23andMe is probably the most widely known consumer genetics company in the world. They’ve spent a long time under the microscope but when it comes to the companies working with your DNA, there’s always room for some healthy scrutiny.
Accurate communication
23andMe has clearly spent a lot of time working with customers to accurately communicate risk, and they frequently make clear that genetics is not the whole picture for most traits. However, for some traits, they simply state ‘increased risk’ without going into further detail, which can be worrying. For example, my report stated I was at increased risk for macular degeneration, but did not say what the baseline risk was, and just encouraged me to speak to my doctor. Only by clicking ‘scientific details’, which was in pretty small print, could I see how high this risk actually was.
23andMe has expanded its health offering and has done a great job making it clear that interpretations are not necessarily relevant for all ethnicities. The one exception to this may be their new diabetes test, which their research shows to underperform for non-Europeans, but this is not clear from the site. 23andMe also clearly states their report does not account for every possible genetic variant that could affect your likelihood of developing a particular condition, which is a very important caveat that very few genetic testing companies are so transparent about.
Scientific backing
23andMe provides the opportunity to ‘see scientific details’ on nearly all of the traits and conditions they report on, which is very helpful to understand how the prediction is made, and where to learn more. They also give very detailed information on how genotype arrays work, and that their tests are processed in a CLIA certified lab. 23andMe also publishes original research, which is frequently, though not always, peer-reviewed providing a level of integrity that is higher than many other genetic tests.
Ethics and consent
23andMe have greatly improved their communication around the fact that participant data is being sold to pharmaceutical companies for research purposes. However, it is not always clear to users exactly how their data will be used – only that it is available to pharmaceutical and academic partners in an anonymised format.

At a Glance
I was impressed by the amount of detail that had gone into 23andMe’s genetic health report, and I appreciated comprehensive manner in which they explained each finding, and outlined the limitations of the analyses.
I was pleased to see that all of the reports had been based on established research, and was impressed that the carrier status and genetic risk reports were FDA-approved, which leant more credibility to their results.
All in all, the 23andMe ‘Health + Ancestry’ test seemed to me to be great value for money, and I would highly recommend it.
Full Review
Founded in 2006 by C.E.O. Anne Wojcicki, 23andMe is one of the largest DNA testing companies in the world. Their ever-growing database currently contains the genetic data of over five million people, many of whom choose to share their data for research.
23andMe reports on your genetic predisposition to various diseases, carrier status and inherited conditions. It also reports on genetic traits, genetic ancestry, and helps you find living relatives.
Please note that reviews for the ancestry-related aspects of the test can be found here.
Product Expectations
From the 23andMe website, I learned that the test would help me discover if I carry genetic variants that could affect my children, and identify genetic risk factors which could help me make better lifestyle choices. I’d receive genetic information relating to my ‘Wellness’, including traits such as response to caffeine and how deeply I sleep, as well as a list of the physical traits that I’ve inherited, such as hair colour.
I could view the full list of more than 100 health conditions and traits that 23andMe would report on, and could read about the research behind their findings.
There were multiple disclaimers saying that the 23andMe reports were intended for informational purposes only, and that they did not diagnose disease or illness.
Ordering Experience
I received the kit three working days after ordering and used the spit collection tube to provide a sample (which was effortless and pain-free). Instructions inside the kit advised that I consult with a genetic counsellor if I had any questions interpreting my results, but I wasn’t sure how I’d go about this.
A list of limitations was provided for each section of the report that I'd receive, and the instructions went on to warn me that 23andMe’s test is not a substitute for a healthcare professional, and that the results should not be used to diagnose any condition. I found that the term “genetic risk factor” (which they used frequently) was clearly explained.
The box was pre-addressed and the return postage had already been paid, so all I had to do was pop my saliva sample in the post. I received confirmation by email that my sample reached the lab two weeks later.
Friendly warnings on the kit advised that I must register online before dispatching my sample back to 23andMe. While registering, I went through the privacy policy, and noticed that even if I didn’t consent to 23andMe’s research program, my genetic and self-reported information would still be shared with other companies, though as aggregated data that they were confident could not be traced back to me.
The process also required me to agree to the terms and conditions, and after going through them, I read that if my genetic or self-reported information helped 23andMe (or its partners) develop any research or commercial products, I’d have no right to these developments, and would not receive any compensation. This made me wonder what my genetic information was really worth to 23andMe…
The Results
Four weeks after the lab acknowledged they’d received my sample, I received an email saying my results were ready, which was earlier than I’d expected. I was directed to log in to the online account that I’d set up when I’d registered.
Once I’d logged in, I was able to view and access both my Ancestry and Health reports, as well as other included features, like the DNA Relatives family finder.
In my Health results section, I was greeted with highlights from my results (i.e. the most interesting things that had discovered about me). I could browse my reports by each category: Health Predisposition, Wellness, Carrier Status, and Traits.

Part of my Health reports dashboard.
Results Section: Carrier Status
I looked first at the carrier status report, and was presented with a list of 43 conditions that can be passed on genetically from parents to children. A part of this list is shown below.

A section of my Carrier Status results.
I was relieved to see that I hadn’t tested positive for the any of the genetic variants associated with the conditions tested for, which meant that I would not be at risk of passing any of these genetic diseases on to my children.
Results Section: Health PredispositionThe next section revealed my risk of developing nine different health conditions. Including how likely I was to suffer from Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and whether I had the genetic variants associated with elevated risk of breast cancer. Before viewing these results, I was warned that they could contain unexpected and potentially upsetting information.
The result I was most interested in was the one that assessed my risk of developing Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. I have a family history of the disease, and I was pleased to see that I didn’t carry the variant associated with a higher risk.
I was understandably relieved, but it was also made clear that this didn’t mean I wouldn’t get the disease. As well as stating this fact, the limitations of the test were outlined and the other factors, such as ethnicity and lifestyle were explained in detail. I was surprised but impressed that this was included. This honesty and openness further increased my trust in the results and the service as a whole.

A snippet from my Health Predisposition results.
I found that I had one variant associated with age-related macular degeneration. However, 23andMe considered that I was not likely to be at increase risk of developing this condition. But I did have a slight risk for developing celiac disease (associated with sensitivity to gluten). As far as I know, I don’t have celiac disease. I do, however, have some family history of age-related macular degeneration, and I was relieved to find that though I had inherited an associated variant, my genetic risk was not significant.
All of these results included similar information to the Carrier Status section of the report, including the location and details about the variant(s) and gene(s) analysed, hyperlinked references and even a table of the different risks for different groups of people.
Results Section: Traits
My Traits results outlined some of the genetic factors affecting 30 of my characteristics. It was fun to compare my actual experiences with the conclusions drawn from my DNA analysis. For instance, they predicted that I had detached lobes, no hair-loss, and was unlikely to be afraid of heights – which are all true.

A snippet from my Traits results.
I could click my results for an explanation of each, as well as a percentage of other 23andMe customers that share that trait. The explanations were interesting yet concise and, similarly to the Carrier Status reports, each result was accompanied by more detailed scientific information about how the conclusion had been reached. It appeared that a lot of the information was, at least in part, based on the self-reported conclusions made in customer surveys, which didn’t seem like a particularly scientific method, and may explain why – though many results rang true – others seemed a bit off.
Results section: Wellness
The Wellness section contained eight reports in total, which ranged from results about lactose intolerance to sleep movement. I was surprised to read that rather than testing for my reaction to caffeine, the result relating to this actually indicated that I was more likely to consume caffeine: a behavioural choice that I had previously assumed had little or no genetic influence.

A snippet from my Wellness results.
I was somewhat sceptical, but found in the scientific information that there were several published research studies specifically backing the idea that certain genetic variants can affect the amount of caffeine someone is likely to consume, not just their reaction to it.
Although I didn’t display any particularly unusual wellness characteristics, this section was interesting. It was made very clear that the information was not intended for medical use, but it would have been good to have slightly more information on how the characteristics might affect me, and maybe how to respond practically, especially as these were largely non-medical traits. For example, the results suggested that I am likely to move more than the average person whilst sleeping, and although I was told that this could be disruptive to my sleep, there was no further explanation or tips on how to reduce these potentially disruptive effects.
However, there were other results in this section which did provide helpful advice and information, such as the saturated fat result. I was interested to learn that I’m likely to be the same weight regardless of whether I eat a diet high or low in saturated fat. But this doesn’t mean that I am any less likely to suffer the internally harmful effects, such as heart disease.
It was really useful to have the different types of fat explained, and eye-opening to learn the foods that contained high levels of saturated fat in them (steak and ice cream for example), as well as those high in the healthier, unsaturated fat (nuts, fish, avocados etc.).
I was impressed by the amount of detail that had gone into 23andMe’s genetic health report, and I appreciated comprehensive manner in which they explained each finding, and outlined the limitations of the analyses.
I was pleased to see that all of the reports had been based on established research, and was impressed that the carrier status and genetic risk reports were FDA-approved, which leant more credibility to their results.
All in all, the 23andMe ‘Health + Ancestry’ test seemed to me to be great value for money, and I would highly recommend it.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- The Results
- Results Section: Carrier Status
- Results Section: Traits
- Results section: Wellness
- Summary
At a Glance
All in all, the health report produced by 23andMe’s DNA test was very impressive. What really stood out for me was the responsible and comprehensive manner in which they explained each finding, and outlined the limitations of the analyses.
I was pleased to see that all of the reports had been based on established research, and was impressed that the carrier status and genetic risk reports were FDA approved, something I haven’t seen in any other tests. This allowed me to fully trust the findings and made them feel genuinely meaningful.
Access to the 23andMe community was provided in every section of the account, where ‘forum style’ questions had been asked and answered – I found this really beneficial. It was also extremely powerful to see that the scientific research behind each of the 73 results was cited, with links to the original studies.
To conclude, the 23andMe test is great value for money and I would highly recommend it.
Full Review
23andMe reports on your genetic predisposition to various diseases, carrier status and inherited conditions. It also reports on genetic traits, genetic ancestry, and helps you find living relatives.
Please note that reviews for the ancestry-related aspects of the test can be found here.
Product Expectations
23andMe’s website advised that by knowing more about my DNA, I could take steps towards living a healthier life. The test would help me discover if I carry genetic variants that could affect my children, and identify genetic risk factors which could help me make better lifestyle choices (I wasn’t sure what a ‘genetic risk factor’ was at this point). I also learned that I’d receive genetic information relating to my ‘Wellness’ which would include details ranging from my response to caffeine to how deeply I sleep, as well as a list of the physical traits that I’ve inherited such as hair colour.
The full list of 70+ health conditions and traits to be reported on was provided, with links to detailed explanations about the scientific criteria for reporting genetic associations. There was also a ‘How It Works’ page that included a three-minute video in which the whole process of taking the sample, activating the kit and receiving results was explained. I also learned that I would be able to track my order, and that my results would be provided in an online account when they were ready. I found this really helpful and appreciated being able to see what I’d receive before purchasing.
I repeatedly read that 23andMe’s reports were intended for informational purposes only, and that they don’t diagnose disease or illness.
Ordering Experience
I received the kit three working days after ordering and used the spit collection tube to provide a sample – the process was effortless. Instructions inside the kit advised that I consult with a genetic counsellor if I had any questions interpreting my results, but I wasn’t sure how I’d go about this.
A list of limitations was provided for each section of the report that I'd receive, and the instructions went on to warn me that 23andMe’s test is not a substitute for a healthcare professional, and that the results should not be used to diagnose any condition. It was good to see that the term ‘genetic risk factor’ was clearly explained in this document.
The return address had been printed on the underside of the box and the return postage had already been paid, so all I had to do was pop it in the post. I received confirmation by email that my sample reached the lab two weeks later.
Online Registration
Friendly warnings on the kit advised that I must register online before dispatching my sample back to 23andMe. During this process, I went through the privacy policy and noticed that even if I didn’t consent to 23andMe’s research program, my genetic and self-reported information would still be shared with other companies. I was interested to read that it would be shared as aggregated information that couldn’t be linked back to me.
The process also required me to agree to terms and conditions, and after going through them, I read that if my genetic or self-reported information helped 23andMe (or its partners) develop any research or commercial products, I’d have no right to these developments, and would not receive any compensation. I wondered what my genetic information was really worth to 23andMe…
The Results
Four weeks after the lab acknowledged receipt of my sample, I received an email to say that my results were ready – earlier than I was expecting! I was directed to log in to the online account that I’d set up when I’d registered.
Upon logging in, the homepage showed a list of the 'Ancestry' and 'Wellness' results, which only made up 13 reports in total (of the 70+ reports advertised on the site).
To access my 'Carrier Status', ‘Genetic Health Risks’ and 'Traits' results I had to take an ethnicity questionnaire. It was explained that this was in order to provide the most accurate health results possible. The questions were straightforward and took less than five minutes to complete.
Once I had taken the ethnicity questionnaire, the number of reports available to view rose dramatically to more than 80. There were links to the five different categories as well as to tools, which included ‘Share and compare’ and ‘Research’ and ‘DNA Relatives’. There were also quick access links to features such as ‘How does DNA work?’ and a research survey question.
Results Section: Carrier Status
When I viewed the Carrier Status section, I was presented with a list of 42 conditions that can be passed on genetically from parents to children. A part of this list is shown below.

A section of my Carrier Status results.
I was relieved to see that I hadn’t tested positive for the genetic variants associated with most of the conditions. However, I did have one variant related to Tay-Sachs disease. I had never heard of this, but was informed that my HEXA gene contained a variant that meant I could be a carrier. The symptoms were also described, but I was reassured by the explanation that both my partner and I would have to be carriers to potentially pass on the condition, in which case our child would have a 25% chance of having it (shown below).

My Tay-Sachs Disease Carrier Status result.
Despite being somewhat reassured by this explanation, I was pleased to see a prominent link to advice about connecting with a genetic counsellor at the bottom of the page. The link included a list of reasons I might want to consider seeing a genetic counsellor, and a range of ways to get in touch with one. There was also an option to print my report, to share with a medical professional or members of my family.
Each Carrier Status result came in two parts: ‘Overview’ and ‘Scientific Details’. The latter of these provided more detailed information about the links between DNA and the disease, including my genotype, the typical vs. the variant sequence, and the percentage of other 23andMe customers that carried this particular variant.
