DNA Health Profile
review on January 22, 2019
by Rebecca Fishwick
At a Glance
The genetic fitness report from Muhdo allowed me to switch between modes depending on my health and fitness goals, and provided diet and exercise recommendations based on my fitness goals as well as my DNA.
For me, the most useful parts of Muhdo’s service were the meal and workout plans, which were highly customizable, as well as flexible to my routine. I could view recipes and nutritional information for the different meal ideas, and watch videos showing me how to do my recommended exercises.
The information in the dashboard contained a lot of gym jargon, which I felt could have been presented in a more engaging way. I would also have liked to know what my individual genetic results were for the genes tested, which would be helpful to anyone interested in researching their genetic fitness.
Overall, I felt the test would be suitable for anyone looking to improve their fitness; whether they’re looking to become a bodybuilder, or simply get in shape.
Full Review
Muhdo is a genomic applications company specializing in personalized wellness, fitness and nutrition. The company was founded in 2016 by CEO Nathan Berkley, and is based in Ipswich, Suffolk.
Muhdo’s aim is provide an online platform for health, fitness, nutrition and wellbeing information to inspire and support their users to achieve a life that is healthier, happier and longer.
Product Expectations
From the Muhdo website, I saw that their genetic health test would provide health, fitness and nutrition recommendations personalized to my genetic needs. My results would be accessible via the ‘Muhdo You’ dashboard, which came with four different modes: Fit for Life, Fat Loss, Fitness & Endurance, and Muscle Building.
The “Fit for Life” mode was for those who aren’t gym rats, and would recommend health and nutritional changes to increase energy, focus and wellbeing.
The “Fat Loss” mode seemed pretty much does-what-it-says-on-the-tin, providing a range of health, fitness and nutritional recommendations to both help reduce body fat and maintain a healthy weight.
“Fitness & Endurance” would help improve endurance performance, while “Muscle Building” would help to build muscle, improve strength and get lean.
I could view a demo of the health dashboard that would be generated using my genetic data. The dashboard would cover five main areas: Sport, Diet, Vitamins & Supplements, Health & Lifestyle, and Psychology. There was also a “Key Data” page, which would provide an overview of my genetic results.
An update to the service would allow me to use my DNA data, goals and preferences to generate meal and workout plans, which sounded exciting.
Ordering Experience
Ordering through the Muhdo website was simple enough. I could pay all at once, or in monthly instalments. I was required to sign up using an email and password, and had to give my phone number and street address to submit my order. I could pay using a credit or debit card.
I had a look through the Terms and Conditions, which had nothing very alarming in them. In their Privacy Policy, I saw they had taken pains to ensure they were GDPR compliant. This was pleasing, though the policy was filled with so much lawyerly jargon that it was difficult to discover if they would share my data (particularly genetic data) with third parties. I couldn’t find anything definitive on the subject, and so although they never said they would share my data, they also never said they wouldn’t.
Muhdo dispatched my DNA kit using first-class post, and it arrived within a couple of days. The kit resembled the one pictured on the site, and contained a cheek swab with clear instructions for taking a sample, which was quick and painless.
I returned my sample using the prepaid, pre-labelled envelope. About a week later, I received an email confirming that they had received my sample and that it had been sent to the lab. They estimated that it would take about six weeks to process.
The Results
My results were ready in about five weeks, which was pleasing! I received an email with a link to the Muhdo portal, where I signed in.
From here, I had four different dashboard modes: Fitness, Muscle Building, Fat Loss, and Fit for Life. Clicking on each gave me the same genetic results, but different recommendations depending on what my goals were.
Results Section: Fitness – Key Data
The first dashboard mode I looked at was “Fitness”, which would reveal how I could optimize my genetic potential to get fit.
The opening page was “Key Data”, which was dominated by a nutrition wheel breaking down my ideal diet into macronutrient percentages (shown below).

My daily diet wheel for optimizing fitness.
My diet wheel was broken into four main macronutrients: carbs, saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and protein. To optimize my fitness, it was recommended that slightly more than half of my diet should consist of carbohydrates, with saturated fats forming about 7% , unsaturated fats forming about 11.6%, and protein forming a bit over a quarter (27%).
To the right of the wheel, they had also picked out some of my more fitness-relevant genetic results, such as “O2 Usage” (probably something to do with respiration), “Muscle Stamina” and “Anaerobic Threshold”.
Below the wheel was a table of fitness recommendations. These weren’t very easy for me to understand. My first recommendations were for building power, intended for a “Sprinter/Power Lifter”, which seemed like very different pursuits to me. The recommendations were “Muscle Time Under Tension (TUT)”, which was 12-18s, “Rest Between Maximal Efforts”, which was 3-5 minutes, and “Sessions per week”, which was 4 to 6.
I wasn’t sure what “Muscle Time Under Tension” was, though I guessed it was the time spent exercising. I gathered that “Rest Between Maximal Efforts” was something to do with interval training and the time I should rest between high-intensity workouts. “Sessions per week” was pretty self-evident, though I had expected more specific recommendations of what these sessions should be.
There were also results for “Build Muscle Stamina/Muscle Endurance” (which were in a similar format), and “Build CV Fitness”. I didn’t know what “CV” was (maybe “cardiovascular”?). The recommendations for this were a training time of “50 – 70m (45-65%MHR)”, and four to six sessions per week. I had no idea what “MHR” was, or what this percentage was meant to signify.
I expected there would be some information to explain all this, but there wasn’t. It seemed that if I was to understand and implement my training recommendations, I would need to consult with a personal trainer, or possibly contact Muhdo’s customer support. They hadn’t advertised any sort of complimentary consultation as part of their product, and so it was a bit disappointing that I was unable to make much of my fitness results by myself.
Results Section: Fitness – Sport
In the “Sport” section of my Fitness dashboard, there was a series of genetic results related to sport performance. My “Muscle Power” result was given as “Gifted”, which I was pretty pleased with, before I realized that this was actually pretty middling, and the lowest result was “Normal”! (See below.)

My genetic results for Sport, beginning with “Muscle Power”.
Still, I was told that this result put me in the top 21% of the people tested by Muhdo so far. This was nice to know (sort of surprising, too), and I wondered which parts of my genome had given this result.
I discovered that I could flip the result box, which revealed which genes had been tested (though not the SNPs/genetic variants within them, or my individual genetic results), along with some more scientific information.
Scrolling down, I found I had been recommended certain fitness articles based on my DNA. The pictures for almost all of these articles featured heavily muscled men: aspirational sorts of pictures for men taking the test, but not exactly relevant for me.
I found I also had another set of fitness recommendations, this time also involving things like “Types of training protocols (positive)” and “Agonist/Agonist Supersets”.
Results Section: Fitness – Diet
The “Diet” section of the report was much easier for me to understand.
This broke down my genetic responses to different sorts of foods (carbs, sugar, fats, etc.) and also gave information on my diet traits, like “Likelihood to Snack”, “Metabolic Rate” and “Fat Distribution” (shown below).

My genetic result for “Likelihood to Snack” in the Diet section.
Some of these results didn’t seem very accurate for me. For instance, there was one for “Bitter Taste”, which said I was less likely to taste bitter. This isn’t the case, since I’m very sensitive to bitterness in things like tonic water, and other DNA results have corroborated this.
I was also said to be predisposed to a normal metabolic rate and was likely to yo-yo diet and have a normal likelihood to snack. I actually have a very fast metabolism and snack all the time. I wasn’t sure about the yo-yo diet result, since I’ve never been on a weight-loss diet. But even though these results didn’t ring true, they were consistent with other DNA health results I’ve had – which suggests that my environment or epigenetics (where certain genes are switched on or off) have something to do with my fast metabolism (or that many DNA health test companies use the same research!).
Other results were also consistent with other tests I’ve taken, like being at high risk of negative effects from saturated fats and sugar, and not being at risk of lactose intolerance – which I am not!
There were also recipe recommendations based on my genetic profile. The pictures for these didn’t look that appetizing (they reminded me of the sorts of restaurant menus that have pictures in, which are never very appealing).
Results Section: Fitness – Vitamins & Supplements
The “Vitamins & Supplements” section was pretty useful, though not entirely clear. Again, many of my results were presented in terms of risks, with high risk indicating a risk of deficiency.
Other results, such as my one for omega-3, showed how much benefit I was likely to gain from these supplements. Omega-3 was considered a “Beneficial Supplement” for me, while I was likely to gain “No Benefit” from choline supplements (a mineral found in eggs, chicken, salmon, etc.).
Again, there was a series of Muhdo article recommendations based on my DNA.
Results Section: Fitness – Health and Lifestyle
The “Health & Lifestyle” section was something of a catch-all, containing “Caffeine Sensitivity”, “Genetic Bone Mineral Density” and genetic risks of obesity, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, and colds and flu.
