Unlock and Upgrade
review on 31 January 2018
by Ellen Hinkley
At a Glance
All in all, Xcode's Unlock and Upgrade service delivered an interesting list of traits I would not have otherwise known about myself. Although the recommendations were a bit of a mix in terms of how actionable they were, I was provided with a range of useful information about my traits and received some specific and useful advice.
The Gene Health recommendations were particularly good at suggesting preventative measures for the conditions I now knew I might be genetically predisposed to, and I appreciated the fact that the genes that had been analysed for each result were included, giving me the opportunity to carry out my own further research. This report would therefore definitely suit those looking for a starting point from which to further explore and research their genetic raw data.
Full Review
Xcode is a biotechnology company based in India that sells DNA tests with a focus on preventative healthcare. Founders Saleem Mohammed and Abdur Rub advocate DNA testing as a way to find out which conditions you could be genetically predisposed to, so that measures can be taken to intervene and limit the intensity of any diseases that might develop later in life. The pair have several academic journal papers to their names and were awarded ‘Most Promising Start-Up of the Year’ from Biospectrum in 2014.
Xcode's tests cover a variety of health topics, from nutrition and fitness to someone’s genetic predisposition to certain diseases and metabolic conditions, all with an aim to ‘positively impact health and improve quality of life’ for their customers. They also offer several raw data upload options, which I opted for, using my 23andMe data to receive their ‘Gene Nutrition’, ‘Gene Fitness’ and ‘Gene Health’ reports.
Product Expectations
The Xcode website provided a lot of information about the reports I’d receive. I learnt that the Gene Nutrition report would reveal likely food intolerances and sensitivities, vitamin and mineral requirements and the best way to lose weight. I would also learn about my genetic risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and obesity from my Gene Health report. Finally, my Fitness Genetics results would teach me how to align my genetic predispositions with my exercise regime.
The product description promised in depth reports that would cover more than 200 genetic markers, across thousands of scientific studies. I was impressed to read that they would provide key actionable insights using raw genetic data from any provider in any format. There were also reviews and images of the reports, which gave me an idea of what to expect from the results of the test.
Ordering Experience
The ordering process was straightforward. I selected the reports I wanted and added them to my cart. From here I could see the overall cost and proceeded to the checkout. I entered my address and credit card details to pay, but was also given the option to use PayPal. A note warned me that, because the payment gateway was Indian, the amount would be shown in Indian Rupees rather than dollars on my statement.
Before submitting my order, I had to tick a box indicating that I agreed to the terms and conditions. These were pretty straightforward, and didn’t include anything that concerned me, though one line, “By providing the DNA sample/data to Xcode, you do not infringe the rights or privileges of any third party” was a bit confusing, and I wasn’t sure whether this meant third parties would have access to my data.
The privacy policy was short and straightforward. I was pleased to see that the last point, in bold, informed me that I could, at any point, email Xcode to request that they delete my data from their records.
Once the order had gone through, I was able to transfer my raw genetic data by connecting to my 23andMe account. In addition to 23andMe, almost 30 other companies that Xcode accepted data from were listed, which was impressive.
The Results
The results were emailed to me on the same day, and the files were password protected, the details of which were also provided in the email. I received three separate PDF documents, 'Gene Health', 'Gene Fitness' and 'Gene Nutrition'.
Results Section: Gene Fitness
I looked first at my Gene Fitness report. This started with a list of some fun facts about athletes and gave a brief introduction to the results. The following page, entitled ‘Understanding Your Report', assured me of the user-friendly language and format that would be used.
I was initially a bit surprised that the introduction described words like 'average' and 'likely', as I thought these were pretty self-explanatory. However, the fact that they were explained in the context of the report was really helpful as it clarified exactly what they meant in terms of genetics. The guide also acknowledged that how 'desirable' a trait is could differ from person to person, one example being that flexibility does not favour sprint runners.
A brief line was provided in response to the question of where the information in the report came from, but this directed me to Xcode’s web blog, where I could find a list of references. Scrolling through, I wasn’t able to find a post dedicated to references, but there was a series of ‘Know your genes’ posts that looked at specific genes in detail and provided references to scientific studies. These were scattered throughout the blog which made them quite difficult to find, and I wasn’t sure why this information hadn’t just been included in the report.
The summary of my data was laid out in a table (shown below), with the ‘Trait Name’ and a brief description of it in one column, all the ‘Possible Outcomes’ results in another and a ‘Your Results’ column between them.

A few of my Fitness Results.
As had been explained in the guide, advantageous results were marked in green, unfavourable ones in red, and average/moderate ones were where highlighted orange. My personal result was marked with a tick.
These results were spread over four pages, meaning that the information was clear and didn’t seem too cluttered. I found it useful to have a quick way to view all of my results together, before looking at them in more detail.
The following pages provided more information about the individual results I’d just seen in the summary table. Each of these was split into three sections: An introduction and explanation of the result, recommendations and a list of the genes analysed. Two of my results are shown below.

Two of my Fitness results, shown in detail.
I thought that the traits were really well explained, in language that was easy to understand and using real-world examples that made them easy to visualise. One instance of this was in my Lung Capacity result, which explained ‘Total Lung Capacity’ as “the total amount of air in the lungs after taking the deepest breath possible”.
I found the recommendations to be a bit mixed. I liked that they’d been highlighted in different colours, reminding me about whether the result they accompanied was considered desirable or undesirable. In terms of the advice given, I found that some weren’t particularly personalised, with several results just suggesting that I exercise regularly. However, there were others that were helpfully specific, such as those accompanying my ‘Power’ result. A list of five specific activities was provided and I was advised that I wouldn’t have to do as many repetitions when weight training. Another indicated I was likely to need longer resting periods between exercise.
The recommendations also included suggested nutrients though these were often chemicals I had never heard of. However, again, there were some that were specific and helpful, such as the Power result recommendation that I restrict my caffeine intake to 400mg per day, with the caveat that slow metabolisers should only have up to 100mg.
I was happy to have more information about my fitness traits and what kinds of exercises I was likely to be best at. My results suggested I had natural strength in aerobic activities which, as a keen runner, I was happy to hear. I was also impressed to see that the genes analysed to report on each trait had been included, giving me the opportunity to explore further through my own research.
Results Section: Gene Nutrition
Gene Nutrition was the longest report, and the results were laid out in the same way as they had been in the Gene Fitness report. After the Understanding Your Report page, there was another table that showed what kinds of foods I was more likely to eat and which were more likely to make me gain weight, all of which I found very useful and informative.
I felt a little overwhelmed by the next page, which was a lengthy list of vitamins, most of which I was likely to need more of (shown below).

A list of my vitamin results.
As well as the likely vitamin needs, the table also listed 'Salt Intake and Blood Pressure Sensitivity', 'Caffeine Metabolism', 'Lactose Intolerance' and 'Gluten Intolerance'. It surfaced that I was likely to be intolerant to gluten, which was interesting to learn, as this isn’t something I’ve experienced.
Luckily the nutrition tips were a bit more detailed than the fitness tips had been, for example, my outcome for ‘Tendency to Overeat Sweets’ was ‘likely’ – I’d definitely agree! Some of the recommendations were more like information than advice, such as ‘High sugar intake increases risk for obesity and diabetes’, but others were more practical and felt really personalised, such as the suggestion that I ‘snack on dry fruits, fruits and green leafy vegetables to reduce sugar cravings.’
Results Section: Gene Health
The last report I looked at was Gene Health, which was the shortest document of the three. It started with an interesting introduction, that provided a range of information and statistics about the conditions assessed in the results: Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension and Heart Disease.
This was followed by an Understanding Your Report page, which was almost the same as the ones in the other reports. However, this one explained that each result was given a ‘Genetic Risk Score’, calculated using an average of several risk variant results. This meant that unless I carried lots of the high-risk variants, my overall risk would likely be moderate.
Similarly to the previous two reports, a summary of my results was provided in a table and then each was discussed in more detail on the following pages. I found out that I was genetically likely to develop not only type 2 diabetes, but also obesity and heart disease, which was a bit of a wake-up call, and I was pleased that Xcode had given me a head-start in taking preventative measures.
I was impressed with the recommendations in this report. They were longer than in the other reports with the advice split into bullet points and the main suggestions summed up in bold and then explained (an example is shown below).

One of the Recommendations boxes in my Health report.