It also provided information about the other markers that had been tested to detect variants associated with the condition, of which there were four for my Tay-Sachs disease result. I wasn’t quite sure about what the difference between a marker and a variant was, but luckily, by clicking on them, I was provided with an explanation about what each meant. It explained that a variant was a difference in the DNA sequence between people and a marker was a place in the sequence that this variant was found.
Results Section: Genetic Health Risks
The next section revealed my risk of developing four different health conditions. It assessed how likely I was to suffer from Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and Hereditary Thrombophilia, according to my DNA.
Before seeing the results, I was taken through a ‘Genetic Health Risk Tutorial’. A part of it is shown below.

A part of the Genetic Health Risk Tutorial.
This explained various aspects related to these reports specifically. It included information about what variants are and their possible effects, the difference between genetic predisposition and having the disease, and also the factors other than genetics that might be involved in the development of a health condition. This feature made me feel more prepared for the results and better informed about their meaning.
The result I was most interested in was the one that assessed my risk of developing Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, but it was also the one I was most worried about. Having a family history of the disease meant that I initially wasn’t sure if I wanted to know my risk, but after careful consideration had decided I wanted to be prepared if I was more likely to get it. I was pleased to see, therefore, that I didn’t carry the variant that was associated with a higher risk.
I was understandably relieved, but it was also made clear that this didn’t mean I wouldn’t get the disease. As well as stating this fact, the limitations of the test were outlined and the other factors, such as ethnicity and lifestyle were explained in detail. I was surprised but impressed that this was included. This honesty and openness further increased my trust in the results and the service as a whole.
Luckily, I don’t carry any of the variants that indicated a higher risk of the four conditions. All of these results included similar information to the Carrier Status section of the report, including the location and details about the variant(s) and gene(s) analysed, hyperlinked references and even a table of the different risks for different groups of people.
Results Section: Traits
My Traits results outlined some of the genetic factors affecting 22 of my characteristics. These were split into the following categories: ‘Taste and Smell’, ‘Facial Features’, ‘Hair’, ‘Physical Characteristics’, ‘Physical Responses’ and ‘Skin’. Each section had between one and six reports and it was fun to compare my actual experiences with the conclusions drawn from my DNA analysis. The most memorable result was probably the one that suggested I am more likely to be able to smell an asparagus metabolite in my urine than others (shown below)!

My Asparagus Odor Detection result.
Each result was accompanied by an explanation, as well as a percentage of other 23andMe customers that share that trait. The explanations were interesting yet concise and, similarly to the Carrier Status reports, each result was accompanied by more detailed scientific information about how the conclusion had been reached. It appeared that a lot of the information was, at least in part, based on the self-reported conclusions made in customer surveys, which didn’t seem like a particularly scientific method, and may explain why my eye colour (green/blue) was predicted as brown. It was interesting to be able to compare my results with those of a similar ethnicity, a comparison which was made in each report.
Results section: Wellness
The Wellness section contained seven reports in total, that ranged from results about lactose intolerance to sleep movement. I was surprised to read that rather than testing for my reaction to caffeine, the result relating to this actually indicated that I was less likely to consume caffeine , a behavioural choice that I had previously assumed had little or no genetic influence.
I was slightly sceptical, and wondered this conclusion had been made. This is where the scientific details (shown below) and references were really helpful, as they showed that there were several published research studies specifically backing the idea that certain genetic variants can affect the amount of caffeine someone is likely to consume, not just their reaction to it.

The scientific details about my Caffeine Consumption result.
Although I didn’t display any particularly unusual wellness characteristics, this section was interesting. It was made very clear that the information was not intended for medical use, but it would have been good to have slightly more information on how the characteristics might affect me and potentially how to respond practically, especially as they were largely non-medical traits. For example, the results suggested that I am likely to move more than the average person whilst sleeping, and although I was told that this could be disruptive to my sleep, there was no further explanation or tips on how to reduce these potentially disruptive effects.
However, there were other results in this section which did provide helpful advice and information, such as the saturated fat result. I was interested to learn that I’m likely to be the same weight regardless of whether I eat a diet high or low in saturated fat. But this doesn’t mean that I am any less likely to suffer the internally harmful effects, such as heart disease.
It was really useful to have the different types of fat explained, and eye-opening to learn the foods that contained high levels of saturated fat in them (steak and ice cream for example), as well as those high in the healthier, unsaturated fat (nuts, fish, avocados etc.).
All in all, the health report produced by 23andMe’s DNA test was very impressive. What really stood out for me was the responsible and comprehensive manner in which they explained each finding, and outlined the limitations of the analyses.
I was pleased to see that all of the reports had been based on established research, and was impressed that the carrier status and genetic risk reports were FDA approved, something I haven’t seen in any other tests. This allowed me to fully trust the findings and made them feel genuinely meaningful.
Access to the 23andMe community was provided in every section of the account, where ‘forum style’ questions had been asked and answered – I found this really beneficial. It was also extremely powerful to see that the scientific research behind each of the 73 results was cited, with links to the original studies.
To conclude, the 23andMe test is great value for money and I would highly recommend it.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- Online Registration
- The Results
- Results Section: Carrier Status
- Results Section: Genetic Health Risks
- Results Section: Traits
- Results section: Wellness
- Summary
Personal DNA Analysis
22 June 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I loved the idea of a personal genetic analysis when I first heard about it years ago. 23andme were promising genetically determined disease risks, physical traits and my DNA's impact on my 'wellness', whatever that means.. When the results came it was easy to browse the site and it was made clear that the results were not diagnoses, and that I should consult my doctor if I had concerns about my health. I was startled to discover I had an increased risk of suffering with a few diseases I'd never heard of!, but there was plenty of info on the site to help we wrap my head around what the results meant. The risks are comparatively low so I'm not going to take time out to talk to a doctor about them.
I learned about why certain mutations are important and about the limitations of a DNA test like this which helped me understand what I'd actually bought! (I could have learned this online before I bought but I guess I'm an impulse buyer). 23andme provide general disease information, absolute risk summaries, percentage risk summaries, average lifetime risks, and the influence that genes have vs. the environment for each condition covered - lots of info and all digestible, very thorough I reckon.
The section describing physical and wellness characteristics is ok, it didn't blow me away but held my interest for about 40 minutes. I doubt I'll ever go back to it. I skimmed the carrier info, I've already had two kids so what's the point of finding out what I might have passed to them.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-22
The only choice if you're looking for dna testing
19 June 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I absolutely love 23andme, hands down!! They are pushing research boundaries forward and I love being part of it, such a great company to contribute to. Test is super value, well explained results, fascinating to learn about who you are like this - dna is a new dimension!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-19
Finding a new side of the family
7 June 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I initially bought 23andMe because I wanted to find out if our family had any links to blooding clotting issues. My doctor suggested 23andMe, she said it was way less expensive than going through any testing she would order. So I ordered, 23andMe which was easy to use, I got the results back quickly and the website was user friendly. After receiving my results, I found new family members. I have never known my mothers side of the family. I have contacted cousins on my mothers side. Not only do I have health reports, I have new family because of 23andMe.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-07
2 June 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I am so happy I bought this kit!! It is very accurate and has help lead me to cousins I never knew I had! Thank you 23andme!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-02
Interesting results
1 June 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I was hesitant to take the test at first, expecting to be horrified by some hidden inherited predisposition. However, I found great relief in the negative results. I literally exhaled when I read them. Additionally, I was able to reconnect with a long-lost, extended portion of my family because they could contact me through the DNA relatives section. We just met up recently and exchanged all of our family history research and photos. It has been a rewarding experience.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-06-01
Even better than I expected
20 May 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I purchased the ancestry + health in December. While the DNA wasn’t as specific as I had hoped, the health portion exceeded my expectations. 23andMe is constantly updating with new health info and surveys so that I can participate in research.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-20
13 May 2019
Genetic Predisposition
My mom bought this for me a few months ago because she was adopted and we do not know anything about her biological family or their health concerns. I have a lot of health issues and was surprised to find carrier variants that I didn’t know of. I was pleasantly surprised also that my DNA is tested with new genetic health risks that weren’t available when we bought the test.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-13
very educational tool
1 May 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I originally purchased 23andMe for the Health portion. Although the Ancestry part is very interesting and was a pleasant surprise for how precise it it was what really impressed me (pinpointed Sicily and Cork!!). But what has stunned me is the EDUCATIONAL aspects of both Ancestry and Health portions of 23andMe. All the information about the countries I had genetic connections to was tremendous!! And I have studied Biology and genetics for the past decade and must say the genetic information and descriptions are very current (or even ahead) and literally could be a AP Biology/genetics course in High School or a Freshman/Soph. level class in college!!! The fact we can explore the genomes, look at data, comparative population genetics etc. etc. is mind blowing. Great job!!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-05-01
Would use this company again
17 April 2019
Genetic Predisposition
Happy with everything and the experience. You have really got me into DNA
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-17
23andMe Review
15 April 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I was worried I wouldn’t be able to understand what I was seeing when I took this test which was a gift from my daughter. I needn’t have worried, everything was straightforward and explained so I could understand it. Sadly my doctor had no interest in the results
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-15
I love the health and ancestry.
12 April 2019
Genetic Predisposition
My father died when I was young. While I had some information, nothing past my great grandparents names. I have history now, made connections, information on their lives and deaths. I love genealogy and I’ve shared everything I’ve found out. Thank you.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-04-12
23andMe Review
21 March 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I’m a massive fan of this company. Outstanding support, I always know where I stand re my data and my life is much improved for knowing what’s in my DNA
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-21
Amazing for finding out about your heritage!
11 March 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I bought this product about a month or two ago and ai absolutely love it! I found the website to be easy to navigate and the updates after purchase are always a lovely edition. The forums are a unique feature that is actually really helpful!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-03-11
very detailed
7 February 2019
Genetic Predisposition
this has been a very valuable tool for me i have found out a lot about myself including being a descendant from one of the first pilgrims of the Mayflower !
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-07
What a Blessing!!
25 January 2019
Genetic Predisposition
My boyfriend bought this for me for Valentine’s Day 2018, due to some health issues I was dealing with, plus the fact that I do so much genealogy. 23 and Me helped me to discover that I have Hereditary Hemochromatosis and I’m now being treated for it. I would have never known what was making me so sick without the Health + Ancestry service. Thank you so much for this service! It may have saved my life!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-25
Found family
14 January 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I found family i never knew of, plus my wife connected with her fathers side of the family she never knew to answer questions!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-14
Variant found
21 December 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I got this kit as a gift a few years ago. Since then the diseases screened for were all negative, but one. The positive variant was spot on because a recent exam shows the start of the disease in its beginning stages. Because of the finding, I can prepare for the future and hope research will improve life going forward.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-21
This is a great tool for finding your past
16 December 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I am still cautious as I do not want to be questioned by any law enforcement for having DNA of a known criminal and especially if this company one day decides I am handing over all DNA to the government, that is a real fear. I do love that I can find out my past and see relatives that I never knew about. The great part is the health test. Knowing what you have and do not have can put you at peace. The one part I do not like is when you learn of the many relatives (Even if they do not respond) and they are not sincere in trying to collaborate to understand your past. Especially if you just want to know the name of your father or mother or what not. Very cautious people, but I do understand, especially if you are out for their love and money or something. I am not in that situation thank goodness but I am want to know who my father’s parents and children are. More so, I want to know what their health background is to see if my ailments can be traced by genes.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-16
I'd buy
9 December 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I was awesome to see all the information about my DNA, health stuff, traits, DNA relatives, it’s worth the $
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-09
With health
5 December 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I bought this several months ago and it was easy to use. I got my results back sooner than I thought I would. The online aspects are easy to use and very user friendly. My doctor recommended this product to check for serious variants. I am happy I purchased the product and it does what it says and some. One good thing that has come from this test is my mom was adopted and I have made contact with that side of the family. My only con is that I wish that it had more personal results with the health aspect. Here again they allow you to search through your raw data if you know what SNP’s you are looking for, I only know enough to get me in trouble :)
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-05
Dodged a medical bullet!!
3 December 2018
Genetic Predisposition
We found out a few months ago through 23andme that my husband has two variants for Hemochromatosis. So he was tested through his Dr. and indeed his iron levels were through the roof. He is able to now seek treatment before any damage has been done. We would have NEVER known about this and he just would have started having problems with his liver, heart and diabetes. So from the bottom of my heart thank you for saving my husband’s life.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-12-03
Very Interesting and Useful Information
28 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
All my life I have suffered with stomach issues. From the time I can remember I was at the doctor for this. Around 12 I decided to just try and live with it. When it would get bad I would go to the doctor and it was decided I had IBS. The treatments never worked that well and I just thought this was something I would have to learn to live with. My 23 and me results said that I was at a slight increased risk for Celiac disease. I wasn’t really sure what this was, but the symptoms fit my issue. My doctor doesn’t think that I have full-blown Celiac disease, but instead a gluten sensitivity. If I avoid gluten, I feel normal. This isn’t easy to do, but now I understand how to better manage my health.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-28
Through No Fault of Their Own
24 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
23andMe does a fine job of DNA analysis, the average user however renders what could be a powerful tool virtually useless. They either do not know any of their personal ancestry, even their four grandparents surnames seems to challenge the majority of users. Then there’s those who believe there’s some sort of nebulous privacy issue at stake and they jealously guard even basic ancestry information. So, we’re left with the tools spread before our feet more like a museum than a workshop. In regard to the “historical” aspects of human migration and the nationality charts – these are clearly designed for clueless noobs and have NO historical or biological basis. The health information is the most valuable function of 23andMe’s analysis and worth every penny. The ancestry part – meh.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-24
Very Intriguing
11 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I love learning about my ancestry but have also gained some very important medical information. A variant for Factor V Leiden was detected so I got tested and low and behold I have it. I am grateful to know this information because it increases my risk for a blood clot and is very important to know when I undergo surgery. I highly recommend purchasing, you will not regret it!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-11
23 and Me Health is a Lifesaver!