I saw I had a “Slight Sensitivity” to caffeine, which I guess is true, since if I drink enough coffee I will eventually feel it! My bone mineral density result was average, which may be the case, since I have no idea how dense my bones are. I had an increased risk of being obese, which was consistent with the results of other tests I’ve taken (though not with my actual life), a slight genetic risk of type-2 diabetes, a normal risk of hypertension, and a slight risk of catching colds and flu. (Possible risk levels for this result were “Normal” and “Slight” – perhaps they meant “Slightly higher”?)
Results Section: Psychology
The final section was psychology, for which there was only one result (unsurprising, since we know very little about the genetics of personality). The trait was “Warrior vs Worrier”, which looked at a single gene (COMT).
Warriors, I read, were more likely to be aggressive, have a higher pain threshold, and make rash decisions (I must confess, I didn’t find this description very complimentary!). Worriers, on the other hand, had a tendency to overthink, have a lower pain threshold, and make better decisions.
I was neither Warrior nor Worrier, but fell somewhere in between, having a copy of each variant. This was a result I’d had before in previous tests, and so I felt it was accurate.
Results Section: Muscle Building, Fat Loss, and Fit for Life
I had a look through the Muhdo platform using the three other modes: Muscle Building, Fat Loss, and Fit for Life. Obviously, the genetic results remained the same, though Muhdo’s recommendations varied depending on what my goals were, most especially in the diet wheel.
For instance, my diet wheel for Muscle Building looked very different to the version in Fitness mode. It was recommended that about a third of my diet should consist of protein (good for building muscle mass!) and for carbs to form a bit less than half of my diet. Again, there were tailored fitness recommendations.
Results Section: Meal Plans
I was curious to see how the meal plan generator would work. First, I was asked what my main goal was: whether to build muscle, lose or gain weight, get in premium shape for endurance sports, or simply to improve my general health.
I was then asked if there were any specific foods I omit, and whether I planned to stop drinking alcohol. I was asked how many meals I could eat in a day, with the options being between two and six. Next, I was asked for my height and weight measurements, and to rate my activity level between “Completely bed bound” and “Elite athlete where activity is very high consistently”.
Based on my answers, it was recommended I eat 1980 kcal each day, which didn’t sound like much! I saw I should consume a quarter of these calories for my morning and evening meals, and half for my main meal at midday (I opted for the traditional three meals per day).
I could then choose my meals out of the options I was given to produce my meal plan (shown below).

A sample from my meal options.
I was able to scroll through the options to select the ones I wanted for each meal each day, which would generate a meal plan for the week. I could still change the meals I’d selected, and generate a new meal plan at the week’s end.
Once I had created my meal plan, I was able to click on each food option to view the recipe, serving size, and nutritional information like calories, protein and sugars. I could select the meals I liked best for my favorite meals folder.
Results Section: Workout Plan
I was impressed with the meal plan feature, and I decided to generate a workout plan next. Again, I was asked what my fitness goal was, and this time was given the choice between bodybuilding, fat loss, health, powerlifting, and combined bodybuilding and fat loss.
I was asked to confirm my date of birth, and my height and weight measurements. I could choose how many days I wanted to work out, or leave that up to Muhdo. I could also choose how long I wanted each workout session to last. I was then asked whether I had a fully equipped gym, which would affect what sort of exercises I was recommended. They asked my level of training experience, which ranged from “Novice” to “Elite”. Lastly, I was required to give a few medical details.
My workout plan consisted of several different exercises for each session, which were once a day for four days per week. There were videos showing how to do each exercise, as well as written instructions, and how many sets to do of each.

Part of my recommended workout routine.
The workouts I’d been provided with all looked pretty doable, and I was pleased by all the instructions had been given: what to do, how to do it, how much, and how often.
I could scroll through my workout plan for each day, and each of the four weeks of the plan. If I didn’t like the plan, or if I had completed it or had a different goal, I could go to my account section to regenerate it.
The genetic fitness report from Muhdo allowed me to switch between modes depending on my health and fitness goals, and provided diet and exercise recommendations based on my fitness goals as well as my DNA.
For me, the most useful parts of Muhdo’s service were the meal and workout plans, which were highly customizable, as well as flexible to my routine. I could view recipes and nutritional information for the different meal ideas, and watch videos showing me how to do my recommended exercises.
The information in the dashboard contained a lot of gym jargon, which I felt could have been presented in a more engaging way. I would also have liked to know what my individual genetic results were for the genes tested, which would be helpful to anyone interested in researching their genetic fitness.
Overall, I felt the test would be suitable for anyone looking to improve their fitness; whether they’re looking to become a bodybuilder, or simply get in shape.
Please note we were invited to take this test free of charge.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- The Results
- Results Section: Fitness – Key Data
- Results Section: Fitness – Sport
- Results Section: Fitness – Diet
- Results Section: Fitness – Vitamins & Supplements
- Results Section: Fitness – Health and Lifestyle
- Results Section: Psychology
- Results Section: Muscle Building, Fat Loss, and Fit for Life
- Results Section: Meal Plans
- Results Section: Workout Plan
- Summary
Muhdo Review
March 27, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I saw this dna test of a Eddie hall YouTube video and thought to my self this is what iv been looking for, so I purchased it for my self and received my results about 2 days ago and it has already changed my life in this short space of time. Well worth the money I payed, would recommend to anyone
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-03-27
Muhdo Review
March 11, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was initially very excited to take this test with Muhdo – I had heard about it through one of my favorite Instagram people that I follow. I was also able to get a discount through this person with a code that was offered! So that was really cool! The ordering and testing process was pretty smooth sailing from there. Since I am international shipping, I had to pay for the return shipping which was unexpected as I did not see this information anywhere on the package I received so I sent an email and got a quick response which was nice. The results took about 3 weeks and the app works well. I was impressed with the information that was shared and it helped answer a lot of questions I had but I was under the impression it would be more specific and detailed than it was. For example, it shared a gene I have but not what specific version of that gene so it is difficult for me to know what may be going on with my body therefore I can’t address the issue. I felt that the information and advice was too general, but still helpful. It’s worth it for sure (it gives you a foundation to work from) but I have had to do way more research myself to try to get the detailed information I was hoping to get with my results and that has been challenging.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-03-11
Muhdo Review
March 6, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Exceptionally user-friendly app which makes sense of the data. Useful tips on diet and lifestyle changes, and it was done quickly. Speedy answers to any questions. Hoping that as more DNA info becomes available my profile will be added to over time! I’ve got friends to do it too.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-03-06
Muhdo Review
February 26, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really interesting results, interested to try and now make some tweaks to my diet and training approach and to see what results I get based on the information.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-26
Muhdo Review
February 22, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Mind blowing Product ! The tests results are really useful.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-22
Muhdo Review
February 17, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I found the results really insightful! I do worry that the air quality index and pie chart amounts change every time I log into the app? Is this normal? However, the fact that there isn’t only so much information but also advice on how to deal with the good & bad is incredibly valuable! I have already recommended this to so many people!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-17
Muhdo Review
February 16, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really love it, I’ve needed the info for a long time and muhdo really did deliver more than what I was searching for. Impressed by the whole thing. Thanks guys
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-16
Muhdo Review
February 15, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I wrote a review last year which was pretty scathing but after receiving my second test results I am much happier with the service. Pros: 1. New improved epigenetic results are excellent. The results match up with my general health, such as showing I have an eye and memory age ten years lower that my actual age – on the flip side it shows my hearing age is 12!! Years higher that my real age and that my inflammatory response is 420 / 500 which could indicate something similar to auto immune – confirmed by having horrific recurring issues with acne / skin inflammation, for the hearing.. I’ve had issues with my hearing for many years ago now it seems to be leaning more towards me being genetically predisposed to it rather than a natural decline. So I’m very happy that the epigenetis results really are very accurate, it would be nice to see more information on ‘what’ was actually found so I can research more. 2. The suggestions for improving negative results are very good such as folate and astaxanthin supplements for the hearing issue. 3. DNA profile is very useful, again shows my body reacts excellently to protein and creatine, whilst showing there is zero benefit to me taking BCAA’s. 4. The training insights are of benefit. My muscle power is apparently in the highly gifted region so the suggestions about high intensity work + rest periods will definitely help in the long run. Cons: 1. App often comes up with endpoint timeout, either kicks you out or you get erroneous results. 2. Air quality index often hangs or causes the endpoint error. 3. Results still took just over 2.5 months from when I first sent them back (also why is the return envelope second class?) All things considered, I’d do the epigenetis test again probably in about 6 months after I’ve totally changed my dietary, supplements and training routines – especially interested too see the changes in my inflammatory levels.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-15
Muhdo Review
February 9, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Would highly recommend, amazing service super in depth but easily understandable. Definitely helped me more at the gym understanding what my body wants and needs super happy with it all.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-09
Muhdo Review
February 9, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The app is great, the information contained in the report is detailed without being too in depth. I have adjusted my diet and bought supplements to address my genetic deficiencies and I am feeling immediately better. Strength has gone up, body fat has dropped and I have more energy day to day. Unlock the potential of your body and buy this!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-09
Muhdo Review
February 9, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Never got any of my results after waiting over two months. Got the genetic profiling subscription which cost supposedly cost $20 a month for which they would give me two $20 charges a month. Terrible service that I had to get my bank to blacklist so they would finally stop charging me.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-09
Muhdo Review
