DNA Analysis
review on September 1, 2018
by Ellen Hinkley
FitnessGenes has clearly reviewed a lot of research studies to identify associations between genes and traits including strength, speed, and diet. Many of the associations reported have small effects, so it is important to understand that genetics as only a small piece of the puzzle to training and a healthy diet when buying this test.
Accurate communication
The website advertises workouts tailored to your DNA, and featured weight loss testimonials from using the product. As far as I could find, the product has not been put through any sort of control trial to compare it with personal training or fitness coaching not utilizing DNA testing, so some of these claims may not be fully justified. Many of the trait predictions did not have quantitative predictions – for example, the report indicates that a genetic variant predisposes to lower BMI, but there are hundreds of variants associated with BMI, most of which have a very small effect. I also thought some of the recommendations on calorie intake were too exact to be determined from the information they provided.
Scientific backing
The FitnessGenes team provides detailed information about all of the genes that they test for, including dozens of research articles on most genes. However, this information was not available from the website – only after buying a test or emailing them to request it.
Ethics and consent
FitnessGenes aims to contribute to research in the genetics of diet/fitness and their privacy policy clearly states that your data will not be used for these purposes, except with your explicit consent beforehand.

At a Glance
The Fitness Genes ‘DNA Analysis’ test provided a brilliant range of insights and support that helped me take practical steps towards improving my lifestyle. The workout planner was a particular highlight and I was impressed with the demonstrations that made it easy to implement. Although the link between these exercise recommendations and my DNA results wasn't as clear as I thought it might be, the 'What your genes say' sections in my Nutrition guide highlighted these connections well.
I also felt that the scientific evidence behind each result was well explained, though it was a shame I wasn’t able to access the citations documents to further explore. Overall, I thought this was an excellent test, that not only provided me with information about myself, but ways in which to use these insights to improve my lifestyle.
Full Review
Dr. Dan Reardon, Dr. Sam Decombel, Dr. Stuart Grice, and Mark Gilbert founded London-based company Fitness Genes in 2013. The company’s range of genetic tests focusses on helping customers reach their health and fitness goals by providing genetically-personalized information and advice. In addition to the results included in the genetic reports, Fitness Genes offers a range of workout and diet programs to help individuals use their results to improve their lifestyles.
The tests provide recommendations for those aiming to get fitter, leaner, build muscle or lose weight. Whilst Fitness Genes doesn’t claim that genetics is the only answer, the company believes that personalized diets and exercise programs are key tools in reaching these goals.
Product Expectations
The Fitness Genes website was easy to navigate and provided plenty of information about the products. The ‘Store’ page was split into four sections, each dedicated to one of four goals, ‘Get Fit’, ‘Get Lean’, ‘Lose Weight’ and ‘Build Muscle’. For each of these goals, there were three testing options which mainly seemed to differ by how many weeks the nutrition and workout programs lasted for. All of the options included the ‘DNA Analysis’ product, accompanied by programs specific to the goal. The DNA Analysis test was also available to buy alone, which is the option I went for. As well as the analysis itself, this included one-week trials of the ‘Workout Blueprint’ and ‘Nutrition Action Blueprint’.
A ‘How it works’ page explained the testing process in three steps, ‘Order’, ‘Spit’ and ‘Send’. It seemed like it would be pretty straightforward, but there was still plenty of detail provided about it. For example, I learnt that the sample would be stored in a special buffer that would preserve it while it travelled back to the lab. I was also pleased to read that return postage would be included, so I wouldn’t have to arrange sending it back.
Ordering Experience
To order the test, I entered my name, email, and shipping address. When it came to payment, I was able to checkout using PayPal, Visa, Mastercard or Amex. I was pleased that shipping had already been included in the price.
Before completing the order, I took a look at the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Most of what I saw was easy to understand and I appreciated the fact that Fitness Genes had emphasized important sections with the line, “THE ATTENTION OF THE SAMPLE PROVIDER IS PARTICULARLY DRAWN TO THESE RISKS AND CONSIDERATIONS”. Although the section that described how they would use my data didn’t contain anything I found particularly concerning, I was a bit confused by the line that stated, “Some of these activities may result in commercialization with a third party”. I wasn’t quite sure what this meant, but was a bit worried that Fitness Genes could use this clause to sell my genetic data to third parties.
I was relieved, therefore, to read that I could contact them to opt out of allowing my genetic data to be used for anything other than my personal results. I could also request the destruction of my sample.
Once I’d completed my order, I was sent an email to confirm that it had gone through, and another once the kit had been shipped. When it arrived, it looked exactly like the one I’d seen on the website and the sample was simple to take, using the saliva collection tube. I registered the kit and took a survey about my lifestyle, which only took around five minutes to complete. I then put the sample back in the box, sealed it and popped it straight into the post-box.
The Results
It only took three days for my samples to reach the lab, which was all the more impressive considering that postage had been free. I received an email to confirm this, which also informed me that I could track the progress from my account. The results arrived four days before the date that had been estimated, which was a bonus.
The email I received provided a link to the login page. When I logged in, I was asked to fill in a few more details about myself, including my weight, height, and health goal. This only took a couple of minutes and I was then taken to a dashboard. It showed the three sections of results, ‘DNA results’, ‘Workout plan’ and ‘Nutrition plan’.
Results Section: DNA Results
I looked through the DNA results first. There were 48 in total, shown in a table with three columns, labelled ‘Gene name’, ‘Associated with’ and ‘Result’. The top of the table is shown below.

The top of my DNA Results table.
At first, I was a bit overwhelmed by the gene names and letters used for the result, but appreciated that this level of detail had been included. It was slightly frustrating not being able to see any of the outcomes in the table, meaning I had to click each individual one to find out what my result actually meant. However, I thought this was a good way to provide an overview of the results and I appreciated knowing what each was about before looking at it in more detail.
I had never heard of hypertrophy, so was particularly interested to find out more about this result (shown below).

The explanation and global distribution of my A Gene for Hypertrophy result.
I was surprised to read that my result was quite rare, occurring in only 11% of the population. It was associated with low levels of body fat in response to resistance training. Although I was familiar with the phrase, I wasn’t actually sure what resistance training was. When I looked it up on Google I realized it was to do with strength-type exercises. Other than taking ballet lessons when I was at school, I haven’t done much of this type of exercise. However, this result definitely made me consider focusing more on these kinds of activities in future.
The second half of the result provided a more detailed ‘Personal Analysis’. I learnt that the gene was related to levels of something called ‘myostatin’ and that, as well as low levels of body fat, my result was associated with significantly higher muscle mass. Whilst I understood some of this, I found that quite a lot of the words used were unfamiliar to me and weren’t explained. Luckily, I later found a glossary that helped me to better understand these terms. Considering how helpful it was though, I was surprised that it wasn’t easier to find directly from the results.
That said, there was an impressive amount of information included and I especially appreciated the ‘Research status quo’ section. It explained that more research was needed to work out why this result was associated with this response and suggested where future research might focus. In this case, I read that efforts were moving towards finding out why this result seemed to be associated with an opposite effect (loss of muscle mass and strength) in old age.
Beneath my Personal Analysis explanation was a ‘Learn more about MSTN’ section, again with lots of information. This started with more about the gene itself and how it’s association with hypertrophy had been studied. It then went on to answer some questions, such as ‘How can I keep my myostatin levels low?’.
I was pleased to see a citations document at the bottom of the page, though when I clicked to open it, I was shown an error message that said, “The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable”. Unfortunately, this was the case for all of the results, so I hoped that it was just a temporary problem. I knew that Fitness Genes had recently upgraded their Members Area, so guessed that this might have been why.
Most of the results were formatted in the same way and, among other things, I found out that I was likely to be good at both speed and endurance activities, a fast metabolizer of caffeine and lactose intolerant. I was surprised by the last of these results, as I have never had problems eating dairy. However, it explained that as well as the gene tested, other genes and ‘colonic microflora’ were thought to have an impact on this trait. This made sense to me and I was pleased that it was explained so thoroughly.
The two results at the bottom of the table (‘Folate Levels’ and ‘Testosterone’) showed ‘See details’ in the Result column, rather than the letters provided for the rest of the results. I clicked them to see why this was and found out that these were based on the analysis of a number of genes, whereas the rest were based on just one each.
I didn’t actually receive a testosterone result. The explanation revealed that there wasn’t enough research on its effect in women for Fitness Genes to provide an accurate result. Whilst this was disappointing, I appreciated that, rather than using male-focused research that would likely provide me with an inaccurate conclusion, they had been honest and explained why a result could not be provided.
Results Section: Workout
Once I’d had a look through my DNA results, I wanted to find out how they could be used practically. Fitness Genes provided both a workout and a nutrition plan, based on my survey data and genetics. Looking at the workout section, I was impressed with how easy it was to use, even for a complete beginner like myself. I was able to pick my skill level (Beginner or Intermediate) and whether I would just use my ‘Bodyweight’ or ‘Free weights’. I picked ‘Beginner’ and ‘Bodyweight’, which further personalized my workout.
The workout plan was split into seven days, with one ‘Home Workout’, one ‘Combi Day’, one ‘Cardio’ and four rest days (shown below).

My Workout Plan.
I was pleased that it included a variety of activities and that there were days without exercise, as this made it much more likely that I’d stick to the routine.
Looking at the detail, I was initially a little intimidated by the names of the various exercises. However, I soon realized that each could be clicked on to bring up a video demonstration and written explanation of how to do it. An example is shown below.

One of my workout demonstrations.
I thought that this was an excellent feature. In addition to the clear instructions on the duration and intensity of the exercise, it made the workout simple to follow and, again, easier to stick to.
Results Section: Nutrition Guide
The final section to look at was the Nutrition Guide, which was bright and user-friendly. It started with a summary of the relative amounts of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates I should be eating, as well as the number of daily calories to aim for (shown below).

My Nutrition guide summary.
The pie chart was particularly useful, as it clearly showed the proportions of protein and carbohydrates I should be eating. As a pasta and bread addict, I was delighted to see that carbohydrates took up more than half of this chart!
The rest of this part of the report was split into two sections, ‘Daily Meal Planner’ and ‘Nutrition recommendations’. The first of these sorted my calories into meals and snacks. I was interested to see that breakfast was given the highest number of calories, and that I was advised to have three further meals. I thought it was a shame that this section couldn’t be edited, as my work schedule means that I can’t really add another meal to my day. However, it was useful to have a guideline and something to aim for in terms of how I was spreading my calorie intake across the day.
The Nutrition recommendations section provided an explanation of why my calories had been split into four rather than three meals. According to this, eating more frequent, lower calorie meals would help me to overcome my genetic predisposition to overeating. I was also recommended to include lots of protein in my breakfast, as this would help me to avoid over-eating later on in the day.
I found the snack advice helpful too. It clearly recommended that I snack as little as possible, but also provided practical ways to do this, such as drinking plenty of water and adding glutamine to it. I was also pleased to see that a post-workout snack was suggested.