The number of recommendations ranged between five and eight, and the reasoning behind them was clearly explained, often including statistics. A few of the food suggestions required me to do my own research, for example when I was advised to ‘Eat High Fibre Foods’, but no specific food suggestions were provided. Overall though, I thought these recommendations provided a good base from which to reduce my risk of developing the conditions.
All in all, Xcode's Unlock and Upgrade service delivered an interesting list of traits I would not have otherwise known about myself. Although the recommendations were a bit of a mix in terms of how actionable they were, I was provided with a range of useful information about my traits and received some specific and useful advice.
The Gene Health recommendations were particularly good at suggesting preventative measures for the conditions I now knew I might be genetically predisposed to, and I appreciated the fact that the genes that had been analysed for each result were included, giving me the opportunity to carry out my own further research. This report would therefore definitely suit those looking for a starting point from which to further explore and research their genetic raw data.
Please note that we were invited to take this test free of charge.
- Summary
- Full Review
- Product Expectations
- Ordering Experience
- The Results
- Results Section: Gene Fitness
- Results Section: Gene Nutrition
- Results Section: Gene Health
- Summary
Easy to read reports but questionable accuracy
11 November 2019
Genetic Predisposition
The good news is that the site is easy to navigate, raw data can be uploaded with a couple clicks and the reports arrived om a few hours. The bad news is that the interpretation of that data seems basically worthless. Among other failures, it identified the three things I’ve never been allergic to as “high risk” and all the things I’ve tested as badly allergic to were “low risk.” The health report listed ever major health issue I have (as do my mom, aunt and sister) as “low risk” and told me data showed no risk of a couple genetic conditions. It makes me distrust all the results, and I’m now sorry I wasted my money.
Xcode's Response
Hello Kristine! We would like to apologize for the unpleasant experience. Please note that all our traits and characteristics are influenced by our genes, environmental and lifestyle factors. The information contained in the report is curated from peer-reviewed studies and is based on the number of risk variants present. The genetic risk of a particular condition is indicated as likely low, medium, or high. It is also important to know that not all the high-risk candidates will go on to develop the condition. The same holds good for the other way round as well. We would also like to point out that ancestry DNA tests are not diagnostic in nature. Only an exome test is clinically certified to diagnose conditions. Please contact our customer support for any further clarification.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-11-11
The most comprehensive health reports I've seen...
21 February 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was a very good value for the information you received. The reports were comprehensive, explained, and well laid out. I particularly found the personality test interesting. The carrier test tested pages of things I did not know existed. I highly recommend sending them your merged data from either 23andme or Ancestry (don’t need both). Very valuable information.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-21
The most comprehensive health reports I've seen...
18 February 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was definitely worth the money. Xcode provided A LOT of information from the merged raw data from 23andme and Ancestry. (The raw data is required from only one of these tests for Xcode to run their tests.) The reports were thorough and well explained. I found them very interesting, especially the personality report. I highly recommend them. The processed the tests very quickly as well.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-18
Easy to understand genetic health reports
15 February 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I purchased the Mega Pack from XCodeLife.
The process to purchase the reports and upload my genetic data was seamless and the reports were delivered within the day (approximately 10 hours from upload).
XcodeLife’s reports are presented in a very user friendly and easy to digest format. The standard format is a introduction with some interesting facts and information to help you understand the report. The next section has a summary of your results by each trait name, possible outcomes. This is broken down into more detail in the next section with a detailed explanation of each trait, with reference to the genes analysed, as well as recommendations with action points on how to help develop/use/address this trait.
Overall great product, highly recommended.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-15
Insights from my own genes
12 February 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Once I had received my Ancestry raw data, I looked for a thorough interpretation. The Xcode Mega Pack returns 10 reports ranging from potential gene-based illnesses through allergy analysis to nutrition and fitness input. It is massive.
Unlike the usual generic advice and rules of thumb, where you may find yourself wasting time, money and faith, the Xcode reports will point you in a direction based on you as an individual.
I know that there are factors beyond genes (such as my microbiome), but I try to act on available data.
There is a lot to read but each report has a “Understanding your report” section that helps.
Guertler, Spain
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-12
Insightful and fascinating reports!
11 February 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Reports came back same day and were super fascinating. I’ve played with Promethease before and it can be overwhelming. This was a well summarized set of reports with some actionable info.. big fan!
Rob B in US
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-11
Xcode Review
6 February 2019
Genetic Predisposition
Excellent secondary analysis service. It was accurate vs observed traits.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-06
Best DNA reports on the market
6 February 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I ordered the Mega pack. I got my reports within 6 hours.
The reports are clear and easy to understand.
Highly recommended service.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-06
Useful Information at a Great Price!
6 February 2019
Fitness Planning
I was very pleased with the reports I received from XCode. They were all based on my genetic markers and gave me good detailed information on how I should eat, what vitamins and supplements I should take, the best exercises I can do to promote good physical fitness and the health problems I needed to watch out for in the future.
B. Samford
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-06
Xcode Review
6 February 2019
Genetic Predisposition
Lots of useful information and really quick turnaround. Thanks!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-06
Great Reports
6 February 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Loved my 23 and Me information but XCode gave me more details. Reports were very easy to read and understand.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-06
Xcode Life is an excellent supplement to other services
6 February 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
They delivered as advertised. Great resource and great value. Loved the insight. Some things left me looking for a little more information or better organization (i.e. more concise summary, maybe some charts), but, overall, very positive experience. I would definitely recommend their service as a supplement to other, less informative DNA tests that typically cost as much or more. Take advantage of the discounts. Personally, I purchased the full battery of evaluations and was very pleased.
- R. Gray
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-06
Easy to understand
5 February 2019
Genetic Predisposition
A lot of great information about your genes. i would highly recommend
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-05
I Would Highly Recommend Xcode.life
5 February 2019
Genetic Predisposition
After I used Ancestry DNA to learn my heritage, I sent the DNA raw data file to Xcode.life (easy to do). Within one day, I received detailed files back regarding health, cancer risks, carrier risks, etc. I was impressed by how accurate these reports were.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-02-05
Very informative report
27 January 2019
Fitness Planning
I was very pleased with the results. I ordered the fitness report and I can’t wait to try the recommendations for exercise. I found the reports to be very informative.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-27
The most comprehensive health reports I've seen...
23 January 2019
Genetic Predisposition
Xcode Life has the most complete reports I have seen for health information. (I am comparing them to Ancestry.com traits, 23andme with health, and 4 of the Helix reports). They also allow you to merge raw data from other DNA sites for a more complete genome to base the data in their reports on. If you download the sample report on their website you can get an idea of what the reports look like, but it is A LOT of data. I purchased the “mega pack” which contained 10 reports. Each report was very complete and very interesting. Their customer service is also stellar. I had to contact them several times about several things and their response was exceedingly quick and very helpful. HIGHLY recommend —-
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-23
DNA Reports by XCODE
14 January 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very interesting reports and to see genome data that can potentially change your lifestyle.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-14
Xcode Review
13 January 2019
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Xcode’s reports are super helpful for anyone wanting to get more our of their genetic testing. The nutrition, health, fitness, and allergy information is particularly helpful.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-13
Xcode Review
9 January 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I loved learning more about myself with the Xcode reports. I learned some new things, but also found affirmation in things that I already assumed to be true. I had bought on sale and think for that price the reports are well worth it.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-09
Xcode Review
7 January 2019
Diet Recommendations
I did the nutrition analysis and got 26 pages back! I was looking for info about weight gain triggers and recommendations, which was provided in the report. The only thing I wish was that they went into more depth about the genome variants when they mentioned I was at risk for certain deficiencies.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-07
Xcode Review
6 January 2019
Genetic Predisposition
They delivered all of the reports that we requested in the time frame they promised. The reports were all very informative and helpful. I definitely think it was worth the (sale) price we paid.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-06
Xcode Review
4 January 2019
Genetic Predisposition
I got the full package and it was an interesting read. the results were delivered quickly, and it was easy to understand.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-04
Amazing & Inexpensive!!
4 January 2019
Drug Response
I used Xcode Life to get an analysis of what prescriptions would be best metabolized by my body, according to my genetics. I was very impressed with the turn around on the report – it was only a matter of hours and I had my report to review.
When I first found out about this type of genetic analysis, I was under the impression it was a very expensive test that would take weeks to come back in the mail. I already had my raw DNA from my ancestry.com test so I was glad to find a service like this, where I can pay far less and get better, more comprehensive information!