February 3, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I ordered my DNA analysis last year to get some insights concerning my fitness and muscle building endeavour. My results showed that I am more gifted to heavy weight lifting workouts. Until then I did the typical 8-12 rep range workouts and never tried more strength oriented workouts. I asked Muhdo for personal advice for programming a workout plan based on my genetic gifts and PT Chris Collins wrote a strength oriented workout plan for me. Truth told I was very skeptical that such kind of training was the right thing for me, but I got really excellent results and gained a lot new muscle mass. I stayed in close contact to Chris during the last half year and he answered every question I got very quickly and knowledgeable and adjusted my workout plan several times to fit my needs. At muhdo you not only get your DNA-profile but you get very professional help to translate that results into your daily life to improve your fitness and health journey.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-02-03
Muhdo Review
January 31, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The overall service has been great. From the app itself and the results, to the insights about fitness, diet and the Action plan! The staff is highly responsive, I have talked to Wesley (performance director) and he was really helpful and kind. Heavily recommend!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-31
Muhdo Review
January 23, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This product has provided me with a brilliant insight into all aspects of my health. I have gained greater confidence, clearer understanding and knowledge. Muhdo staff have been and continue to be supportive and helpful giving advice and guidance. Pleased to be using a fantastic tool to aid in my sporting endeavours and my overall health and wellbeing. Thank you.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-23
Muhdo Review
January 19, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I bought the most expensive dna kit in November. I didn’t get it for a month one I got it and sent it in which was about a day after I got it I have not received any information on my sample and it’s now January 15th. I’ve been waiting for along time and I’ve tried emailing but they don’t reply
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-19
Muhdo Review
January 19, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Overall interesting product with some great insights, app needs some more optimising. Worth a purchase for the health conscious.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-19
Muhdo Review
January 19, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Result turn around was very quick 3 weeks after Christmas. I am amazed at the level of information given in this app, the main DNA results are very sporty/fitness person but the “health insights” section had some health orientated info that was of real interest. There are a couple of areas still coming soon and I look forward to when these open up, well worth it.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-19
Muhdo Review
January 19, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Simple account set up, easy to use kit and short wait time for results. The insight these results have given have helped me improve my recovery from training and sleep quality. Would definitely recommend this product to anyone who’s wanting to understand their body more!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-19
Muhdo Review
January 19, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very very helpful. Tells you exactly what you need to know.. would highly recommend it.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-19
Muhdo Review
January 5, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had results within 3 weeks of purchase, only went for the dna section and I can say it matches up with a whole host of things I had thought about myself. This clarifies so much for me and has been worth it! I now know how to tailor my plans for the new year. On a side note I would say that the app worked better on my android then my iPhone, that should be a consideration.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-05
Muhdo Review
January 5, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Got results early from a birthday present and the app works well on my galaxy s10, I dont have my epigenetic results yet so I am excited to see what this holds. The genetic results are very interesting and there are more results then expected when you include the health insights. There are some issues with the workout planner but I am hoping these will be fixed soon.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-05
Muhdo Review
January 3, 2020
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Initial results came back before I expected and are very interesting. However it keeps telling me they do not have my epigenetic results and they are either being analysed or they are not part of my subscription. I paid for the epigenetic test so I assumed these would all be available at the same time! The health insights section of the app times out and never loads any data. The rest of the app works fine and everything is really easy to absorb. I hope I gain access to my full results soon
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2020-01-03
Muhdo Review
December 23, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Some useful information, but the the App seems pretty useless with “Endpoint request timed out” so nothing to be gained there.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-23
Muhdo Review
December 23, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am really disappointed in the results. I expected a more detailed insight into particular foods to avoid and types of exercise to undertake. The results are very high level and do not really give insight. Why the info on Air Quality? No access on my laptop so can only work on the smart phone app. No meal plans. App is unstable and I oftne kicked out as I explore the app. I expect much more work to be done to justify the expense of the test. Having a team of experts for what benefit?
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-23
Muhdo Review
December 17, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Having an easy to use product really makes the difference in finding out the real answers to what’s going on within your body. Personally there was a lot I had guessed might be the case but having validation by seeing it on the linked app and now knowing exactly the jeans responsible I could know my changes to diet and training were correct. Having the training and dieting parts of the app to help adjust what I’m doing for my genetic profile is essential for getting the best out of myself in and out of the gym. I’d highly recommend this to anyone who wants to more in tune with their body and gain more knowledge to keep themselves healthy!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-17
Muhdo Review
December 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Hi, I havent yet received my results so your asking me to review something I havent had experience of. The ease of purchase and doing the test was very good but since sending test away I have waited 4 wks and so far been asked to download app which the sign up link doesnt work and I’d thought that I would have use the app i used to scan sample off with. And then do a review I’d prefer the test turnaround time to be sooner than 4-6 wks
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-06
Muhdo Review
December 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
No communication, constant app logging in problems and still no results?
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-06
Muhdo Review
December 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve never been that good at managing my own health, exercise or diet, coming from a 9-5 office job/gamer background and not sporty in the slightest. However, upon signing up to Muhdo, I’ve been able to take control of this aspect of my life that I’ve struggled with before. The epigenetics testing kit is sleak and easy to use, with simple instructions and method to collect your sample before sending it off for analysis. As Muhdo has developed, so has the kit, with customer comfort clearly as a priority. I find the app easy to navigate with sectioned areas for all the plans; dieting, exercise as well as your in depth epigenetics results. I’m a complete amateur when it comes to cooking and fitness regime however, the app provided a range of suggested meal plans that I could adapt to suit my taste- as well as being able to still cook for my partner. The exercise plan took into consideration my lack of experience when it comes to fitness training, providing home or gym orientated, highly adaptable exercise plans. I’ve been finding this much easier then other apps I’ve tried before that proved generic plans with little success. The epigenetics can be daunting at first, nonetheless, incredibly intresting and insightful, especially when it comes to nutrition and application to your exercise plan. Overall, innovative and easy to use, with extra science for those who are intrested in learning more about their health. The program isn’t just for fitness enthusiasts or professional athletes, as I’ve found it highly beneficial to my daily routine. I joined in July 2018, and I’m excited to see the direction that Muhdo is heading as it’s already helped me monitor my fitness.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-04
Muhdo Review
December 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had a very positive experience with Muhdo, from signing up, sending off my sample through to receiving my results and running through them with a nutritional expert. I found the app very easy to use and I’m excited to learn about the epigenetics results in the New Year. I’d recommend Muhdo to anyone who wants to improve their physical wellbeing.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-12-04
Muhdo Review
November 14, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very interesting and it has helped me achieve a lot with my diet and health, highly recommend.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-14
Muhdo Review
November 7, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I decided I needed to loose some weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I decided to research DNA testing as nothing I had previously tried really worked for me. Eventually, after doing plenty of research and speaking to people within the health and lifestyle industry, I found Muhdo. I registered and received my DNA kit to which I sent back the next day. On receiving and analysing my DNA I downloaded the app and at a click of my finger had the answers to all my previous problems in no time at all. I was giving professional advice and guidance in what suited my body best in order to maintain a progressive and healthy lifestyle. I’ve not looked back since and never felt better. Highly recommend for anyone who wants to delve deeper into their own body and how it ticks.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-07
Muhdo Review
November 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A good way to keep on top of your inner health if diet and lifestyle is a key focus. Concise feedback helps you to be able to tweak your diet and training, as well as offering on line training for those who aren’t able to get to the gym and have to train at home or whilst on the road (due to work commitments)
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-06
Muhdo Review
November 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fascinating insight into steps required to improve performance and overall health.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-05
Muhdo Review
November 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great App! Very easy to navigate. All the information is very useful and easy to follow. It’s really helped to motivate me in my training.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-05
Muhdo Review
November 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really great experience, found out a lot about my training, recovery and nutrition. So I know what to eat prior to football and after to aid my recovery. Also I have found that I have got stronger and more robust from following my gym program. Would highly recommend it.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-05
Muhdo Review
November 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
App is helpful and well organised. Provides me with an opportunity to be clearly aware of what areas of my health I need to improve. It also enables me to be aware of how I can improve these areas. It also makes me clear of the dietary requirements that if followed enable me to improve my diet and health significantly
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-05
Muhdo Review