The rest of this section provided advice relating to the main components of my diet (Fats, Protein, Carbohydrates, Lactose and Caffeine). The information about each of these was split into general descriptions and advice, then some suggestions based on ‘What your genes say’. I was also pleased that the lactose intolerance section recommended I could carry on eating dairy if I had no problems with it, despite being genetically intolerant.
The Fitness Genes ‘DNA Analysis’ test provided a brilliant range of insights and support that helped me take practical steps towards improving my lifestyle. The workout planner was a particular highlight and I was impressed with the demonstrations that made it easy to implement. Although the link between these exercise recommendations and my DNA results wasn't as clear as I thought it might be, the 'What your genes say' sections in my Nutrition guide highlighted these connections well.
I also felt that the scientific evidence behind each result was well explained, though it was a shame I wasn’t able to access the citations documents to further explore. Overall, I thought this was an excellent test, that not only provided me with information about myself, but ways in which to use these insights to improve my lifestyle.
Please note that we were invited to take the test free of charge.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- The Results
- Results Section: DNA Results
- Results Section: Workout
- Results Section: Nutrition Guide
- Summary
Very detailed
July 6, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It took over a month to get the results, but it was worth it. They explain everything and personalize them. I don’t regret.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-06
So far so good
July 2, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very accurate and very effective.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-02
I loved reading my results
June 26, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I loved reading my results and as a trainer, I see the benefits of having this information on hand for my personal fitness life. The amount of information was superb and its reliability is increased with the scientific research sources that are cited. It was money well spent!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-26
I thought it was really good to learn I have the both types of fat burning genes
June 10, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I thought it was really good information and very in depth. I was amazed to learn some good and some not so good things about myself. I was really bummed to find out I’m an early bird, when I’ve always considered myself a night owl. Sucks to learn my metabolism is not that fast either. But I’m glad they could help me to figure all of that out, and come up with a reason why things are the way they are.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-10
Really specific and accurate results
June 6, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really specific and accurate results. Their nutrition and workout plans are really good and are working great. They have a really friendly customer support team too. Extremely happy with their product/platform.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-06
Great amount of detail
May 30, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great amount of detail what the genes are and what they mean for my genotype.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-30
Very interesting information
May 25, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very interesting information about my health-related genome!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-25
I need to do a bit of research
May 7, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I need to do a bit of research in understanding the biology terms but I love it and find it very interesting. You are very professional and approachable. Thank you!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-07
Everything is detailed perfectly
May 3, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
everything is detailed perfectly, easy to understand, workouts are amazing! 10/10.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-03
Quick and easy
May 1, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
What a great and easy way to understand your DNA and makeup. FitnessGenes is a great way to explore your natural instrument.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-01
I'm very pleased with the amount of information I got
April 26, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I bought their DNA Analysis Kit and I’m very pleased with the amount of information I got. A few of the results didn’t surprise me (like being genetically a morning person), but most were very enlightening, such as knowing that I have a predisposition for endurance activities and that I have a fast (but inefficient) metabolism. The results are very instrumental in helping me tailor the right workouts for me… and the 7-day intro workout and nutrition guide the kit comes with is definitely a huge help!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-26
The real deal + genuine customer care = top notch package
April 10, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This. Is. Insane. Great customer service, fast and detailed feedback, and overall very polite and helpful. I’ve taken the test, got the results back before the predicted date, and I’m already well enthusiastic about my results. Only two weeks in and I can already see a positive build up to my former self (I was out for a while due to groin/adductor injury). They really know what they’re talking about and the general advice they give you already goes a long way in helping you become a healthier and fitter person. I would recommend this to anyone wanting to boost their overall health!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-10
I was pleased with how quickly my DNA results were processed and returned
March 19, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was pleased with how quickly my DNA results were processed and returned to me. It was good to be able to track the testing kit online to see where it was at. I have received excellent support from the FitnessGenes team whose response to questions have been quick and informative.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-19
Support and communication was great
March 15, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Support and communication was great. I had to send another saliva sample cause the first one wasn’t good enough.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-15
Great information
March 6, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great information, some things surprised me and some made perfect sense. This information will help me to work with my DNA rather than against it for health and fitness. Recommend.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-06
Great tool
February 10, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great tool to train and eat based on your personal DNA!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-10
Highly recommend
February 9, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results were so specific and the workout plan has worked my body like no other workout has before!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-09
February 7, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This is everything I’ve been looking for and more. Yes, it is a little expensive but it is 100% worth the money. If you are serious about fitness at all, this will give you all the information you need and more on top of that. So far I’m loving the workout plan and I love the fact that it tells me my macros for every week. I can even keep reusing the macro calculator. I am legitimately recommending this to all my friends that lift with me. Very satisfied.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-07
Really enjoy discovering what I am made of
February 6, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I really enjoy discovering what I am made of… I am still testing some of the findings but so far I am very thrilled with what I am finding out. The highlight for me is the ratio of carbs I need to take if I want to perform an endurance exercise given that my body does not transform fat into energy ATP. This really helped me understand why sometimes I was on and sometimes I was not. I am now making sure to have plenty of carbs during the day so I can train to my full capacity.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-06
Learned a lot
February 3, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I wish I would have known 50 years ago what I learned from FitnessGenes. What I learned validated what I’ve learned by experience, but without the pitfalls and acquired dings and dents. What I learned clarified those experiences and helped refine and redefine purpose, process, and procedure in determining where I go from here.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-03
Happy customer
January 30, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was the best Christmas gift from my partner!
I’m very happy with the service and how I received my DNA results and recommendations under Action Blueprint. The website is easy to navigate.
I’m not that surprised with my results because I knew all along why and how my body reacts.
I’m a long-time bodybuilder and compete so I’m very familiar with fitness, workouts and nutrition.
Meal plans are restrictive. I used to have meal plans with an ex-coach before and it is NOT flexible. Why do you want to be dictated as to what you should eat for every meal? Do you mind eating just an x amount of chicken, tilapia, broccoli, sweet potatoes, almond butter 365 days a year? Most coaches who believe in clean eating will give you THE ABOVE meal plan or something similar. What if you’re craving for a slice of pizza? Or you’re out with friends having drinks? Or it’s your birthday with family and want to enjoy a slice of cake? Make your own meal plan that includes the majority of healthy food as well as sinful foods (it’s called flexible eating) AS LONG as you are hitting your daily calories and macros given under your FitnessGenes Action Blueprint recommendation section.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-30
Well conceived and executed
January 29, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I thought the FitnessGenes service was well conceived an executed, although it did take a little while to receive the results. I found it fascinating that much of the information I received, resonated with me as being true based on my physical condition and exercise routine.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-29
Easy process, easy results
January 28, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have not used the workout/nutrition plan yet so I can’t speak to that value. However, the DNA process was simple and satisfactory. They make it easy to give a sample and send it back with very little hassle. The one complaint is how long the analysis takes – several weeks, but as I didn’t need the results soon, that wasn’t a problem, just a minor annoyance. The results are fairly easy to interpret, particularly when you look at the action items and it tells you what it means for your diet, sleep, exercise and more. I think it does overstate the effect a few of the genes have when there really hasn’t been much research on a particular gene but viewing the results at a more macro level than a granular one is probably more useful anyway.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-28
FitnessGenes reload
January 27, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Living in Japan made the process of getting a kit and my results a little bit longer than anticipated. I received a ton of emails that got me very excited to start the program. I have been doing well with the workouts but the vegetarian diet is extremely hard for me. I enjoy all the videos and updates along with Facebook for accountability. it’s nice to see other people are struggling and succeeding all at the same time, its real life. I wish there was a little more communication after I started the program but I need to reach out more too. I really enjoy knowing what my genes say about my fitness and health-related issues and now I know what needs to happen to fix it to a healthier lifestyle.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-27
Good informational products
January 22, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
FitnessGenes offers good informational products that can incrementally improve the quality and results of your workouts and your weight loss program. The customer needs to be disciplined and rather determined to leverage the information gained in the gene analysis and in the diet and workout program. If you are not willing to commit time to following the program you will be wasting your money.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-22
The results were spot on!
January 21, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results were spot on and match what I have been experiencing.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-21
Personalized analysis
January 20, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I received my kit very quickly and got my results within the three-week time frame from sending it back in. I loved how my results were displayed and how the company provided personalized analysis for every gene.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-20
January 19, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
From ordering to getting my results, FitnessGenes is responsive and great at communicating. The support is great and it was exciting to see my DNA results!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-19
Very easy and very detailed experience
January 19, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The experience was very easy and very detailed. The information is amazing, citations for each finding demonstrate the veracity of the information.
As a 33yo attempting to “get fit” again a little more help on the bigger picture would be appreciated as the information is discretely presented. For example colour coding and grouping all “strength” genes, a summary up top of what type of activities a particular type would benefit from etc. Its all there, you just need to piece it all together.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-19
I'm impressed and amazed as to how accurate the test results are
January 16, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The first step for me upon getting the results was to understand if the test report appears believable for me in my own case and according to my very own personal understanding of my body health and personal physical experience!!!
And I’m very impressed that I believe that they got it 95% spot on, yes that is nearly 100% perfectly my actual genetic behavior, what I will look for next is an exercise plan so I can get my full value for investing in my future and my health in general.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-16
Fitness Genes Review
January 8, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am so happy to see my results and believe they are accurate and can’t wait to see my fitness journey transformation.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-08
The future is here
January 4, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
When I received my results, for the first time I felt I can now fully understand the importance and role of genetics within bodybuilding. Knowing what genes you have hugely influences your goals and expectations. I would recommend Fitness Genes to anyone serious about their health and fitness routine and potential.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-04
Good service and clear instructions
January 2, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results are explained in enough detail to understand why you specifically need to train a certain way.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-02
I love Fitness genes!
December 28, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I love Fitness genes! It confirmed what I already knew, but the plan broke everything down to fit me. I love that Dr. Dan is so involved in everything!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-28
Understanding of physical needs
December 22, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The insight I’ve become was really helpful in understanding the needs of my body. A lot of it I learned over the years by myself and was confirmed, I can recommend this test especially for beginners. But even experienced athletes can learn something from the results they get.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-22
This was an accurate account for my body.
