by scientific evidence, especially when it’s specific to my body. Virtually all the genetic variants and their effects make sense for me. As I have tried diets in the past with mixed experiences, understanding how my DNA was playing a part was very illuminating.
For the diet systems I’ve tried that entail an eating plan, I doubt I have the will power to stick to DNAFit’s suggestions, but that said, reading the report has reinforced the good habits I need to continue and the bad habits I need to stop.
This test has given me a bit more peace of mind when it comes to dieting, and I guarantee you’ll learn something interesting about yourself!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-24
Excellent customer service
July 21, 2014
Diet Recommendations
DNAFit took the time to respond to my questions and queries, and I was particularly impressed when they gave me some additional breakfast ideas, as this is a meal I have always struggled with (I have a problem with eating eggs). They even offered to send me an updated eating plan.
I put the recommendations from the reports into action and immediately felt so much more positive about my potential to manage my body.
I’m eating well on the plan, getting better at working out the GL of what I’m eating and watching the macros and I’m doing at least a 45 min session on my spin bike on the days I’m not in the gym to meet the recommended activity level. So far I’ve lost 6lbs, so I’m really happy with the progress.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-21
Amazing progress
July 21, 2014
Fitness Planning
I’m a Personal Trainer at one of London’s top fitness academies and have been working with DNAFit since early last year. A client started training with me after suffering with heart failure and I recommended he take a DNAFit test. He had 23% bodyfat when he first starting working with me, but since adapting his fitness regimen to his DNA test results, we’ve reduced this to 7-8%. He’s looking very good and is very pleased at how well the training is going. His doctor is amazed and can’t believe his progress.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-21
DNAFit results
June 24, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My personal trainer recommended the DNAFit test – it tests twenty genes for fitness and thirteen for diet. Tailoring my training program and diet to my DNA made sense, plus I didn’t like to think that I wasn’t optimising my routine to my body’s exact physical characteristics.
The results were interesting. Was strange to see my genetically predetermined aerobic potential was ‘low’ when it’s actually above average compared to my team mates. I’ve never felt this was a factor when training alongside others but I presume I’m naturally compensating for it. I saw that I’m genetically predisposed to a ‘fast’ post-exercise recovery, which is in line with my experience.
The micronutrient dose recommendations were a bit of a shock, I’ve never focussed on my diet to that extent – it actually specifies to the mg! My personal trainer said I should try it and I’ve been making an effort to include these, not sure about the effect they’re having yet but I’ve only been trying it for a few weeks.
All in all some really interesting info. As I suspected, the DNAFit reports encouraged me to focus on endurance activities like long-distance running and road cycling when I’m more comfortable with free weights and light cardio. Then again I’ve been told several times that I need more balance in my training plan. Basically I’m a control freak (what my wife says) and the detail this DNA test provides suited me down to the ground – I’d recommend it.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-06-24
DNAFit Diet
February 10, 2014
Diet Recommendations
I tried the DNAFit Diet test.
It looks at thirteen genes, including those that show how sensitive you are to carbohydrates and saturated fat. One of the genes analysed is an indicator of how your energy varies throughout the day, and how much ‘ghrelin’ you make, which is a hunger-stimulating gene. I was looking forward to seeing how this information would be matched to a diet.
After the test I received three diet plans: Mediterranean, low-fat and low-carbohydrate. The diet suggestions are pretty good, the food is easy to prepare, and each plan is supposedly tailored to my DNA. That said, the plans don’t seem as flexible as some of the other diets I’ve been on, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep this one going for long.
I think this is a good test, and it’s definitely a bonus that a consultation with a dietician is included – this was really useful as it helped me get to grips with how the plans would keep the weight off, if I stick to them!
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-02-10
DNAFit programme
January 27, 2014
Diet Recommendations
The DNAFit programme wasn’t a dramatic diet or exercise plan, more like subtle lifestyle changes to make what you do more effective. When doing it I never felt hungry, deprived or overworked, quite the opposite. Now I feel really confident and I’m armed with all the information I need to keep making the right decisions for my body.
I used to just wander around the gym going on this machine and that. I was eating a sandwich for lunch and Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner. I was doing everything wrong, but DNAFit gave me a genetic roadmap to lose weight and workout that worked. I’m now on a low carb diet, that means I still get to eat nice things like sweet potato, which I highly recommend as a substitute for people with low carb genes like me.
I now feel I have more energy and am less sluggish. I’m really happy with a more toned body, dropping a dress size and losing three inches of my waist. I still want to lose another six pounds but this test has given me the confidence to know what I should be doing in the gym and what foods I should avoid. I’ve so much more energy now I’ve reduced my carb intake. I’d definitely recommend people try DNAFit.
DNAFit review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-01-27