October 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am loving my MUHDO results… MUDHO DNA gives me more way more reports for my money. It’s useful to have an APP with all my results in a userfriendly interface; it’s easy to apply changes to my lifestyle. I can trust the DNA results as they take 1000 gene SNPs (way more genes than competitors for accuracy), and to top it off every result has to have at least 5 peer-reviewed studies to support the evidence (science NOT pseudo-science)… all of this makes MUHDO the best value and most useful DNA reporting around. With MUHDO epigenetic testing it becomes a no-brainer to go for MUHDO.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-10-30
Muhdo Review
October 29, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very professional and well run business. Have got my initial results and looking to kick on using these now
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-10-29
Muhdo Review
September 22, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very bad ! Not been able to log in to my profile rang and sent emails with regards to this nothing back !!! Very unhappy
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-22
Muhdo Review
September 7, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was really interested in adapting my training to maximise my results. I saw muhdo and thought it might be worth doing to see if I could change my programs to something that would suit me, as an individual, a bit better. The results and speaking to the guys at muhdo has helped me loads and now have a personalised program that works for me and I know the right foods to be eating that suits my body.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-07
Muhdo Review
September 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My results from Muhdo have allowed me to adjust my diet in such a way that I can optimise my performance and recovery. I learnt that I respond well to carbohydrate and that this is my body’s preferred energy source, this has meant I have adjusted my carbohydrates and fat consuming a more high carb low fat based diet. Focusing on complex carbohydrates. I learnt that I am at risk of vit D and magnesuim deficiency and so ensure I include foods rich in there micronutrients on a daily basis. My performance, recovery and sleep has been vastly improved for having a more clear understanding of what suits my body type. It’s been interesting to learn that I am very likely to snack, so this has just made me more aware of recognising this and ensuring I snack only on healthy and low fat foods.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-06
Muhdo Review
September 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The process was so simple and the results really interesting and i was interested to find out more so i spoke to the specialist at Muhdo who gave me some great insights. Since taking the results on board I have seen gains in my training as adapted my routine, general energy levels increased due to adding vitamins, minerals and supplements in to my diet and it help with my mind set and motivated me more because i started to see improvements.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-04
Muhdo Review
September 1, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
One of the best services I have ever used, I gained information that I could only find out through having my DNA tested. I highly recommend them
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-09-01
Muhdo Review
August 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Brilliant experience with Muhdo. The knowledge and expertise of the team are outstanding and they went into great depth and detail with my results highlighting the many areas where they thought I would get maximum benefit. It has been a huge help in allowing me to recover quicker from training and post injury and would highly recommend to anyone. The platform is very simple to use and means it is easy to keep on track with training regimes, nutrition plans and recovery schedules.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-30
Muhdo Review
August 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
One of the greatest investments in yourself! I wish I had done this sooner in my career. As an athlete you are always looking for ways to improve your health and performance. I thought I was doing so many things right with my nutrition and training and recovery…… but results showed me what my body actually needs and how my body reacts to certain food/ or certain eats to train and rest. The changes I’ve made have already seen an impact on my performance. My result helped me to understand what areas I also had Deficiencies. The best part of all this is that it’s really easy to understand and make changes. Muhdo has a really easy to use app – the app allows you to really understand your results but they also provide the guidance on how to make subtle changes to help improve your over all health and feel great. We are all so different and not one size fits all- this is why taking the DNA really helps you understand YOU and YOUR body! Only a DNA test can do that. You will not be disappointed! An investment worth taking.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-30
Muhdo Review
August 22, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
If you are interested in optimising your health and well being and finding out more about your body – this kit is for you! The in-depth knowledge I have gained about specific strengths and weaknesses of my own body have been so helpful! I wouldn’t have know certain things without this test. I am able to utilise parts of my DNA structure to my advantage such as type of cardio I should be doing. Having the insight into what foods my body responds to best has really helped me fine tune areas that I was struggling with. Overall if your into improving your health, well being and being more knowledgable about your own body – this test is a great investment.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-22
Muhdo Review
August 15, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Bought a Kit back in December 2017 and all was well results were delivered on time and as expected. (2019) When I went to login and see if there was any deals so I could to buy one for my partner, my username ceased to exist and I could no longer login. I Contacted customer services and after a few emails they could not understand what had happened, they admitted it was there fault and offered me new one free of charge to rectify it. That is top quality customer service, Thanks Dominik (Customer Relations).
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-15
Muhdo Review
August 15, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really knowledgeable people to work with. Good workouts on the app. Insightfull genetic analysis that taught me a lot about my body.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-15
Muhdo Review
August 11, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The best Take strongman to the next level and get one of these now I did and results speak for themselves
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-11
Muhdo Review
August 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Thanks to Muhdo I now know how to better manage my medical conditions. We have rebalanced my hormones and i now have a healthier, better mind and body. They unlock more information about your genetics than you could ever imagine. Very informative and Highly Recommended!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-06
Muhdo Review
August 3, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Completing the DNA test was a very simple procedure and the results prvoided me with some very informative findings regarding nutrients and vitamins to provide optimum health. The support from the team is brilliant in identifying areas.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-03
Muhdo Review
August 3, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Muhdo not only helped me fine tune my nutrition and programming for me but also has massively helped my clients. Being a trainer and able to fine tune workouts and nutrition is such a handy tool to get amazing results without so much guess work.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-08-03
Muhdo Review
July 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I did the test as I wanted to see how I could increase my energy and perform better as a busy mum and Strongwoman athlete. The test was so easy to do, results came back within a couple of months and I was really excited to see what they were. It showed I was deficient in a few minerals and vitamins which are now included in my diet. I also spoke with the Muhdo guys about a diet plan specific to my results to assist me further. I have recommended the test to friends in and outside of the fitness industry.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-30
Muhdo Review
July 27, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The platform is excellent and has helped me keep in shape with great videos while following a good healthier diet through their recommend meal plans due to my extensive travel schedule.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-27
Muhdo Review
July 17, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was fortunate enough to be part of a Muhdo trial, and was completely blown away by the level of detail in my DNA report. Anyone signing up doesn’t just get a few paragraphs about what shape they are in, they get an incredible insight into their genetics and how they can make a real positive impact on body and even mind. I have met with numerous athletes now who have made huge improvements to their performance thanks to Muhdo, and while I’m no elite sportsman myself, I’m really appreciative to have much more knowledge about what works and doesn’t work for me. Having met some of the people behind Muhdo as well, and I can say that they are a very passionate and knowledgable team.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-17
Muhdo Review
July 15, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am an England International Karate Athlete, I have recently taken my Muhdo DNA test and had my results. This is something I would recommend for anyone, not just athletes. From having the results I have been able to change my training and nutrition to make it more specific to my needs! Since making these changes I have seen a massive improvement in my performance, recovery as well as my weight! I only wish that I had done my kit earlier!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-15
Muhdo Review
July 13, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent service, provided a lot of valuable insight into my training and what I can do to maximise performance. I also found the dietary information extremely helpful in terms of what my body responds well to and what I should avoid. Highly recommend!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-13
Muhdo Review
July 10, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Unfortunately, I’m still very dissatisfied with Muhdo! I’m disappointed that the evaluation is only in English and today I discovered I can no longer log in. I’ve found this service to be useless and I do not recommend it. I’ve been waiting a very long time before writing this review because their customer team is really nice and I wanted to give them a chance, but I’m very disappointed with the service overall. A pity given how much this cost!!!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-10
Muhdo Review
July 7, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great product, really bad customer service and have been told multiple times by the CEO that things are changing. The months roll by since I took the test and only thing changing is the website!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-07-07
Muhdo Review
June 25, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very helpful since the moment I met them, results go into great detail, the way they can be processed into a workout plan and the guidance Muhdo gives you is brilliant and the team are always responsive to keep you updated and give you a hand understanding results in greater detail. The depth each section goes into is great providing guidance and explanation.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-25
Muhdo Review
June 25, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Terrible at best. Ordered my test on the 15th oh April, didn’t receive it for a week – posted it back using their 2nd class stamp which took 2 weeks to be received by their lab! I received one email 4 weeks later saying my results were being analysed, that was about 6 weeks ago. I’ve tried to call Muhdo but it either rings or is engaged – I’ve emailed on 4 separate occasions in the last month and not had a single reply. I’ve already paid 3x of the monthly direct debits, it’s been that long. Raised a dispute with PayPal for product not received, gave it 5 days for Muhdo to reply – again, nothing. Escalated the claim to PayPal so they can make a decision – should take another 7 days but I’m genuinely not expecting anything back from this shambles of a company. Muhdo may have been okay at one stage but whatever it is now, its not fit for purpose – if you get results at all, I’d be incredibly skeptical that they’re genuine results considering this company can’t even fulfill existing orders or provide any updates at all.