December 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Love the results and I plan to follow the details giving in my results. Thank you to Fitness Genes for giving a path to a even healthier living.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-17
I would recommend this company and program to everyone
December 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
FitnessGenes is a great way to learn what’s in your genes and how to live a better life.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-16
Fitness Genes Review
December 8, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Speedy service and tonnes of information.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-08
December 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The test is really easy to do with clear instructions. The results are available in a few weeks and the level of details they go on is outstanding. The test results comes as two parts: one very “scientific” and the second one is adapting the results to your day to day activities and how to make changes to improve your health and body composition. I found this a very useful tool as an avid gym person that I am! I have made some changes to my sets/reps and also the type of cardio and timing of it and I have started to seeing faster results on my body than in the last few months. Totally recommended for all health conscious person regardless of their level of fitness.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-02
Good support
November 25, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The follow-up service was good and very helpful.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-25
November 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Absolutely fantastic service from start to finish. Really fast reply to queries and excellent follow up communication. Info and support excellent and results and ongoing research brilliant.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-21
Fitness Genes Review
November 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Glitch in the delivery of my kit was sorted out quickly and efficiently.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-16
I would buy it again
November 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I found the DNA results and corresponding summary really, really interesting. I haven’t really started to implement the suggestions yet, but I look forward to seeing how they impact my fitness and general well-being. The general nutrition and macro recommendations seem helpful. The fitness plan doesn’t really wow me, and I doubt that I’ll use it at all. It took about 5 weeks for the results to be ready from the date that I dropped them in the mail.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-13
Really awesome gene testing service
November 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I learned a lot, from my ability to do well at altitude to how many meals I should eat a day, and everything in between. For what you spend on supplements, time and energy into planning, and food, it more than worth the money. As a personal trainer, I will utilize this information to help clients reach their goals.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-13
This is awesome man.
November 9, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
All the results are correct. Now I am so looking forward to get strength gains. Haha.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-09
Interesting learning from my DNA.
November 8, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Well worth doing not just for fitness but the nutritional side of things too.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-08
Useful and in depth
November 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A lot of very useful information. One downfall is with the website and printing ability. I preferred to have a hard copy of the info, but I was unable to print all of it because of the separate categories each aspect was in, which I had to click on to open. Otherwise, I was happy with the general information. I somewhat question the training guide that was provided, but willing to give it a try.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-06
Definitely recommend
November 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Every step of the process was painless except for the waiting (postal services are so slow, so no fault of FitnessGenes). I was kept informed every step of the process. Even got my results over a week earlier than anticipated.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-06
I really like it
November 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I really like it. I’m at the beginning of this experience but so far everything has gone great.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-06
I think FitnessGenes is excellent
November 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I think FitnessGenes is excellent. The test was easy to take and mailing the saliva sample back for analysis was also very easy. I found the test results fascinating – very spot on in many cases such as being a morning person. I found the recommendations helpful and are following up on them. I would highly recommend FitnessGenes.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-06
Everything was good
October 9, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Everything was good however a diet plan would help out a lot.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-09
They are the greatest!
October 9, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
They are great! I really love this program.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-09
It was definitely worth it.
September 26, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The test provided great insight into my body and how it works.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-26
So far, so good...
September 25, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA results returned a week earlier than expected. Very interesting results, some of which backed up my thinking and others which were quite new. Only just started implementing some of the results/ supplements/ training plan so need to give it more time. But overall very interesting.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-25
September 24, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Easy to do. Easy to send the saliva sample. Easy to read the results.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-24
Fitness Genes Review
September 24, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
No contest between Fitness Genes (I preferred them when they were Muscle Genes!) and DNAFit – FG wins hands down
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-24
Impressed despite hassles
September 22, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was really impressed with the results, but there are hassles along the way. They expect you to register and are fussy about it even tho I’ve already paid and filled out a bunch of stuff just to get the kit. The website has all kinds of stuff and there are so many up-sales it is had to find the results I want.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-22
Amazing for all stages of health and fitness journeys
September 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Such an amazing company and the staff are all so helpful and will personally go out of there way to answer any of your questions or concerns. Just an wonderful overall experience and the results are great (sometimes hard to understand – a lot to take in … But always there to help you if need clarification).
I would highly recommend this company to anyone who is looking at the next level for their fitness or just starting out and want to know more about their body before starting on their health journey … It is really a company for all over fitness and health no matter what stage you are at in your journey.
Dan is just amazing and he goes above and beyond his call of duty to check you are ok and personally answers any of your questions that you have … He is just a wealth of knowledge and just sensational. Get your GENES on!!!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-21
Earn what you work
September 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
They are honest and work with you every step of the way.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-21
FitnessGenes is a great choice
September 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Purchasing FitnessGenes testing was a worthwhile choice. It has been amazing to know my genetic makeup and be able use it as a platform for success. The results you receive are very informative, not to mention the private support via the support team and other members alike is very helpful. FitnessGenes cuts through all of the confusing information out there and gives you tailored advice on everything you have been desiring to know. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know how to eat and train right for your genetics (body) in general, right through to those who pursue professional athleticism.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-19
Interesting concept and great service
September 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Highly recommend. Send off your DNA and get a complete review along with top tips on how to work with your DNA results. Targeted, factual and huge amount of info. Needs a little bit of decoding. fascinating stuff and a must have to complement your diet and exercise regime.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-16
Excellent people behind the company
September 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Always responsive, giving information and tailoring their service to the needs of their customers. I see a need for one-on-one consulting when you get your DNA results however and the fact you have to buy plans after the initial results to take action can get a little costly.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-14
September 12, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent, useable information. Yes, I would recommend FitnessGenes to everyone.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-12
Very informative, a bit difficult to comprehend in sections
September 11, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The customer service was fantastic, very prompt and friendly. The report itself is very informative, but, at the risk of sounding less than intelligent, could you dumb it down a little? It was difficult to relate what I was reading to what I was seeing. Some of my results contradicted some of my other results, and I would have liked a summary that explains how that all goes together. Regardless, I’m still very happy that I did the testing and will use it as a guideline for my future workouts and dietary decisions.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-11
Easy to use
September 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was easy to use and they returned a large amount of information. I do wish that the turn around time was faster and that there were more specific food recommendations but this provided enough information for me to understand how my body responds to food and exercise.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-10
Bikini body
September 9, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Picked up this test in March, results came through super-quick, it has actually made an impact on my rate of weight loss (which was a bit of a surprise as this seemed a bit gimmicky) and I feel good too!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-09
Enjoying the insight
September 4, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Finally some specific data behind individualized health and fitness. Worth every penny. Only concern is there is some confusion between the action blueprint and the your training program for me.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-04
Thank you for the valuable insights Fitness Genes!
September 4, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The service was extensive and timely.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-04
Love the workout plan
September 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I really love how the workout plan is set up and looking at what genes affect me is awesome. Started week one and super happy!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-03
Very happy with my results
September 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am very happy to have my genetic results and a personalized exercise plan. It is already helping me to stay focused on my health goals. My only suggestion would be more info on the nutrition recommendations and how to adopt them.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-02
Thanks FitnessGenes!
August 30, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
FitnessGenes is a personalized, revolutionary way of exercise and healthy living that helped me open my eyes to things I’ve never thought of before. I was hesitant at first that it was just another “cookie cutter” fitness plan disguised under the umbrella of genetic testing, but it truly is customized to each person according to their genes. I can’t imagine the amount of work that went into starting this business, but I am so glad I made the decision to try it out. As an avid weight lifter who leads a very active lifestyle, I didn’t know I could be doing even more to get the most out of my nutrition and exercise routine.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-30
August 30, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The whole concept is amazing and I would recommend buying a plan to everyone.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-30
Messed up my first sample...
August 28, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I messed up my first saliva sample and fitness genes really prompt in sending me a new testing kit at no extra charge. Very quick delivery of my results. Good explanations as to what it all means and would recommend to my family and friends.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-28
Stellar customer service
August 26, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
FitnessGenes has amazing customer service and client support. They are super busy after the popularity of the Buzzfeed video, but they somehow manage to respond to every person individually. Incredible.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-26
Good service, but should be a 10% reduction for female customers...
August 25, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA testing kit got lost in post first time round but this was replaced quickly. Really disappointed that 4 out of the 41 tests were based on testosterone and therefore not available for me (and one of the 41 is just your eye colour!).
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-25
Loved this
August 22, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It was very informative and I learned a lot which helped me determine what I should change in my diet and with my exercise.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-22
Great program!
August 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It takes a few weeks to get the results but it is worth the wait. It is a lot of information, however there are several helpful videos and a group page on Facebook where you can get answers to any questions you have.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-21
Overall very happy
August 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Overall I’m very happy with the Fitness Genes DNA kit and process. It would have been nice to see a faster turn around time for the results, and get a quicker response from customer support when emailed. That said, I’d highly recommend Fitness Genes to anyone who has the patients to wait; the wait is well worth it. I’m very happy with the layout of the genetic results and how detailed they are. The nutrition plan and workout plans are spot on; I couldn’t ask for more. The fitness genes Facebook page has been awesome! Dr. Dan gets back to everyone and is happy to answer all questions. I’ve never come across another company where the CEO directly speaks to the customers on a daily basis; I think it sets them apart from all the rest. I feel very supported by Fitness Genes having Dan there to answer questions and provide his tips along the way.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-21
Customer service review
August 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
They usually respond really quickly and get the question answered or the issue resolved.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-21
Perfect way to start your fitness journey
August 21, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Whether you are a beginner or an elite physically fit person, FitnessGenes is an awesome way to start your weight-loss/fitness journey to get to the next level. Getting your DNA analysis done will either confirm or shock you into understanding how your body works and the rest is up to execute.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-21
Really cool
August 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It was really cool to see what my genes say about my body and how it functions!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-20
Great experience all round
August 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Customer support responded within 24 hours, was polite and effectively addressed the issue. Product itself has helped validate many thing I have felt about the way various diets have worked or not worked for me and I have purchased a second test for my niece. Am currently following the momentum fat loss exercise and nutrition plan.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-17
August 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great company!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-17
Great service
August 15, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was very excited when I heard that there is a possibility to match a special diet only for me. the package came very fast and the results as well. I am very excited to continue working with “fitnessgenes”. :)
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-15
Good overall - yet very scientific
August 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Customer service is quick and very friendly. Results are processed faster than the anticipated wait time which is awesome. The few drawbacks are the difficulties understanding the results – very scientific; however, there are parts customized to you and that is super nice. Overall good product.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-13
Impressed newbie
August 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Just got my results a week ago (a week earlier than they predicted actually) and am 4 days into my new program. It’s not even remotely overwhelming, I definitely feel like it’s geared towards my body/biological make-up, and only four days in I’ve already lost 4 pounds. I wasn’t fluctuating at all before so it’s great to see a change, especially downwards! 10/10 would recommend!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-13
Overall a good experience, but could use some tweaking in the website and reports
August 12, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had a good experience with the DNA testing. I received my test quickly, and it probably took a month total for me to get the results. I contacted customer service once during the time I was waiting on the results, and the response was quick (next business day), and thorough.
I would like to see the website updated. It was not current in the FAQ section and I was very confused by the different information I got in my kit and online. First, the website says I (as a US resident) was responsible for paying return shipping. But the kit said I was not. The kit had a prepaid label for return shipping (to another US state). Second, the website said I would get an email when my kit was delivered. I followed the tracking and my kit showed as delivered within a few business days. Never got an email. After 10 days, I followed up with customer service. The website does not explain this either – in the US, your kit is sent to a distribution center, where they package up multiple kits and send them to the UK. After they reach the UK is when they send you a confirmation of delivery email. Neither of these issues is a big deal, but I just think the website should reflect the above issues so as to clear any confusion.