9 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
My boyfriend bought me the Health and Ancestry Service kit for Valentine’s Day, due to numerous health issues I was having. I am so glad he did! It showed that I had two of the genes for Hereditary Hemochromatosis. I showed my Oncologist and she had me tested further to confirm the diagnosis. I had every symptom of HH and no one had ever tested me. I’m 53 and already have some damage from HH but hopefully, this new diagnosis will prevent any more damage and allow me to live much longer. Thanks so much 23 and Me!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-09
Great information about me:
7 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
This is a great service if you are trying to research your background and health status.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-07
waste of time and money
1 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
having followed the instructions to the letter – twice, I’m now down the cost of shipping and handling, with absolutely nothing to show for it. I feel like I’ve been mugged.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-01
Impressive results
29 October 2018
Genetic Predisposition
We bought 2 kits as Christmas gifts to each other. We’ve learned so much. The health portion was very informative.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-29
Scientific information I was looking for:
22 October 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Great product and many useful results. I love to participate in the various studies, many times it has been quite insightful and given me self-knowledge that I could not have gotten any other way. I feel/think everybody should do this, I was glad I did.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-22
Mixed Feelings
22 October 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I got the most expensive kit. I am some what disappointed in the results the lack of information and confirmation of the health portion, If I knew how little of the health information there would be I would have gotten the less expensive kit the Ancestry.They say they will update any further information but I am not sure they will without costing you additional money. Which I think they should update your information for free after you spent the amount of money I spent on this.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-22
19 October 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I am very pleased with 23 and Me, knowing about my linage and all my relatives ia amazing. The fear of not knowing the medical information is no more. I have a excellent understanding of who I am in everyway. Thank you for the affordability.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-19
Informative and Insightful
12 October 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I was tested several years ago. What I like best is that I’m able to plan my future a little better knowing that I may develop a certain disease later in life. I’ve changed my lifestyle to avoid developing that particular disease. The money I paid to 23 and Me was small compared to the life-changing information I learned about my health. The site is easy to navigate also.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-12
Excellent reports
17 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
As a senior I was interested in health risks as I age. The site is a wonderful source for those who want to be proactive & informed.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-17
Not quite a 5-star...but almost
11 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I purchased the DNA and Health test from 23 and Me because I wanted to know more about my biological “health”. I am adopted and until recently had no real knowledge of my biological family. As I got older, the need to know more about what genetic traits and health risks I had increased. I had already use Ancestry DNA to learn more about my biological family, but still had no real knowledge of any medical issues that I should be aware of – until I used 23andMe. Overall the results I received back have been helpful. There are, however, some caveats that people need to be aware of. They test for a lot of medical issues – but they only test for some of the markers, not all. That does not necessarily surprise me and they are continuing to test for more as time moves forward. You need to decide how far into this you really want to go. Do you want them to continues to test your DNA as new tests become available? Do you want to share any of your information? Do you really want to know that you have both markers for Parkinsons or ALS? I don’t think it is for everyone. I do think that for some of us – it is the closest thing we have to finding out aspects of our genetic health. For adoptees like me…it could make a great difference in our discussions with our doctors. Beyond that, the information you get back on specific traits is quite interesting and yes – I did actually find a 2nd cousin through this process.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-11
Great quality!
6 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
23andme is the gift that keeps on giving. I’ve learned so much about my health through genetics and about my heritage.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-06
Best DNA Test Ever
6 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I like all inclusive health an DNA test b because I receive what possible health concerns I nee to know. The surveys are also wonderful; they a more to your health concerns an give you insights on what can help your main healthy …The Best DNA Test Ever!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-06
Overall Excellent!
6 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Overall, it is the best of the rest. I would never have known about a Vitamin D deficiency, without 123, and I was able to tell the rest of my family, which have the same deficiency. But there is no place to fill in the blanks about personal health issues, which might paint a clearer picture of the users overall health.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-06
Great Features
21 August 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I find the DNA results extremely interesting. It is amazing the information a little saliva can reveal.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-21
I'm happy to have some answers!
17 August 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I bought 23 and Me earlier this summer, after lots of questions about my history and curious about carrier status. I was happy to get some answers, and am really happy with my results, although some things brought on more questions. In the end, I am happy and I definitely recommend 23 and Me!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-17
Awesome product
15 August 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I love learning different things about myself and where I came from. I especially like the health reports.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-15
Better Health
14 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I signed up to participate in a research study. Getting my genetic data allowed me to discover I have a particular genetic defect. I was then able to start following the diet and lifestyle protocol for my particular genetic defect which has resulted in improved health. Knowledge is power!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-14
Excellent Service!!
14 August 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Several months a go purchased the ancestry + health service through 23andme. The findings changed my life! Not only did I find a brother I never knew I had, but it connected me with long lost relatives and helped restore family connections. The health analysis brought insight and clarity to several issues I have. Also, helped bring down some anxiety with other health concerns I have. Thank you 23andme for a wonderful service!!!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-14
(Price - United States)
10 August 2018
Genetic Predisposition
(Price – United States) Loved the report, got a lot of good details to develop training program and diet plan.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-10
A great way to learn more about yourself
26 July 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I love the health-related variants it shows me, and I like that they frequently add new ones to my health report. However, I wish that the ancestry portion was a bit more specific, such as giving me information about what specific Native American tribes or countries my heritage traces back to. Overall, its a really interesting service and a great way to learn more about yourself
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-26
valuable family health history
19 July 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I did not know anything about my paternal line until I used 23andme. Not only did I find a first cousin, but I also gained valuable genetic health information I can now share with my pregnant daughter and my doctor.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-19
Love 23andMe!
13 July 2018
Genetic Predisposition
This is one of the coolest and accurate experiences I’ve ever had! Everyone needs to try try this. It’s truly amazing. Thank you 23andMe
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-13
Great Test with moderate update monthly
11 July 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I like that you keep updating my reports and bring new data about my genes, ancestors and scientific studies. keep the hard work and let us be informed by the new discoveries :) thank you.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-11
Absolutely fascinating!
10 July 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I thought I knew exactly what my results would be and I was so blown away by all the detail and explanations of my health and ancestry. I will be referring everyone I know to do this!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-10
Love It
28 June 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I love the ancestry & health reports. I enjoy filling out surveys that contribute to health & wellness research. You can spend hours on this sight, week after week and year after year. Always new information and updates to explore.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-28
Incredible Opportunity
26 June 2018
Genetic Predisposition
23andme is an incredible opportunity to gain valuable insight into your health and family history. I was so excited reading through and learning so much about myself. My partner and I gifted the health + ancestry package to each other and we loved getting to know each other on a much deeper level.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-26
23 June 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I love how they keep updating you and adding more results into your report
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-23
outstanding! groundbreaking!
3 June 2018
Genetic Predisposition
So amazingly easy & fun! Research your family and educate yourself about your health! Accept no substitute! Do this for your kids, grandchildren, your own peace of mind.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-03
love 23 and me
1 June 2018
Genetic Predisposition
It was the first DNA I ventured into. therefore I got the original “health profiles” and was well pleased with it. It was spot on for what i already knew. and gave me areas to pay attention to in the future.
the connection with cousins has been wonderful!! I did get some unexpected results, but they fit with anecdotal info i had received from another researcher. I then participated in another company’s DNA test and the results were amazingly close.
Thank you 23 and Me
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-01
Perfect gift for somebody who loves science!
23 May 2018
Genetic Predisposition
This was a gift from my parents, and I love it! It’s so user-friendly and informational! It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving. I will be buying this for friends and family!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-23
23 And Me
18 May 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I purchased 23AndMe some years ago and am very satisfied and happy with the information provided.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-18
14 May 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I bought this as the 1st of 3 DNA test that I have done. Bought it for Health and Ancestry. I passed my health reports on to my children, something that they should know about as they get older, and for their children. Other companies have better ancestry but this will get better as more and more people take this DNA test. They do update your reports regularly as more information becomes available. I recommend taking this DNA test.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-14
Amazing information
11 May 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Doing this changed my life. I am very happy that I took the test.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-11
Helpful in giving me my raw data to research
10 May 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I not only was interested in my ancestry but recieving my raw data as well so that I could find if I had any gene mutations. I do wish that MTHFR 03 P39P was included in the testing since they do all other mthfr testing. I was able to find out that I do in fact have MTHFR A1298C homozygous mutation so I do wonder about the state of MTHFR 03 P39P. I was interested for the results of the DNA test because I also have Hashimoto’s and MTHFR genes are common for those with Hashimoto’s. Over all I feel it was trying out 23 and me because there are many benefits to it besides just finding out your ancestry.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-10
Outstanding customer support
8 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
They answered all my questions within hours of my query. All the resources they link to can be independently corroborated which is streets ahead of some of the other companies I’ve tried (using 23 data no less!)
I highly recommend
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-08
21 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
3 years ago I got my DNA test Its been wonderful to know where I have come from North Africa Ireland so many other areas of our world I have been sick for many years even found I have a clotting disease I had a massive brain bleed 2016 I had my genetic information this then saved my life without 23and me I would not be here also I am 1 percent Jewish I would like to know more about this its been one of the best experiences of my life
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-21
Can i help my future.
15 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was bought as a present. I was interested in finding out if there was anything i could do to help my future. It ended up being one of the best presents i could ever wished for, and am currently researching for a better healthier future.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-15
Good news
6 April 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Good news usually gets great reviews but there is more reasons in the case of the 23andme product. The good news is that I am not prone to any bad stuff going on in my genes! Woohoo!
All instructions for completing the “spot test” is spelled out in great detail and is so easy to complete.
It would be a plus if 23andme made it easier to link ancestry when the client has little detail about parents/grandparents. Some of the requirements to determine ancestry depends on knowing birthplace of parents/grandparents. Those details have never been passed long to me especially since I am in my 6th decade on this planet. Parents/grandparents gone long time ago. :(
I recommend this product to any who want to know their susceptibility to specific ailments.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-06
I love it
3 April 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I’ve been a customer for a while now, and the frequency of 23andMe updating reports and supplying new information is amazing. It is worth the money and I feel it is accurate enough to be able to rely on.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-03
Verified Family Lore
1 April 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I am so glad I had this ancestry/health report done. I have had other DNA tests for my ancestry but this one is very detailed. The health report confirms my family lore about adult blindness for which I’m very grateful. It also gave me peace of mind about my health which I plan to use as I grow older gracefully. Thanks 23andMe.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-01
Insights about myself that helped unbelievable.
1 April 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I received information on sleep patterns that helped me immeasurably. Most of my troubles I have had in life, could have been less if I knew of my sleep troubles. There are some other attributes that have helped but the sleep is notable.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-01
30 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
23andMe Products are so amazing! I have found out so much about my medical information as well as ancestry. I love the reports and the traits section is so fun.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-30
30 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I was so excited to get my results. The health reports and all the tools to discover your relationships! This is a great service. The health reports are unique to other DNA services.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-30
So much fun!
29 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
This is a gift that keeps on giving! Not only do you get your initial results after submission but the research continues to provide results. I participate in every survey so as to assist in any research being done.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-29
Proud Participant
25 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I am astounded at the availability that was offered to me after downloading my report! Excellent service to supplement a greatly appreciated program!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-25
brilliant initiative
24 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Congratulations to 23andme for the phenomenal work that they developed by allowing us to have a “printscreen” of our genetic structure, allowing us to know our genetic origin and the links and similarities that we have with our relatives. In addition, by providing information about possible links between our genes and diseases or syndromes that might affect us, this test becomes an exceptional tool to prepare or even change our habits to minimize or prevent the onset of such diseases. Congratulations to the brilliant minds behind this project. The future will reward this as one of the most brilliant initiatives ever undertaken in the medical
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-24
I Am Beyond Happy 23andMe Exists
21 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Not only have I connected with long lost relatives via the Ancestry Service, but through 23andMe’s Health Service I now have my raw DNA data which has helped me become aware of possible future health issues. I now know what vitamins I should be taking based on my personal physiological makeup and what foods I should probably avoid. I can now live even more proactively when it comes to my health. I love the friendly interface, the frequent informative updates, and the fact that 23andMe is a learning tool. If you are reading this review, you NEED the Health portion of this product. It can be a life changer.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-21
Love all the different reports
19 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I love all the different reports and the research links. What was most interesting is that my mother had macular degeneration (Yes, I am taking anti-oxidants, etc). Report shows I have genetic tendency for this also. I found that I am a carrier of cystic fibrosis and would suggest that anyone contemplating having a family get the health report.
So far no long lost second cousins have been found. Family legend suggested native American Indian ancestry on my fathers side, and report showed a very small amount so 23&Me appears to verify the story.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-19
Pretty Cool Product!
12 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I received this as a gift around the holidays. This is the second ancestry test I’ve taken. I had previously taken one with a different company. I initially received just the ancestry portion of the DNA analysis. Completing the test was quick and easy. I waited approx 5 weeks to receive my results back and got emailed updates of where they were in the process of my test. This I really liked! Once my test results came back I was a wee bit disappointed in my ancestry results as It was VERY different from previous tests that me and several other family members had taken. But, I did quite enjoy the “neanderthal variant” portion of the test, and the timeline of when my ancestors would have traveled to different locations.
The BEST part about the “23 and Me” test though, was I could add the health reports on after I had sent in the test! I didn’t know this prior to sending it in! Once I added, the results popped up were IMMEDIATELY! I really enjoyed reading through all the different trait report and health and wellness. A lot of the traits were spot on, and there were a handful that were off. But if you go into each category you can see where your results differ and the percentages/etc.
Overall, a REALLY cool product. I feel like the ancestry portion is maybe better for African and Asian culture background curiosity as it seems to have far more sub categories than other competitors. The health reports though are reason enough to purchase! Definitely some truly interesting finds!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-12
Wonderful Genetic Information
28 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
23&me presents interesting genetic outcome information which enables a user to discuss with their physician or family members. They are progressive and innovative in the healthcare field which helps current and future generations.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-28
Found my birth family
27 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I did this test because i was adopted and didnt know my medical history. I found alot out about my history and had an added bonus of my amazing huge new family.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-27
23andMe Review
26 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
The upload process were super easy and fast, and the results were really insightful! Loved it!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-26
Glad that I completed this test!