Plus the website is terrible, confusing and has multiple client and user login pages.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-25
Muhdo Review
June 13, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Thank you Muhdo! Myself, wife Amy and two children all got our results and wow, really interesting looking at which traits the children have taken from us! As a family we can each see which foods and supplements will benefit us for a healthier future!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-13
Muhdo Review
June 13, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Love my results, great meal planner too! I would advise anyone doing a Muhdo DNA test.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-13
Muhdo Review
June 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
was really interested in finding a way to improve fitness with a tailored diet and Muhdo seemed the best plan to go for. Really excited by the changes so far. Excellent.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-06
Muhdo Review
June 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I wasn’t interested in knowing if I had blue eyes or descended from Vikings, I just want to know more about my body and how to optimise my lifestyle to my strengths and genetic gifts – therefore Muhdo was the company that stands out for me. I have had my results for 7 days and I am very very pleased!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-06
Muhdo Review
June 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really happy, what a great product and aftercare team! If you’re “on the fence” about taking a test, just do it! You won’t be disappointed …I’m excited for my future :-)
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-06
Muhdo Review
June 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Amazing… looking forward to getting on and seeing my health and fitness improve now I have great guidance to start me off. The depth of information in my results is fantastic and everything is easy to navigate around online. I didn’t have to wait too long either for my results. Very pleased!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-06
Muhdo Review
June 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent company and product really looking forward to the journey
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-06
Muhdo Review
June 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great Product Highly recommend.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-06
Muhdo Review
June 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really interesting info, easy to use and the meal planner saves me a lot of time. If you want to be your best an awesome knowledge to have. Definitely recommend.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-06
Muhdo Review
June 6, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great information, really helpful. Highly recommend
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-06
Muhdo Review
June 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fantastic Product with loads of information that will help people with their health and well being. Excellent customer service and the team was happy to address my questions and explain my results in detail. I will definitely recommend Muhdo over others, just because of the actual real life benefits.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-05
Muhdo Review
June 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am a personal sports coach (Sport University Cologne) and I was pointed to the possibility of a gene analysis. I’d become overweight and developed muscular issues. I felt that learning about my DNA would help me optimise my nutrition and training regimen. Through Muhdo, I have been given an analysis that explains my genetic predisposition and helpful tips to get back on track. The online platform is clear and easy to use. Unfortunately, they have told me that I should not drink so much wine. I’m happy as I’ve already lost 8kg!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-05
Muhdo Review
June 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After speaking with Muhdo on a couple of occasions, I was hoping to gain some good insights to help with my journey and challenge. And, I was not let down, the insight gain were excellent and helped me to make a big overhaul to my training and has vastly improved my nutritional intake. I would highly recommend them.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-05
Muhdo Review
June 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was recommended Muhdo by a friend of mine who had similar joint issues. I discovered that I had high inflammation and reduced the amount of high impact exercise I was doing each week and incorporate more walking and swimming, as well as Pumpkin seed oil which is a wonderful anti-inflammatory and synonymous is German. Thank you to the team at Muhdo for the consultation after my results came through.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-04
Muhdo Review
June 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve had extremely bad eczema for years and found it interesting that some of the vitamins and minerals that are responsible for not developing eczema were the ones I was more likely to be deficient in.. I’m glad I saw the write up in the Sunday Times with Sam Quek.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-04
Muhdo Review
June 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Having previously had a DNA test with another company years ago I was extremely impressed with the amount of detail that Muhdo’s test went into. All DNA tests definitely are not created equal. The only negative was initially I bored my family and friends to death with the results, but now my wife and 3 daughters as well as 2 friends have all had their test done so it’s now a constant battle of who has the most genetic gifts.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-04
Muhdo Review
June 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great product with an absolute wealth of information that will really help me in the long term. Great customer service too. I definitely recommend over others, just because of the actual real life benefits.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-04
Muhdo Review
June 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Overall Good, Had trouble accessing my account but this was sorted, I have now begun changing my vitamins and minerals and changing my training from the consultation. We will see what happens……
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-04
Muhdo Review
June 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Signed Up for this service at the end of February. Many Issues with my account that have still not been resolved after speaking with the team intermittently for nearly a month. No urgency to fix my issues with delayed responses while continuing to take my money. Finally able to log in to my account and my results aren’t shown as my kit ID now has been registered elsewhere. Refund requested and strongly recommend going elsewhere
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-04
Muhdo Review
June 4, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
thank you this is great information .I have lost 2 stone and it was really helpful to learn the fields I need to implement so I can continue
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-04
Muhdo Review
May 31, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The DNA profiling has provided me with so much interesting information!!! The app not only identifies personal genetic strengths but also ways in which I can counteract my deficiencies. The pop up clinic helped me to understand my results further! I can’t wait to make some of the suggested adjustments to my diet and lifestyle and see the difference it makes to the way I feel and perform. Thank you Mudho!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-31
Muhdo Review
May 31, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Took a while to digest the information as so much in the App, but really starting to see results, sleeping better and maintaining my ideal weight so much easier.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-31
Muhdo Review
May 31, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I recently visited Muhdo at one of their pop art genetic cafe’s and was very impressed with the information they provided. They gave me useful knowledge about what is best for me to maximise my physical potential and wellbeing. Thanks Muhdo.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-31
Muhdo Review
May 31, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Muhdo was very helpful in helping me understand what is good for getting the best out of my body for fitness and energy levels. Thank you muhdo.x
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-31
Muhdo Review
May 29, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Hello, I think the results are very informative. It confirmed some experiences and brought to light a lot of new things. Only 4 stars because I was offered a free test kit and it took a long time to get in touch with anyone to get it! When I finally got the kit I did not get any of the offered additional updates.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-29
Muhdo Review
May 28, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A friend of mine had done the test 6 months ago and I was somewhat sceptical at the time. However, I have since seen him in the gym and I am blow away by his change in physique and strength. Following a few phone calls with Muhdo I now realise it can help in so many different areas (diet, micro nutrients, general health etc). The decision for me was an easy one, I have purchased a kit and enjoying knowing so much more about myself. It’s like having my very own “owners manual”, I know what to eat, how to train and what to avoid. Fantastic!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-28
Muhdo Review
May 28, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This is great! Sending off my sample couldn’t have been easier to do and I was impressed how soon my results came back! Everything is clearly explained and I feel now more than ever I have a better understanding of how to improve not only my fitness and health but my total wellbeing… exciting times ahead! Thanks muhdo
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-28
Muhdo Review
May 27, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have read a lot about Muhdo in various newspaper articles, and from what I understand they are leaders in this field. I recently attended a sports event hosted by Muhdo and I was honoured to meet some of Muhdo´s ambassadors who talked me through their results and explained how they have benefitted from understanding their strengths and weaknesses. This gave me the 100% assurance that Muhdo was right for me. My experience has been very positive with Muhdo, I ordered the kit which arrived promptly. I decided to call them for support in providing the sample as I have never done anything like this before, the customer service person was very helpful and also guided me through creating my account and registering my kit. I can recommend this company to anyone looking at becoming healthier or fitter! Muhdo A++
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-27
Muhdo Review
May 26, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Results came back fairly quickly, however the website technically is poor my food breakdown was not there and it was not easy to see if any testing had actually been done. However I asked to be contacted and spoke to Chris Collins who was very good who explained my results clearly and I am now going to try some of what he recommended. It’s a pity about the website, login issues, missing data and not being directed to the correct screen. I’d be changing whoever does the IT not good !
