Can a woman trace her paternal ancestry?

Can a woman trace her paternal ancestry?

So, you may have heard that men (or those born biologically male) can trace their paternal ancestry, but that women (and people born biologically female) can’t. This is because paternal DNA testing is done using the male Y chromosome, which women lack. However, women can still learn about their paternal ancestry by getting a relative that shares the same paternal line as them to take a Y-DNA or paternal haplogroup test.

Your paternal family tree

Your paternal family tree

Biological relatives sharing the same paternal line as you include:

Basically, it’s not enough for the relative to be on your father’s side of the family. They must be on your father’s side, and also share the same paternal lineage (to use a grand word) as him. This is because the Y chromosome used to trace paternal ancestry is passed directly from father to son. If you have a half-brother from a different father, he will have a different paternal lineage to you.

Which paternal DNA test should we choose?

Once you have persuaded your eligible relative to take a paternal ancestry DNA test for you, you’ll want to point them in the direction of a DNA test covering male haplogroups, i.e. paternal lineage.
Family Tree DNA offers all sorts of Y-DNA sequencing packages with varying degrees of complexity and depth. 23andMe also offers maternal and paternal DNA testing as part of their ancestry package. If you and your male relative both take 23andMe tests, then your relative can easily share their male ancestry information with you.

Family Tree DNA is a little more complicated than 23andMe, so if you’re no genetic genealogist and just interested in learning more about your paternal haplogroup, then the user-friendly interface and simple sharing integrations of 23andMe may more suitable.

How to connect with your genetic relatives using 23andMe

23andMe sharing invitation

23andMe sharing invitation

Once you and your relative have both received your test results, you can privately share ancestry information (and health info, if you wish) with each other. You can connect with a relative using the DNA Relatives tool, or privately by going to the Family & Friends section, and selecting “Your Connections” and clicking “Invite”.

You can also add a paternal relative by going to the Paternal Haplogroup section of your Ancestry report, where you will be prompted to invite a male relative to share ancestry DNA data with you if your haplogroup information is missing.

Once your relative has accepted your request, you can head to the Paternal Haplogroup section to see your results!

So… What will the paternal haplogroup test actually tell me?

Paternal DNA tests look for genetic variations in the Y-DNA of your male relatives to determine which haplogroup they are from. This will show the migratory routes your male line ancestors took out of or within Africa. Y-DNA mutates very rarely, but it is these mutations that allow us to track where certain branches have diverged over millennia.

A 23andMe paternal haplogroup map

A 23andMe paternal haplogroup map

Generally, your paternal haplogroups will tell you which group you belong to, which haplogroups your subgroup has diverged from, and where people of your haplogroup are most likely to be found today. Often, the results will include a map showing the migration paths of your ancestors, and give a little information about the regions they passed through and around what time they lived there.

Of course, this is just a fraction of your genealogical story, following only one branch of your family tree, but only your direct paternal and maternal lines can be traced so far back.

What can I do if I don’t have any male paternal relatives?

Okay, well, that’s a tricky one. But hopefully not impossible. Some ancestry tests – 23andMe, AncestryDNA, MyHeritage, and Family Tree DNA – offer a family finder feature, allowing you to discover and contact relatives on both your mother’s and father’s side.

Filtering relatives by father's or mother's side using 23andMe

Filtering relatives by father’s or mother’s side using 23andMe

Family finder services use autosomal DNADNA inherited from both your mother and father – and so it can be hard to tell which side of your family the relatives you discover are on. This is important, since only relatives who share a direct male line with you will share the same paternal haplogroup as your father.

However, you can narrow down the selection. If your mother is living (and willing to have her DNA tested!), and you connect with her on 23andMe, for instance, you can filter your DNA relative matches to show only those on your father’s side (since relatives shared with your mother will be eliminated).

Finding a male paternal relative on 23andMe is the most cost-effective solution (since neither of you will have to be re-tested by another company). However, you may not manage to find a male paternal relative in the 23andMe database.

AncestryDNA has the largest database of all the genetic-testing companies, and so you are statistically more likely to find an eligible relative in their database than in 23andMe’s database. However, AncestryDNA does not provide information on haplogroups. (We have published an article comparing 23andMe and AncestryDNA here.)

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money being tested by multiple companies, you can upload your raw DNA data from any ancestry site (which allows you to download the file) to GEDmatch, a free online database that allows relatives to connect with each other. This will improve the likelihood of finding a male paternal relative.