Thank you Xcode Life!!!
United States
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-04
What can I say?
3 January 2019
Genetic Predisposition
What can I say?
Clear and concise instructions to assist with everything from gathering your Raw Data from a third party to how to read the data given on each report.
Quick response times and my results were “As stated on their website” delivered within 24 hours.
Data has depth and highlights potential issues or follow up areas that you can bring up to your doctor.
I wish the reports were delivered in a more “hands-on” graphical interface rather than being delivered in a PDF.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-03
Fitness Report
2 January 2019
Fitness Planning
This report can answer some of the questions we ask ourselves when trying to get in a good shape. A useful guide!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2019-01-02
Straightforward and Easy to Understand
13 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I found the tool very easy to use from start to finish. The ordering process was easy. It took less than a day for the info to be available. Once I got the report is was very easy to read and understand. Unfortunately the information wasn’t super interesting for me—most of it said I didn’t have a risk (which is good, but I guess I wanted some excitement). Overall I liked the product. It was also inexpensive which I appreciated!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-13
12 November 2018
Carrier Screening
Excellent report. I upload raw data from 23andme.
I bought some reports (not in a pack) because I want the carrier report, it’s a very extensive report: they check more than 500 syndromes and illness.
I also recommended the health report.
great service and product.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-12
Health Test - Highly recommended!
11 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Had a great experience with the Health Test from Xcode – the results were well documented and I enjoyed the number of actionable steps that were recommended based on my results. Highly recommended!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-11
Xcode Review
7 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I recently ordered the $20 Methylation analysis from X code. My raw data was in 23 and me format. I would say X code provided excellent service. They return a comprehensive report in 24 hours. The report was easy to download and very easy to read. Lot’s of good info was in it as well. Highly recommend this company for your DNA interpretation and review.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-07
6 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Excellent service/product. I order the Best seller Pack and it provide me with valuable information about my health, now I can use my reports as a guidance to better health. I would recommend it to my friend and family. You’ll be surprised to find out the secrets about your DNA.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-06
Xcode Health report
3 November 2018
Genetic Predisposition
The report starts with 12 conditions Is explained in detail: .
Then there is table include Alzheimer disease, celiac disease, Hypercholesterolemia and more.
after there is a table with colour for high, moderate and low risk with 50 illness like Type 2 Diabetes, gout, Crohn’s Disease, Glaucoma and more.
after the table, there is paragraph explain all illness with the gene they checked, and Recommendation.
I uploaded the raw data from 23andme.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-03
Amazing insight!
2 November 2018
Carrier Screening
I ordered the carrier status report and the report was delivered within a few hours! Very detailed, much more information than contained in 23andme alone. Am really glad you guys offer this service. Would love to order more reports in the future.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-11-02
Xcode Bundle
31 October 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I spent a lot of time researching the options and reading the reviews before going with Xcode. In fact i also bought other products from other suppliers.
I picked Xcode in the end because the price was within my budget and it looked like you got a lot for the money. $50 for a package of 6 reports.
Its a good feeling when you buy something and it lives up to the expectations. You do get plenty of information. But the best bit about it is its easy to understand. Im the sort of person who doesnt like to have to trawl through pages of text to find the interesting stuff.
I had a bit of trouble accessing my information originally but customer service sorted it quickly and any post purchase enquiries have been dealt by Xcode immediately. In todays world even getting an answer from customer services is a miracle, let alone a prompt one that resolves the issue.
I think this is a good place for people to start. Good basic information that would give you ability to know where you want to go more in depth.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-31
Health Test - Highly recommended!
26 October 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I ordered the health report and was very impressed! Great genetic insights, actionable tips for each insight, and an overall thorough report. I also found the fact that for instances where I had a higher likelihood of inheriting a certain genetic risk, the report would offer lifestyle recommendations tailored to minimizing that risk. Good stuff.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-26
Xcode Review
23 October 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I am pleased with the service. Very professional. Reports is generated pretty quickly, Good useful explanation
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-23
Xcode Review
12 October 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Great service and good value. Easy to understand. Reports could be more precise.
D. Fehler from Germany
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-12
Quick Gene Health DNA Analysis
6 October 2018
Genetic Predisposition
My daughter heard about XCode life test and told me about it. I looked it up and liked what I saw and immediately ordered the gene health test. The results were fast and all I had to do was upload the raw DNA from the source that I had already taken!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-06
Definitely worth the wait, and money!
4 October 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Xcode life was top 3 on a list of best DNA tests. I had already taken 23andMe and Ancestry and I wasn’t necessarily disappointed with either. I was adopted from Russia looking for more information on where I come from. There was just something I didn’t even consider while focusing so hard on finding “close relatives”. The question is always asked at the doctors “Do you have a family history of….” and it’s a question I can’t answer. Although Xcode life is not a diagnostic tool or a doctor by any means it builds on the genetic health information from 23andMe. It helps me so I know -in depth, what to be aware of, and have an idea so if I choose I can do some further tests to rule out/confirm. One of the tests that I find particularly helpful as well is the gene nutrition test. I am almost in my 30’s and this test helps me determine what I can add to my diet to ensure the health of my genes when I do decide to pass them on. I could not decide which report to buy so I purchased the Super Pack which contains 7 reports! Gene Nutrition, Gene Fitness, Gene Health, Gene Alergy, Gene Skin, Precision Medicine and MTHFR (informs on your Methylation pathway) ! Although I was set and ready to purchase the Super Pack, the big determining factor was I didn’t have to wait the typical 1-2 weeks for shipping (both ways) and the 6-8 weeks once recieved by the lab. They allow you to simply upload your raw data from either 23andMe or Ancestry, they estimated it would be done in 24-72 hours, I recieved my results the next day ! This is why I emphasize if your curious about your genes (the ones that make you up) Xcode Life is definitely worth the time and wait.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-10-04
Xcode Review
27 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
This was so helpful! I spent so much time trying to read through the pages and pages of information. Getting the simplified 32 page version was seriously worth the $20! Highly recommended
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-27
Xcode Review
21 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Xcode Life provides great customer service and accurate reports. My queries were answered promtly.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-21
Xcode Review
19 September 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Well worth the cost. I have recommended you to my family and friends.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-19
Xcode Review
12 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I have purchased reports from at least 10-15 programs and your report by far is the best.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-12
Xcode Review
10 September 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I loved how simple it was to upload the Raw Data and the reports were so easy to read and understand. No unnecessary jargon and an explanation about how to read the reports is given at the beginning. The reports were available within 24 hours and the price was very affordable. The recommendations given on how to optimise your health and minimise the risks are very straight forward and to the point. I will use your service again. Thank you very much Xcode. Stonehouse, Australia
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-10
Xcode Review
4 September 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really helpful! Helps to plan diet and also which vitamins/minerals may need more of!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-04
Xcode Review
2 September 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Nice reports packed with information on many health aspects and useful recommendations.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-09-02
Xcode Review
29 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was an excellent service. It was fast and accurate compared to the other DNA services I used!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-29
Good deal, useful information
28 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I uploaded raw data from my Ancestry DNA test, and XCode analyzed three things: Nutrition, allergies, and MTHFR. They have other options as well that can be purchased individually.
The price is great – many tests are just $10. And I learned some new stuff, and the tests confirmed other information – like I am not sensitive to gluten or dairy, so I won’t obsess about avoiding these things.
The MTHFR test was interesting, but kind of hard to understand. I haven’t dug into it too much though.
- Nelson
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-28
Simplified Promethease Report
24 August 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I used Xcode to interpret and make sense of my Promethease Report. It made it very easy to understand the results. $20 is a bit pricey though but if you have the money and want to use Xcode to make sense of the data Promethease gave you, I’d say it’s well worth it
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-24
22 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I recently did 23andme and was excited to see my results, but once I received it, I thought there would be more information would be available. I found Xcode Life online and decided to give the comprehensive report a try, and my excitement sparked again. It took roughly 2 hours for the report to be generated once you import your data, which isn’t close to how long they estimate (24 hours).
The reports come in PDF forms which you could download or preview directly on the browser. The report itself is neatly organized and provide you with all the information you need to know before you jump into it, which can be overwhelming at first.