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-26
Muhdo Review
May 26, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really impressed with Muhdo, from ordering my kit to receiving my results it took 3 weeks. I have made changes to my diet and training, feeling better already. Highly recommended!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-26
Muhdo Review
May 24, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After the initial disappointment of waiting longer than expected for my results, so far I am impressed with the service. The results contain some really good nuggets of information which allow you target specific areas of your fitness & training without having to guess or experiment. I had a couple of ‘so that’s why’ moments & I have no doubt I will see the benefits in the coming months. I am also really looking forward to receiving my bespoke training plan following from my consultation.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-24
Muhdo Review
May 23, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Didn’t get my results back in the allocated time , then got an e mail to say they were in the process , still no results so rang direct and they said the lab got numbers mixed up and they would send straight out , how do I generally know the results are mine when one minute they’d been done and the next they got number wrong at lab and going to do them straight away , complete waste of money in my opinion!!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-23
Muhdo Review
May 23, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Pro’s: Great consultation Plenty of information More info to come Changed training according to DNA and expert, gained 5kg onto Bench in 4 weeks. Con’s: Long wait for results Phone app is not great Had to have a consult to get most from product
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-23
Muhdo Review
May 23, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Finally got results, once I had gotten my results I can say the wait was worth it, I have had a one on one consult and have altered my training accordingly with some very interesting methods. I had done 2 sessions since and can say I can feel the difference. Ask these guys to get you a consult.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-23
Muhdo Review
May 20, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The experience started off really bad due to the delays, but they took the time to explain what the real issue was and finally I received my results which I am very excited about. They were also decent enough to refund me one of my payments to make up for the frustration and delay. I am hoping to change my life with this new approach of DNA testing with Muhdo.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-20
Muhdo Review
May 18, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I recieved this as a gift for my birthday on the 4th of March on opening it I was very excited and swabbed straight away and sent it off that day. I signed up to the website online too. 14th of May arrived and i finally recieved my results. so I go back on to the website and now I have to reregister? which I did (it was long) and I admit I rushed it… and I put a “0” in the phone number section which I wasnt suppose to. so recieved no text with a code to let me see my results which I feel is an absoloute over kill. I emailed muhdo and they pointed out my fault but sorted it by the 17th. I’ve downloaded the app and I have to sign in every time I want to go on it… and retrieve a code? its very time consuming as my password had to be something that was meant for the queens jewels… using the app.. well its poorly done, it’s slow, glitchy, buttons wont work. but when I find information on there it is interesting… I’m glad i didnt pay for it.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-18
Muhdo Review
May 16, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
No reply from customer services after complaining about long wait for results. Magically results appeared the next day after requesting a refund and don’t seem very accurate. Customer service is shocking I wouldn’t recommend wasting your money, id see a PT instructor who’ll give you a personalised diet and exercise plan
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-16
Muhdo Review
May 15, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve been waiting for 8 weeks for my results and the customer service experience has been very bad, empty promises made by their team with no follow up of delivery. Sent 6 messages to their customer support over a 3 week period and not had a single reply.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-15
Muhdo Review
May 11, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
8 weeks are over and I´m still waiting for my results. I don´t get any answers to my Questions. I want my Money back! :(
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-11
Muhdo Review
May 7, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve been waiting for 8 weeks for my results and the customer service experience has been very bad, empty promises made by their team with no follow up of delivery.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-07
Muhdo Review
May 7, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Horrible experience so far. Still didn’t receive my results after several promises by your customer service people who have zero credibility and are more robots than human. You can’t lie more than once and expect the client to let it slide. The deadline has been shifted it 3 times now and still no results.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-07
Muhdo Review
April 14, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was looking to tone up and after reading about DNA profiling I decided that Muhdo’s services appeared to be far superior than any other. I was pleasantly surprised when my results came back and made changes straight away. I had a few questions and phoned them, I managed to speak to an expert who gave me advice. I think DNA profiling is the way forward to a healthier life, I have recommended them to all my friends. Thank you Muhdo, you have changed my life xx
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-14
Muhdo Review
April 14, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve seen various DNA testing companies advertised before, I wasn’t interested in ancestry and wondered how all the health and fitness genetics company all differ. It basically comes down to how many SNPs they analyse, which gives more accuracy for the recommendations. I was shocked to find that this can vary by a huge amount between companies from between 7 and up-to 1000 which is where Muhdo is leading the way. The vitamin section was really interesting and to cut a long story short introduced the ones recommended to me and now feel I have more energy in general and a few of my aches and pains seem to have gone away. I’d highly recommend this to anyone looking to understand how they absorb their vitamins and if they need some help to improve their health.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-14
Muhdo Review
April 14, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After reading a few articles about this company I decided to buy a kit, what can I say WOW! The level of detail in the report is impressive. I have made s few tweaks to my diet and workout, within 2 months I have noticed s difference. Not just in my training, but I am sleeping better and have more energy. I can not praise Muhdo enough! A++
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-14
Muhdo Review
April 11, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A lot of information provided. I just figuring out how to use it and implement the food and exercise plan.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-11
Muhdo Review
April 10, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Was really easy to send off my swab. Took about a month for my results to come back. It showed that I was deficient in some areas and also I’d benefit from changing the way I train. Seen some good improvements.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-10
Muhdo Review
April 10, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
6 weeks wait so far. 2nd test kit sent in over 3 weeks ago after the first one was lost. No reply to any questions asked via the website or twitter. This seems right now like a total waste of money. Terrible experience so far. I would recommend just tossing your money out the window instead.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-10
Muhdo Review
April 10, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The analysis took a lot of time and the flow of information could be better. The support ist very friendly and courteous. I recommend the service, but I wish more information about the status next time.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-10
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very pleased with my DNA test from Muhdo. After a quick and easy swob test I sent off my tube in the post. My results were then received very quickly. After analysing my results I found out so much of what foods/supplements ect I can be eating to aid and improve my performance.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Clearly recommendable! Overall, side and service are great, especially the fast response to questions (even on weekends!). After ordering, the sample kit quickly arrived and due to the step-by-step instruction it was very easy to take the DNA sample. The results are well understandable (even though the truth can be harsh sometimes …) and the recommended exercise plans seem to be usable (have not tested any of these yet). Minor critique: – it took quite a while till results were available (but again, this was compensated by the great customer service) – some weight recommendations seem to be unrealisticly high at least for a default trainee like me (example: 5×12 squats with nearly 2x bodyweight), but maybe that’s just a problem of my own strength deficit
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great product thanks to having an in-depth chat on my training with Chris. The results took a while however but there are promised updates like an online chat. I’ve done 2 weeks of training based on the chat and seen great improvements. Slow but worthwhile.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Got a phone chat with Chris, done 2 weeks of training as planned and made a massive difference. Apparently an update will give me access to an online chat on the portal, that would be great. Well worth it especially if all the planned updates happen.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve already made 3 direct debit subscription payments and have received nothing – still no data or information is available.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Been waiting nearly 2 months for my results…..☹️
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
There is nothing to see on the Dashboard!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Top Support! Dashboard can’t be seen in the Internet Explorer, but it works on Firefox. After a mail to the Support-Team, I got a feedback-call within 1 hour with a good support! @ Muhdo: Please write in future Mails, that the IE is not supported. It will be easier for the customers
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Taking very much time and no information from the seller. The support ist very friendly and courteous. I recommend the service, but I wish more information about the status next time.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really easy to do the test, then I was amazed to find out so many things about myself. Confirming some things I felt I already knew then opening doors to so many areas I could try to improve myself. I was amazed with how many things it looks at.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Being supported by muhdo my review may seem biased but the detail the test goes into is exceptional and gives really useful feedback. I thought it was really interesting so I bought a test for my dad and girlfriend as I thought it would be great for them also!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really happy with my Muhdo testing! Was really quick and easy to complete and considering the detail, the results came back pretty quickly. The results were really insightful and enabled me to locate areas where I could improve myself. I was pleasantly surprised at the depth and how personal they were for me. A must for any athlete who wants to get the most from themselves!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fascinating results and it was brilliant that I was able to have a consultation with Chris who helped me to understand my results and develop a specific, tailored plan of action for me!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Super easy to do. The results came back reasonably fast and the amount of detail from the results is pretty crazy! I was really shocked and you can really identify specific areas that you can work on and improve which has had a positive effect on my performance as an athlete.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A long wait for results! this was explained to be a lab problem, however I managed to have a conversation with one of their experts on my results which helped me understand my training to a very focused degree, this advice was second to none and therefore I recommend this product to anyone interested in athletic performance especially in my case bodybuilding.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 8, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Ordered after the article in the Sunday times, unfortunately it took 2 1/2 months to get any results! Once the results were available the website continued to crash so I was still unable to access them. When I did get to access it I was happy with the level of detail the reports generated and quickly wanted to start following a meal and workout plan only to discover that they are ridiculous to do unless you have a personal chef or live by yourself. The meal plan suggests has no family meal ideas. Whilst I understand it is tailored for you, it is crazy to think that I am going to cook 2 different meals every time we eat! The workout plan just made me laugh. Even though I answered the questionnaire and made it clear that I did no activity currently it came up with a workout routine that only bloody athletes would have a chance at doing! Plus I live in the top flat so cannot complete burpees etc without the people below thinking there is an elephant above them! The food tracker is pants, I still use MyFitnessPal instead as it’s so much easier. Overall, whilst the results are interesting, this product is completely useless and just sets people up for failure unless you are a regular gym user to start with and have the money to make custom meals every meal time. I would not buy it again and would recommend that you only buy it if you are a fitness fanatic/ athlete/ have your own chef!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-08
Muhdo Review
April 2, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Only missed 5 stars as you had problems which meant it was a very long time before I received the results although you have made up for this with extra offers
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-02
Lots of issues.
April 2, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I saw an article in the Sunday Times that attracted me to this company. Website was difficult to order from taking many attempts. Website would not work and then took forever to get results and when they did eventually arrive not overly impressed. May have been a waste of money. They do try and sort and are never rude but it is poor
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-02
No feedback
April 2, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I still haven’t received any feedback on my dna test and I received no feedback to my email I’d like to cancel the ongoing service and request a refund Mike Thorpe 077867 36011
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-02
Highly recommend!