Now, bear in mind that if you haven’t got any close male relatives, you’re going to have to do some genealogical detective work in order to piece together how you are related to your third, fourth, fifth or sixth male cousins to work out if you share the same paternal line.

The easiest way to do this may be through, where you can combine the DNA service with their genealogical records service to work out just how you are related to someone. If it turns out you share a great-great-grandfather via the paternal line, then the two of you will share a paternal haplogroup. (Though Ancestry’s genealogical services do come with a subscription.)

Alternatively, you may find a relative on one of the major ancestry sites or GEDmatch who has created a family tree. This can help you work out how you are related to them and the other relatives you find. If you are serious about tracing your paternal DNA, you’ll probably want to create your own family tree (or at least one following your paternal line) so that you can be sure the relatives you find really are descended from the same haplogroup as your father.

Does this sound like a lot of trouble? It probably will be! But if you’re really curious about tracing your paternal line, you may want to go to these lengths to track down a male relative that can take the test for you, and discover which haplogroup your ancestors belonged to.


March 11, 2019

very informative,thanks


April 16, 2019

I am confused. Does this mean that 23 and me results only tell you the genetic background that you get from your mother if you are female?

Hi Kim,

Thank you for your recent comment.

23andMe results will tell you about your genetic background from both your biological mother and father using autosomal DNA. However, if you're genetically female, the results will not report on any genetic background or ancestry according to the Y chromosome your biological father possesses, as this is only possessed by genetic males.

I hope that helps!

Kind regards,
Harriet Seldon | Services Team


April 22, 2019

My father and his only brother are not alive. I have no known relatives from my dad’s side but wish to learn about my heritage and maybe dad’s parents. Is that possible?


April 23, 2019

If my son has his DNA tested will it include any information from my father’s side of the family?

Kim C

May 13, 2019

I want to find my father’s
lineage. I know his mother was born to Italy & his father was from Germany. Which test would it be possible to find my dad’s lineage?


May 20, 2019

Hi, my father died when I was a child and we don’t know where his relatives are. He was a Chinese immigrant. My mom is white, from Netherlands. I look very Chinese though, and much like my dad. With no male DNA to provide from his line, does that mean my results from one of these tests would (wrongly!) just say that I’m just Dutch – and whatever else European from my mom’s side? Would it show nothing at all from Asia?

Louise Hamel Coleman

May 23, 2019

I’m looking for my BF. My mother had 4children w/ only 2 the same father.
I did 23& me . I have ashkenazi Jewish! How do I locat my father! I was told my mother had a
Israeli bF before getting into a quick marriage! Please help …


August 4, 2019

I’m trying to prove/disprove my maternal grandmother’s known father was her biological father. If I understand correctly, I could look for a paternal uncle or male paternal cousin and test them. But then what would I look for to see if her paternal heritage is different from theirs?

jo boucher

August 17, 2019

I have no knowledge of my paternal father …. my grand children want to know their lineage …is there a way I can do this.


September 3, 2019

I am afraid that I am still confused. So I am not just looking for people on my direct maternal line (not only the mitochondrial DNA has been tested)? 23andme has found a 2nd cousin whose father is on my direct maternal line. It has also found another 2nd cousin and the link seems to be on my maternal grandfather’s side. Would the DNA show these links if I am a woman and these 2nd cousins are women?

Daphne constantine

October 14, 2019

Unfortunately I have absolutely no male relatives living to provide a direct male line for my father and his family. However I do have my father’s pipe he used to smoke! Even after many years since his death, is it possible to take DNA from the pipe and establish his and my male lineage? If so, how would I go about obtaining this?

Linda Harrison

October 27, 2019

My G grandfather was Harrison, and was possibly adopted.. at young age..
He was married to a Latimer , Which was my mother’s relative..
What is the next step in finding my father’s family? Do I search on my Father’s side..?
I’ve gotten my DNA rested once which tells me nothing about fathers family.

Christa Guevara

November 3, 2019

I feel little irritated. The commercials make it seem that you get your genealogy tested and you find out what groups you belong to. Now I find out after reading almost everything before I even did the test that there is a section you have to go find that tells you that if you are woman you will only get your mothers information. I feel like I have wasted money because I already know about my moms side. My sister and I are trying to give this as a gift to my dad but this will now not be relevant to him. This does not seem very fair that I would now have to involve my brother who does not even know we are doing this as it would have been a surprise to him as well at an additional cost. Seems like a rip off to me.