Coming into this, I knew that I wasn’t going to depend on these reports to change my life, but rather, use it as information for the possibilities of my life. What intrigued me the most is the nutrition as I noticed it was almost spot on with what I am going through except a few predictions. I had been going through health issues the past year had a bunch of testing done, but everything came back negative. I honestly thought it could be some sort of deficiency, but I could not pinpoint what exactly. The health report stated that I have a high risk to be deficient in B6, B12, E and D. With the information, I will request my doctor to perform some more test for deficiency on those risks.
Loving all the information given and a nicely formatted PDF.
Nguyen – USA
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-22
Easy Test
20 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I heard about xcode from Rhonda Patrick on Joe Rogan’s pod cast. Being from America everyone is a melting pot so I think it is good to get tested to see what health risks etc. would be good for you to hedge against. These reports were easy to read and I was able to send my 23 and me over very easily took 5 minutes to order.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-20
Xcode Review
19 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Interesting product! From Canada xoxo
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-19
Xcode Review
10 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Xcode is a great place to get a genetic test done. Helpful and responsive to every query. Give them a try.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-10
Fills in the gaps where simple DNA tests leave out the details
9 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Glad to gain more information that was actually helpful for my health instead of simple ancestry info.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-09
Xcode Review
4 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Wish they had an app. Hope they launch an app soon. Nice reports that come for an affordable price.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-04
Xcode Review
1 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good experience with Xcode. Have recommended to friends and family.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-01
Xcode Review
1 August 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It was very easy to upload my raw dna file and I got the reports back within 24 hours, as promised. I can be a bit of a hypochondriac, so I was nervous to see the results, but my fears were put to rest as I saw low/average susceptibility to all of the bigger health concerns. It was worth it for peace of mind alone, and I imagine if I did find higher susceptibility to something it would have been very helpful to discuss with my doctor. The reports are very detailed, easy to read and understand, and well organized. These are not the end all be all in terms of profiling my health, but they were fun and helped pinpoint areas to look out for. There were a couple of items where the test confirmed things I already know (e.g., high likelihood for freckles, certain vitamin deficiencies, allergy sensitives etc.), which boosted my perception of the validity of the rest of the results. A worthwhile purchase!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-08-01
Xcode Review
25 July 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Getting my nutrition genetic test at Xcode helped me understand a lot more about my body. I had some abdominal discomfort that I never associated with my food intake. This genetic test helped me identify foods that I should avoid.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-25
Xcode Review
10 July 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I attended Xcode’s personalized nutrition course and have been using the genetic reports for my clients. Knowledgeable and helpful team. One of the best.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-10
The most pleasant experience
1 July 2018
Diet Recommendations
I was on a Keto diet in an attempt to lose weight. However, neither did I lose sufficient weight nor did I feel good while following the diet. Testing with Xcode helped me understand why a keto diet was not for me. In fact it was a high protein diet that I needed to follow. I feel lighter and better now. I have had the most pleasant experience with Xcode and I highly recommend their services.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-07-01
Good experience
26 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have had a good experience overall with Xcode.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-26
Informative and clear
21 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have not come across another company with the kind of report selection that Xcode offers. I ordered the Super Pack and a few other individual reports. The depth and clarity of information are amazing. Thank you.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-21
Well worth it
17 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The positive reviews for Xcode here and in other forums reflect the excellent service and information Xcode Life provides.
I am glad I found this company.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-17
Great detailed service
17 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Xcode is well priced, fast and details. Recommended!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-17
Histamine intolerance
15 June 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I travel a lot on work and have been constantly plagued with a stuffy nose and sneezes ever so often. I got my allergy report from Xcode based on my 23andMe raw data and found that I had gene variations for histamine intolerance. I took this report to my specialist, who put me on a low histamine diet. I have not had the sniffles in a while. They are quick to respond and help you with any queries that you may have.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-15
Highly recommended
13 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Received the Xcode reports as a gift. Got my results back from the Xcode Life and have a really clear understanding of the areas I should be focusing on in my training. The report also highlighted a few areas which are not optimal for me.
Highly recommend this service.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-13
Recommendations I can put into practice
12 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got my raw DNA data from MyHeritage (the cheapest option in Sweden). Within 24 hours after uploading them to Xcode I got my Nutrition, Fitness, Skin, Allergy and Health reports. The reports were very clear, easy to understand and to the point. I would recommend Xcode if you want simple recommendations that you can follow easily. The reports are also very affordable compared to others.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-12
Xcode Review
9 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
An amazing result and detailed report. I feel I received what I wanted for the price I paid. Thanks!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-09
Affordable and prompt service
8 June 2018
Drug Response
My physician recommended interpreting my 23andMe results with Xcode after supecting that I was not responding well to my medication. It confirmed her suspicion that I was a poor metabolizer of a cardiology drug I was on. Based in this report along with data from blood tests, I was put on an alternate medication. Overall, an affordable and prompt service.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-08
Must-have report
7 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I regularly use Xcode reports in my nutrition counseling for my clients. Over the last six months, they have done significant upgrades to their reports for the same price. The reports have now become a key aspect of my practice.
Don’t start on a diet plan without your genetic report. It is a must-have.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-07
Great partners
4 June 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have been using Xcode’s nutrition reports for my dietetics practice for the past few years. Many of my patients have shown significant improvements in their diet habits from my nutrigenomics program. Having worked with several other genetic report providers before, I can definitely say that Xcode ranks among the top. Great partner to have.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-06-04
Life Changing
30 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am so glad that I found thiscompany. I learned so much about various aspects of my health and genetics. I would definitely recommend this company as well as all of their products
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-30
Great service
25 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fantastic reports and great service!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-25
Xcode Review
22 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
So happy that I found this company and got the information that I was looking for in regards to focusing on my health and improving it. I had purchased my DNA test from another company claiming that it would help with what I was looking for…nutrition, fitness, etc. It was a joke since all they really wanted to do was sell me their supplements. I uploaded the raw data and had these results in under 3 hours! The reports were very easy to understand and gave me some great insight. I was surprised by some of the things I found…like peanuts aren’t good for me even though I don’t have a peanut allergy.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-22
Highly recommend Xcode
21 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The ordering process was easy and the results were provided fast. The reports are easy to understand and useful. When I had an enquiry they responded appropriately and fast too.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-21
Xcode Review
21 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
They provide quick results and were very easy to interpret to the average user. I could not be more impressed with the amount of detailed data they were able to provide. I have tried several companies and they are a step above the rest.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-21
Comprehensive, clean output
20 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I purchased the best seller pack, containing reports for Good Nutrition, Prime Fitness, Supreme Health, Allergy Response, and Radiant Skin. There is a lot of information contained in them and I am still making my way through digesting them. What I liked about the reports is they are presented in a very clean, organized manner, so it’s very easy to sift through. They have a summary section, and a more detailed section for if you want to do more research on a particular result.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-20
Xcode Review
17 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
XCode was so helpful in helping me accurately understand my DNA results.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-17
The Best Results for Thorn
15 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Living in the United States, I know I don’t live the healthiest lifestyle. I ordered the Xcode Life Best Seller Pack to get some insight on how to change that. I was more than pleased. There are other companies that allow you to upload your raw DNA, but none of them offer such a comprehensive and easy to follow breakdown as Xcode Life. I was able to look it over in minutes and determine what foods I need to avoid, what vitamins to add to my diet and what exercises would work best for me based on my personalized genetic data. I would highly recommend this product for anyone who wants a better understanding of their DNA makeup.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-15
Fitness and Nutrition Xcode Review
14 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I did the Xcode genetics tests for Nutrition and Fitness. They were very well priced at $20 a piece and used my raw DNA from Ancestry, which is great because I didn’t have to pay for and wait for another DNA test. The test results arrived quickly, less than 24 hours both times, and they were very comprehensive. The results went through every possible category with explanations of everything so that I understand what the results are. The results also matched up with what I know about myself through personal discovery for my fitness and the nutrition results told me what I need to improve due to my genetics. I am looking forward to doing more tests with Xcode.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-14
Simple answers
13 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
If creating a personalized health plan is overwhelming you the xcode reports will definitely help you understand how to optimize health and nutrition. I sent in my 23andme raw data and received my reports within less than 24 hrs. I like that the reports are easy to read and understand, you can quickly scan through and have a better sense of what kind of choices you need to start making. Great, easy to read reports!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-13
Well-formatted and easy to understand
12 May 2018
Diet Recommendations
Very easy-to-digest report on nutrition that provided specific and targeted recommendations. A good starting point after doing 23andme testing to expand upon the results.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-12
Great for people with South Asian origin (India)
10 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Totally worth it! They provided extremely detailed report about genetic risk factors associated with various diseases. Nutrition and exercise recomendations were also extremely valuable. I will recommend it to anyone who is looking for something more than a mere outline.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-10
Detailed health report
8 May 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I’ve done my DNA test with 23andme, however being from Australia they don’t provide any health reports. I found Xcode online and reviews seemed positive so I bought a “Gene Health” product that requires uploading of your gene code to analyse and provide a report. I was very impressed by the detail of the report and the quick turnaround. I will definitely buy more from Xcode from their range of other services!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-08
Revealed ...