My real issue is that I haven’t done much with my results because they are super confusing. I am not a competitive athlete and I am certainly not a scientific-minded person, but I’m not a moron either. I was expecting my results to be in everyday language, but they are not. They are very scientific. I don’t understand much about DNA, and I had to spend a lot of time googling each paragraph of my results – which is taking me a long time to get through.
So overall a good experience, and I’m glad I did this, but I wish I had some help in figuring out what most of my results actually mean.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-12
Painless and worth it
August 12, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The process was literally painless and the results were informative. I loved being able to send my trainer my results so we could work together to achieve my goals.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-12
Interesting but quite hard to interpret
August 11, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very interesting results but I am finding it difficult to interpret and use as meaningful information. A lot to read and digest but will persevere.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-11
One of the best choices I've made
August 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Having my genes tested is probably one of the best choices I’ve made in my life. The results from fitnessgenes.com has solidified a lot of what I thought about my body and even shown me ways of improvement. I would absolutely recommend this test to anyone who wants to know more about their body!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-07
Fitness Genes Review
August 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good information to set your goals, yet the informations are little general.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-03
One of the best things I ever did
August 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
One of the best things I ever did – investing in DNA testing in terms of fitness and diet. The result is very concise and detailed, explained well with support available on social media. A starter fitness and eating plan was provided to set me off on my journey to improve my fitness and general lifestyle. The results are both very interesting and in some instances very surprising. I would recommend FitnessGenes to anyone who wants to find out a bit more about their DNA.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-03
Great help!
July 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Detailed explanation and guidance. Dieting and exercising is now on a new basis, since many things have been clarified.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
Highly recommend
July 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent, thorough and rapid response to questions.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
Fitness Genes Review
July 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
From an academic perspective...
July 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I decided to sign up for a test more out of academic interest, then with a view of following a specific training plan. I am a qualified molecular biologist and I work in the area of genetics, which caught my interest. Having obtained my results, I have found it quite informative especially with respect to the metabolic markers. I’ve used the information provided to tweak my diet and will follow this with interest to see how my weight loss goes. I am less interested in the training plans provided because I regularly exercise about 3 times per week. I did find it interesting though on the advice for the type of exercise that I might benefit from.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
So far so good
July 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have enjoyed the information provided and starting my program this week.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
Really easy to do
July 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It was really easy to do and the results are very informative.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
Excellent end to end service
July 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The support staff are knowledgeable and really helpful. The quality of the data is excellent. I would love to to have the option to generate a printed report from the web portal to show my coach (the support team can arrange an extract if you ask). I ordered just the DNA test, which came with a 1 week free training plan. The only reason I haven’t given 5 stars is because the training and nutrition plan seemed very basic and did not feel overly personalised / individualised (but I do have access to exercise physiologists and nutrition resources, so other people might find it helpful).
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-17
Excellent service
July 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
An excellent service with some unexpected results! A thorough service, easy, precise. Expected arrival of results exact.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-03
July 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Everything was perfect and on time.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-03
Very insightful and comprehensive
July 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Thanks to Fitness Genes for a very insightful and comprehensive report
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-07-03
Well recommended
June 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Finally something that works for me, but like everything, of course gains take hard work, this way it cuts out a lot of trial and error.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-14
Great information, great service
June 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fitness Genes provided me with the information and motivation I needed in order to step up my workouts. The results are comprehensive, and Dan and his team are there every step of the way to answer questions. The support offered along the way is phenomenal, unlike anything I’ve experienced. If you are serious about improving your fitness, Fitness Genes is the way to go.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-14
Long term progress
June 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I discovered FitnessGenes about 3 years ago and haven’t looked back since. FitnessGenes took the guess work out of working out and within this last 3 years I’ve seen more growth than the previous 7 years of lifting. It tells you everything from tempo of workouts, nutritional needs based on goals, and supplemental suggestions all based off your genetics. I will be with this company as long as I can lift.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-14
Good results and customer service
June 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I liked the results, very thorough information and good recommendations on supplements to take on the back of the results. Really good customer service before, during and after I got results, as I always received quick responses to all my questions. Not only does it tell you the results but also the background information of what each gene means.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-14
June 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Learning about my DNA and how to use that information to keep fit has been fun, interesting and informative.
The company has been very helpful with how to interpret the DNA results and how to put the information to use in both your nutrition and workout plans…they are really good at answering questions too.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-14
Excellent service & affordable testing
June 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Never had a problem after ordering my Results, fast customer service feedback and detailed results! Look forward to see where these guys go in the future!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-14
Goodbye fad diets!
June 14, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
There are so many fads out there but this is based on personal DNA results, and it works! My results told me the ratios of Carbs/Fats/Proteins I should be eating and when I should exercise, how many reps I should do and how long to rest between sets. The support has been amazing, lots of advice and support, along with the private Facebook group which has been highly motivational.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-14
Great science
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Customized fitness plans based on your genetic makeup. Love these guys.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
Finding you fitness DNA
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
FitnessGenes has given me the chance to discover how I can workout more effectively knowing my DNA traits to get better fitness results. Combined with a good nutrition and a set of suggested workouts specific for you DNA has been an interesting journey and the results are awesome. I highly recommend it.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
Getting rid of the guesswork
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
FitnessGenes is great for people who want to know more about the right way to exercise and nutrition they should be following in order to achieve their goals faster. I have excellent support and prompt answers if I have any questions about my results. Doing the DNA testing was an excellent way of taking the guesswork out of the right diet and fitness protocol I should be following for better and faster results.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
The best, tried and tested Fitness DNA company avaliable
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
For many years I have struggled with my fitness and decided that it was time to do something about it. I knew that something about the way I trained wasn’t quite right. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. FitnessGenes have quite literally changed my life…and that’s not a statement I make lightly.
After thoroughly reviewing many companies that offer DNA based analysis there was no doubt in my mind that choosing FitnessGenes was by far the best possible choice I could have made. FitnessGenes are more than just a company, they care about ‘YOU’. They want to see you succeed in your fitness goals and everything they do is with ‘YOU’ in mind.
The process was simple, straight forward and very exciting. Order your DNA kit, provide a saliva sample and wait for your results to come through. Considering the science behind the process this was extremely quick. Your results are comprehensive, very well explained and helped me understand where I was going wrong with my training and nutrition.
Dan and his team (family) have done more for my self confidence in the past 18 months, than any fitness instructor I have ever worked with.
I feel part of the FitnessGenes family. I am treated as a ‘friend’ and not a customer. There has never been a question that has not been answered in record time and never a question deemed too silly to ignore.
As a ‘friend’ you become part of an elite group of people who decided to make a change in their lifestyle, and having FitnessGenes there to guide you through the sometimes daunting journey.
Dan cares. FitnessGenes cares.
After many years of struggle I have gone from a 31% body fat percentage, to currently 21% and it’s still coming down. This is a direct result of the advice and support I received as a member of the FitnessGenes family.
If you are reading this review and have any doubts about ordering a DNA kit, put your doubts to one side. Do it. See for yourself what it has done for me.
I have never ever felt compelled to write a review like this before, but credit where credit is due.
FitnessGenes – Come and join the family.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
FitnessGenes is smart, not hard
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Founder and CEO Dan Reardon is exceptionally accessible via Facebook, and the diet and exercise plans he has suggested have worked better for me than anything I’ve ever tried. I’ve lost 20 pounds so far, and feel great! Most importantly, every plan is tailored to the individual, so it takes the guesswork out of finding the ideal program. I’ve recommended to several of my friends.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
They are awesome
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have been thrilled with the reports, the workouts and the people at FitnessGenes. They are awesome.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
Personal genetics explained
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It gives me super confidence in the gym that I am doing the correct things. The information and diet and expertise plans add much needed consistency with my workouts and diet. Ongoing engagement with the company adds further motivation to the program. The genetic testing has given me invaluable insights into my body and how to eat in a way that maximizes performance. Changed how I think about sport performance.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
Surpassed my expectations
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve been fortunate to be following along the FitnessGenes journey as they have developed over the past few years – whilst I have not personally maximised the data given to me yet (due to my own delays not theirs!) – I have found the constant support, availability of information, constant updates outstanding. Its surpassed my expectations, the level of details that is gone into – which has helped to a) Concrete some of my own beliefs (eg around body clock and muscle repair) an b) how to get the most out of nutrition and exercise. I’ve also purchased add on workouts and again, the support and details provided at time of purchase and online since in Facebook Groups has been something other similarish services would continue to charge a subscription fee for. If you are serious about understanding your body better and how to get the best out of it, I highly recommend FitnessGenes. Superb product, supported by a great team!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
Such great information to have!
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Such great information and it doesn’t stop there. There’s support information to achieve your goals based on the results of the test. Awesome customer service, too!!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
The best product in the fitness industry
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
There is so much conflicting information out there on the internet about exercise and nutrition, such as how much carbohydrate should you eat, or what rep range you should aim for. Taking a FitnessGenes test takes the guesswork out of what is best for you. I have personally seen massive progress since joining FitnessGenes two years ago. Taking the test now can save you years of wasted effort following a non optimal workout plan or nutrition plan.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
Great insights and support
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very insightful information that has help me transform my diet and workouts. Dr Dan has made himself avaliable to answer questions personally and it’s really helped with my results.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
Fitness Genes Review
June 6, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very professional and knowledgeable.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-06
Really happy
June 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Awesome service, really happy with the discoveries I made!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
Great company
June 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Felt like I had great support and the report was much more detailed than I anticipated. I really don’t have any complaints at all I think this is a great Company and I found the results very helpful.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
June 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was not sure what I would receive but was pleased to say the least. Lots of information to read and digest. I however will not find out how well this works until I can start using the information in late June. The diet I am on will not allow these types of workout. I will update my comments in late July.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
Thoroughly enjoyable
June 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It thought it was great. Easy to follow to get the testing done. Really enjoyed seeing what my genes had hidden in there.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
Love the information
June 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Still studying it. I think it will be very helpful in my workout plan and overall health. I have been telling others about FitnessGenes.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
Useful and well explained results
June 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Takes a little longer than some companies, however the customer service is top notch and the report is remarkable! Very useful information for anyone to use and it’s explained very well.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
Very interesting and informative.
June 2, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
To early to tell if the suggestion will work yet.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
FitnessGene's service was rapid and professional.
April 24, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I thought that their product, that is the reports I received, was interesting and helpful in formulating my training and nutritional plans.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-24
Fitness Genes Review
April 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-19
Great information and support
April 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great information and support to help me understand the results. The website needs some work, a lot of technical information and I would have loved to receive a summary report as well.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-19
Should have done it sooner!