April 2, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The customer service at Muhdo is fantastic. I love the way my genetic results are set out. There is so much information, very clearly displayed. I could not recommend it more highly for DNA profiling.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-02
Muhdo Review
March 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Easy and painless to get to know yourself.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-30
Muhdo Review
March 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am very satisfied with the product and hope for early results.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-30
Muhdo Review
March 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent! Superb company. Very knowledgeable and trustworthy. I am very happy. Thank you very much Muhdo
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-30
Muhdo Review
March 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Taking very much time and no information from the seller
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-30
Muhdo Review
March 30, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Myself and my brother have both used Muhdo and are really impressed with the result and breakdown provided. As you will read in a few other reviews the results have taken longer than expected to arrive however communication has been good and having explained that the delays have been a result of waiting for a new analysis machine that will provide a greater breakdown I have been willing to give Muhdo the benefit of the doubt. Good company overall.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-30
Loving it so far
March 19, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
So far the results and advice have been great, very informative and very helpful. I can only recommend it
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-19
Muhdo Review
March 19, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
As a customer of other well established DNA testing companies I was interested to see my epigenetic data and see how that might help me overcome some health issues. What attracted me to MUHDO was the follow information their website claims it will provide; Biological Age Pollution Stress Inflammation Anti-ageing Sleep Management Skin Health Gut Health Eye Health I can assure you, there are NONE of these things in the readout. I already knew how my body responds to exercise from other, more popular DNA testing firms. The only thing (and the only reason I give a star), is that it told me where I was deficient with vitamins and what I should avoid. The rest leads me to question if I should take action against them for false advertising, mis-selling and misrepresentation of their product.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-19
Muhdo Review
March 19, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Got my results eventually, really interesting and I am looking forward to the up coming updates especially as they are free.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-19
Muhdo Review
March 19, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great info on what supplements to take, how to exercise etc. Took quite a while to get my results but worth the wait. Would definitely recommend this!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-19
Muhdo Review
March 18, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After sending off the sample months ago we still have not received the results and have tried to contact and call with no response. Have paid a lot of money for this and my partner is extremely disappointed he hasn’t got his results back.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-18
Muhdo Review
March 16, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am currently very dissatisfied because I still don’t have my results. I ordered in January. I am very disappointed.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-16
Muhdo Review
March 16, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve waited for weeks for my results. They’ve apologised again and again. Keep away!!!!!!!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-16
Muhdo Review
March 16, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have not received the results, the sample was sent back on the 18th of January, on the 27th of February I got confirmation that my sample had arrived. The email said I’d get my results at the beginning of March. I’m still waiting. I also had to pay 18 euros for postage, the prepaid envelope was not accepted by the German post.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-16
Muhdo Review
March 16, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very exciting to be working with a company on the cutting edge of genomic training and diet plans – i really feel like i’m involved with an organisation that’s trying to push the boundaries of what’s possible
Only downside, they need to work on their delivery times and estimates
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-16
March 12, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Unfortunately I cannot recommend this test. I placed my order on 29.12.18 and I’ve still not received my results. An email promised I’d receive my results 10 weeks after ordering but they’ve still not arrived!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-12
Genetic test review
March 12, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very interesting results, portal did not work on internet explorer, but all others and on my phone. Training plan maker is very good, works really well but don’t try to open on internet explorer, works well on chrome.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-12
Muhdo Review
March 12, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Ordered on 31/12 still no results. What a joke
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-12
Muhdo Review
March 11, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I did order my test, but after 2 month I have not got my results
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-11
March 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have injuries and managed to get tailored advice from the team to help alter my training plan that is given through the system. Plenty of info but runs a bit slow on my phone.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-05
March 5, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I would highly recommend this company. I found my results so interesting and they really helped me to tailor my workouts so that I get the best out of them.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-05
Muhdo Review
February 26, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Takes to long time to get the results. Didn‘t receive anything after 3 Month
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-26
Muhdo Review
February 24, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Waiting since January for the result !
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-24
High praise for Muhdo
February 21, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very interesting information from the DNA analysis which has led to a new training style adopted. Chris was also very helpful with the aftercare and even called me late in the evening out of standard working hours!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-21
Muhdo Review
February 18, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The gene analysis is really interesting and gives you confidence in Muhdo’s suggestions. The recipe recommendations look really good and I’m looking forward to trying them. Unfortunately, the training recommendations need reviewing… For example, you can set the number of training days at the beginning but then it can’t be changed. Also, in the exercises section, no alternatives are available. It’s a shame that I can see all the features on my phone but when using my tablet, viewing and selecting recipes isn’t possible. I’ve asked Muhdo for clarification about a few things and I’m still waiting to hear back…
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-18
4 stars for this DNA test
February 13, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Everything was OK. The evaluation took a long time but I understand why it did. I answered the questions quickly and overall the report I received was very satisfying.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-13
Muhdo Review
February 13, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
More than happy with the test! An unbelievable amount of information with which I can now purposefully train! I can only recommend it.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-13
I'm excited about the results
February 11, 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I didn’t think I’d learn so much about exercise and nutrition. I had intuitively already done some things, some probably in vain. Getting in contact with Muhdo always fast and easy, even on Sunday received response! But you have to implement everything yourself…
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-11
Substantial results to work with
December 17, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good and clear results that confirm certain assumptions.
As it is a genetic test with potential strengts and weaknesses and training recommendations a deeper look into the status quo would probably be helpfull.
I would assume that in extensive blood test could provide an excellent tool to compare with Muhdo results.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-17
Excellent Service
December 16, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent Service! Very fast reply to any questions and I love the product
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-16
Mudo gave me a real insight into what…
December 16, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Mudo gave me a real insight into what training I should be doing and the vitamins I should be taking. Really interesting stuff!!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-16
Interesting results
December 15, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Interesting results, it takes some reading to get through all of it, looking forward to the upcoming training plans!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-15
The site is very easy to use and…
December 15, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The site is very easy to use and understand.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-15
Muhdo Review
December 11, 2018
Fitness Planning
Oberflächliche Ergebnisse ,kein Support, Schrott !!!
Wird toll beworben, aber was dabei rum kommt, schlecht ,schlecht schlechter
So was ist dann Leute abgezockt und verarscht,wozu ich mich auch zähle !!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-11
Didn't tell me anything I already didn't already know
November 26, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Didn’t tell me anything I already didnt know..
Basic information really, Also used the contact page to ask a question about my report but never had an answer. Kinda wished I hadn’t paid for this.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-26
I think I expected it to be a bit more…
November 20, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I think I expected it to be a bit more in depth, I feel the results and advice seem really vague, not 100% any of the recipes or links given actually are specifically aimed at me, they seem very broad links.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-20
A complete waste of money
November 18, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A complete waste of money. Says it takes 4 weeks approx, took almost 8 for me to receive my results, I messaged the Instagram page and received a very unapologetic message and then the following week received realsults that couldn’t seem further from the truth, seemed like I’d just been sent whatever they had ready at the time…definitely wouldn’t recommend them, should of just burnt my money would of been just as beneficial
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-18
Excellent service
November 7, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Has really made me understand my body better and pointed out exactly where I’m going wrong.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-07
Good service
November 2, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good service! Wish there could be more help with setting up an diet and workout plan based on your results
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-02
Very good
October 30, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Love the clarity of my results and the information it has given me. I think to improve you could partner with a fitness app so there is slick connectivity to get the best results. I think it would be so good to have all my personal goals over onto a tracking app as it takes up a fair bit of time getting all my evidence, best training set up and dietary down and to make a plan with. Perhaps it’s something you are already working on
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-30
A truly Amazing Experience
October 17, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
A truly Amazing Experience, I was at first a little skeptical about the whole process about giving a swab from my mouth and getting results back.
But I can now say that Muhdo are fantastic and would highly recommend Muhdo health to anyone.
You get very clear results and charts for weight loss or muscle growth.
even goes into detail about vitamins/minerals which will be beneficial to your health.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-17
Waste of money and time
October 15, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Waste of money and time, Very dissapointed.
After waiting weeks for the results, they came back drastically different to the demo dashboard which i was pleased about however all the advice and articles based on my dna profile were the same spam type articles about John Cena or thai green curry recipes. I expected a bit more as far as the support or even just the evaluation of the results to be a bit more personalised instead of the old “ you may get diabetes or may be prone to snacking etc” seems to be a lot of neutral statements that can apply to anyone. Like the Derren Brown of dna profiling just generic statements that suit the majority. For example it tells me im gifted and can train more frequently and in the same results tells me i need higher rest periods and cannot train frequently.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-15
Great product and really enjoyed…
October 14, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great product and really enjoyed reading the results. Just starting to put some changes in my diet and exercise regime so really excited about seeing the results
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-14
October 5, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Would have liked to have recieved a nutrition program and a training program.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-05
Great experience with muhdo.
September 27, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great experience with muhdo.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-27
Leagues above what I expected
September 23, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The level of detail is leagues above what I was expecting.
I had a query about certain parts of info which was replied to in great detail the same day.
Incredible service, would recommend to anybody serious about their training and dieting
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-23
Muhdo rocks
September 8, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results were good and could easily relate them to what I’ve known about myself. Ofcourse tonnes of new insights as well. This will be a game changer.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-08
I felt it was a bit of a waste of money
August 31, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I felt it was a bit of a waste of money
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-31
Slow getting results not much help…
August 31, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Slow getting results not much help after getting results with what to do with them. Did what it said tbf but all seemed a bit pointless and a waste of money to me.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-31
Not sure where the name Muhdo comes from but what they’re doing is a revelation!
August 24, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great in-sight to what makes your own body tick. I was absolutely staggered when the results came back that the person described by the results was instantly recognisable as me and that many of the small changes recommended in day to day life made sense.
A bit expensive but I’ve now signed up the kids as well !
Really looking forward to the rumoured follow on epigenetic testing to see if I can change things in me and around me and get some benefit !
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-24
It's in the genes....partly.