7 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This test gave me so much information on my health. It revealed details I was unaware of and it allows me now to adjust my life style to prevent certain diseases to manifest. I am glad I did this test.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-07
Duzan report
6 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Using my Ancestry raw data, this provider showed me the results very quickly. The results were detailed but easy to understand. It listed vitamins I am lacking. The diet guidelines were perfect in knowing what foods to eat and what to avoid. It also gave details about my specific metabolism rate.
I am extremely pleased with the report.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-06
Great service & value for money
5 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got gifted an FTDNA Family Finder DNA test, intended to discover new family members. I was delighted to find out that it’s possible to export your raw DNA data to services that generate personalized health reports, largely regardless of who did the initial testing. I came across Xcode Life, thought the price was worth the shot, and submitted my raw data for testing. In a matter of hours I got a number of high-quality, fairly-easy-to-interpret reports on my personal health and traits, together with thorough background information and recommendations how to use them for my personal benefit. All in all, based on my experience I can happily recommend the services Xcode Life has to offer.
– Mike, Finland
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-05
Xcode Review
4 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Im so excited to get the inside scoop, PUN! on myself. I wish I could have done this 30yrs ago! So many questions answered, powerful insights and now the information to formulate a lifestyle that supports my desire to perform at my best! Great reports, easy to understand and take actions with. Thank you!!!!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-04
Daniel USA
4 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Really recommend the service, the results came out quicker than expected and were pretty accurate. I purchased the package with ancestry, fitness, health and nutrition and I couldn’t be more satisfied with the reports. Easy to read and understand!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-04
Way more information than 23andMe
2 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Me and my wife were thinking of buying the 23andme Ancestry and Health tests for both of us. A friend recommended that we consider Xcode as well. We decided to split; I went for the 23andme Ancestry + Health and my wife did the ancestry with 23andme and health reports (super pack) with Xcode. Well, to summarize, I ended up buying the super pack too!! Way more information for the same price than the 23andme Health report.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-02
Truly an amazing and transparent company!
1 May 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Well, I am a relative new comer to DNA testing, so I had no clue how to go about it, let alone decide between which company or what test to chose. I landed on Xcode’s website and it was all I needed for my product education. They list all the companies in DNA testing, talk about the pros and cons of each. I live in the USA and first placed an order on their website for a kit. They advised me against buying their kit, since they are based outside the US and directed me to 23andme instead since that would save me time and money!!!! I am really impressed by their transparency and level of customer service. Great company.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-05-01
Clara USA
30 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent test, it allowed me to better understand who I am and what I should avoid or do to take better care of my health.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-30
Excellent Reports
30 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I found the report to be informative and easy to understand. It was an easy process to upload my data and I received my reports quickly.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-30
Xcode Review
26 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Love these reports! I used the nutrition profile to set up a new supplement stack and address some of the deficiencies I may have been experiencing. Since then I have more energy and my skin has cleared up!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-26
Very happy with it!
24 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very good product. I bought a pack with health, skin, allergy, fitness and nutrition. it was cheap for what it offers. There is a lot of details and informations on the reports! Also, the reports were very fast to arrive!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-24
16 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am a practicing nutritionist in Mumbai and a partner with Xcode. My experience of working with them has been excellent.. they are very responsive and have a wonderful customer care team.
I find their reports most professional, detailed and informative compared to their counterparts. They have recently revamped their reports with more Genetic traits and a comprehensive summary page which makes diet planning for my clients much more fast. Thank you X code team …keep up the good work.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-16
Great Service
9 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My husband, son in law and I all sent our results to X Code Life. The reports were clear, easy to read and informative. Service was very fast. They have recently upgrade and increased the number of health items they review. Customer service is also fast and polite.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-09
Wish I had this report years ago
6 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I have spent years in the gym with only a moderate progress. Wish I had known about the fitness and nutrition genetic testing. What is amazing is that Xcode even tells you about the competing website and points out the difference between them and the competition. I did my own research as well on this and found that the Xcode reports cover more information than most other companies at a fraction of the cost. Way to go Xcode.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-06
Knowledge is power
5 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am super curious about genetics and this just furthered my knowledge of what I came with. I am taking medication and found that the precision medicine was very interesting and definitely helped me know I am on the right path. There were a couple of red flags that indicated I am a high metabolizer so I can take that info to the doc. Very happy and I am processing both my husband and my son through the Xcode. Yes, I am stalking their DNA!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-05
Useful service for professional nutritionists
3 April 2018
Diet Recommendations
Genetic testing is a lot of help for nutritionists as it helps in understanding nutritional needs, taste preferences and other dietary aspects of my clients. With the Xcode test report much of guess work is taken out and you get to the right diet quickly. I use the Xcode test reports for all my clients.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-03
Great way to learn about your genetic nature.
3 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I ordered the Super Pack and it came with 7 reports. Way more information than what I got from 23andMe Health report and Promethease.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-03
Very interesting
2 April 2018
Drug Response
It is a very interesting test, I have spent hours looking at it, also the part about the medicines is very helpful.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-02
Pleasant experience!
2 April 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
When I first ordered the 5 report package (Best Seller Pack) the health report only had four categories. They upgraded my report to 45 category report for free!! Customer service was prompt and responsive. I would highly recommend Xcode!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-02
Great Customer experience
1 April 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I needed to know about a very specific health condition and wrote to Xcode about it. They offered to do a custom research report for me based on my raw data. The report arrived in 48 hours indicating the specific parameter I wanted and a few other interesting notes. Thank you Xcode!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-04-01
Useful insights
31 March 2018
Diet Recommendations
After delivery I had put on a lot of weight and have been struggling with it for sometime. I found out about my MUFA and PUFA sensitivity to weight gain and incorporated that in my diet. Its made a considerable difference in my weight.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-31
Clear and informative
30 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Reports were clear and informative. I didn’t know the level of detail that could be obtained by my DNA data. The one thing I wish there were more of were something that could help support or substantiate their claims to what was reported. What research is there that supports this method of analysis and how we can find out more about it; hopefully I can find that info somewhere on their site.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-30
Xcode Review
27 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I purchased all 5 reports from Xcode. It was super easy and fast! I simply downloaded my raw DNA and the reports were emailed to me in several hours. The information provided was so helpful. I’m so glad I purchased!!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-27
Xcode Review
25 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Super quick turnaround and easy to understand. Thank you Xcode!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-25
Xcode health reports
25 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Wish I had known about Xcode before I bought similar reports that charged 5 times as much.
It was a difficult decision for me to spend again but I am glad I did. The reports are thoughtfully designed, concise and well presented as opposed to tens of confusing pages, charts, statistics or pdfs that one has to sift through in other reports.
If you are considering buying health reports, I would highly recommend to go with Xcode.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-25
Fast Results
24 March 2018
Diet Recommendations
I purchased the Xcode Good Nutrition report to augment my 23&Me DNA analysis. The report which they state may take up to 48 hrs to prepare only took 4. The report was worth it. It definitely gave me more inside information to pursue better nutrition on a micro level. Easy to understand and follow, well laid out and great recommendations. Thanks Xcode.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-24
Xcode Review
24 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Meredith Morgan: I have tried multiple dna testing and this was by far the best! It was easy to read and navigate. It gave me clear insight that had I not known could’ve been life threatening. I couldn’t recommend Xcode more.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-24
I love Xcode
23 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Get your DNA upload to Xcode and reap the benefits of knowing what you are predisposed to, and how to live with it. MTHFR, Ancestry, Skin, Nutrition, Fitness…and more. This is info that my doctor can use. Thank you, Xcode.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-23
Xcode Review
23 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great service! Highly recommend. I had my dna raw data and I was able to upload it with no problem and I got all the info I needed.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-23
Fantastic Resport
19 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Xcode was able to use my raw data from Gene’s For Good. The reports were easy to understand and provided clear, actionable steps to help improve my health. The allergy report helped me to discover a histamine issue that has been plaguing my family for generations.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-19
A pleasant surprise from my dad
16 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My dad gifted the ancestry DNA kits and Xcode reports for New Year for me and my husband. It was a pleasant surprise! We got the reports in a few hours after uploading and the information was great. Some things I have known about myself were pointed out in the report and of course, there was a lot more information that didn’t know about. Thank you!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-16
Xcode Review
14 March 2018
Diet Recommendations
About 6 hours after uploading my raw DNA data and the nutrition report was sent back to me.