April 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I purchased the lose weight package from Fitness Genes, and I’m very happy with the results. Some things I already knew or suspected were confirmed, and I learned a lot of new things as well. I haven’t started the exercise program yet, but just following their diet guidelines I’ve lost three pounds in two weeks. I don’t eat less food, just different foods (more protein, less carbs, and when I do eat carbs, they are whole grain, mostly fruits and veggies).
I learned that I have two copies of the FTO gene, which causes people to feel hungry all the time and constantly eat. To combat this, they suggested I have protein at every meal, and eat four meals spread out through the day instead of three larger meals. This has been excellent advice. It’s much easier to control my appetite this way.
I’m very satisfied with my purchase, and only wish I had done it sooner.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-19
Really happy with the whole 'experience'.
April 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
If you have reason to contact them via email, you can be assured of a timely response and they could not be any more helpful.
The information supplied with your results is in abundance – dare I say maybe even too much.
If you are serious about wanting to know more about how your body works then I would highly recommend using FitnessGenes
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-19
Very informative
April 19, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It helped me reassess the routines I had been using and change them up in a way that best might work for me.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-19
Fast, efficient & comprehensive service
April 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Comprehensive analysis of my genotype with clear practical explanations that avoid confusion when explaining the scientific results. The training and nutrition blueprint was specifically tailored to by results and customisable to my needs. Fast & efficient service. Looking forward to taking my training to the next level with the genetically tailored program.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-10
It's a very complete report and I am very happy with it
April 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m adding HIIT and weight lifting as was recommended to me.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-10
April 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Nice Service
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-10
The company are very easy to deal with
April 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The company are very easy to deal with and the process of sending away samples was very simple. The only down side is the quality of the on-line experience when you receive your results, this is over complicated and not particularly intuitive, hitting you with far to much information in the first instance. A simpler ‘home/welcome’ page would vastly improve the initial experience, while the addition of an ‘executive summary’ of your key results would allow a better picture of your overall situation before ‘drilling down’ in to the more detailed information.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-10
Excellent training plans
April 5, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I took DNAFit two years ago and have just gotten my FG results through – my DNA obviously hasn’t changed but FG have given me so much more data and the training plans are immensely helpful
Obviously DNAFit may have updated their service since I took it so it’s not a totally fair comparison
There’s no question that I’m a huge advocate of DNA testing to perfect one’s training routine. I would recommend FG to anyone and would add that they’re super responsive to emails
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-05
Absolutely brilliant
April 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Absolutely brilliant. I wish I had access to this test and analysis 25 years ago. By indicating the optimum training routine and diet for your genetic make up, this can save a lifetime of wasted effort. Well worth the money.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
Awesome customer service.
April 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Awesome customer service. Results pretty much told me what I already knew, but will help me tweek my workouts and nutrition. I had hoped to receive a detailed diet with menu – I would love just following someone else’s plan rather than trying to come up with my own to fit the nutrition. That’s my only disappointment.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
Great customer service
April 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Customer service is great. It was hassle free to receive and send my DNA sample. The results and explanations were a little bit general, but I believe that’s the level of explanation you would get using other genome analytical services.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
Fitness Genes Review
April 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Easy to do and the report is incredibly comprehensive.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
Great experience overall.
April 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great experience overall. The website is very comprehensive and easy to use. The exercise plans are easy to understand. The only disappointment for me was that there were no low carb nutritional plans.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
Easy and informative
April 3, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The process of sending the DNA sample was very simple and well thought out. The report generated was very informative and interesting. You find out some quite fascinating things about yourself and your makeup. The training advice I am following, but it is too early to comment on the effectiveness. But the report is very well structured and detailed.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-03
Great infomation for training
March 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great information, but would also like to see a downloadable file for printing and reading for those who prefer a hard copy.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-27
Excellent product
March 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
10/10 will be advising friends to use this product.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-20
Brilliant Service
March 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Brilliant service which used my DNA to help me pick the most suitable type of exercise for my body. Been using the advice for 3 weeks and I am already seeing a difference. Definitely recommend.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-20
For communication and enthusiasms...
March 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
For communication and enthusiasms this company gets 5 stars. The diet information is still lacking. I’d like to see a specific food plan and recommended supplements, etc… The workout portion is overlooking effort. If you are “hard gainer” pushing to failure on every set can be counterproductive but there is no mention of this in their recommendations. Overall, they are clearly passionate and no doubt they will continue to improve. I can safely recommend.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-13
A friend recommended this to me
March 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was amazed at how much information is supplied in the assessment. Completely fascinating!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-13
Lots of info
March 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My FitnessGenes results have so much information! This is a good thing and a bad thing. Good because the test was very thorough and gave me lots of info about my genes and how I can optimize my health and fitness. Bad because there is so much info and even though I’ve read it several times, I feel like I still need to review it so I really understand it.
The company was easy to deal with and were very prompt in answering my questions. There is lots of support available so I don’t feel like I’m on my own when I need help with interpreting results or applying diet and exercise suggestions.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-13
Value for money - YES
March 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Your health is THE most critical asset you have – learning how to negate my vascular issues like hypertension is important to me. My results confirm I have the genes but sticking to lifestyle changes with exercise and nutrition strategies will make a huge difference and is very reassuring and motivating – I do not want to rely on medications. I really like the members website – how the information is presented – very professional (I follow up on the citations too). I would like to see some modification options to the exercise information though – HITT is great for me however I am also limited with some knee and back problems (eg swap jumping jacks or pushups for….). Informative well presented professional – do it you wont be sorry!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-13
Great team & product
March 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Alex has been outstanding on sharing information about my genetic results. I learned a few new things about myself. Amazing product.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
March 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
An interesting thing to do to understand a little bit more about my body.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
Top service and product
March 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Customer services and quality of the product/report/platform is awesome and easy to use. Information is valuable
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
Good infomation, very helpful
March 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
For anyone who wants to better understand their fitness and health I highly recommend FitnessGenes. The information gathered is very useful to better yourself and use your exercise time wisely. I’m not at all disappointed, in fact it’s been so helpful, now my wife wants to get herself tested.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
Getting there
March 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
For communication and enthusiasms this company gets 5 stars. The diet information is still lacking. I’d like to see a specific food plan and recommended supplements, etc… The workout portion is overlooking effort. If you are “hard gainer” pushing to failure on every set can be counterproductive but there is no mention of this in their recommendations. Overall, they are clearly passionate and no doubt they will continue to improve. I can safely recommend.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
Would have liked a lot more detal on the diet and workouts
March 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
For the price of the test I found it to be too heavy on the technical and not enough on the practical advice, based on my DNA.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
Spot on with FitnessGenes
March 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I must say that I have been very pleased with the level of expertise this company offers. They have given me a great insight into the way my body responds to training and the breakdown of the nutrients I need to lose, gain or keep the same weight. It is remarkable. I now understand my body and the way it works very well and wish I had turned to them well before now. It is so esay to keep on track of what I need to do and get the results I am looking for now.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
February 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good customer support and service.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-27
Confirmed exactly what I've experienced
February 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Incredibly thorough review! Everything I have experienced my whole life, from athletics to nutrition, we’re spot on confirmed. I wish I would’ve known at a much earlier she so I could’ve taken even more advantage of the information!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-27
Detailed analysis but not sire of the data comparison
February 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m happy to receive my detailed analysis on my genes potential for fitness and information on my nutritional and exercise requirements. But there’s not much information on the comparison pie chart of which my genes is compared. If it’s a data compared with collection data of elite Athletes all over the world or a collection of average people internationally or a combination of both. So I don’t know how common my genes are compare to others. But it’s nice confirming some of my beliefs that I’m more of a cardio endurance type and not a strength power athlete.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-27
Brilliant insight into my DNA
February 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Love the product and speed of getting my results. Highly recommend.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-27
Very happy with FitnessGenes
February 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really good experience. A lot of interesting information about genes. I am really happy I did DNA test. Now I know that I am lactose intolerant and coffee is not very good for me.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-27
Good service
February 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The service from FitnessGenes was great. The actual value of the genetic testing will take much longer to determine. For the price, I feel I received fair value.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-27
Worth the money
February 27, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Worth the money and the team answers all your questions. They are great and the customer service is great.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-27
Love to bits
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Backs up my own knowledge about myself! Gives me confidence to get on with being myself and to stop worrying about what I can’t do. I’ve typed heavily for muscle growth and anaerobic ability and not my aerobic ability; it recommended the exercise and diet I already do.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
Great idea but needs more tailoring
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
First of all the whole idea is brilliant and I enjoyed the experience greatly. Moreover, I think the scientific papers backing, available for users, supports validity of this testing. Nonetheless, I feel that the personalised report is slightly less detailed as I would love it to be. Although in many cases the generic advice works greatly and apparently it coincides with my genetic information, the truly personalised tabs are about a quarter of all information. It somewhat contradicts 41 genes data available for interpretation.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
Feel Empowered!
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Having ordered the FitnessGenes kit, I was very impressed with the order and delivery system. A well structured and scientific process leading you carefully through to your results delivery. When my assessment arrived I was initially overwhelmed by the depth of information but after a few reads found it enlightening and consistent with my personal profile. After many, many years of sport and exercise, this is the first time I have felt that I understand myself based on science and empowered to optimise my fitness regime. Very worthwhile investment!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
Great Experience
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have been able to use the results provided to implement changes in my life. Although it was more validation than anything it was very informative.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I really liked the information provided and the detailed reports. It helped to better understand what factors I’m starting with and how to best tailor workouts and diets to genetics. One request – I’d like a way to print out or consolidate my data into a easy to read/downloadable form, versus online and paging through various tabs. If there’s a way to do this and I missed it, I’d love to know!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
A wealth of information backed up by great support
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was very disappointed when my first DNA sample went astray in the post and then was insufficient for testing but a replacement was sent out asap and I was given very detailed advice about redoing the sample at a different time of day etc. If, like me, you have low saliva levels first thing in the morning, it’s much better to do the test during the day, when you are hydrated. Admittedly, I then had to wait over 3 weeks for the results (when it is advertised as 2-3 on the website) but worth the wait. The results are fascinating and make a lot of sense when I consider my medical/physical history. Very impressed with the customer service.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
Helpdesk Enquiry
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I wish companies in America would adopt the attention to detail and the great customer service Fitness Genes has provided. I am extremely extremely happy and satisfied. As a matter of fact, I have referred 5 of my friends to their site. I want to thank them for the great customer service.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
Very Accurate
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
There was information I knew all ready from a previous DNA test and both tests had the same results. Other details were very interesting regarding what foods I should take and what I shouldn’t take. I still need to spend more time looking through the results. But so far it’s great. Only issue is I can’t find an option to print off my results.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
Very Helpful Advice
February 20, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very impressed by the prompt and efficient service provided by FitnessGenes. My sample equipment was sent out quickly and result were delivered in the exact time promised. Results were very interesting and useful. Highly recommend this service.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
Good Genetic Testing
February 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Generally I liked fitness genes. I was confirmed in some of my own ideas about myself and others were interesting. I have added supplements according to your recommendations. I will add exercise as tolerated with your recommendations in mind. Also diet will be adjusted accordingly as best I can. The only thing I did not like was the read more section because it did not print. So it meant I had to go back and re read and make notations. My PCP will also be interested in my results. I see him in April. I am like my paternal grandmother in many ways.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-13
Good data
February 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good data and analysis of genes, however not as customized advice as I was expecting. Also, definitely needs to have a PDF generated report.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-13
Excellent product + great customer service
February 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had a really great experience with FitnessGenes.
