Personalized Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

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Personalized Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Personalized Alzheimer’s Disease Risk
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The ‘Personalized Alzheimer’s Disease Risk’ report from Dash Genomics analyses your DNA to calculate your risk of developing Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease.


  • Looks at up to 600,000 genetic loci
  • Requires a digital copy of your DNA

What you’ll receive

You’ll receive an online report detailing your genetic risk of developing Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. Results will cover the following areas:

  • Cumulative risk – your risk of developing Alzheimer’s by a specific age, comparing your genetic information to that of a research cohort
  • Instantaneous risk – your risk of developing Alzheimer’s at a specific age compared to the research cohort
  • 5-year risk (for over 60s) – explores your risk of developing Alzheimer’s in the next 5 years, based on your age and genetic profile

Please note this is not a diagnostic test, and should not be used for diagnostic or clinical purposes. The research the analysis is based on has not been clinically validated, and the analysis does not meet the standards required for medical use.

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