Hemochromatosis DNA Test

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Hemochromatosis DNA Test

Hemochromatosis DNA Test
£ 150.80


The ‘Hemochromatosis DNA Test’ from Genebase analyses your DNA to assess your risk of hereditary hemochromatosis.


  • Identifies the presence or absence of three variants in the HFE gene – C282Y, H63D and S65C

What you’ll receive

You’ll receive a report that assesses your risk of hemochromatosis, based on your DNA. Results will determine whether or not you have any of the following variants of the HFE gene:

  • Two copies of the C282Y variant – occurs in 80-85% of affected individuals
  • Two copies of either the H63D or S65C variant – may slightly increase the risk of hemochromatosis, but often no symptoms are observed
  • One copy of the C282Y variant and one copy of the H63D or S65C variant – associated to a milder form of hemochromatosis
  • One copy of the H63D variant and one copy of the S65C variant – does not appear to increase the risk of hemochromatosis
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