The DNA test arrived 3 weeks after ordering it (I ordered it during holiday season). I was informed each step of the way (order confirmation and sending notification).
After sending back my DNA test (very easy to do with Fitness genes pre-include packaging), I received notification by mail when the my DNA test was received at their location and once again when my results were ready (about a week after instead of 10 days).
Results are very insightful and really complete.
If you want to know more about yourself and step up your game to get healthier and in shape, I would definitely recommend trying FitnessGenes.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-13
Good Info
February 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Like the idea and concept …lots of info but would benefit from a one page summary sheet
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-13
February 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My results were delivered promptly and there was a great deal of information that was sent to me regarding the data obtained from my tests. Not only are the results interesting, they are useful. I am excited to apply this information to my diet and exercise routines. I also receive frequent useful tips and was promised information regarding upcoming scientific findings regarding my test results.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-13
Speechless.. Having a blueprint of your body gives you a competitive edge!
February 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The FitnessGenes offering quite simply left me speechless. They analyse your DNA from a sample of saliva you provide and give you extensive (very) information about 41 different genes and how your body responds to both food and exercise. They then tailor macro and fitness programmes for you to achieve the results you want. That still doesn’t take away the discipline and hard work you need to put in but for example I had no idea my testosterone levels were low which can effect your metabolic rate. Simple suggestions in easily digestible format! This product is an investment worthwhile.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-13
I wish I would have done this YEARS AGO!
February 13, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results were not expected, but after reading through everything it answered all my long-standing questions. After adjusting my workouts and my nutrition, I was able to lose weight and body fat quickly because I knew what my body actually needed and was wired to do. I always thought I was built to be a power athlete, but I learned I am actually more wired to be an endurance athlete. Again, after adjusting my workout and nutrition, I lost 6 pounds of fat in two weeks (never in my life have I been able to do that!). I know the price seems high at first, but keep in mind a few things: 1. It will take the guesswork out of your fitness plans. 2. You get nutrition plans with the results. 3. You get workout plans with the results. You would spend 5 times that to hire a personal trainer who would just be guessing about what to do for you anyway. If you are serious about changing for the better, do this.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-13
Very Informative
February 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am very satisfied with my decision to gene testing with fitnessgenes.com. It has built a lot of confidence with my future fitness goals moving forward.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-07
Helpdesk Enquiry
February 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I appreciate the response and the interaction. I really do look forward to all that the company produces.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-07
FitnessGenes Review
February 7, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
These guys are absolutely on top of things the whole way. Questions were answered immediately. Services were delivered on time. Fantastic experience so far…. which is good because I’m sure I’m going to have more questions.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-07
Report delivered early with helpful information
January 23, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
DNA report contained infomation I was able to immediately apply to my diet and training. Near term results positive, optimistic about future results.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-23
Excellent Service
January 23, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Easy to follow instructions, very well organized and fast turnaround. Great service and learnt a lot.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-23
Helpdesk Query
January 23, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
These guys were great! Amazingly great! The whole crew were super knowledgeable about their product, I was extremely impressed by it and honestly the customer service gave me so much credibility, so much so, that it was the factor that made me purchase. Please keep doing this great work, you rarely find that kind of service and attention to detail. Thanks!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-23
Great detail
January 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Easy to follow instructions, detailed information. Can’t wait to get to work putting the information to good use and go through their detailed workout information.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-16
Good information
January 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The data was interestingly informative. Much of which was only reinforced vs learnt. I do wish it were a little more detailed, and perhaps, suggestive, concerning beneficial supplementation to better perform. Good product all-in-all.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-16
Helpdesk Enquiry
January 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Amazing customer service. I wrote a question during the Christmas holidays and was surprised to get an answer given the offices were closed. Great company!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-10
January 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent, I would recommend this company to anyone. Good job!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-10
Thorough explanation of performance implications of genes
January 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
FitnessGenes provides a wealth of information about the potential impact of one’s genotypes on physical performance.The assessment of genotypes are well-supported by reviews of scientific literature. I appreciate that FitnessGenes is trying to strike a balance between actionable interpretation and epistemological restraint – many studies offer only preliminary correlations that require further investigation of associations. Still – more interpretation about the range of outcomes on a biochemical level would be helpful. For instance, there’s evidence that my genotypes might be at cross-purposes – I appear to be disposed for fast-twitch muscles while at the same time being more disposed for oxidative energy pathways. I’d like to see more interpretation of these results: Could this inherently limit my potential for both power and endurance? How do the genotypes interact? What are the best ways to train anaerobic pathways with my genotype? The Action Blueprint provides basic guidance but I’m interested in the logical connection behind the recommendations.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-10
This product is really worth the money!
January 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I must admit when I first came across Fitness genes I was a bit skeptical. But I was wrong. This is a great product and clears up a lot of confusion. I have been training for years but could never figure out why I was not getting any bigger until now. I would definitely recommend this to anyone I know.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-10
A wealth of information specifically for me
January 10, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Thank you for the wealth of information. I really liked the way it was broken down. I can see quickly what each gene means and if I carry it and how that will influence me. Then, if your like me, you can choose to look deeper. The information provided on each gene is both interesting and useful. The Blueprint that is provided basically takes the results and provides overall fitness and nutrition guidelines to follow. I’m excited to put all of this information into action.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-10
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Detailed DNA information
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
Easy to use service
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Easy to make, easy to send, easy to understand. Would have liked more details on nutrition and supplements. But would still recommend.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great service, quick response
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
Great so far
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great. Quick and easy to understand responses. Very good service so far.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
Quick response
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was really impressed by how quickly I got my response. Carrie Kerciku did a great job and patiently explained everything I asked about.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
A new perspective
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It was easy to do and gave actionable results. It was a very simple process and the results that I got were immediately actionable. I was a little surprised by my genotype as I am tall and solid so I wasnt expecting to have alleles associated with endurance but this has given me a new approach to training and some new sports that I may excel in.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
Customer service
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Sarah Shute responded very quickly and was helpful, polite.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
So far you are excellent! Thank you!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
Lightening fast!
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The answer was detailed, kind, and the response was lightening fast.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very fast response and great service!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
Good services
December 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Your services are good. I’m really satisfied
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-22
Buy it
December 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I ordered the 12 week training program from this company based on the reviews here. For about one week I did not hear anything back so I emailed and they responded and sure enough I got my kit a few days later. The results came through a few days ago and I love what I'm seeing. With so many companies battling in this new arena of genetics I personally recommend this company. Fitness Genes are very professional with their customers. I was so excited to try this out and I haven't been disappointed.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-15
Detailed DNA Infomation
December 9, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I wanted to know how I am and if I’m doing wrong in term of Fitness and Nutrition. When I got my results, I was really surprised how detailed each gene is and it helps me to understand myself better. Now I really need to change some of my Fitness workouts. Thank you FitnessGenes.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-09
Great Stuff!
December 8, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great, fast and hassle free experience.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-08
Very Professional and Comprehensive
December 8, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The whole experience, from ordering to receiving the results, is smooth and flawless. The results are very well presented and impressive. My only reservation is that I would like to be able to have all the results in one PDF.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-08
Your DNA sample has reached our Labs
December 7, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Everyone has been so thoughtful, kind, considerate and cordial. I would tell everyone to get their fitness genes tested!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-07
Interesting Results
December 4, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results are interesting and I am satisfied that I did this but as a person that is not a nutritionalist, trainer, etc. I found the results hard to consolidate. There are many individual results that are tested and good information with each but I would like a prioritization of the most important results given my DNA analysis to help provide me focus with all the information I received.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-04
Great company and concept
November 30, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Exciting approach to fitness and weight management.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-30
I like DNA science
November 29, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very happy to have read my Fitness Genes results. I like the members website and I like the ease of access to their team. I was able to have a call with Dan the ceo and was astounded with the additional coaching he gave me.
I’ve reduced my coffee intake and I exercise in the mornings following the starter plus plan and I feel really good.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-29
Excellent Information
November 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent information included in the report which will be put to good use in optimizing training and conditioning.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-23
Outstanding product
November 23, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was delighted to have received my results from the Fitness Genes team. They were rather surprising in places and having put my results into action I can honestly say that I have never seen results like this. I’m eating more food than I have ever eaten before, yet my body fat is going down. I’m stronger and I’m leaner and even my mother has commented on the results I’m getting. I’ve just signed her up to Fitness Genes for Christmas.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-23
Great service for personal health knowledge
November 2, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Spit in a tube, run to the post office, and wait for results! Easy! I got my results in exactly the time I was told. I don’t exactly know what it all means, but I’m looking it up and learning. I’m giving my doctors and trainer the information, as well. Together, we can plan how to keep me living a healthy life. I’m going to do this for my child next.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-02
Essential tool for physical fitness
November 2, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This has helped me identify a lot of issues. I lost all of my weight 3-4 years back but due to medications, illnesses and loss of strength, I gained it all back. It’s been extremely frustrating! Dietians, etc. didn’t help. I love long distance running being a US Army Veteran and combat-like training but nothing worked this time! Kickboxing, long cardio, plyometrics, Rushfit, P90X, TurboFire, Insanity! After getting my results, reading what I should and shouldn’t be doing and how long to exercise! I could differences, even eating and hindering craving! AWESOME! Thanks FitnessGenes…this is just the beginning!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-02
November 1, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I love everything about fitnessgenes.com support and program. I recommend it to everyone I know. I don’t think there is anything better than anything else you can find.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-01
Loved reading about my results!
October 21, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I could not believe how accurate my results were! I learned so much about myself, including my diet, exercise, genetics and even which sleep patterns work best for me. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone trying to lose weight and learn about how their DNA impacts their weight loss tactics.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-21
Great service from start to finish!