23 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I really completed this test more for health reasons, which I am glad that I did. But was completely surprised with the ancestry outcomes! I feel that every individual would benefit from this health/ancestry knowledge.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-23
Huge impact on my life
19 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Because of 23andme (I had the original version, done in 2013, I think) I was alerted to a medical disorder and its symptoms that at that time, I didn’t know existed. I had significant and multiple indicators for the possibility of having the condition. I had started having symptoms of the disorder (ankylosing spondylitis) when I was 22 years old and had multiple symptoms/episodes throughout my life (I was 59 or so when I tested) and had never been correctly diagnosed, and was misdiagnosed. I had never been referred to a rheumatologist. Due to my 23andme testing, and more research, I had my primary care provider refer me to a rheumatologist. I had given up any hope in about 1998 that I would ever find out what was wrong. To make a long story short, FINALLY, at the age of 61, I was correctly diagnosed. This was not the only reason that I recommend this service. There are many. I am an adoptee and have discovered a FIRST cousin through this service! And, lots of the medical info was extremely useful and interesting to me. (I am an RN and as an adoptee, know precious little of my biological familial history.) But the info pointing me to having AS was life-changing. Thank you 23and me!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-19
So far, so good
18 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
The results were available for my chiropractor to look at and address for which supplements I may want to take. This is my first time looking at my results through 23 and me.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-18
Excellent very easy to understand
16 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
My son purchased both myself and husband a kit for Christmas we were particularly interested in the health features. 23 and me was so much better than we expected and very easy to understand.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-16
Great features!
14 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The scientific details sections are a welcome and unexpected addition to the reports that help me, as a scientifically literate individual, better understand what the reports themselves are (and are not) telling me about my health and ancestry. The ancestry reports, though not what I originally got the test for, were far more interesting than I expected (especially the ones on paternal / maternal haologroups) although I am not sure why the % Neanderthal report offered in previous versions of the test was removed in favour of a far less meaningful comparison with other customers. All in all though, a fantastic product and (for the curious individual) good value for money as well.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-14
Saved my health
1 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
23andme.com literally saved my health when they alerted me that I had one of 2 markers for celiac disease last October. I have since eliminated all gluten from my diet and lost 20 lbs. plus sleeping and feeling better than I have in many years. On another front, searching for my mysterious paternal grandpapa has not been so easily done.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-01
Great info, good to know details.
31 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Glad I got this done, revealed so much info (accurate) and background.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-31
Welcome to the future!
30 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
My experience with 23 and me has been positive. If you are interested in your health you might find this as the right product for you. It is not the best for tracing family migrations although the haplogroup research documents have been very enriching and helpful.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-30
Extensive Available Data
29 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I joined 23and me years ago to have access to health related DNA data. Over time I have received access to DNA relatives that has been very informative. When I initially joined it was in anticipation of being able to trace my family history both maternally and paternally before joining. A couple of years ago I purchased a test kit for my paternal uncle in an effort to still have paternal DNA access. I also spoke to a 23and me representative to explain my dilemma. Unfortunately, I was never informed I would still not have access to paternal data. In fact the representative said I would have access if my father was a member. I only recently learned via other online female customer comments who faced the same obstacle. My only concern is whether this issue is due to programming limitations and whether it is fixable. Apparently, there are many other members in the same boat. Therefore any recommendation for this product is based only on being able to access maternal data.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-29
25 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I think it is wonderful that there are so many useful tools and avenues to review health information with 23andMe. I haven’t been disappointed with anything to date.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-25
I am so glad I took the test!
11 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I got this product for health reasons. It answered my question and more. I recommend it to everyone
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-11
Great Health Testing
10 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I was mostly buying the health kit for the carrier status tests. I was happy with the tests that are included. In the short time that I’ve had my results, they’ve included a new test and updated some other results as their system incorporates more data. I’m extremely happy that they update the older kits and show you which ones have changed.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-10
Just Awesome!
8 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
23andME are the Best in DNA Research! Thanks to 23andME for all their Hard Work!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-08
Amazing experience!
8 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I bought the health + ancestry kit in July and sent it in within a week. About six weeks later, I got my results! It has been so cool answering questions and participating in surveys. I never expected it to be such an interactive experience! I love how I feel like I’m contributing to ongoing research.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-08
Great UI and interesting results
6 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
23andme Ancestry + Health services are both useful, interesting, and fun to explore. I’ve enjoyed getting to know more about my ancestry and health traits and I like that I am contributing to genetics research. Highly recommended!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-06
1 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I got this about a month or two ago for a study! Amazing! All I can say. Get it!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-01
Amazing Tool!
22 December 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I was adopted at birth without any information on any biological relatives. I have personal health concerns but insurance was denying genetic and preventative testing. Within a few weeks, I found cousins and names which was enough information to launch my search, find my biological parents and learn the critical health information I was seeking.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-22
Rating DNA tests
15 December 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Over the years I have had 3 DNA tests. If I were to refer one to a friend I would select be23&me as the first to do. It is the most proactive, as well as, more complete with medical testing.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-15
Individual customer service
14 December 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I have yet to receive my actual test kits but have been satisfied with the results given to a few friends/colleagues to order a test. I actually had an issue with my original order being inadvertently cancelled. It took a few emails, but I was directed to the correct supervisor. They were able to reprocess my order at the original price (cyber Monday special).
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-14
Health nut wants the science knowledge.
12 December 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Grandparents were on the health food track growing up exposed to boiled orange peels to lecithin and tigers milk drinks. So I’ve always been curious about nutrition. Now the genes seem even more interesting. No blood just spit and DNA data.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-12
Helped with a Health Diagnosis
16 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
A few weeks ago I received a report that I was a carrier for a Celiac’s disease gene. I wend to my doctor and talked with her about the results and since then I have been diagnosed with Celiac’s disease. I wouldn’t have thought to ask my doctor about getting tested for Celiac’s disease without having gotten the result from 23andMe.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-16
get to know who you really come from
11 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
23 and me was a fantastic gift by my wife. Not only did it help me understand my genetic and heritage background but gave me the chance to eliminate probably list of illness of my worry list, including Alzheimer.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-11
The DNA Test that keeps giving!
3 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I really have enjoyed my 23andMe DNA test. I like the matching of other relatives. It fascinates me to see other people with the same DNA. I also spent the extra money to get my health included and I have been very pleased with it. When a new test is available 23andMe immediately sends me an update on whether I have the variant or not. I had 3 updates already. That’s why I call it the test that keeps on giving.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-03
I have learned a great deal
3 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I think this is great. I have learned a great deal.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-03
Great Love Love Love
3 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
My son purchased my kit and I was so pleased with the results I bought my daughter one, then my sister and my niece. Today I gave my nephew one.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-03
Very Enjoyable
2 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Found it easy to use. And really enjoyed learning but the genetics and also some of the health issues that it can raise.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-02
Excellent tool
2 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I bought this product a month ago and I am happy customer
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-02
Who am I?
2 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I looked forward to the medical tendencies to see if I needed to alter my lifestyle. Found out some things that I suspected so validation and knowledge to move forward with information for a better life.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-02
yes, i am lactose intolerant
2 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
i am happy with results and seeing my relatives there.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-02
I dig it.
1 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
An eye-opening experience. Now I just need to talk all of my family members into doing it.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-01
30 October 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Buying a genetic test kit from 23andme has saved my life for many years I have had health issues as soon as I got my results back I found out that I had 2 clotting disorders I now get treatment for this I also have over 1,000 DNA relatives from around the world its just a fantastic that you can even message them if you are lonely you wont be for long Thank you 23andme well done
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-30
I have learned a great deal
30 October 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I think this is great. I have learned a great deal.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-30
Excellent tool
26 October 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I bought this product a month ago and I am happy customer
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-26
So happy with these reports
14 October 2017
Genetic Predisposition
It’s funny, I had been seeing my doctor about a noted increase in my ferritin levels… and lo and behold, 23andme came out with a haemochromatosis report literally a week later.
Without that report, it might have taken much longer to figure out what was going on in my body and potentially threaten the health of my liver. So thanks 23andme, you actually helped me out in a tangible way and I’m super happy to help contribute to research in any way I can.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-14
23andMe Review
14 October 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Well, I guess I thought I’d receive a WRITTEN diagnosis so am a bit disappointed. I had a better understanding after talking with you for which I’m grateful . I forwarded the email to my Computer GURU to print out all the info for me. I had to change my password as my first attempt failed. So this hasn't been easy for me, but at 85 I'm at a distinct disadvantage being TECH CHALLENGED. Not their fault. If I have future difficulty I'll call them.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-14
23andMe is the cutting edge
12 October 2017
Genetic Predisposition
23andMe provides, in short, the insight necessary to make informed life decisions on things like pregnancy, while also providing valuable insight into ancestry and health quirks. The health service provides not only their interpretation of your data, but also your fully sequenced DNA, which can be used for further analysis outside of 23andMe. Thanks to 23andMe, I understand myself better. I feel more confident in my future. 23andMe’s research initiative is one of the most promising too: it truly feels like I’m giving back to humanity when I’m adding data. I can’t wait to see what insights come out next.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-12
Great Answers
10 October 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I have found the DNA medical results and DNA relatives interesting and helpful. Many of us truly don’t understand our general health issues we inherited because our older generation did not discuss issues and everyone died of old age! I have been a member since 2013 and have made several family connections outside the U.S. plus learned much about my genetic health. I have found 23andme to be everything I expected and wanted for my personal use. YES, I have given the product to family members as a gift!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-10
G6PD deficiency
19 September 2017
Genetic Predisposition
With no interest in heritage & answering a survey ‘for health reasons’ & knowing that 23andme was leading the way with health reports & recent FDA approval for certain conditions I made inquiry if a health report was available in Australia. It isn’t.
I paid US$189/Au$261 for a full report when US$99 would have sufficed for raw data to feed to other analyzers. I paid US$59 for SelfDecode & spent a week trying to make sense for my known G6PD deficiency. I did NutriHacker & genetic genie for $0, Promethease $5, till Statagene $45 produced:
Note: Since 23andMe didn’t test for GSTT1 SNPs in your sample, the possibility of a GSTT1 deletion polymorphism could not be determined.
Indeed 23andme did not genotype any of 21 on GSTT1, 1 of 26 for GSTM1 & 2 of 21 for GSTP1. That made most of those reports irrelevant for me.
That G6PD is the most common [30% of African/American] enzyme deficiency [Hfe, haemochromatosis the second most prevelant] & the profound effect both have had on me seems to make 23andme pointless for any kind of health analysis for anyone.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-19
Absolutely love this company
15 August 2017
Genetic Predisposition
A very powerful tool (if you know how to use it). Buy this test and make sure you use the help resources so you can make the most of it
And contribute to the research, it’s worth it
23andMe rocks!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-15
Only one complaint
4 August 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Took 7 weeks to get the results which I didn’t expect but other than that, the results are informative and I’m much healthier than I thought which is a plus!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-04
All of it is extremely cool
2 August 2017
Genetic Predisposition
100% worth it. Amazing to see my ancestral origins, love the Neanderthal %! I can see how the carrier reports will be very valuable to me later down the road and I tick all the boxes when it comes to low genetic predisposition to diseases tested for – very happy with that!
I’m a geek but this isn’t just for geeks – I’d recommend everyone give it a go
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-08-02
Happy with results
19 June 2017
Genetic Predisposition
No serious health risks for the conditions tested for so I’m happy
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-19
Easy to get information
2 June 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I was delighted to take this swab test it was simple and the information was presented in an easy to understand format
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
23andMe Review
2 June 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I was very satisfied with the help I received .
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-06-02
Why would anyone not want to have this information
31 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Incredible technology combined with a very easy test kit make this a very valuable tool in learning about one’s makeup and susceptibility to illness or disease. Knowledge of these traits might help shape behavior and understanding of factors that shape health overall.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-31
My review
30 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Everything was easy. The info I received helped relieve some worries and confirmed other info I was told.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-30
Really easy
29 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
My husband and I bought this product and it was so easy and very fast
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-29
Amazing stuff
25 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I am blown away by the simplicity of this process, and the nature, breadth and detail of the information provided based only on a thimbleful of my saliva. As well, the format, manner and clarity of the information provided. This is hands down the most fascinating demonstration of the usefulness of genetic technology
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-25
Reports are neat
24 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
It was exciting to get my results and they were a little bit surprising. Some info tucked away to know about myself like genetically I am likely to weigh less than average, that has implications for diet and excercise planning and taking responsibility for health choices.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-24
24 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I’ve tested on FTDNA, 23 & Me, and GPS Origins. However, I only tested the medicial through 23 & Me. Frankly, everything it predicted about me has been wrong, from inheirited illnesses or conditions to physical attributes. It should go without saying that no one should rely on these results and don’t expect to much from the results. On the DNA side, 23 & Me has been equally wrong (for instance, they have me as Native American/Yakut instead of Russian/German Ashkenazi and Sephardic. I’d give less than one star if I could.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-24
Cheap and easy to understand
23 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Cheapest in the market and nice results that helped me a lot
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-23
Great product
23 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I had always wondered if I may be a carrier of any abnormalities or defects. Also was very curious as to my ancestry. Now I know I am healthy. Is worth the money and the 6-8 weeks for results.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-23
Pleased and amazed!
19 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I really enjoyed receiving my reports! I kind of knew what to expect related to ancestry, but the health information was really important for me. I think everyone should take the test! All the information provided is really interesting and I believe the more we all customers participate in surveys and research, the more accurate the information will be.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-19
Good information, fast
18 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I asked for the full genome analysis for my family (myself, husband and our kids) for my birthday this year and I’m so glad I did. We have learned something about where we came from and some risks as well. I’d highly recommend it to other families.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-18
Comprehensive Information, Stimulating Action!