The report is very neat and clear, and contains a plenty of recommendations for me.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-14
Great product
14 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I used to wonder why I wouldn’t feel well after consuming milk or milk based products. I came across lactose intolerance while browsing, but didnt know where or how to order the test. A friend suggested Xcode.
I first ordered the Allergy test which reported the milk allergy as well as lactose intolerance and of course so much more. The report came with specific recommendations on what to do and several alternative choices. The report arrived within a couple of hours of uploading my data.
I then upgraded to receive all their reports for $50. I must say the amount of useful informaiton you receive for $50 is incredible.
There are more than 150 categories in these reports, which is amazing. The way the report gives suggestions is
really interesting and very helpful. I got a lot of insights from this report.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-14
Great information
9 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
First off, let me say I bought in because of the reviews. Secondly, I was enlightened but thought I’d get more information with the Super pack, thought I may have wasted my money instead of just getting the 23 and me reports. Thirdly, my wife’s parents paid for her 23 and me health reports and I’ll be honest, these reports are way better! Way more insightful, useful, and easy to use and understand.
Highly recommend. I just hope as more genes are understood they update them like 23 and me does.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-09
Very useful for my clients
7 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am a professional Nutritionist and have been using the Xcode Nutrition, Fitness and Health reports for more than a year. I used to use other services earlier and the Xcode reports stand out in every way. The information is organised and presented well in a way which is understandable to experts as well as non experts. I often recommend this service to my professional colleagues for their clients.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-07
Xcode Health Report - A Waste of Money!
6 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I purchased a Health Report from Xcode and was extremely disappointed that this “report” only covered four traits (diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity). In the 10 page “report”, only half of one page had information relevant to me. The rest was just generic boilerplate language. I can get way more information using FREE sites online!
Xcode then offers customers gift cards in exchange for positive reviews. Don’t waste your money!
Dear Guest,
Sad to hear about your disappointment. It is clearly stated on our website as well as on DNA testing choice Editor's review that our current health report covers only Diabetes, Heart disease, Hypertension and Obesity in depth.
Nevertheless, as soon as you sent us an email stating your unhappiness about the number of conditions in the health report, we refunded your account for the full purchase price within 30 minutes.
Our customers are very busy individuals and we appreciate that they take the time to share their experience in various social forums despite their busy life. To show our appreciation, we offer our latest reports, report upgrades, reports to family and friends and other promotions that we run from time to time.
Finally, I am happy to share with you that our current health report now covers 25 Health traits. We plan to expand that to 50 traits in the next three months. Our existing customers are eligible for a free upgrade to the latest version of our health report.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-06
Xcode's reports for my clients
5 March 2018
Diet Recommendations
As a nutritionist, I have been recommending Xcode’s nutrition test for over 2 years and the constant revisions of the reports are a major plus. The alcohol sensitivity test is a new plus.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-05
Made the right choice
5 March 2018
Diet Recommendations
The change in my diet, from gluten-rich to gluten-free has brought about significant changes to my health. It would be wise for everyone to take Xcode’s nutrition test and find out just what you ought to eat.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-05
Highly informative and Eye Opener
1 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I did my test at Xcode, the results were an eye opener in some areas, such as the type of exercise I can / cant do. My time taken for recovery, these have always been a doubt in my head prior to the test results. Also the nutrition element of what I should supplement myself with on the vitamins was another. It helped a great deal. Will be doing it for my kids also, so that I correct their diet from young. The explanation also was simple and clear.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-01
A pleasant surprise
1 March 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I’ve been searching for more economical options for learning more about my DNA. I had already received results but 23andMe, and upon learning that I could find results on Diet and Fitness, the hunt began. I decided to go with Xcode for the good reviews and the low price, and I was truly impressed. I had no idea I had low amounts of some of the nutrients! I’m going to implement this in my daily life in order to have a more positive lifestyle. And I owe that to Xcode Life Sciences.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-01
Allergy testing from Raw DNA
1 March 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Xcode translated my raw dna from AncestryDNA and gave me my full Allergy report, within 2 days I had my results and they print out nicely formatted and easy to read. I will definitely recommend them to family and friends.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-03-01
Great Report
27 February 2018
Drug Response
Good report. Relevant information, organised and with guidelines.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-27
A must-have tool for nutritionists
27 February 2018
Diet Recommendations
This is just the tool nutritionists need to help their customers. It completely removes the guesswork out of designing a diet chart.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-27
Helpful information
26 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Everyone must find out what their genes are telling them!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-26
Lots of information!
26 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Got my results quick! Found out lots of information that other sites didn’t give me. Was well with the price!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-26
Fast, Easy to Read results
25 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After uploading my raw data I received prepared reports within 30 minutes. I found the reports were easier to read than the reports for 23& me, and offered a better value for my money. I love the fitness and nutrition reports and can’t wait to use the information used to help improve my health and take care of myself.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-25
Health Testing DNA
25 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent and accessible resource for learning more about how to optimise your personal health. Fast, easy and beautiful. Thank you!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-25
Highly insightful.
24 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Highly insightful. Everyone should get tested at Xcode as the reports are detailed and tell you what you may have suspected about yourself all these years.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-24
Xcode Review
22 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent price for 5 reports. I found the reports to be clear and easy to understand. When I had a question, they responded within 24 hours. I did another service and with that other service I needed to be a scientist to figure it out. I definitely recommend XCode LIfe’s Best Seller Pack if you want clear information and practical action steps for a good price, go with XCode.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-22
My children's strengths in sports
22 February 2018
Fitness Planning
Found out my children’s strengths in sports and learnt about areas where they need to work on. Highly recommend Xcode’s services and reports.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-22
Quick Service!
22 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Received my reports very quickly (<12hrs). Health report was consistent with information provided by other similar services.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-22
Great service
22 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very useful for my weight loss. Will highly recommend Xcode to my friends and family.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-22
21 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent Customer Service with advise and counselling on each package .
We opted for the best Dna test providers ie Xcode
My Thanks Particularly to Mrs Amrutha !!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-21
Glad we took the test for our son
21 February 2018
Diet Recommendations
This is a wonderful test that will help me provide the right nutrition for my son. I am glad that we took it for him. There is a lot that I learned from this.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-21
James Close
20 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was very pleased with the results that I was given and the many reports that were generated from Xcode! Makes learning about my genetics extremely easy!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-20
Found the cause of my son's allergy
19 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Found out the cause for my son’s allergy, something I have been struggling to find out for many years. I had tried several free and one service for $5, nothing comes close. If I had done the Xcode test earlier, it would have saved us lots of hassle.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-19
Sleeping issues due to Lactose Intolerance resolved
18 February 2018
Diet Recommendations
Changing a cup of milk to a cup of yogurt has significantly improved my sleep. I have to thank Xcode for helping me understand my body better. It is cutting edge science that everyone should avail.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-18
Great service & overall experience
12 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I bought the Xcode analysis package with 5 reports (Nutrition, Health, Fitness, Allergy & Skin) for a very competitive price, and uploaded my 23andme raw data through Xcode’s website. The whole process was very simple, and although I was informed I would get the results in 24 hours, 6 hours later I received them to my email. The reports are easy to read and understand, and full of excellent and very useful information regarding your genetic code. Customer service was very helpful when I contacted them through chat before purchasing, and the whole experience was amazing. Will definitely get my carrier status analysed as soon as that service comes available.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-12
Good Reports and good price for value
11 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good reports value for a good price (a nice package offer – 50 USD).
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-11
Excellent reports!