Kaylee H

November 7, 2019

I also find this very frustrating. Having been adopted at birth 30 years ago I took a DNA test in hopes of finding by birth father. I had zero luck, not a single relative on my paternal side. This should be made very clear in advertising (even in small print) when purchasing any DNA test!!!

Marjorie Jones

November 12, 2019

I had a DNA test done but it only showed female relatives who I already found out about. I felt very let down because when purchasing I did not know that male side could not be done. I have spend my entire life searching for relatives. I was born and put into the care of the “poor house” Workhouse as a new born and later into care of Local Authorities. For 60 years I searched across the UK traveling to villiages and towns going through local records, spending any free time in London searching GRO records to guide where to look. The female side had very little reliable information and seemed generally disinterested. 10 years ago I found a half brother who my mother had raised until he was 3 years old in Manchester. Unfortunately not the same father.
My childhood records proved almost impossible to obtain through the local authorities, the few I did manage to obtain under the freedom of information act were scant, however written in the file showed that there was a file within a file, was written “farther not proven” but was unable to obtain because of the Data and 100 year Protection Act. Why would someone do this?
I began asking found cousins if they knew who my father was and was repeatedly informed the my mother had married sometime during the 50’s a Bishop and/or Squire in Co Durham. this was where my mother was born and subsequently worked as a young woman. I could not find a marriage between my mother and someone called Bishop anywhere so had to abandoned that search. However much later another cousin informed me that her mother had told her his name was not Bishop but part of the family of the Historical Bishops of Co Durham. That my farther was much older than my mother who was born in 1922 which would make him (if its true) possibly born late 1800 to early 1900’s. I have been unable to progress my search since.
I feel I have lived my life with two hearts, one heart (female) now partially full but the other heart (male) empty and forever so.
I need a DNA test which can somehow test for the paternal side of a female who does not have a male donor available.
I was watching the Ant & Dec DNA adventure who appears to have overcome this blood trail and wonder if anyone who reads this can point me in the right direction. A recommended expert Geneologist perhaps. I would be so grateful for any help I can get, I’m now 76 years old but the pain never goes.

Alysanne Efing

November 24, 2019

I never knew my birth father, nor did he know he had a daughter as he died when I was 10 months old. I have met 3 1st cousins on my paternal side through ancestry & 23andMe. The Male cousin has found a box of his uncle’s (my possible birth father) belongings. I’m looking to find somewhere that can extract DNA from his leather pilot’s jacket or cap he was wearing when he died. They are 67 yrs old. He had an older brother who is also dead. One of these 2 men should be my biological father.

Josette Davis

April 4, 2020

I want to have my brother tested to find out who
Is our grandfather. Which test should we use?

Ashley kipling

August 4, 2020

In response to Marjorie jones- I have family from co. Durham. I would look at bishops and Squires in churches from her area in that timeframe. On social media there are genealogical groups dedicated to that area, I highly suggest you look into them as I’m very certain they can help you.

karen smith

August 17, 2020

hi i once saw my mothers birth certificate it was jan 30,1947 in remainder of the world france. But when i try to figure out where that is or any records there is nothing . Anyone knoiw where that would be ?


October 12, 2020

My wife is part Japanese and part European. Her great grandfather was European but we don’t know which country he he came from. Can we use the mitochrondral DNA test?



December 19, 2020

I have a question, My father is Russian and my mother is Irish, does my DNA only say I am Irish? or does it also say Russian?


March 7, 2021

What tests do you have if people are looking for a father who has passed away? Also if a family has many cousin marriages on their tree dies that alter your tests?


July 12, 2021

Would I been able to trace paternal female line? Great grandmothers?

sandra czuba

October 22, 2021

I took Ancestry DNA test, I am female. My father was adopted at birth. I have no male relatives living. Is is this possible to find relatives of my father using matching portion from Thank you.

Arlene Speller

November 15, 2021

This is like a waste to me i was created by two people not one..And i need both DNA information…l have no male family alive on my dads side as a female i have to wonder and suffer.thanks but not encouraged.


November 19, 2021

Same question as Sandra Czuba posted. My father was adopted and no living male relatives so it sounds like testing for paternal line is not possible. I already have information on my mother’s side but wanted to see if I can at least find out about my father’s side vs what I was told growing up about his adoptive parents.