August 7, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This is well worth doing for athletes and non athletes alike. Knowing that you have a genetic disposition to lack a certain vitamin/nutrient is highly beneficial. You know you are then supplementing your diet with what exactly you need and not wasting money on supplements that have no benefit to you. I started using magnesium flakes foot soaks as advised and noticed a difference in my muscles straight away. It was at this point I realised just how deficient I had been. Muhdo gives you lots of information that is specific to you. This information can then be implemented to help you achieve your goals. Suitable for everyone from the elite athlete to the average person who just wants to improve their health. Knowledge is power.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-07
The Muhdo sports genetic profiling…
August 6, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The Muhdo sports genetic profiling provides a fascinating and actionable insight into the genes that influence your wellbeing and athletic performance
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-06
Very long time to wait for result
August 3, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very long time to wait for result. On 20th July I receive email: “Your DNA genetic profile should be ready soon” after 14 days nothing happen. I can’t recommend this company to anyone. If you are athlete you want for £200 results much quicker to help you in your training not after the Season is finish. It is will be better if you search for different company which will be much quicker and will understand your needs.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-03
Far better than I was expecting
July 31, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Far better than I was expecting
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-31
Really great service and aftercare!
July 30, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am really impressed by the level of service provided by this company. They provide really great aftercare and are always available to answer questions relating to your specific results. I’m really glad I choose them and I hope that I can put into practice all the practical advice they have given me. Thanks guys!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-30
Long delivery and no support
July 30, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had to wait so long for my results, and tried many times to contact but hardly any respons.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-30
Very informative
July 25, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very informative, accurately describing various strengths and weaknesses of my genes in regards to building muscle, with helpful tips that have helped me gain some weight.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-25
Extremely happy with my results
July 21, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Overall im extremely happy with my results, this has helped me understand that I can mix with some of the best powerlifting athletes and has made me realize my full potential
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-21
Great service....
July 20, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great service….
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-20
Had some issue accessing the dashboard…
July 18, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Had some issue accessing the dashboard at first because it wasn’t live even though it said it was when I purchased. Got the information on the dashboard eventually which is good although it differed from what I originally received because of the more detail the dashboard had although this didn’t fill me with confidence. Would have like a bit more of a training and nutrition plan/ideas based on my results as well.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-18
Had some issue accessing the dashboard…
July 18, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Had some issue accessing the dashboard at first because it wasn’t live even though it said it was when I purchased. Got the information on the dashboard eventually which is good although it differed from what I originally received because of the more detail the dashboard had although this didn’t fill me with confidence. Would have like a bit more of a training and nutrition plan/ideas based on my results as well.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-18
Review of recent order
July 18, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I hoped, that after purchase mudho provides me a special nutrition plan with training. But I got only few sentences about this things. I really don’t know how I can improve my results in powerlifting area.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-18
The results are delivered within stated…
July 18, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The results are delivered within stated timescales and the content is good. The reason I gave only 4 stars is that I asked a couple of questions about the results and received zero response.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-18
A great product and excellent service
March 3, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I ordered the test and as well as amazing customer service the results are sure to set me on my way to a fitter and healthier lifestyle. Through the genetic analysis I can now focus my exercise and nutrition to play to my strengths. I am looking forward to reporting excellent progress using the advice given.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-03
January 12, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I took this test to help me build muscle, I’ve been training for years but the lat 6 months I haven’t improved and suffered from injuries. It turns out due to my DNA I should only be training 4 times a week as my muscles need a lot more time to recover. I have now seen some good improvements and not suffering from injuries. The team are great and I had a couple of conversations with James who helped me.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-12
Life changing
January 9, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I now know where I am heading with my life and health.
The support is second to none.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-09
Muhdo nicht nur für Leistungssportler
January 9, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Vor 4 Wochen erhielten meine Frau und ich die Ergebnisse unseres DNA-Test von Muhdo. Wir waren überrascht, dass das Ergebnis exakt die Hauptschwachpunkte unserer Gesundheit aufzeigte. Nun werden wir den Ernährungsempfehlungen von Muhdo folgen, um Ernährungsdefizite auszugleichen und unsere Gesundheit zu stärken.
Four weeks ago my wife and I received the results of our DNA span> test from Muhdo. We were surprised that the result showed exactly the main weak points of our health. Now, we will follow Muhdo's nutritional recommendations to balance nutritional deficiencies and strengthen our health.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-09
Muhdo Review
January 8, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent Service!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-08
Great for Workouts
January 8, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I really liked the way Muhdo was able to tell me how many times a week I should be working out and for how long to optimise my workouts. It even specified how long my reps should be – again to get the most out of my workouts. Very good information.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-08
Muhdo Review
January 8, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was blown away by the help and support that the team and in particular James gave me both before and after I took this DNA test, he supported me and we chatted a couple times when I received my results and he advised me what changes I should make.
I found Muhdo to be very professional and for someone with limited sporting ability and knowledge, the detailed report was just what I needed. It explained things in simple terms, but had all the science if I wanted to get into the details.
I know I’m not fit and I was encouraged to see that I’m genetically strong at and where my gifts are and how I should respond to exercise – this built up my confidence massively. I got specific advice about the diet. There were also some great tips about what I should be eating to grow muscle and they provided me with workout plans. There’s a lot of material to read through after you take the test but having read a lot online from other companies already I decided that Muhdo was right for me and I’m glad I picked them!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-08
I'm feeling so much better
January 7, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have been feeling for some time that my body is harder to keep in shape. It didn’t help that I turned 50 last year. :( I started to put on weight without changing the way I ate and had bits of pain here and there. Then I did the DNA test with Muhdo. They gave me very detailed and totally personalised recommendations for my diet and some other useful tips. I didn’t need to change much but lost a few kilos AND manage to keep my weight. I feel so much better. Lighter, healthier and happier.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-07
Muhdo Review
January 6, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This is my third test after DNAFit and Fitness Genes – the Muhdo site makes some big claims and i’m happy to tell you that this test really did give me insights over and above what i already knew
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-06
Muhdo Review
January 5, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Completely professional service hassle free from start to finish, improved greatly on my training regime still playing a reasonable level of sport and have noticed the difference in going up another level. Can’t speak highly enough and wish this had been available years ago.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
Overall a great test and it does really work!
January 5, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I took my initial swab test with Chris in November, it was a simple mouth swab that was totally painless. Shortly after the test Chris mailed me to tell me he had the results from the test, Chris explained the results and provided me with the documents outlining the results. For my genetics Chris explained that I needed to concentrate on lower reps and higher weights focusing more on strength and power, we also adjusted my rest periods and rest days along with some nutritional alterations. I proceeded with the new program during November and December and gained a huge amount strength in particular with thigh extension and Lat pulldown machines which I maxed and had to attached weights to! Also my leg press, hack squat and bent over row weights went far beyond anything I had done previously. I am now incorporating more power and strength rep ranges in to my training protocols now throughout the year, I believe that it has me built thicker and more muscle in my back and quads certainly.
I think if I had known that high reps and reduced rest isn’t preferential for me I could have saved a lot of wasted time over the years and just concentrated on what worked for my body.
Overall a great test and it does really work!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
Great product! Highly recommended!
January 5, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My wife has been struggling with her weight for years, so I bought her this DNA kit. To be honest I wasn’t sure if she was going to throw it at me! But, she did the test and has since changed her diet and lost enough weight to join a gym. Many thanks #MUHDO. I have since purchased one for myself and tweaked my training in the gym and diet, feeling the benefits already!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
I tried it, now my whole team and buying!
January 5, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Since taking the test around 2 months ago I have an understanding of my own body like never before. When I received the results I couldn’t believe the level of detail and information this kit gives you.
From that test I found out what I am deficient in and what certain foods I can eat to help my body recover faster or even perform better. I must say I feel so much better in not just my training and racing but in general wellbeing too.
This kit and the Muhdo team have really helped me get that missing advantage to try and beat my competitors.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
Fantastic product
January 5, 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Took the guess work away and talking to real people the other end when I didn’t understand how to improve performance was a massive bonus. I’m at 7 kilos in weight loss and smashed all my PB.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-05
Quality test with results and explanation
October 18, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I received my test results back which clarified a few things I thought I new about myself and then more. The information provided with the test was thorough and gave me a clear picture of my genetics! I have recommended it to friends and family!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-18
Incredible Insight
October 17, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Had a DNA test with MUHDO which gave me incredible insight in to my strengths/weaknesses and what supplementation I should be taking to enhance my physical performance. The report was incredibly detailed and the team were on hand to explain it back to me. I had extended support after the test with my diet and nutrition to continue to help with my physical performance and well being. As a fitness instructor and also someone who has always struggled with my weight, the test gave me incredible insight into the way I should be trying and eating. The team at Muhdo are fantastic and their knowledge is superior to any other nutritionist, sports coach or personal trainer I have ever met. I would 100% give them 5 stars and couldn’t recommend them any higher as their support, guidance and help has now changed the way I eat and train. Special thank you to Chris to whom I have leant so much from. There is never a question he doesn’t know the answer to! If you want to know more about YOUR body then a DNA test is the only way to do it.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-17
Muhdo Review
October 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great report and came with a consultation to go through the results and make a plan from them!
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-16
Great Product but long wait
October 16, 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Took 4 weeks for results, but when they came I got a 45 page report and an extra add-on for muscle building. I also had a consultation which lasted an hour by phone with an expert.
Muhdo review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-16