17 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Supposedly my father is 100% French and my mother is 100% German. The results more-or-less bore that out. However the main purpose was to look into Alzheimer’s. My father and all of his sisters had it. I found I have “slightly increased risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer’s disease”. The report stimulates me to dig deeper and see what preventative measures I can employ.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-17
It's literally changed my life
10 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I’ve changed a number of my habits because of the health risks identified, I feel much healthier and happier about the future. I recommend without hesitation.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-10
Impressed with their compassion
7 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I bought the 23andMe package in March and received my results last week. They weren’t quite what I was expecting and as I’m a bit of a worrier, I contacted 23andMe to ask several questions about my carrier traits. They responded super quick and with compassion for my anxiety. Thank for 23andMe team (review also posted on their site)
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-07
23andMe wellness test
2 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Considered buying for ages, finally got my courage up, got my results back this morning, fretted about one of my genotypes and sent 23andMe an email, they got back me in minutes.
I completely recommend this test for their customer service alone!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-02
Amazingly detailed info - genetics and health!
2 May 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I was so excited to try 23 and Me. I had a testing done many years ago and while the results were interesting, they were just too scientific and didn’t give me nearly the detailed explanation of the results as I received with 23 and Me! I really was impressed with the percentages of genetic locations in my sample. WOW!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-05-02
Learning about me!
27 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
This product gives me the opportunity to learn about myself through medical and ancestry reports. It is fascinating to discover where I came from. I have learned a lot about myself since using the kit. To get the best reward from using the kit, you need to answer the research questions and share your results in the database of other 23 and me participants.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-27
Must-do for everyone
26 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I’d advise everyone to participate in 23andMe. actually since I got the results back, I have talking to a lot people to join the family of 23andMe.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-26
Interesting and fun!
23 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Took a long time for the results, but I think this is because so many people are doing it. I was always told I was German, and the test revealed I was only 7%… I learned so much. It was fun, provided many family laughs and connected me to family that I know I have so it’s correct!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-23
Amazing product!
22 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I bought the kit 2 months ago, and I am so happy that I did! I received my results fairly quickly! 23andMe has really helped me get a better understanding of my ancestry and my health. I was very impressed when I received my reports because the ancestry seemed very accurate in comparison to what I already knew. Additionally, the health reports gave me great insights for what I can do to live a healthier lifestyle based upon my own specific genetic makeup.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-22
so easy to use
19 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
was anxious after i ordered that i wouldnt understand what id be shown but navigating the reports is a cynch!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-19
Very comprehensive
12 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
My son bought this for my bithday present and is very interested in the discoveries I’m making. It is addictive and keeps drawing me back to make ever more .
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-12
11 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Very interesting product – only problem was that the results took a long time to arrive but when they did it was well worth the wait.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-11
More than satisfied
10 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
More than I expected but can’t give full marks as it could be easier to use and make sense of.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-10
Great service!
9 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Showed me an great detail what I wanted to know and even more!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-09
Excellent program
7 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I have MANY sensitivities. My genetic profile gave me some more information about why my body reacts the way it does. If I had had this information 10 years ago, my doctor and I could have figured out some interventions more quickly. 23andme has clear procedures for getting the sample and having it processed; prompt response to questions. I’ve already recommended the service to several folks. The ancestry part was interesting; the health part very helpful.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-07
Who knew spit has so much info!
6 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I got my test from 23andme.com after being dignosed with an autoimmune skin condition. While waiting for my report from 23andme I was seen by an allergist and a practitioner who has done some additional testing both allergy and some non traditional bio resonance scans. After obtaining my results from 23andme and submitting to lifenome I was socked at the accuracy. Even my personality traits were accurate. Amazing!!!!! Who knew that my spit has so much info. Now I will be more careful with where I spit.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-06
Great kit
1 April 2017
Genetic Predisposition
This kit covers everything I was interested in finding out about myself, not many surprises but good sound advise for my future and now!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-04-01
Pleasure to be part of their research efforts
31 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Jumped at the chance to buy this when they dropped the price, no regrets, I love being part of their research projects, a genuine sense of helping the scientific community. The genetic origins maps are of academic interest – the wellness reports haven’t flaggged anything untoward, then again I don’t really care I didn’t take the test for these extras
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-31
All good
30 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I bought the testing for my wife for Christmas. Everything started out great when we received the kit. My wife sent the kit in and received an email that they had received it. We waited longer than expected for the results but it was worth it.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-30
Customer support stands out
29 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
The 23andMe support team went out of their way to explain my genetic mutations to me. I’m still having trouble wrapping my head round my data and I had hoped it would be very straight forward. One issue I have is how can I audit the results? How can I check the meaning of my mutations if I can’t have my test run again? Despite this, I’m enthused with 23andMe’s answers and response time
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-29
Very responsive
28 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
After sending in test kits I received an email saying we would have results in 6-8 weeks. Got them after 5 which was great. The output takes time to get your head around but it's worth doing for the peace of mind.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-28
Four stars
27 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
To those considering the 23andMe service I am giving four stars. The reports are certainly ‘next generation’ and it’s refreshing to be able to see my genetic information. When I showed the reports to my doctor she didn’t really want to know which is disappointing, however, I’ve enjoyed reading them and I’m thankful to 23andMe for making this information privately available to me. I’d also like to share that 23andMe’s support personnel are responsive and considerate.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-27
So many wishes...
24 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
The whole idea of the testing, website and reports appealed to me greatly. I understand that there can be set backs with this type of testing/panel, but the delays are annoying.
I’m still excited about the potential.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-24
Got all the data I wanted
23 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Good value for money in my opinion, lots of resources to check out, all neatly catalogued and is easy to access
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-23
Fully recommend
21 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Couldn’t be happier with purchase, I fully endorse this as a tool for those who really want to understand their genetic makeup
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-21
Definitely do it
16 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I ordered in Nov. 2016 it took until after Christmas to receive kit. I returned it with in 5 days. I waited patiently and was thrilled when I got the results.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-16
Extremely impressed
13 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Especially with the supporting materials and links to genetic counsellors
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-13
Every modern man should buy this
13 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I’m a Neanderthal and proud! Well, 2.5% of me…
The heritage data bundle is interesting but I am much more interested in the genetic health section
I feel more centered after reading my results and am now looking for a higher resolution test – 23 has hooked me!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-13
Not what it used to be
12 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Very disappointing to find out that they test significantly less of the genome than they used to. very few diseases and traits are tested for to. they say it cause of the FDA -but all they need to do to get around that is offer a doctors note version. Had I had known it wasn’t the same test my friends got earlier there no way i would have ordered it. Not worth the money in my opinion when you could get the whole genome tested for just over twice the price.
Proccessing time took exactly 8 weeks.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-12
23andMe Review
11 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Totally happy with the results and the inform is very detailed and easy to understand, although I did have to research into some medical results but love the process enormously! I was given 23 and Me as a Christmas present.. Great present!!!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-11
Great Reports, Great insight
10 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Great product. Love the insights it gives, and the presentation of the report. Actual tracking may be updated a bit with more accurate times given, currently just quoted 5-8 weeks (While the actual system is pretty good, may be a bit better to have some more detail on the actual ‘progress bar’)
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-10
10 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Very satisfied and very informative . This is a must for people seeking information.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-10
Learning about myself
8 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
It actually open my mind up to reading more about my history and more about my Wellness And Trades that I didn’t know about myself as far as different diseases and disorders and syndromes I’m really happy that I took me to an exploration.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-08
Personal genome service
7 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Very clear, lots of resources to learn as much as I want about my results. I didn’t know what I wanted out of the 23and me service but I’m accepting of what they’ve shown me. I love the carrier results,I don’t carry what they test for
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-07
Exactly what I was looking for
6 March 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Searched through a dozen test descriptions, chose 23andMe, having got the resuts I made the right call
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-03-06
Undoubtably valuable
28 February 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Going to get it in front of my doctor asap!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-28
Would recommend to everyone!
20 February 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I probably refer to my results every week. I talk about them to my doctor, my therapist, my PT – they’ve been seriously useful and given me a real feeling of control over my body and my future
I highly recommend – five stars
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-20
13 February 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I sent samples in late November. Happy with results. The positive reviews are real.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-13
Colourfully displayed info
5 February 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Bright, interactive charts and maps display the info in a way that everyone should be able to understand, its led me to make some proper lifestyle changes
Very happy
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-02-05
Hope you never want or need customer service
30 January 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Considering the FDA really slapped 23andMe around out of concern that people would not understand the product, you’d expect 23andMe to step up their communication with clients, however they are just proving the FDA is right because people want and need answers, but 23andMe isn’t providing those answers. I’m looking for a better option…
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-30
Emotive and informative
27 January 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Extremely informative and you have to WANT to read your results carefully to get the maximum benefit from 23andMe
All in all, I made the right decision by buying this
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-27
I love what I'm seeing
27 January 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Going through my results now, there’s a helluva lot of info here, a full report for every mutation which is awesome
I have South Asian ancestry as expected and low Neanderthal (1.1%) :)
Glad I spent the money
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-27
Good overall
9 January 2017
Genetic Predisposition
On balance the reports are easy to read but lacking in actionable information
The data download is valuable
The genealogical overview is pleasingly eyebrow raising, but thinking about it, this is likely due to me being a mish-mash of nationalities!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-09
Best way to get your hands on this data!
6 January 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I saw this as an investment and I haven’t been let down. 23 and me’s reports are excellent.
I researched getting my ‘exome’ data from other sources but 23 is the best way. Their data is compatible with dozens of tools and apps – this data will definitely continue to be useful.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-01-06
Many interesting reports
24 December 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I’ve found lot of interesting results and they all make sense ! I am especially impressed by the recommandations that are actionnable and deeply explained.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-24
23 December 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Very nice service with affordable prices. I received my results after 6 weeks.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-23
18 December 2016
Genetic Predisposition
And i don’t use that word lightly – highly recommend
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-18
I give 8 out of 10
18 December 2016
Genetic Predisposition
…which translates to 4 stars on this site
Opening the reports was much more nerve racking than I thought it would be, now it’s done I wish I’d have tested earlier. It appears I’m carrying one condition (I’m not going to share it, even on an anonymous site) and since speaking to my doctor I am much calmed
It is much much better to know than to not. Even though 23andMe only tests for a fraction of the things you could carry in your genes, I believe this to be incredible value for money having looked at three alternatives
I am also aware of the FDA trouble 23 had (my husband reminded me several times) but I’ve done my research and the fact that they are still allowed to test the public under such scrutiny actually reassures me
If you’re a worrier like me, I recommend you go ahead and order. Don’t wait llike I did
Anon. TX
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-12-18
Thank you!
30 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I was so impressed that I already purchased the test for a friend too.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-30
DNA test
24 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I was really interested in the unique service this company seems to provide. I doubted whether the number of positive reviews they have got are authentic but the resutls are amazing!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-24
Excellent test and results
23 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I was surprised to see all the knowledge provided. Every report comes with various actionable recommendations. Very satisfied with my purchase !
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-23
Health testing
23 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Offers lot of features for a very low price. Other companies are offering only a simple fitness test for this price. I am very happy with my purchase.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-23
Bought 23 for two relatives so far...
18 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
….they both sent in their spit and we’ve had several intriguing conversations about all our results.
I’d have to say this test makes a nice surprise. You get a sense of excitement from the box and 23 make it easy for you to give as a gift too.
Im buying for my grandchildren this year.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-18
Amazing 'all in one' service
10 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Your service give me a strong knowledge about my health. I am also really happy to see that it is compatible with so many tools
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-10
Could do with more support
4 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
23andMe have delivered my report online
Much of it is difficult to wrap my head around
I suggest they provide a 1 on 1 consultation service
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-04
Blown away
4 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Absolutely stunning information, it’ll take me weeks to go through it all!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-04
Best for raw data
4 November 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Best source of raw genetic data, amazing graphics in the interface too!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-11-04
Quite pleased
23 October 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Initially, I was quite pleased as it verified some things that seemed pretty obvious.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-23
My kids loved their tests
19 October 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I got tests for both my daughters and they studied the results very closely which reassured me that the present was a useful one!
I wanted them to look at their carrier reports especially and was so happy that they were interested. I showed them my results last year so they’d seen the reports before – they were prepped for their tests when their birthdays came around! (They are non-identical twins in their 20s)
I am still happy with the service I receive from 23 and me, though I had to unsubscribe from all the emails.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-19
Every mother to be should take this in my opinion
15 October 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I care massively about the health of my future children so obviously I’ve taken 23andMe’s personal genetic test.
I’ve mentioned this to several relatives and they think I’m crazy but I was interested to know what might be coming down the road for my kids and a few things have been revealed that I’m definitely glad I know about.
Discovering that I don’t carry Tay-Sachs or CF is a BIG deal for me. This alone is worth the cost of the test.
S.Bulwich IL
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-15
Comprehensive results of great value
14 October 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I am a Genome Coach and I have received the results for my first patient to be tested – I am very happy with the outcome.
Considering the genotyping results of the patient is very interesting. Can 23andMe report on the quality assurance measures to confirm the existence of these variants?
I will soon be purchasing a number of new tests for my patients.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-14
Very useful
14 October 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Thank you for processing our order and results quickly. The information is very useful.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-14
3 October 2016
Genetic Predisposition
It’s impressive the amount of information you get!!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-03
Highly engrossing and informative!
1 October 2016
Genetic Predisposition
A good buy
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-10-01
27 September 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I’m enjoying wading through my results!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-27
DNA analyses
23 September 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I discovered a lot of interesting things, especially about my medication regimen which was not best suited for me. I show it to my doctor and he has been able to change it according to my DNA. Now I feel much better… I would recommand the 23andMe test to all. You could discover lot of things about yourself.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-23
Stunning value for money
23 September 2016
Genetic Predisposition
So many genes tested for very little. May be the most impactful purchase you can make for your life.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-23
Flexible data
18 September 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Enjoyed the analysis and I got a cut price DNA Fit analysis by uploading my data. There are lots of 23andMe-compatible tools out there, many that are free, now’s a good time to buy this.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-18
There's only so much planning you can do
18 September 2016
Genetic Predisposition
There’s only so much planning you can do for your baby but taking this test with my husband has been a cheap way of checking we won’t pass on any of the 60 conditions 23 and me look for.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-18
My results
17 September 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Really appreciate the report, loving the info so far!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-09-17
30 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
We are impressed by your genetic testing!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-30
Carrier, trait and ancestry results
29 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
23andMe offer a very good service in three key areas
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-29
All round excellent
24 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
And the number of other services that use 23andMe data is increasing all the time! You can even get a free fitness report with Athletigen after you buy 23andMe
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-24
Adore my genetic data!