7 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I uploaded my 23 and me raw data to Xcode for the bundle deal and also medicines.The reports were excellent! Lots of great information arranged in an easy to understand format! I liked it better than Promethease which i found to be much more difficult to read and understand. Thumbs way up!!!!!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-07
Gives me some directions for better health
5 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am amazed how my DNA can help me explore my weak areas and my strong areas. I was so impressed I ordered one of the others tests. I am very happy with Xcode, I will definitely recommend their services.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-05
5 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Purchased this product right after my 23andMe results came in. I love the additional information I got from Xcode. The allergy results seem to be spot in with everything I experience in my daily life. Nutrition gave me some valuable insights in key areas where I should adjust my nutrient consumption. That alone was my biggest factor in purchasing these tests. The ancestry test gave me some very different results than 23andMe! It’s a confusing world of information but fun to work through.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-05
4 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I uploaded my 23andme raw data and bought the bundle pack on Xcode. This is such a good deal to learn ways to improve your health based on your genes. It makes sense! I can’t wait to used the recommendations to help improve my fitness along with the vitamin suggestions.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-04
Expectations Perfectly Set
3 February 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I ordered the allergy test. XCode delivered exactly what I expected which is always a pleasant experience. Read the detailed description of the offering on their website to give you a realistic set of expectations and you won’t be disappointed.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-03
Excellent Source of Additional Information
3 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Received 23andMe for Christmas and was really interested in further information especially regarding what Vitamins I should be taking. After reviewing a number of services I settled on Xcode. Ordered the five report package and the results came in about 7 hours. I am constantly going back and referring to them in order to fine tune myself in order to be the best me I can be. I wholeheartedly recommend!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-03
Great customer service
2 February 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I bought their health report a while ago and they sent me an email saying that the report had now been upgraded. They upgraded my report for free and it had far more information than the original report. I highly recommend Xcode to anyone considering buying genetic reports.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-02-02
Very impressed with information, presentation and affordability
29 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I discovered X Code Life when looking for somewhere to upload my 23andme.com raw data as I was unable to get further information from it being from New Zealand. I was absolutely delighted to discover this company and find the reports that they offered. I especially appreciated how they broke down options so you can pick and choose which reports you want and are important to you, so that it is affordable for a variety of people.
The reports themselves are beautifully presented, and are full of imformation pertinent to you, and also to their reference information. It’sdone in a format that is easy to read, digest and understand and also something that you’d be proud to print out and keep to look at in future days or share with your descendants in future times.
I am glad that I found this company and will be using your services again when I assist other family members with their data from 23andme. It is absolutely no hassle to get the data and upload it and the reports came in much quicker than anticipated. Absolutely no complaints here – I am really pleased.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-29
Xcode Review
27 January 2018
Diet Recommendations
Very detailed and thorough analysis of nutritional deficiency tendencies and my body’s response to macro and micro nutrients. Gave dietary suggestions for increasing intake of various vitamins and minerals and what to avoid for weight loss. Easy to understand and still provides enough information to make healthy dietary changes. Fast analysis as well! About 10-12 hours, well below the 48 hour estimation.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-27
Xcode Life
27 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Xcode life provided wonderful reports full of specific useful information based on my dna. I’m quite pleased to have this information and it is presented in a way that is easy to read and attractive.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-27
Clear and easy to understand
26 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I had my raw data from 23andMe and then purchased the best seller pack from Xcode with nutrition, skin, allergy, fitness and health reports. I am so amazed by the depth of information this provided me. I now know the best way for me to lose weight and the best way to exercise, and so much more. I’d tried some other websites the interpreted the raw data and Xcode was by far the easiest to understand. It really laid everything out clearly for me and made the information usable.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-26
Well worth the money!
24 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
This was money very well spent. I learned so much! It verified some things I suspected, e.g. yes, it is very likely that I am gluten sensitive. The new information told me which vitamins that I may need to supplement, my predisposition for diabetes & hypertension, my response to caffeine and exercise. The reports not only give me the results, but explains the results and give recommendations. The information will help me take better control of my health. I will be sharing this with my doctor. I am very satisfied.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-24
Fantastic information
23 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Fantastic! This information is extremely valuable and the turnaround time was amazing! Great service!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-23
Useful and informative
23 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
The genetic assessment offered by Xcode has proved really informative for knowing my genetic predisposition towards diabetes. Their post assessment counseling sessions have helped me greatly.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-23
Great product!
19 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
After trying several free sites I tried Xcode and was impressed with the format of their report and ease of use. Highly recommended!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-19
Strongly recommend
18 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
Very positive experience. I strongly recommend
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-18
Seamless experience
16 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Affordable. Seamless experience. I opted for nutrition, fitness and health package. The counseling combining all three was very informative and insightful.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-16
Best Seller Pack
16 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got Xcode’s Best Seller Pack, uploading my raw data that was tested by Family Tree DNA. It included 5 reports on Nutrition+Allergy+Fitness+Skin+Health. I could have ordered something similar via FTDNA but it seemed to only cover 3 of those 5 areas for about the same price. It said I would get the results within 48 hours but it was more like 48 minutes. I haven’t tried others to compare to but the reports seemed to be fairly clear and well organised. Definitely found some things in them which I will take on board for nutrition and health issues.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-16
Great Health Benefit
15 January 2018
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Nutrition+Allergy+Fitness+Skin+Health all came with the bundle. It only took a few hours which was awesome. For the money I definitely thought it was worth it. It’s a little vague in some areas but it really covers a lot of information. I find myself wanting more and look forward to using additional
products. Thank you Xcode Life.
Dezirae McHone
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-15
Detailed and thorough
3 January 2018
Genetic Predisposition
I couldn’t be happier with the quality, detail and thoroughness of the reports. The company has a lot to be proud of and I will gladly spread the word. I wish Xcode the very best of success. I will be back for sure.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2018-01-03
Excellent overall
28 December 2017
Genetic Predisposition
It was a very interesting and concise way to get health info that was otherwise hard to decipher or unavailable from 23andme directly..Could use some info on proclivity for Alzheimer and dementia, and perhaps a more specific summary of the best forms exercises, but excellent overall for the price
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-28
Excellent Raw DNA Upload Service
27 December 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I purchased the DNA Raw Data upload package for the best seller pack, which included the nutritional, fitness health, allergy and skin results based on the DNA upload. It was a great price and my results were done within 24 hours. Reports were beautifully laid out and easy to read with great explanations on how I can make more informed decisions about my health.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-27
xcode nutrition profile
26 December 2017
Diet Recommendations
I have been looking for a service like this for such a long time, and I finally found a quality and specific analytics tool to process my raw dna for nutrition insights. The nutrition analysis was so useful and provided a wealth of information on several topics. It was so fascinating to view the results. SO many of the ways that diet impacts me personally were spot on with what I had suspected. Even though monounsaturated fats help others maintain weight, they have the opposite effect n me. In contrast, my body responds surprisingly well to poly unsaturated fats and even saturated fats. Fiber and protein intake are crucial to weight loss for me, whereas i respond very poorly to carbs and sugar. I am highly likely to be lactose intolerant, which NO one ever believed when i swore i was, so that feels amazing. I also really appreciated the vitamin breakdown.
I now feel like I can tailor my diet around this knowledge. Im so thankful I found XCode. A lot of raw data analytics are indecipherable to the average user and not very intuitive. Xcode, on the other hand, was highly user friendly. I am excited to run analysis on a few other of their data kits, and I have already convinced my mom to try it out.
Highly recommended!
Laurel Jimenez
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-26
Well worth the price!
26 December 2017
Diet Recommendations
I purchased Xcode’s nutritional assessment after receiving my raw DNA from 23andme. Uploading the data to Xcode took under a minute and I received my report the next day. It was very insightful and easy to follow. I thought it was great value for the price and have since gone back and purchased 2 more reports from Xcode.
- T. Chan
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-26
Great Experience
26 December 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I was hesitant to purchase additional information about my DNA after my initial experience with 23andme results but I am happy that I did. XCode Life reports were much more detailed and provided great actionable feedback that I plan to start using right away. Their health and nutrition reports are especially great for helping determine vitamin regimens as well as better training programs. Going into the new year I’ll be using what I learned to tailor a new exercise regimen. XCode turned the data around promptly and I was very happy with my purchase.
— M Colin
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-26
Legit buy this
24 December 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Love this. Legit quick and easy. I had purchase the best seller pack. You then have to uploaded your raw data mine was from 23andme. You then get an email notification that notify you they receive your uploaded data and they will get back to you in 48 hrs. Well let me tell you it was way way faster than 48 hr. More like less than 24 hours. The result is just so fascinating. I really like how their layout. highly recommend this especially if your interested in knowing more about your body.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-24
Xcode Reports
17 December 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Thanks to Xcode for interpreting my 23andme.com – as a US based resident, I have lots of choices, but chose them!