October 20, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great company, better product! Giving you all you need to help yourself lead a healthier lifestyle!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-20
This is challenging and very rewarding
October 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The amount of information from your 41 genotypes is amazing. I’ve learned so much about myself and it makes sense now why I’ve hit fitness plateaus. The recommended workouts are way tougher than they originally looked and every workout day I’m feeling a nice burn. I love this and I’ve been recommending it to everyone I know that wants to get their fitness to the next level.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-17
Useful Information and Good Support
October 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good experience in general, useful information, fast and good support to the client.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-15
Results received quickly and easy to decipher
October 12, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I received my results quickly and was able to read thru the information. This helped me clear up some issues I had been struggling with when trying to stick with a training program. I now have a better understanding of what type of program works best for me. Thanks to FitnessGenes I am back on track and looking to make major gains in my fitness regimen.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-12
Follow up training discussion
October 11, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great insightful discussions on my training needs, how to enhance it and great clarification on the volume recommendation on my genetic report. A sincere thanks!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-11
October 9, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I believe this report is an aid to my health and fitness plan which does not leave me feeling as if I’m spinning my wheels and getting nowhere.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-09
Great resource for health and fitness reasons
October 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It’s unbelievable how accurate this DNA test is. It told me things about myself that are accurate, that fitness genes would not know about without having met me.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-06
My Results
October 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m happy with the service provided and I’m currently changing my training to suit my results and hope to see a big improvement, I found the results informative and they’ve answered some questions that I’ve wondered about my self, I recommend everyone give this a try.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-06
My Fat Loss Plan
October 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Paul was always willing to answer my questions and give me honest feedback. We ended up keeping the conversation going the entire 8 weeks of the program. It inspired me to enter my first physique competition next Spring and Paul is still encouraging me. I love the FitnessGenes products and will return to purchase other programs soon.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-06
Very Efficient and Comprehensive!
October 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Would definitely recommend to everyone.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-06
Superb reports
October 4, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It feel like everyone in my gym has taken a DNA test!! so I went with Fitness Genes
That was about two months ago. When I got the results I went through them with my trainer on my phone and we started putting the learnings into practice
I haven’t seen a huge impact but I’m much more confident that we’re moving in the right direction
My % body fat has never been lower
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-04
Highly recommend
September 29, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This test definitely added value to my training and diet. Anyone, armature or pro that is serious about their goals should not wait with this.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-29
Beats Athletigen
September 27, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The money is worth it for the depth of reporting, training plans and customer service
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-27
I felt really supported on my weight loss mission
September 27, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Yep, the benefit from looking at your genes with people that actually support you in your changes
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-27
Great Experience
September 25, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I really learned many new information about my genes and how they effect my sport life as well as normal life.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-25
Very educational and right on target
September 22, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Confirmed information that I already believed about genetic makeup. Excellent information and useful. Will definitely put the information to use.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-22
September 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Hasn’t been that revolutionary for me (unlike all the authentic? reviewers who’ve commented on this site)
My FG results contained sound advice and reassured me that I’m focussing on the right areas. Annoyed that the so-called ‘genetic revolution’ in working out hasn’t helped me put new ideas into practice. I guess there’s a lot you can tell without having your DNA looked at and I’m already optimised.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-15
Lightning fast team
September 14, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Came back in under an hour when I needed clarity on my training and nutrition blueprints
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-14
Working out wrong for 8 years
September 14, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My DNA proves I should have focussed less on cardio and more on power routines. Moving to my free-weights plan has made me bigger but my body fat % is down 3% compared to 5 weeks ago
This is EXACTLY what I’ve been trying to achieve and I’m over the moon to be finally on the right track
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-14
Blew me away
September 13, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A proper full and understandable plan at last!
I have paid for three different genetic fitness tests in the past three years (XR Genomics, My Gene Diet and DNAFit) but Fitness Genes has finally helped me lose weight and a decent amount at that.
I’m six weeks into their eight week training plan and I’ve lost 10 lbs which is astonishing.
Super thankful to my PA for recommending this and to FG for finally extracting the info from my makeup.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-13
Works for me
September 13, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Added 1.8 kg in muscle mass since I got it by following their plans
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-13
September 8, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Eliminates guesswork. As simple as that. The coaching team at FG fully support you in your endeavour and are always on standby. Some of the best quality money I’ve spent.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-08
Detailed and thorough
September 8, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was a great tool for determining natural tendencies and explaining why certain genetic limitations occur. It is a priceless tool for improving athletic abilities.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-08
Do it young!
September 2, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
As a 65-year old, there wasn’t much I hadn’t learned by trial and error. I only wish that I had gotten this information when I was 11 or 12. It could have saved a lot of heartache and wasted time.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-02
Fun Test
September 1, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very informative fun test. The default plan will get you to where you need to go. I thought the nutrition planner would be more then just telling me what portion of carbs etc I need to eat. I’d do it again though. The DNA analysis was interesting.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-01
Heartfelt thanks
August 31, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m losing weight for the first time in six years now I know the affect that my DNA was having!
Thank you FG :) :)
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-31
complete revelation
August 31, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
had no idea that i wasn’t optimizing my training schedule until fitness genes – they’ve given me a real direction to folllow and its beginning to pay off
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-31
Very Informative
August 30, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Found FitnessGenes results to be informative, helpful and very interesting! I recommended it to my friends and family. I just wish the diet plan showed meal examples rather than portion percents of fats/proteins/carbs. So glad I did FitnessGenes!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-30
Dramatic results
August 27, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have been following the Fitness Genes training and nutrition plans for 18 months now and I’m taking this opportunity to tell you that I’m extremely satisfied with the way my body has changed shape. My body has improved dramatically, both in terms of losing weight and gaining definition. Thank you!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-27
August 26, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent service, very quick and a fascinating product
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-26
Life-changing service
August 25, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got my dna tested by this company few months ago. As a bodybuilding competitor and medical doctor, every single analyses helped me a lot to create my routine.
My friends bought their analysis through other famous companies. In comparison with their results, Fitness Genes offers much more features for a very low price. Other companies are offering only a simple fitness test for this price.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-25
I had to try this
August 24, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m a bit slow on the uptake re leveraging my DNA to train better but having seen about a dozen Olympic athletes say THEY use the tests, it was time for me to take the plunge.
Stoked with my Fitness Genes package, looking forward to observing the results
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-24
Customer support respond in 5 minutes
August 24, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
To ANY query, these guys are f**king awesome!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-24
Pick the 8 week training plan
August 20, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I bought the 12 week and didn’t really need to spend the extra bucks, the 8 week would have worked and I could have extended it for another 4 weeks if I wanted!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-20
Massively helpful
August 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fitness Genes lay on lots of support too, THANK YOU
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-19
Top notch
August 19, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve only just got my data. Loving the blueprints. Super simple to understand it all. Top notch!!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-19
Off the charts!
August 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The whole analysis has been mind altering, I look at my regimen in a totally different way now.
FG rock when it comes to explaining the results. I must have emailed half a dozen times!!
My PT loved it too, he’s offering it to his other customers now. The caffeine advice was outstanding – I’m working much harder now and just when I thought I’d plateaued, I’m starting to see marked improvement in my performance again
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-06
8 week plan is excellent
July 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I highly recommend you get the tailored 8 week training plan when you but a Fitness Genes DNA test, it really worked for me
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-15
Absolutely brilliant
June 27, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Bought for my biyfriend and he LOVED it
Definitely a gift for the man who has everything
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-27
Love, love, LOVE this
May 13, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
You login and you’ve got 41 genetic results to browse. LOVED seeing that I have genes (SHBG1 and SHBG2) for high testosterone (although I secretly knew this would be the case)
Completely validated what I already knew about my success with endurance sports, glad to know I’ve got focus areas right because I hate sprinting and sh*t :)
Fascinated to read that I’m a fast caffeine metabolizer. I didn’t realize I could improve my performance with it though!
10 out of 10 for the Fitness Genes DNA test
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-13
Marked improvement to the way I train
April 8, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very valuable feedback on my genetic make-up
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-08
April 6, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Lots to take in but after making the time to change my habits (it took a few weeks to put a new routine together and I’ve been trialing it for four) I’m seeing a better outcome for my efforts – my genes were hiding a few inherited weaknesses that I’ve learned to mitigate!!
Amy P, Toronto, April 6th
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-06
Four star rating for this system
March 25, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The Fitness Genes genetic testing system has shown me what I would never have known about my genetic makeup. It has been a sound investment in my health and fitness, BUT I will be trying other genetic systems to perfect my training plan
Eric, NYC
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-25
A sham
March 24, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
They give you your genetic profile which I assume is accurate but the nutrition advise is generic i.e. eat lots of greens, high fibre, take omega 3 etc
The “training plan” they give you is ‘tailored’ to you based on your genes, but in reality every example of a training plan I have seen around the internet is exactly the same as mine. To the letter!! I have emailed asking them if its a generic training plan, they haven’t responded.
Check for yourself, 16-32 sets per workout, 12-15 reps per set, tempo 202-4020, rest 45-60 seconds.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-24
Lost 10 pounds !!!
March 5, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had amazing results with fitness genes
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-05
Good so far
February 28, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Curse my body! I have two copies of the slow metabolism allele which I suspected because I seem to have to work so much harded than my mate to lose weight. I was curious to see what a genetic breakdown would tell me and the Fitness Genes package has been a real revelation, not just in terms of my biological disposition but what I can do to combat my genes and lose weight faster. I’ve only been working with Fitness Genes for a few weeks and haven’t put much into practice yet but I’m really buoyed by all the information at hand and the Fitness Genes team have replied to two emails full of questions so I’ve got faith in them on that score. My real reason for investing in a genetic testing kit and training plan is to see if I can get by without a personal trainer which I’ve used in the past but definitely cannot afford. I’d still say buyer beware! as home genetic tests are still in their infancy according to the reading I’ve done.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-28
We have 20,000-30,000 genes
February 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
FG test a few dozen genes
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-15
The Fitness Genes support network is brilliant!
February 15, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Working through this information and upgrading my regimen has been made so much easier by the support FG provide
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-15
Thoroughly impressed
February 11, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve taken a few of these genetic sports tests and Fitness Genes do the best training plan hands down
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-11
Support at every stage
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fantastic support, very helpful and answered all my questions with clarity and a solid understanding of my personal situation… Very grateful for the help..
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Can't fault them
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The support I received was above and beyond what I was expecting. I would recommend this company to anyone, as I have yet to be disappointed. Please continue the great job guys, it does not go unnoticed. And thanks again for everything Simon.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Above and beyond
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Thanks so much to FitnessGenes for helping me out! I missed the posting date before Christmas but it arrived in time. He was so excited!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Thank you Sarah!!
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Sarah was on top of the shipment / return / refund. I appreciate how easy it was to deal with her!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Coach feedback
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fantastic asset to your organisation and very personable! [in reference to one of our Coaches]
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Thank you
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Thank you for your quick and in-depth reply to my question. I have now purchased and looking forward to the analysis! Thank you.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
A PT's exp
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Wonderful as usual.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Outstanding service!