24 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Especially because I got to spit :))
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-24
19 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
In early August, I decided to buy this test. Someone may buy this service expecting to get information on everything but there are a number of handpicked analyses. This is unregulated territory, no one really knows what anything is worth yet. At the very least, I was hoping for more analyses for the money.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-19
£125 is cheap for the data you get
18 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Interface is good, dozens of free tools to use with the 23andMe mutation list you can download e.g. Athletigen
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-18
Positive assessment
13 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I give the carrier reports 90%
The trait reports 50% (of moderate usefulness)
The genetic ancestry reports 90%
I am most satisfied with the service 23andMe provide
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-13
I'm a convert!
12 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
The 23andMe account is a revelation to me, which sounds extremely dramatic but once you sit up and actually go through your carrier reports, you will be amazed. All the information is within easy reach and straightforward.
I’ve got a spit kit for my daughter and husband I’m so pleased with what I’ve learned.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-12
10 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
My thanks to 23 and me for being so fast with answers to my questions :)
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-10
On the phone when you need them
10 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Pleasantly surprised when I called them today to ask about my results… A human actually answered the phone and helped me!! 5 stars for the report and the support
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-10
7 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I am deeply disappointed in 23andMe. I purchased the test to discover my health risks only to learn that this feature was discontinued in 2013
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-07
Best £125 my wife and I ever spent!
7 August 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Results raised concerns for us both and we’re super glad we’ve been forewarned
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-08-07
Worth £125
30 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I didn’t know what to expect for £125, however, my results are definitely worth this price
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-30
No reservations whatsoever
20 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Despite all the trouble with the FDA I can tell anyone reading this that the 23 and Me personal service is staggering – we’re living through a total paradigm shift and I am enthused by what I am seeing.
I definitely feel I have more control over what conditions I carry. the ancestry information is REALLY engaging (i have already emailed four cousins). this is worth £125
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-20
Helped inform a discussion with my doctor
16 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Took my results to her and got a referral on the basis of an inherited condition I was concerned about. Would’ve had no idea had I not taken the test
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-16
Probably the most unusual thing I've ever bought
15 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
…but I’m glad I did! I like to be in control and especially like to be on top of my health and what might be just around the corner
I’m really pleased I invested in the 23 personal genome kit. Fun to take and I now have access to a wealth of stats about me
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-15
13 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Pretty incredible information, right now I’m studying my mom’s information through your platform (haven’t done mine yet).
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-13
Low predisposition to Alzheimer's!
10 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
This was why I bought the test and getting this result wast totally worth it
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-10
Far and away the best thing I've bought this year!
8 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
A mountain of well explained info about ME
I feel really good about getting hands on this, I genuinely feel better equipped for the future
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-08
Dazzling data
4 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Dozens of analyses to sit down with i am very pleased
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-04
Large amount of information
3 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I have many pages to read so I will review again! So far I have just started looking at the interface and it is ok
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-03
3 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
My son bought this test and I was apprehensive at the time. He’s only 23 which is young to be looking at the diseases you might have in your genes, although he’s always been curious about our family history (I’m from Turkey, his father is from Mexico) and I can see these parts of his background have come out in his DNA. This is a very good part of the 23 and Me report.
I think overall the test is a good thing. I would not recommend any teenager take it. My son is not a worrier (unlike me) so he’s not worrying about the three inherited conditions he might pass on.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-03
Health and heritage test thoughts
1 July 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I shopped around before bought the 23andme test. Happy to say that the spread of data was what I expected – I know I will find it useful in my life
I anticipate (and have asked for) more health risks as these are probably the most important aspect for most people. There are thousands of diseases out there and I want to see the list grow in my account
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-07-01
Not sure what to make of what I've bought
27 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Hi. There are lots of sections that I’ve been interested to read. There have been a few parts have not held my interest (my lactose tolerance rating for example). I remember where the 23 and me spit kit was advertised a few years ago and you definitely get less than you used to (the older online reviews back this up too)
My instincts tell me this was a good buy. The inherited conditions reports are well written and have given me a sense of security about my two daughters and their health
The genealogy reports are fascinating and much more enjoyable/less dry to go through!
I assign 4 stars to this test
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-27
Cheap, but has everything!
21 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Got to say, I looked at the list of genes 23andMe were testing before I bought. They test so many!
Results were well laid out, with plenty of scientific info and recommendations.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-21
Worth it for the carrier status reports alone
11 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
No idea what all the conditions are and I don’t want to really, I just know that I don’t carry any of them (my wife carries a few but we both have to have them for our future children to risk getting the disease) and it’s ultra reassuring to know I don’t carry the few I’ve actually heard of: Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Tay-Sachs Disease
A useful piece of modern technology that I would recommend to review readers
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-11
Good with caveat
11 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Their customer service team answer my questions which is a BIG plus in my book. I feel I am victim to shifting sands when I consider the 23andme test that I’ve bought to be honest. I first bought the test in 2013 which blew my mind and I talked my friends about how cool it was and then we got these letters because 23andme weren’t allow to show the health stuff anymore and the information in the account because circumspect.
I took 23andme again when they started offering health information and there are nowhere near the like 250 health risks that there first were. There are like 30 now but they’re ‘carrier status reports’ so you’re carrying the conditions and you might have them but 23andme but can’t tell you that you have them. So in a way I believe what I’m seeing in my new account to a greater degree but am also annoyed that the first test got me so excited but turned out to be what, invalid I guess
What I want to say is that for people who want to look at their dna you know 23andme have to be way way more careful than the rest because they’re so big and all, and that you need to expect some changes in the next few years because this whole area is still developing.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-11
I am happy with the results
11 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
All valuable info, 23 andme make surfing the info quite easy compared to other sites I think, I have high Warfarin sensistivty and my husband has been taking this for his heart bypass so I know all about it and I’m glad I’ll be able to use it if I need to.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-11
Completely right about the traits which gives me confidence
11 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
23andme totally nailed my traits, they got everything right, am so glad because this they didn’t give any carrier risk factors and the fact that the traits are right backs up how healthy they say I am!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-11
Too many surveys
11 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I got my results back three weeks ago. Have checked out the results a few times now. I really wish 23andMe wouldn’t hassle you to complete surveys all the time!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-11
Great service
11 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
23andMe make it super easy for you to download your genetic data and upload it to other services.
In my opinion, 23andMe provide basic services (and I guess they have to be so basic because of the FDA) but buying their service has helped me take advantage of other services.
On balance, I think 23andMe is totally worth it given you get the digital version of your DNA
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-11
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
1 June 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Main concerns were Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, finding out that my risk of suffering with these is 2.6% for Alzheimer’s and 1.6% for Parkinson’s has made this service worthwhile ten times over
23andMe deserve 5 stars for giving people access to this information!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-06-01
Satisfied customer
30 May 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Amazing advice that has really helped me
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-30
10 weeks instead of 6
24 May 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Very informative results. Unfortunately I got my results after 10 weeks sending my sample back, instead of 6..
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-24
Overall very good
23 May 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Very good prices, good service and great reports. But had some issues with delivery of my kit
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-23
Good to know I carry a Hemochromatosis variant
17 May 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Very happy with the information I received, I bought the kit for the health information, the ancestry information wasn’t really of interest (I’m Western European, end of story!)
I’m in my 30s, in good health, and 23andMe’s results have basically backed this up. I’m especially glad that for inherited conditions, I only carry one negative variant which is for ‘Hemochromatosis’ which affects iron regulation.
On reading up, I can see that because I only have one Hemochromatosis variant, I am unlikely to suffer an iron overload, but it’s good to know that I could pass this to my kids (if I have them). Something to watch out for.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-17
Worth it
15 May 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Fantastic customer service and I am loving the updates throughout the year as more information becomes available. I have become a genetics geek and have found myself reading a lot more articles on this subject since receiving my results
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-15
The best for sheer volume of reports
5 May 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I shopped around and saw that 23andMe produce more health reports than any other company, and upon logging in, I definitely picked the right product. There’s masses of information here, some of it VERY valuable to me given the conditions that run in the family.
Five stars, absolutely no question
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-05-05
They have the right idea
23 April 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I think it’s a brilliant idea to let non-scientists take a look at the genes they carry. In practice, every result has a mammoth amount of reading material connected to it and at some point you have to say to yourself ‘I’ve understood as much about this gene as I’m going to’ and move on.
A 2-minute ‘layman’s video’ about each result would be helpful.
The ancestral analysis is very compelling, no complaints on that score.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-23
So helpful
19 April 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Very helpful reports . Thank you
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-19
Are we ready to look inside our cells?
8 April 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Greetings researchers!
Yes, I would argue that most of us are. I am not a geneticist, I am an interested consumer and I am very happy that the information in our DNA is being made available to us for the first time.
I have taken three 23andMe tests (don’t ask!) and with every permutation I feel they are improving what you can learn about your health risks, your ancestry, and the traits you possess that are determined by the genetic material you’re composed of, thanks to your parents.
If you’re moderately intelligent, and even if you’re a cynic, I advise you test your saliva (and the DNA it contains) with 23andMe.
Fletcher Baines Sr – Boston
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-08
Great reports
6 April 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I received my results after 8 weeks, instead of 4… but that’s not a big issue because your reports deserve these 5 stars !
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-06
Information is excellent but quality has declined
3 April 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Comparing the Editor’s Review with the results I’ve received, you don’t get as much as you used to
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-03
On the whole: Worth buying
2 April 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Feels like I have a bit more control now I’ve done this
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-04-02
Deserve the 1st place
23 March 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Love your service ! Looking forward to receive the updated reports
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-23
Well done guys!
23 March 2016
Genetic Predisposition
This is such a fantastic, off the shelf, product for any health enthusiast who is looking for the edge against the rest. Quick and easy to test and the results are really well detailed!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-23
You've got it!
23 March 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Your test found a potential deficiency in my DNA. It has just been confirmed by a blood test . Thank you and keep it up guys !
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-23
My first foray into genetics...
19 March 2016
Genetic Predisposition
…and I’m glad I took the 23andMe saliva test to do it!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-19
11 March 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Got my results yesterday, very interesting and very complicated.
I didn’t study biology at school but I thought it would be straightforward, but when you get into the details – for example, you see you carry a gene associated to a disease or a gene that your children could have got which might cause them to suffer with a disease, you click to the next page and the information becomes very complex.
I think 23andMe should offer a phone consultation as standard to go through some of this data. I can see many people asking for the same service. I have found a few services which will let you pay them to talk you through your results but I’m not sure I want to pay more when I’ve already paid for the test.
Anyway, I have the information now, I’ll keep on at 23andMe, maybe they’ll change their processes. The heritage information is good, I understand it, so not a total waste.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-11
Has made a difference
8 March 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Has made a major difference in my life and my family’s life. In my opinion it’s very cheap for what it is – 23andMe’s personal genome service is easy to understand and act upon.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-08
Exemplary value for money
4 March 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I can’t describe how valuable this information is, and I can’t tell you how much more relaxed I am about my health since genetically testing myself with 23andMe.
This has been a REAL investment in my future and peace of mind. I would recommend to anyone to take the 23andMe genetic test.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-04
DNA testing
4 March 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I placed my order on their website and get my results on the interface… The 23andme package is awesome. Recommend it to all
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-03-04
Information looks reliable
29 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Learned a lot that I didn’t know, I’m super glad that I went with this company for a genetic analysis, my gf also had a positive experience.
Happy and recommend
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-29
Gob smacked
25 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I ordered the 23andMe test last year but only logged in today and boy is there a lot of info! Interface is pretty busy, lots of tabs to search through but the quick links to health and ancestry at the top are excellent.
All very interesting, my French ancestry has been reflected and my traits are all spot on. I’m not at risk of any conditions which is great! Didn’t really order it for the risks so I’m not really reassured but seeing science in action is exciting.
Especially like the ‘download raw data’ section and gene search tool. I’m going to take my time to decide how I engage with the research sections – I definitely want to share my DNA if it’s going to help cure a disease, just need to take some time to look at it properly.
At £125, I think this is a good deal, I just want them to look at more diseases and hope they’ll update my account as new discoveries are made.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-25
I'm part of an important project
19 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I love that 23’s saliva test has let me participate in research that will advance medical science – this was a big factor when I decided to invest in the test and two months later I’m still glad I did
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-19
23 and me DNA test
18 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Amazing level of detail, very satisfied with my purchase
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-18
A very powerful dataset
18 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
The haplogroup information could definitely be improved. I’ve reviewed several other paternal and maternal migratory path results from other companies and I felt that 23andMe skimped on this element.
I also discovered I carry a variant that makes it more likely that I’ll suffer with Familial Transthyretin (TTR) Amyloidosis. I’d never heard of the condition but it was well documented on the 23andMe site.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-18
Not sure
4 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
This is a tough one. I did a lot of research before buying 23andMe, I read dozens of reviews, went through the 23andMe site, I watched the YouTube videos, I read @23andMe’s tweets… £125 is a lot of money for me and I’m interested in genetics and I want to take advantage of scientific progress.
Well, I’ve got my results now after an epic wait and the reports are fairly engaging but I’m not sure it was worth it. I know that there’s more to a trait that a few ‘genetic variants’ and I know risk isn’t just DNA, it’s lifestyle and environment too. I don’t think I’ve learned anything that’s changed my life one way or the other.
One big benefit is getting to download your genetic code and try uploading it to other company’s websites, so that’s my next mission. If I get to the point where I feel I got my money’s worth, I’ll write another review on this site. Somehow I doubt it.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-04
Very Interesting!