D. Platt
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-17
Highly recommended!
13 December 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Excellent information!! These reports are sooo useful and provide such great insight that I have not found anywhere else. Highly recommended!!!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-13
Xcode Review
12 December 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Great reporting,accurate with all information that are very helful
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-12
Xcode Review
12 December 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
It’s a very accurate and great report for nutrition and health,it will help me do some changes in my nutrition
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-12
Easy to Read
8 December 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Just ordered my health report from Xcode. The report came within less than 24 hours to my email after I uploaded my 23 and me raw data. The report is very easy to read and contains super helpful information. I highly recommend and I will be trying some of their other report such as Skin and Allergy.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-08
Precise and in depth
7 December 2017
Diet Recommendations
I ordered this test to find out which diet will help me maintain my weight. I had tried many diets before and dropped out of all, without much luck. First off, the service at Xcode was great, they responded immediately and delivered the kit within 2 working days. My DNA reports were clear and they even gave me a personalised diet plan. I realised i was gluten sensitive and that I had a high likelihood of weight gain on high MUFA intake . These insights have been a great help in aligning my diet based on my genes. I feel fitter, lighter and more energetic. I am definitely going back to them for the other reports.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-12-07
Nutrition, Allergy, and Fitness Reports
26 November 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I enjoyed the ease of the process to get my results from 23andMe to Xcode. The insights provided were great introductions for future research. I’m pleased with the cost of my reports and the information I received about my personal correlations. The results came in super quick, too!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-26
Xcode Review
21 November 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I was referred by my friend who had taken the Genetic Assessment Test. I was quite fascinated by the concept of the DNA testing and reports were exceptional. After which I decided to take a test myself. It has helped me in identifying the needs for my optimum daily nutrition and also identifying the risk markers for Blood Pressure and Heart Attack Risks. I was also able to identify the Tolerance for Gluten and Lactose. The service offered by XCODE was very professional and I would recommend to my friends and family.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-21
Xcode Review
5 November 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I got my reports and had a couple of questions about my results to which the counselor responded back via email within a few hours. Happy with their service
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-11-05
Excellence at work!
25 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Xcode is excellence at work! They delivered on their promise 100% !!! When a query was raised it was prompty and professionally handled to complete satisfaction.
It is tough to find people on a mission to make a difference with their work! I got my entire family reports done.
Keep up the good work Xcode…
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-25
Highly recommend- VFM
24 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Was a bit apprehensive initially to upload my data, but read several reviews about Xcode and found them to be legit. Also, asked them to delete my data and they promptly agreed to do so. I initially wanted to take only the nutrition report, but looking at their other offerings, also took up other modules. The support team was quite responsive. Highly recommend to anyone looking for professional reports at an affordable cost.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-24
Good Test
23 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Good company. Good test. Allergy report is my favourite. Would recommend to all
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-23
Very useful for my clients
21 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I am a professional dietitian and I use Xcode’s Nutrition and fitness reports for my clients. Having used other services, I feel Xcode’s reports are very comprehensive and affordable. They also seem to do a good job of keeping the reports up to date based on the latest scientific research
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-21
Xcode Review
21 October 2017
Fitness Planning
I ordered the fitness report with my 23andme data and got it the same day. They cover quite a few genes in the report. Overall, the report concurred with my observations and I learnt a few other things that I didnt know before. Staff was quite helpful. Recommended.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-21
Would recommend
19 October 2017
Genetic Predisposition
Read about them on Quora and sent them my Family Tree DNA data. Got the reports the same day. Would recommend it to anyone looking for health reports from their raw data
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-19
Love it!
19 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
very informative and helpful info..had never considered that there could be so many intolerances and sensitivities to everyday food items. Already seeing a big difference by cutting out milk and modifying caffeine consumption. Thanks guys!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-19
18 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Helpful and responsive staff. Informative report.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-18
Xcode Review
18 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Wonderful experience with Xcode. Got the reports done for three family members!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-18
Good module
17 October 2017
Diet Recommendations
Their nutrition module helped me look at what I should eat. Which is great because I am a person who eats anything! Using their recommendations I now feel a better person. Good report and good staff. 5 stars for me.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-17
23andMe data interpretation
11 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I uploaded my 23andme raw data with Xcode because I wanted to know about my risk for gluten sensitivity as I have a family history of celiac disease. Yet I got much more than that. Not only did I find out about my risk for celiac disease but also for lactose intolerance. It is only after I took the test that I came to know that even things like calcium and iron requirement have a genetic background! I want to thank Xcode for making me more aware of myself. To everyone, it is not a healthcare test, its the correct way to live!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-11
Xcode Review
11 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The best personalised product
Very effective
To the point
Great follow up
Thanks to care and effort now I’m leading healthy life
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-11
Thank you
7 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I did not know about lactose intolerance till I came across Xcode. I read some of their blogs and I felt that I could relate to the symptoms so I signed up for their test. Now I know that I am indeed predisposed to lactose intolerance which explains why I felt weird every time I drank those shakes. Now I am very careful about my diet. Way to go guys!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-07
Super service
7 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I took the Xcode test for fitness. I wanted to know why I was not able to run long distances and why I cannot run for two days altogether after 3 days of regular long distance jogging. The insights from them were like revelations. I run regularly now because of their valuable recommendations. Thanks to them and I recommend their test to everyone!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-07
7 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The smoothest testing process ever. I don’t think I ever go for any other company. From the staff professionalism, the regular updates, the timely result delivary and relevant tips it was one of the best experience in my life!
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-07
Value for money
6 October 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
I used Xcode’s 23andme raw data analysis service. I want to mention first this is the most reasonable pricing I have come across, given the number of important traits they cover. A wide range of traits from eating habits to caffeine and salt sensitivity is addressed. Second, they give valuable insights on diet, nutrition, and many fitness-related features. I also got to know my lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity risk which is one of the main reasons I wanted to upload my raw data. Third, their report is systematic and organized module-wise. Their expert-curated analysis was comprehensive and included actionable recommendations. Fourth their rigorous policies on ethics and confidentiality made me feel safe about uploading my genetic information. I definitely recommend people to use their raw data with Xcode.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-10-06
Good to see Xcode listed
29 September 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
3 stars from me as they have work to do on their test in my opinion
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-29
Xcode Review
29 September 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
My friend had suggested me the Gene nutrition test offered by Xcode. I registered for the test and they sent an executive for a sample collection and in 2 weeks I got my report which tells how my body respond to nutrients and made me smart in my food selection. They arranged a counseling with a nutritionist who gave me diet plan which I am following easily and helps me lot attain my weight loss… Thanks to Xcode
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-29
Great Service
29 September 2017
Genetic Predisposition
My son showed signs of being uncomfortable after drinking milk but I was never really sure. His paediatrician suggested that I get him tested at Xcode. I am glad I did. Not only did it remove any ambiguity about my son’s ability to digest lactose but they also provided me with nutritional counselling to support his calcium needs. Their reports were clear and self explanatory and their support staff were very responsive. This pleasant experience has encouraged me to get a complete nutrition and fitness panel analysis for the entire family.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-29
Great service
25 September 2017
Drug Response
I have been suffering from depression for years. My specialist recommended I take the Xcode precision medicine test. I came upon this site. They have a very friendly staff and kept me posted about the progress of the tests. My depression is controlled considerably since I changed my drugs according to their report
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-25
25 September 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I underwent a test here and it provided me great insights about me. The service at Xcode life is a top notch and the staffs, helpful and co-operative.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-25
Awesome experience!
25 September 2017
Genetic Predisposition
I was promised a report in 24 hours, got it in 5 hours. Report was easy to understand with clear recommendations for my genetics. Having tried other similar services earlier, must say that the quality of information in the report for the fee charged is incredible value. Happy to recommend.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-25
Excellent insights
19 September 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
The test has given an excellent insight about my body to my own self ….the staff at Xcode are very cooperative and the assistance they provide is excellent
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-19
Xcode Review
7 September 2017
Diet Recommendations & Fitness Planning
Very cooperative and friendly. Timely execution of test.
Xcode review by a DNA Testing Choice user2017-09-07