December 6, 2021

is there a dna test to determine results of a female and a male having the same paternal grandparent. they supposedly are children of half brothers.

Debbie Gambrell

December 21, 2021

My dad has been dead for decades and I have no living paternal uncles, no brothers, etc. However, I know my paternal Y-DNA haplogroup from a male cousin who shares ancestors with me on that side. Is there a way I can add that to my profile?

B. Griene

January 22, 2022

My father does not want to get his dna tested and I am female. Can I find out my paternal dna if my nephew (my brother’s son) wants to be tested?


April 3, 2022

I’m the only child my Father, Mother, first cousin all have passed as well as all the Uncles and Aunts. Would like to know more about my grandparents side of the family. Would it be possible for me to do this through DNA on my mother’s side of the family?

Julie James

April 7, 2022

Ancestry was a waste only found maternal info they are misleading when it comes to females searching for my biological father


June 23, 2022

A lady has identified me as her father based on a DNA test. I have not had a DNA test, but some of my nephews and cousins have. Supposedly, her DNA matches theirs as cousin and matches my son’s DNA as sibling. I did not know her mother and her mother does not know me, so we obviously had no relationship. Can this claim be acccurate?

Anonymous Coward

July 18, 2022

I am a female & I just got my ethnic ‘ancestry’ report which I know is only reporting on my maternal lineage. The term ‘autosomal test’ is just a scam to get females looking for their real fathers to finally buy these kits. However I don’t for one second believe that these ancestry database cannot get them connected to men who are actually their direct paternal relatives. The records & trails are there, these sites just don’t want to disclose them & become liabilities to all those men. There are some magic occassions revealed on Youtube or other platforms about certain females discovering their birth fathers using such & such test kits but I’m sure those are reserved for advertising purposes only. Without a paternal family member no woman can ever trace their paternal lineage. Ever.


September 27, 2022

Older Female and need to find my dad I have no info whatsoever about him please help


January 6, 2023

I hoped this was my last chance to find out who my real father is, cause on my birth certificate the name of the father is false.
For me – as a woman – after 20 years of searching this is really sad news

Freda Kitchens

February 23, 2023

I’m wanting to know if a possible father is my real father but he is desceased. I am female. I need to know if my possible father’s son’s dna could be used instead. Also, the possible father’s son’s mother is my sister. My mother had relations with her daughter’s husband and I was conceived. So my possible father’s son and I are related through my sister and possibly through his father. I need to know what kind of test we would need. Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Holly Gray

April 8, 2023

Hello. I have a question regarding a daughter and deceased father. Would I need able to determine with such tests a lineage to my father’s ancestors or only on my mother’s side? Thank you

EuGene Smith

December 18, 2023

Over 30 women comments here, with most trying to find out who is their father. I am our family genealogist, old school type (as I am 77). A younger cousin has asked me to help her to find out who was her father as her deceased mother never would tell her who he was.

I am not up to date on DNA testing, so will she have to take an autosomal DNA test, as it is my understanding that is the only test which will trace both the male and female lines, at least for a small number of generations. But will that not work if the unknown father did not also take an autosomal test from the same testing company?

I am at a loss on how to help her.

Patricia Wilson

April 7, 2024

I read all of the above comments, most of which were seeking their biological father’s identity. Since I am a 79-year-old female, born in Brisbane of an Australian mother, and only learned at age 74, through, that the man who raised me was not my bio father. This was, indeed, confirmed by my younger sister (she is my half-sibling) who’d known for many years prior to his death in 1999 that he was not my bio father. He’d asked her not to ever tell me. Since I so identify with these women’s questions, I would have liked to see the answers posted to their questions. Even at my age now, nevertheless, I would like to know the identity of my bio father. My father who raised me was an American of Polish descent. No Eastern European in my DNA. Instead, primarily Irish, then UK, some Norwegian. I’m left wondering if my bio father was Australian like my mother or an American ? I wish to have some concrete guideline as to how to obtain this information. I’ve no desire to insert myself into the latter generations of my bio father, merely to know his identity and perhaps have some info about him for my own psychological/emotional gratification. My only other question is, “Was he aware of my mother’s pregnancy at the time or afterwards?”

Is there a way females can trace their father's maternal side via father's X chromosome?

August 5, 2024

It seems as if the father’s X chromosome becomes redundant once passed on!

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