4 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Bought this in Dec 2015. Took around 6 weeks from the date I sent the saliva sample off to get my results. Really interesting health information, which is why I did it. Be prepared to analyse and research various SNPs for yourself using external analysis tools. It does take time if you want to do it properly. The ancestry section is pretty good also.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-04
Great entertainment value for the money
4 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
My husband and I have had our results 3 weeks now. There is so much information to explore which is fascinating on every level, from snp’s in genes to information on distant relatives and family tree building. I cannot wait for more family members to get this done. It has kept me entertained every evening for the last 3 weeks and no doubt will do so for many weeks to come!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-04
Relief but could do with some more value add
4 February 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Was great to hear I was as average as my teachers told me at school, but am a bit disappointed with some of the features that have been withdrawn from the original offering in the US. Otherwise, really happy with the service and wait time.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-02-04
very very informative - wont look at dna in the same way
28 January 2016
Genetic Predisposition
been a long time since i did dna in school so 23andme was a radical step for me.very impressed with the data and the traits they said i have i have!!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-28
Health, fitness, skin, nutrition and drugs
23 January 2016
Genetic Predisposition
Positive facts: Amazing price for the service + comprehensive reports + customer care.
Negative facts: DNA analyses took lot of time.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-23
An incredible experience!
19 January 2016
Genetic Predisposition
At the beginning was only curiosity but when I received the reports it was magic! I loved to read and learn about me and my ancestors!!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-19
Not what I was expectung
19 January 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I purchased my kit primarily because I wanted to find out if I was pre-disposed to Alzheimers (my dad has genetic Alzhrimers).
My results came back and immediately told me about my ethnicity and physical features. It also gave me the results of a handful of rare conditions.
I was expecting a list of common conditions that I did or did not have a genetic likelihood of developing. Instead, I had to know either the test name or the chromosome details for the system to determine a genetic link. I was able to get a negative APOE in regard to Alzheimers, but nothing else worthwhile.
They also had a link to find others with similar genetics. I didn’t spend much time with it, but it felt more like a game than an actual tool.
Great idea, but I wouldn’t do it again.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-19
Loads of information
19 January 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I bought it as I liked the idea of knowing where I came from and the information on hereditary problems would be good to know for my kids. I’ve found our so much more though and I’m just waiting to find some DNA relatives to connect with.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-19
Powerful stuff!
19 January 2016
Genetic Predisposition
I’ve been interested in the product for sometime, for both health and ancestral information. I’m also very supportive of the human empowerment that genetic reporting provides, so I decided to buy a package for my sister and me.
The online reports are well presented and insightful.
I’d definitely recommend 23andMe to anyone.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2016-01-19
very enlightening
30 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I’m still looking into my past history of my family , discovering so much that i had no idea of and sharing it with others from here .
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-30
Needed Raw Data
30 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The reports were interesting I guess but I took this test for medical reasons. The raw data was what I needed but almost impossible to send to my Dr’s due to the format.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-30
Great for raw data
30 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The reports are not helpful for chronic illness. Obviously if I had a genetic disease, I would already know it! The raw data is helpful but you still have to spend more money to plug that into other sites to get some interpretation
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-30
14 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Fascinating information but complicated. So takes time to extract information. Bought because I have ME/CFS and joined a worldwide survey of the genetic characteristics of this debilitating illness.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-14
With results any action is more informed
14 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Particularly useful! You can get involved in medical research (if needed), know what traits or tendencies you/your relations may have, put our mind to rest or help you devise a lifestyle strategy. Great fun too with regards to ancestry.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-14
Looks amazing
7 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I’m jumping the gun a bit, my friend showed me her results on her iPad and I just ordered 23andMe for myself, I’m in my fifties and some of the information you receive about your disease risks and reactions to medications looks essential
I’m looking forward to speaking to my doctor about the outcome and will post again if she agrees the data will be useful.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-07
Very interesting.
3 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Got my results back 2weeks ago and I am quite happy with them. I am not sure if I would recommend it to family though, as it is a bit pricey for them to see they are very similar to me genetically.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-03
Everyone should do it!
3 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I am so happy I did it. First I was quite scared, thought I didn’t really want to know if I’d have Alzheimer’s later in life. Now studying in this field, I know that you have better chances preventing a disease than curing it once it’s symptomatic. To know what vitamins, what enzyme etc… your body can’t metabolise or synthesise is the first step to success. I am spreading the word and hope you will too! :)
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-03
Fascinating and would recommend!
3 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Purely scientific interest and a fascinating area of future medicine. Everyone should do this!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-03
Very educational and valuable.
3 December 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Excellent product, lots of information, however might be overwhelming for some users. I personally find the interface a bit clumsy.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-12-03
Massive relief
28 November 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Bought these tests for my husband and I because I’m expecting, already had several non-genetic tests run obviously but it’s great to see we won’t be passing some of my he more obscure genetic conditions to our baby!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-11-28
Fun and informative, everyone should do it!
1 November 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Purchased a few months ago and have been enjoying the results since I received them. A mix of important health markers and some fun genetic facts. Hoped to find something more exotic in my ancestry but can’t have it all!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-11-01
Great features and great info
1 November 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I bought this a while back but only sent it in recently as I was slightly apprehensive about my results, but I certainly do not regret sending this in, simply because this has allowed me to calm down and focus on being healthy today instead of worring about what could have happened in 10 years
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-11-01
1 November 2015
Genetic Predisposition
unsure as I thought that this was to check ones health-but it seems to concentrate on relationships
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-11-01
The real Me
1 November 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I was interested to find out about any medical traits I may have. It gave me so much more info about the real me. I feel I know the 100% of who I am and I understand why I sneeze in sunlight now. It’s a genetic flaw, Photic sneeze reflex.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-11-01
Not clear at all
30 October 2015
Genetic Predisposition
hello I was not bale to understand the genetic resuslts that they sent me and was hoping for a final recap chich never came . as far as the ancestry goes , also I found the info very vague
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-30
Thank you 23andMe!
26 October 2015
Genetic Predisposition
It’s a true relief to know I’ve not inherited genes that could cause my children to suffer from the conditions 23andMe test for
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-26
AMAZING so much we never knew was in our Genes
7 October 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Really glad I bought this, I learned lots about the genes that might impact my health in the future.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-07
The good the bad and the dissapointing
6 October 2015
Genetic Predisposition
There is a very large amount of information that will take some time to read through. I suspect much of it to be copy and paste that could have been made available before the results were issued so that I could have been reading it much sooner. I would have liked a section that explains how participation could advance medical science. The section on genetic history was not very revealing but I realise I had expected too much.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-10-06
20 September 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Lots of interesting feedback on the top of their web-site but I particularly enjoyed drilling down for further information. With enough data you may be able to use MRA to determine average proportionate cause of various ailments. Good value.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-20
8 September 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I have to say I absolutely loved this, I actually found out a lot about myself and some of the results explained why I approached things the way I have. Fascinating and definitely worth the money. I very much recommend this.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-08
8 September 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Many very interesting features. It keeps you consistently absorbed in many ways. You learn a great deal in the process. This is a valuable experiment by Google and I have no doubt it shall become very popular and hopefully, ultimately scientifically and socially productive. Human genetics is a key scientific revolution of our time. This is a way to engage and become familiar with the shifting sands of this science and its meaning at a popular level.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-08
Quality of results?
7 September 2015
Genetic Predisposition
3.5 % SNP failure, 12 weeks to get results. Most of Yq SNPs have no results 53% in fact.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-09-07
19 August 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I have found it fascinating finding out my ancestry and all the awful diseases I am not going to develop, but finding out I have the 2 APOE4 SNPs brought me up short. I do have a bad memory so I have stopped joking about Alzheimer’s and am now cutting down on sugar with more conviction than I ever have before, as I know it is a contributor to amyloid plaques. I am looking at it as an opportunity to prevent those SNPs ruining the end of my life. I think it would be helpful if there was a translator for all those numbers though, I got interested in DNA testing thanks to Dr Ben Lynch talking about methylation and MTHFR but had to Google the numbers for C677T and A1298C. I think the most commonly discussed SNP numbers should be translated and included in the information supplied. Is this what the FDA forbade? If so, I am in the UK and their jurisdiction is not relevant here surely?
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-19
Took a long time. A very confusing
19 August 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Information is very difficult to understand. Need to get other comanpies to explain it. Took ages. Still not sure if it is of any benefit yet.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-19
Professional approach - good service
19 August 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Simple process. I like how results are presented plenty of background information.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-19
Want more info
19 August 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I am greedy but I would like to know more of my HCG (human compatibility genes profile.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-19
Fantastic results. Postage lets it down slightly.
19 August 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Purchasing from the UK so that I could receive both the health and ancestry reports. I was amazed with my results that they go in to such detail. Very easy to understand although some basic biological knowledge would be recommended. The only thing that lets the whole process down, from a UK resident, is that sending the kit away to the lab proved to be quite a problem at the post office. Other than that the whole service is outstanding.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-19
Satisfied customer
9 August 2015
Genetic Predisposition
It was easy to use and well priced. Though I thought I would get more information, for example information of psychiatrics and heredity
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-09
Exceeded my expectations
9 August 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I was fearing a set of reports in cautious, non-specific language. They were not. They were clear and precise and most professionally presented. Well done.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-08-09
Better than I imagined
15 July 2015
Genetic Predisposition
This is a service that everyone should do! It provides information that will keep you busy for a very long time. It is hard to believe that this technology is even available!! But it is and this service provides a plethora of information!!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-07-15
Great discoveries and a wealth of knowledge
9 July 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I joined 23andMe following my Lung Cancer scare. I wanted to be reassured that I do not have any genetic risk factors (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, Alzeheimer, Parkinson, trombophilia etc – 23andMe investigates all 11 of them ) – it turns out I do not have any variants of the 11 known and tested genetic risk factors . That does not mean that I will be free of cancer or diseases but it gives me a great peace of mind.
23andMe also reassures me that I do not have any of the 43 Genetic Variants that can cause certain health conditions .
I am impressed with the wealth of knowledge and scientific discoveries shared on the website not all necessarily of genetic nature. It was very interesting to read an article about the properties of 0+ blood type and its protection against Alzeheimer disease. I also found an article about the effective treatment of the aggresive skin cancer that my friend was very interested in.
I was immensely impressed with the accuracy of 23andMe testing results – my blood type (0+); red hair gene carrier – my older son has a beautiful red hair – inherited from his great grandmother on my husband side – he is the only one in the family who had inherited the red hair. 23andMe correctly indicated my ancestry – 65.9% Eastern European.
23andMe is on the forefront of Genetic Research – I am proud to be a member of a dynamic company that moves the humanity few steps forward towards great genetic discoveries (reading the blogs – some members significantly contribute to new discoveries – like pointing to new genetic risk factors or participating in research) and towards assembling the ever expanding database of human genes .
The more we understand about ourselves the better progress we can achieve, we can find new treatments and cures for diseases.
I also found very reassuring the interview with the CEO and founder of 23andMe Anne Wojcicki (05 May 2015, Bio News 800) – she herself had been tested and her both children and husband also underwent the genetic risk factors tests.
I have problems convincing members of my own family of merits of genetic testing – I do hope they will change their minds in due course. There is so much more to discover if you have your whole family tested by 23andMe !
It is disappointing that at the moment people who live in the UK cannot currently participate in research. 23and Me awaits the review and approval from UK-based Research Ethics Committee (REC) that would allow customers to opt in to 23andMe research program. Let us hope that REC will make their decision soon.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-07-09
Cool Service!
9 July 2015
Genetic Predisposition
it’s a cool service, lots of interesting stuff. It’s worth the price but i feel like some information may be limited or uncertain. I’m Ukrainian/ Eastern European and i fell there isn’t much data on the website on my ethnicity/ relatives
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-07-09
Some interesting, some so so
26 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The ancestry and health conditions, traits and drug response were interesting although Im not sure if the conditions screened for are all really rare in which case most people dont have any, in which case its only marginally useful. The ancestry threw up some interesting insights I hadnt realised. All in all a bit of fun and not bad value.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-26
excellent features
19 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I found this product very nice and useful for some one who wants to know more about themselves. Most of the data is matching. scientific data. Could have been in more simple n straight forward form for everybody to understand. Thats why four stars otherwise five stars.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-19
Easy to follow and great features
17 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Very quick , extremely professional , easy to follow instructions and everything is explained
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-17
A fascinating insight!
15 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The bedrock service for taking responsibility for your health and well being.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-15
A bit disappointed
12 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Whilst some of what this has shown me has been interesting I was hoping it would cover indicators for more common health issues. In particular diabetes which is epidemic in society today and runs in my family. A lot of the features have been ‘well, that’s OK but a bit pointless’.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-12
Interesting but restrictive
10 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Its been reasonably interesting finding out about some of my genes – however I do find it restrictive. No mention of what illnesses you possibly have or are subject to. Also the ancestry site – to be of any use you would have to join it (for a fee of course) – I feel that this should be included free for a year considering the amount it has cost for the DNA test.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-10
10 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
What a waste of £125.00, it’s so full of medical jargon terminology you can’t under any of it
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-10
My unexpected experience
7 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Because I was adopted I wanted to look into my genes. I used an outside service to examine the medical data which only 23andme extracts. I made my DNA relative data public. I did not expect to find a first cousin. This is somewhat awkward because naturally I have no idea about the circumstances of my birth. I’m waiting to see how this works out. The medical data was a mere five dollars to organize. With the help of a spreadsheet I discovered I have a 220% percent lifetime risk of prostate cancer and a significant increase in skin cancer odds. Lots of good information too, things I can stop worrying about. So now I know where to be vigilant with my health. I’m satisfied.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-07
Amazing information you can get from a little spit
7 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I bought it last month to check the traits and possible diseases I could have passed on to my children. I’m glad with the results and the Neanderthal rating in my DNA. I knew I haven’t completely evolved too far away from my roots.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-07
Helping Hand
7 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I decided to have a DNA test due to being unwell for so many years and it has now helped to push the doctors in the right direction – hopefully.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-07
Couldn't recommend this highly enough!
7 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The service was great from start to finish. I received my results much quicker than the estimate given. I really like the ability to download the raw data. The ancestry results were very interesting, I found some distant cousins whom I didn’t know even existed until I asked my dad about them! The health results were worth the money alone, I found out I am a carrier of a genetic condition (though it’s recessive so I don’t have the condition myself). When I decide to have children, my partner will definitely take a test like this so we can decide the best way to conceive to minimise the risk of our child having this condition. Overall I think it’s worth more than they charge for sure! I have recommended it to all of my family and also my friends. I can’t wait until they offer whole genome sequencing for a reasonable price at a consumer level. Such exciting times!!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-07
Super interesting service
7 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Very insightful to understand more about my genealogy and great to understand more about how my genes may effect my risk of illness and response to drugs.