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Will definitely be using these products with my clients in the near future
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
FG feedback
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent customer service
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Fitness Genes genetic test review
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Quick response with quick corrective action.excellent service.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The response was fast and accurate.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
nothing but good things to say
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
very professional help. very fast.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Five stars
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent, will be contacting again with future questions.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Fitness Genes
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Spot on and very fast! Thank you!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Excellent customer care
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have had the best experience with Fitness Genes, ever since I ordered my kit. Not only do they provide a great product, they also have an excellent support team and they keep you informed about every step of the DNA collection process. Recently, I missed a discount by a day and they promptly granted my request for the discounted price. This is above and beyond what I expect from online service providers. They’ve raised the bar on excellent customer care.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
A+ for customer service
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve asked a few questions and they have all been answered promptly, so an A+ for customer service and keeping me informed of any updates!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Amazing service
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Amazing service, 100% satisfied, thank you
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Thanks a million
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It’s over a year now since I initially got my results. Because of the volume of information in the report, I initially adopted a few of Fitness Genes’ more major recommendations. However, when I read back over the report, especially being able to compare it with the results I have gained, I have been frequently surprised at just how accurate some of the results and suggestions have been. More still, I have found that certain training methods suit me better in terms of gains and recovery, only to find that the suggestion was already in the report. So thanks a million to Fitness Genes, I honestly think that in terms of my training, that’s the best money I’ve ever spent, and I am delighted to still be learning from the report even now.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Great results!
January 17, 2016
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My results with the challenge [now called System] (at age 64 !!) were so amazing that I am delighted that Fitness Genes now have a fat loss program! Incredibly, my results were so great that my wife told me I was getting too big (She said I was “starting to look like those guys in the magazines”) so I did not even do the eighth week. If I did not experience it myself, I would not have believed it was possible… Really!! Fitness Genes are GREAT!!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-17
Huge confidence builder
December 31, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I undertook the FG analysis in November and it gave me a huge incentive to get back to my gym and work-out in the most effective way. Highly recommend!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-31
Fat Loss System
December 27, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Just had my third weigh-in and I’ve lost 14 pounds in a month!! I am using the Fitness Genes Fat Loss System and I would recommend it
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-27
Best DNA test for training
December 14, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
These guys have knocked it out of the park.The results are easy to understand and discuss with your PT.Fitness Genes will support you every step of the way.I’ve bought this for my gf for Christmas and cant wait to see what genes shes inherited that will impact her plan.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-14
Quality service
September 20, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My PT loved the results you get from this test and she’s already modified my workout!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-20
They inspire me to keep going
September 10, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I approached Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) in 2014 as I was interested in how they could help me achieve my fitness goals and improve my kick boxing and MMA training.
I am not going to lie the first six months or so were trial and error and I relapsed into old ways on occasion. After Christmas this year I decided to take things seriously and stick to the Genetic Muscle-Building System diet and exercise plan.
My plan stated that I had an efficient metabolism, Didn’t burn fat that efficiently and had to stay away from High GI Carbs
I used the diet generator and kept my food intake simple. Usually high protein, low fat and low Carb foods. I ate plenty of meat and vegetables.
I took the weight training seriously and lift as heavy as I can within my maximum rep and set range as well as doing my martial arts training for cardio.
At the end of every Genetic Training System cycle I contacted Fitness Genes for advice, which they always give, and then start again. I tweet regularly and send pictures. They inspire me to keep going. I am currently experimenting with carbohydrates and their timing to add some lean mass for my next fight.
Thanks to Fitness Genes for all their help and Support
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-10
I'm finally in control of my body composition
September 10, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m a busy working mum to two boys, so for me to have a personal trainer is out the question, plus I couldn’t afford to. The Genetic Training System was my personal trainer in my opinion, I would copy my weekly training plan on my phone and hit the gym, Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) had weekly contact with me if not every day through media, I liked this as it stopped me slacking and it gave me the push to work hard and get results… my most proudest moment was walking past the office mirror and catching sight of my delts! OMG I HAD DELTS, and that was just after 4weeks on the program. By the end of the challenge it was hard and everyday, ( my genetic results state I’m able to train every day) The results I saw was impressive , in a short 8 weeks training on my own with my plan in hand I had slimmed down on the waist, abs started to show through and my quads were bigger, my delts/arms went really toned. The best thing Is now I know I can change body composition in 8-weeks.. my plan is mine and I don’t need to spend out on personal trainers
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-10
I'm in the best shape of my life!
September 9, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Since taking the test and adjusting my training and nutrition accordingly, I’ve managed to get in the best shape of my life. I now understand how my body works and what I need to do to achieve my goals without any guesswork! The support from their team has been great and it’s been nice keeping in touch with them through social media.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-09
I can't thank these guys enough!
September 9, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
By taking the test I could finally explain certain things I could only guess before. But the best thing? These guys are providing a more than excellent service by giving everybody continuous updates about currently tested genes. Which company would do that?
The Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) team have helped me so much during my WBFF ProAm prep. I can’t thank these guys enough!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-09
It works
September 9, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Since receiving my results, my training has been completely turned on its head.
By following their recommendations, I’ve lost 7kg on the scales, my waistline has gone from 86cm to 77cm. Yet I’m bigger and stronger in every area!
Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) opened my eyes to something new that nobody else was offering. Science is science and my results are evidence that it works.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-09
Excellent support
June 12, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Hello! My brother recommended Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) to me and having seen his reports I wanted to take the plunge. The info seems great, I’m still getting to grips with it, but more importantly, I fired loads of questions at the Fitness Genes team and they answered every one. i’d highly recommend this test
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-12
April 18, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I learned a lot and the team were super responsive to all my questions
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-18
April 16, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I heard on the radio that you can use DNA testing kits to figure out how to train better, and given that I have a late-summer target triathlon I started doing some research. It seems that everything is going bespoke these days, so why not training too? I ordered the test from Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes), even though strictly speaking I’m not really looking to build bulky muscles, and discovered that my body type requires me to do things different. For a start, I respond better to shorter and more intense sessions, with longer rest and recovery periods – this is good news because it basically means I can get the same results with less time training, or better results with the same time. So far, so good, and my next step is to figure out if I’m eating the right things, or if my DNA suggests I should alter my diet…
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-16
Better than the qualified nutritionists
March 18, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve used a scattergun approach to training for around 15 years since I started going to the gym. Getting in shape is a pretty simple idea – burn more calories than you consume, and convert them into muscle. But metabolism is an incredibly complex thing. I was at a session with a nutritionist from Guy’s Hospital recently and asked him a few questions about the impact that different food types can have on metabolism, and he basically said that it’s very personal and too complicated to give one answer. So you can try things out and wait to see what happens, but because there’s such a delay between cause and effect you inevitably switch strategies and never really know what’s going on.
Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) totally opened my eyes to how I should eat and train better to get the results I want. It’s pointless me saying how I do that, because everyone who’s serious should find out for themselves.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-18
Fitness Genes
February 21, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’m in my forties and have tried dozens of supplements/techniques/machines to boost my training regimen. I have to say Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) is one of the best decisions I made.
I took the advice they gave me, changed my diet and the sets/reps I was working to and have seen significantly improved muscle growth – its been so empowering to see these results and so good to know the changes are based on an actual scientific analysis.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-02-21
Fantastic customer service
January 3, 2015
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am loving the updates throughout the year as more information becomes available. I have become a genetics geek and have found myself reading a lot more articles on this subject since receiving my results
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-03
December 4, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) DNA test was an extremely useful test to take, it reconfirmed a lot of information that I already knew, and helped me consider some new areas for development. You receive a ludicrous amount of information but it was powerful stuff that I could use to modify my training plan. Peace.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-12-04
Very impressed with Fitness Genes, particularly Sam and Dan
November 30, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Despite the companies popularity and how busy they all are, I have always had a reply from them the same day. Even had a personal call from Dan this week. Very excited to be a part of this companies growth and success
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-11-30
I am blown away by Fitness Genes...
September 18, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I couldn’t rate them any higher but I’d give them 12/10 at least if I could. The report is worth 100x more money than it’s actual cost, but the support provided and the endless solid, free and backed up information provided is worth more than you can imagine! My supplementation regime is now bang on and my training feels much more accurate. I liken having this report done to trying to kick a rugby conversion…. You and can keep kicking from the sideline and hoping you’ll slot the ball between the uprights or you can get Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) to place the ball In front of the goal post and if you make the effort to kick it right you are pretty much guaranteed the goal every time!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-09-18
Fitness Genes has changed my life entirely
July 30, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My training is more dedicated knowing my genitic potential and the endless amount of help from Dr. Reardon , Dr. Decombel and Dr. Gilbert this team has the tools to help you achieve your goals and are more than willing to help you achieve you goals if you are serious about fitness then you should defiantly buy Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) today it’s worth every penny … Or you could guess at your eating requirement and supplements/ trianing and waste your time and money not with Fitness Genes the team is dedicated to helping you have the best and easiest way to get results let’s face it there is no magic pill for muscle gain or fat loss it takes hard work and dedication buy Fitness Genes today I’ve had the experience it’s great totally recommend
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-30
Fitness Genes
July 10, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After spending a significant amount of year and money on training an largely useless supplements I decided to take the plunge into a more scientific approach. Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) gave me the opportunity to look at direct feedback related to my genetics thus removing the guess work. The report you receive is big, very interesting and full of information. This for me, is where the journey began, and with the excellent support from Mark, he helped confirm my thoughts of the findings and helped me formulate my own programme. The money spent here I’ve more than made up by no longer spending on useless supplements and monthly magazines. An extremely worthwhile investment which, if followed, promises a long term return!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-10
I'm very interested in what my Fitness Genes report says
July 9, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It nailed a few things that I had recently figured out myself, and it gave me several great suggestions that I am definitely applying to my training now. The entire result reinforced many things that I have been trying out and felt worked best for me.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-09
Well chuffed with my Fitness Genes reports
July 8, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Thought the guys were great and it is awesome to get some more extra test results after 8 months. Well worth the investment!
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-08
Thank you!
July 5, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) made me take a closer look at my training regime which had become stagnant. Extremely useful information for making better decision about diet and exercise. The report gave me a better insight into how my body works which can only help body composition change moving forward. My diet was pretty strict anyway and didn’t need to change much, however, my ability to burn fat, confirmed my genes report, gave me the confidence to take this a stage further knowing I wasn’t compromising Lean mass. The report revolving around my training was the biggest help! I needed more reps in my routine for my slow twitch muscles and as a result of the change have noticed some real subtle changes in my look…….thanks Fitness Genes, keep the follow up reports coming.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-05
July 1, 2014
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got my Fitness Genes (formerly Muscle Genes) report now close to a year ago… and at 50 years old I followed the recommendations (based on my gene types of course), and I’ve made more progress than ever in 30 years of working at this. I think most people who work hard to build muscle find it more difficult than they expected… or hoped. So it’s always in question “did I do enough sets/reps, am I consuming the right supplements, what’s my key to losing fat”? I know I always did. My Fitness Genes report opened up this black box of mine that I’ve been trying to figure out all this time. I’ll never walk the Mr Olympia stage (and my Fitness Genes report basically tells me that) but I’ll do my best because I know how.
Fitness Genes review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-07-01