Many seem to have fear of knowing this information. To me it’s just like knowing what your family history is like.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-07
5 June 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Looking at my results seemed confusing , I think this is ok for maybe Health Issues but not necessary ancestry. I am sensitive to noise and dont particular like sweet things but results said other wise.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-06-05
19 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I bought my husband a test, and was very impressed. I then took one for myself, and shared my results with him. It’s great that I can check trait probabilities, make sure we don’t pass terrible genetic conditions along to our children, and find out exciting things about ourselves that we didn’t even know were genetic. Will make my brother a present of this test soon, and hopefully finding out new things about my paternal ancestry. 23andme even found a 2/3 degree cousin for me, and clarified some questions I had about my ancestry. Amazing! I recommend this test wholeheartedly to all those considering having children. It’s good to be prepared.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-19
23 and me review
15 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I bought this a few months ago, the process was very simple and I was impressed with this. When I got the results I was disappointed as I was expecting results for all major common illnesses and I had not heard of most of them and and some common ones were not in the results. The ancestors history from DNS was from 3 rd to 5 th generation so also inimpressive.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-15
15 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The one main fault is I cannot get Adobe Flash player on my Kindle( has been mentioned) so do not get the full version. I feel this should be rectified very quickly.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-15
Love it
8 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Love all the facts that are included in the genetic testing
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-08
Fun tidbits, handy for genealogy and pre-screening
4 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I love the Neandertal percentage and familial origins tools. The ability to find relatives is neat, too. The ability to opt-in to research and let one’s data be used for science was the main reason I bought my 23andme kit, though. And the raw data, processed elsewhere, has been very helpful to me and my physicians in narrowing our diagnostic evaluations.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-04
Overall good, but one aspect disappointing
2 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The information supplied is interesting, however I am annoyed that I find out after purchase that the information to be supplied to me has been restricted by a regulator. This should have been made clear before purchase so that in informed decision could be made.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-02
1 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Didn’t find any of the information helpful and all my traits ie eye colour and hair colour were compleatly wrong
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-01
1 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Very pleased with the efficiency of 23andMe. It was interesting to see my ancestry, and I was thrilled to find out that I am 14% Jewish. I’ve always loved the Jewish people. I was mainly interested in genetic health conditions, but of course the FDA has prevented the company from revealing this, except in raw data, but I shall eventually find someone who can interpret it. I’m glad I heard about 23andMe.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-01
Lack of info and poor value for money
1 May 2015
Genetic Predisposition
With fewer than a dozen health reports and a small pool of people participating in Europe on the ancestry side, 23andMe represents poor value for money and is definitely not worth £125.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-05-01
Very Interesting
29 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The process of sending your DNA is quick and easy, simples. The waiting for results is the hardest part, but that’s ok because there are loads of questionnaires you can complete on the site while you are waiting! I love the little questionnaires and how it comes up with the results for everyone else who has done them immediately after so you can see how you compare. The actual DNA results are really interesting and ancestry history, my hubby and I love comparing our results!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-29
Useful and ongoing DNA examination
28 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I was interested in identifying genetic markers of predispositions to various conditions. I wanted to be able to take appropriate prophylactic measures and to be sure my affairs were in order for my family, “just in case.” The results, while not “gospel,” were very helpful. I have also been interested in the DNA relatives feature.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-28
Absolutely brilliant!
28 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Its the age old saying, forewarned is forearmed. It also has the ability to put your mind at rest if you have a family member currently suffering from a particular disease.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-28
27 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
This is a facinating site. Myself and my two daughters have been comparing our DNA and genetic predisposition to illness and have engrossing.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-27
Totally Amazing
25 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
For those thinking about joining the genetic age, do it with 23andMe!
My husband and I have pored over the results (he took the test too). We’ve been hugely relieved by the inherited conditions and risk factors info. Thanks 23andMe :)
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-25
Knowledge is power
22 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Well as I work in the world of medicine I was always going to be fascinated by this but what i didn’t expect was how it would make me take stock of my health now I know about certain risks of potential illnesses. I have never met my genetic father and he always tried to deny that I existed. The DNA relatives are showing up 1st cousins which are his nephews and nieces so without having his Personal DNA there is proof I am indeed related. That didn’t really bother me except he was particularly horrid to my mother when she told him she was pregnant so if for nothing else I’m glad I did it for her. That was a surprise I wasn’t expecting. I had no idea that so many people used this service.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-22
I was an early adopter, took every survey…
19 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I was in at the beginning, filling in every customer survey that 23andMe sent – which was rather time-consuming. The upshot was that they told me I had a high risk of developing four serious conditions, all of which I went on to get and which I am now being treated for. If I had found out earlier, there are preventive actions I could have taken to escape or delay two of them. I subsequently bought kits for my kids who have the exact same susceptibilities, and they are now able to choose how to address their risk.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-19
Please expand in Europe
14 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I love it. Great service throughout the whole process. It’s also really expanded my interest on a subject I was only mildly interested in before.
However, with a relatively small user base in Europe, for me it’s not providing as much information as I think it could have. Shipping is quite expensive and the service is pretty much unknown around here (just happen to know quite a few Canadians). So hopefully in the future there is much more to gain from it as the user base grows.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-14
Impressive data and insight
13 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Extremely impressive service and value – the insight derived from all categories has proven to be of high value practically (health indicators) and from a general information viewpoint (ancestry etc). Cost / value ratio is very high and I would strongly recommend.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-13
Good but very complicated product !!
13 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Good idea but to complicated , would be more help to give more direction on health
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-13
I love all of it would like more health reports
13 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
My results came through just over a week ago, took quite a while to process but was worth it I would like more health results, I hope this will be possible in the uk soon. I enjoyed the Ancestry results though I have had problems with the my heritage link, which have not been corrected. so am not impressed with that part, would prefer a link to Ancestry. I would like to buy kits as gifts for relatives possibly at a reduced price, as a current user. I think this was offered when I first bought my kit it would be nice if this was extended. This is a really excellent product very informative and interesting.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-13
Its ok
13 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Potentially its a great product. However, I was disappointed by the inconclusive results on the the Alzheimers test which was one of the key drivers for buying. I was disappointed too by the fact that the product costs much more in the UK than in the US and there really is no justification for this. I was also a bit concerned by the continued surveys pushed at me that add no additional value to me.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-13
Everything i expected plus more.
13 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
The wait killed me as I’m very impatient but it was worth it. I wanted to know as much as possible about my health and ancestry, good or bad. Knowing that i have a higher chance of Alzheimer’s is great. It makes for a better planned future! Staying ignorant is not the way to go for me, I’m still working my way through the information and tbh it’s just the start of my curiosity…just glad the opportunity exists and is so simple to take up!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-13
A bit difficult to understand...
10 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I do wish I hadn’t spent £125 on this, to be honest. I was intrigued initially, but nothing particularly interesting resulted and a lot of the information, I already knew. I find some of the information hard to understand and would have appreciated a report that summarised the information and how the results correlate, etc, in laymen’s terms. I did like the ease of the process and efficiency though and I do appreciate tests that you can do from home.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-10
A good mix of info but leaves me wanting more
10 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I was really happy with the information 23andMe has provided. The reports are well-written and explained. I would like to have seen more content, even with lower confidence scores (I know this is topic of much controversy at the moment, but I believe that consumers aren’t as dumb as regulators would have them thought!), so I’ve been left wanting more. It would be good to see more options to export or explore your data yourself too.
The site is very beautifully done, and the visualisations are superb. My only gripe with the site itself is its performance: it can be extremely slow.
Overall, a fantastic resource at a superb price — but there’s plenty more I’d like to see and look forward to what the team is planning!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-10
Great but needs translation.
10 April 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Whilst very pleased with the overall results from 23 and Me, I find lots of the genetic information way above my head. I would like a greater level of translation of what the information actually means. This is especially relevant where I have shared my results with other members. Apart from seeing certain genetic traits as colour-coded in the DNA breakdown, I have absolutely no idea what is going on in the details. So, love the idea of knowing all about my genetic make-up but not really any the wiser.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-04-10
interesting information about oneself
17 March 2015
Genetic Predisposition
A highly professional process of sampling and getting the results. Well based scientifically. I would have liked a paper report for filing, however.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-17
Fascinating information
9 March 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I like to know the health risks I’m likely to run as I get older and have already altered the supplements I take as a result of some of the 23andMe information. Other details were, in my case, ressuring, but even if they hadn’t been, knowledge is power and enables you to seek out help.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-09
So much information!
9 March 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I was really interested in the results and it has set my mind at rest re a potential genetic condition and also made me want to look into my ancestry more.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-09
Thoughts so far !
5 March 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Its early days and we are just getting to grips with the extensive and fascinating information we have received , but so far we are impressed !
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-05
The finest gift of a lifetime
5 March 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Having watched the revealing story of the genome for nearly fifty years it is exceptionally exciting to experience the promise that 23andMe begins to fufill. Thankyou!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-05
i have not find any family at all bit dissapointed
5 March 2015
Genetic Predisposition
i did not get what I what wanted . so too late I paid already.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-03-05
21 February 2015
Genetic Predisposition
You’ll find out some interesting things
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-02-21
Good information and explains a lot!
19 February 2015
Genetic Predisposition
This was good fun reading and enjoyed by my family a lot
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-02-19
2 February 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Hello all,
I wanted to say that I think this is a marvellous service. My wife and I are in our 60s and we never thought something like this would be available in our lifetimes. The information about our reaction to the listed drugs was particularly pertinent to my wife, all the material that you’re given is valuable in my opinion.
To anyone out there considering a test like this, make sure you read up on it first, but I don’t doubt you will be satisfied.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-02-02
10 out of 10
1 February 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Mind blowing information – £125 is cheap for what you’ll learn – knowing that I’m not going to pass a Tay-Sachs variant or Cystic Fibrosis variant to my kids is huge for me
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-02-01
This service is something special
30 January 2015
Genetic Predisposition
I think my husband thought I was a bit mad when I told him I’d ordered a DNA test, but he’s been converted!
Thank you 23andme for such a detailed report on my genetic makeup, I have spent sevral hours delving into the reports and feel like I have much more control of my health now.
The reports about my ancestors are really interesting too, but to see a few of the diseases that my daughter might have inherited from me has been an eye opener. I’m now looking at options for having my daughter tested as well to see if it’s something she should talk to her fiancé about – I may have passed her a Cystic Fibrosis gene, among a few other things.
Janet R
Warrington, 30th January 2015
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-30
All good
16 January 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Except when I looked at the drug I had a high risk of problems with in the summary,but the page dedicated to the drug showed an intermediate risk not a high risk. this mis-match annoyed me
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-16
23 and Me Review
16 January 2015
Genetic Predisposition
For the first 5 minutes I was overwhelmed with all the different rows of figures and supporting information, and was irritated that the key information wasn’t summarised for me. As every single result had four gold stars, it felt like this was some generic indicator – I reckon 23 and Me just added these icons for show. (and why wasn’t anything five gold stars?)
Disappointing that I’d never heard of most of the risk factors. What do I care that I’m unlikely to get a disease that I’ve never heard of? Most were listed as “variant absent typical risk”, but what is my risk?? 20% 50%? The categorisation could most definitely be improved, ‘typical’ is just too vague.
But on the positive side, I think what I’ve learned will influence my future
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-16
23andMe test
16 January 2015
Genetic Predisposition
Was really glad I took this test. The kit was very professional and the test was easy to take – it didn’t feel cheap like the International Biosciences DNA test which I’ve taken.
The first thing I noticed when I got the results was that the interface was fantastic, really user friendly. I went through everything with my girlfriend and she was really positive about the results. The individual pages on each disease were so detailed, and the videos were very reassuring. The part showing all possible genotypes and which one I had was the best bit for me, this helped understand what I was being told. The tables of figures on each page were good too, maybe a bit too scientific for us!
We got a bit lost in the forums and discussion boards, it’s not something we’d get involved in but I’m glad they’re there – its nice to know there are other people discussing 23andMe, it feels like a lively environment and that I wasn’t a freak for buying a DNA test
We loved the cooky traits, very cool. Smoking behaviour was weird tho, I don’t understand how this could be linked to my DNA, I reckon they just put it in there to grab attention. The Photic Sneeze Reflex result was uncanny, because my girlfriend confirms that I DO sneeze when I go into lighter places.
I consider myself a savvy shopper and what I’m seeing is pretty amazing so I went back and Googled the 23andMe CEO and read a few articles about the company, they seem pretty legitimate.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-16
9 January 2015
Genetic Predisposition
They do genetic tests for numerous medical disorders, most of which I have never heard of and most of them are not common, but the common health risks you really want to know about, such as prostate cancer and skin cancer are not provided.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2015-01-09
Christmas Present
15 December 2014
Genetic Predisposition
I ordered the 23andMe test for my wife, have just received the box and it looks awesome. It’s all wrapped up and ready for Christmas Day – I can’t wait to see her face, especially as she detests spitting lol
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-12-15
Simple and straightforward
8 December 2014
Genetic Predisposition
I bought my 23andMe spit kit over a year ago now and have referenced the results dozens of times since. Having caught a news bulletin about their launch in the UK last week, I wanted to share on this site that I’m a big advocate, even though it seems my ‘male pattern baldness’ is inescapable!
The best part is being able to participate in a community of like-minded laymen that want to use their DNA to push research forward – everyone should take this DNA test.
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-12-08
Will help you make changes
30 May 2014
Genetic Predisposition
The results from this test led me to a whole new way of thinking. Reading the report really spurred me on to make changes in my life – it was a relief to know I was at low risk of suffering with certain diseases, and empowering to see what I might face later in life… It’s given me a level of control.
Great test, it’s a shame it wasn’t available when I was in my 20s!
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-05-30
Predisposition test
15 May 2014
Genetic Predisposition
I dont usually leave feedback but i was so impressed with the service i felt i must recommend them to any other people interested in their predisposition test.
Very professional and helpful and did exactly what they promised. Very pleased all round with this excellent business
23andMe review by a DNA Testing Choice user2014-05-15